Do you know what happens when you eat 3 eggs each day? You will be surprised at their effect on your body!

Do you know what happens when you eat 3 eggs each day? You will be surprised at their effect on your body!

Do you know what happens when you eat 3 eggs each day? You will be surprised at their effect on your body!

Unlike rumors and beliefs, cholesterol contained in eggs is not responsible for the increase in blood cholesterol and does not have any adverse effect on your health. Just like coconut oil and avocado, eggs are a veritable mine of nutrients and virtues. That's why we decided today to show you some benefits of eggs on your body.

According to numerous studies, an average egg comprises between 180-186 mg of cholesterol and the liver generates between 700 and 1000 mg of cholesterol per day. When you consume eggs, your liver adapts by automatically decreasing its own production. This means that you are not increasing the existing amount ofcholesterolIn your body by consuming this type of food, but you are replacing one type with another. So here are ladies and gentlemen why you should incorporate eggs daily into your diet.

What are the benefits of eggs?

The eggs are rich in vitamins (A, D, E, B1, B2, B7, B12 ...), in antioxidants, in minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, zinc, iron) and in proteins. They provide nourishment for various body tissues, strengthen bones and teeth, improve brain function, and combat aging and cardiovascular disease.

- Improve brain functioning and health

Eggs are an excellent source of choline, a component of our cell membranes that is very important for promoting brain development, improving memory and synthesizing acetylcholine in neurotransmitters. In addition, eggs are a good food for pregnant women provided they are well washed and consumed. In addition, eggs reduce the risk of liver disease and muscle damage.

- Maintain good vision

The eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin, powerful carotenoids that are necessary for good vision. Thus, eating daily eggs would reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, and keep your eyes away from sunlight while reducing the possibility ofcataractOf 50%.

- Feeding muscles and bones

Egg consumption provides sufficient amount of protein to feed your muscles. Eggs also contain a large amount of vitamin D and calcium that are needed for the development and health of your bones and teeth. Vitamin D allows better absorption of calcium in the body, while calcium is needed for blood clotting, nerve signals and muscle contractions.

- Help with Weight Loss

Eggs are very low in calories. Therefore, their consumption during breakfast can reduce the amount of food you consume during the day because they have a high satiety index. This results in weight loss and decreased body fat.

- Boost your energy

A single egg can provide 15% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin B2, otherwise calledriboflavinWhich helps your body transform food into energy. Eggs also contain zinc, which is essential to the health of the immune system as well as helping to transform food into energy.

- Provide essential amino acids:

The human body needs 11 amino acids and the egg alone provides 9 of the most essential amino acids. These amino acids accelerate the production of growth hormone and promote the development of muscle mass, helping the body to resist fatigue. Insufficiency in one of these amino acids can have various consequences on our body.

- Fight against breast cancer

According to a study conducted by Harvard University in 2003, the consumption of three eggs per day during adolescence could help prevent breast cancer in adulthood. Another study, conducted in 2005 by US researchers, supports these findings by demonstrating that women who consumed at least six eggs per week had a lower risk of breast cancer by 44% than women who consumed at least six eggs per week only.

Moreover, the eggs are very delicious even by consuming them alone, they can also accommodate multiple preparations and easily absorb all the perfumes that you can add during the cooking: mushrooms, onions, pepper ... So no reason not to consume them!

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Do, you, know, what, happens, when, you, eat, 3, eggs, each, day, You, will, be, surprised, at, their, effect, on, your, body, Unlike, rumors, and, beliefs,, cholesterol, contained, in, eggs, is, not, responsible, for, the, increase, in, blood, cholesterol, and, does, not, have, any, adverse, effect, on, your, health., Just, like, coconut, oil, and, avocado,, eggs, are, a, veritable, mine, of, nutrients, and, virtues., That's, why, we, decided, today, to, show, you, some, benefits, of, eggs, on, your, body., According, to, numerous, studies,, an, average, egg, comprises, between, 180-186, mg, of, cholesterol, and, the, liver, generates, between, 700, and, 1000, mg, of, cholesterol, per, day., When, you, consume, eggs,, your, liver, will, adapt, by, automatically, decreasing, its, own, production., This, means, that, you, are, not, increasing, the, existing, amount, of, cholesterol, in, your, body, by, consuming, this, type, of, food,, but, you, are, replacing, one, type, with, another., So, here, are, ladies, and, gentlemen, why, you, should, incorporate, eggs, daily, into, your, diet., What, are, the, benefits, of, eggs?, The, eggs, are, very, rich, in, vitamins, (A,, D,, E,, B1,, B2,, B7,, B12, ...),, antioxidants,, minerals, (phosphorus,, magnesium,, selenium,, zinc,, iron), and, proteins., They, help, nourish, the, different, body, tissues,, strengthen, bones, and, teeth,, improve, brain, function, and, combat, aging, and, cardiovascular, disease., -, Improve, brain, function, and, health, Eggs, are, an, excellent, source, of, choline,, a, component, of, our, cell, membranes, that, is, very, important, in, promoting, brain, development,, improving, memory, and, synthesizing, acetylcholine, in, neurotransmitters., In, addition,, eggs, are, a, good, food, for, pregnant, women, provided, they, are, well, washed, and, consumed., In, addition,, eggs, reduce, The, risk, of, liver, disease, and, muscle, damage., -, Maintain, good, vision, Eggs, contain, lutein, and, zeaxanthin,, powerful, carotenoids, that, are, necessary, for, good, vision., Thus,, eating, daily, eggs, would, reduce, the, risk, of, age-related, macular, degeneration,, and, keep, your, eyes, from, the, harm, of, sunlight, while, reducing, the, possibility, of, cataracts, by, 50%., -, Feeding, muscles, and, bones, Eating, eggs, provides, enough, protein, to, feed, your, muscles., Eggs, also, contain, a, large, amount, of, vitamin, D, and, calcium, that, are, needed, for, the, development, and, health, of, your, bones, and, teeth., Vitamin, D, allows, better, absorption, of, calcium, in, the, body,, while, calcium, is, needed, for, blood, clotting,, nerve, signals, and, muscle, contractions., -, Help, with, weight, loss, Eggs, are, very, low, in, calories., Therefore,, their, consumption, during, breakfast, can, reduce, the, amount, of, food, you, consume, during, the, day, because, they, have, a, high, satiety, index., This, results, in, a, loss, of, weight, and, a, decrease, in, body, fat., &, Nbsp;, -, Boost, your, energy, &, nbsp;, A, single, egg, can, provide, 15%, of, your, recommended, daily, intake, of, vitamin, B2,, otherwise, known, as, riboflavin,, which, helps, your, body, transform, food, into, energy., Eggs, also, contain, &, nbsp;, zinc,, which, is, essential, for, the, healthy, immune, system, as, well, as, helping, to, transform, food, into, energy., -, Provide, essential, amino, acids:, The, human, body, needs, 11, amino, acids, and, the, egg, alone, provides, 9, of, the, most, essential, amino, acids., These, amino, acids, accelerate, the, Producing, growth, hormone, and, promoting, the, development, of, muscle, mass,, thus, helping, the, body, to, resist, fatigue., The, deficiency, in, one, of, these, amino, acids, can, have, various, consequences, on, our, body., &, Nbsp;, -, Fight, against, breast, cancer, Following, a, study, conducted, by, Harvard, University, in, 2003,, three, eggs, a, day, during, adolescence, could, help, prevent, breast, cancer, in, adulthood., Another, study,, conducted, in, 2005, by, US, researchers,, supports, these, findings, by, demonstrating, that, women, who, consumed, at, least, six, eggs, per, week, were, at, a, 44%, lower, risk, of, breast, cancer, than, those, who, consumed, it, Only, two., Moreover,, the, eggs, are, very, delicious, even, by, consuming, them, on, their, own,, they, can, also, accommodate, multiple, preparations, and, easily, impregnated, with, all, the, perfumes, you, can, add, during, cooking:, mushrooms,, onions,, pepper, ..., You, do, not, have, So, no, reason, not, to, consume, them!, &, Nbsp;, Do you, you know, know what, what happens, happens when, when you, you eat, eat 3, 3 eggs, eggs each, each day, day You, You will, will be, be surprised, surprised at, at their, their effect, effect on, on your, your body, body Unlike, Unlike rumors, rumors and, and beliefs,, beliefs, cholesterol, cholesterol contained, contained in, in eggs, eggs is, is not, not responsible, responsible for, for the, the increase, increase in, in blood, blood cholesterol, cholesterol and, and does, does not, not have, have any, any adverse, adverse effect, effect on, on your, your health., health. Just, Just like, like coconut, coconut oil, oil and, and avocado,, avocado, eggs, eggs are, are a, a veritable, veritable mine, mine of, of nutrients, nutrients and, and virtues., virtues. That's, That's why, why we, we decided, decided today, today to, to show, show you, you some, some benefits, benefits of, of eggs, eggs on, on your, your body., body. According, According to, to numerous, numerous studies,, studies, an, an average, average egg, egg comprises, comprises between, between 180-186, 180-186 mg, mg of, of cholesterol, cholesterol and, and the, the liver, liver generates, generates between, between 700, 700 and, and 1000, 1000 mg, mg of, of cholesterol, cholesterol per, per day., day. When, When you, you consume, consume eggs,, eggs, your, your liver, liver will, will adapt, adapt by, by automatically, automatically decreasing, decreasing its, its own, own production., production. This, This means, means that, that you, you are, are not, not increasing, increasing the, the existing, existing amount, amount of, of cholesterol, cholesterol in, in your, your body, body by, by consuming, consuming this, this type, type of, of food,, food, but, but you, you are, are replacing, replacing one, one type, type with, with another., another. So, So here, here are, are ladies, ladies and, and gentlemen, gentlemen why, why you, you should, should incorporate, incorporate eggs, eggs daily, daily into, into your, your diet., diet. What, What are, are the, the benefits, benefits of, of eggs?, eggs? The, The eggs, eggs are, are very, very rich, rich in, in vitamins, vitamins (A,, (A, D,, D, E,, E, B1,, B1, B2,, B2, B7,, B7, B12, B12 ...),, ...), antioxidants,, antioxidants, minerals, minerals (phosphorus,, (phosphorus, magnesium,, magnesium, selenium,, selenium, zinc,, zinc, iron), iron) and, and proteins., proteins. They, They help, help nourish, nourish the, the different, different body, body tissues,, tissues, strengthen, strengthen bones, bones and, and teeth,, teeth, improve, improve brain, brain function, function and, and combat, combat aging, aging and, and cardiovascular, cardiovascular disease., disease. -, - Improve, Improve brain, brain function, function and, and health, health Eggs, Eggs are, are an, an excellent, excellent source, source of, of choline,, choline, a, a component, component of, of our, our cell, cell membranes, membranes that, that is, is very, very important, important in, in promoting, promoting brain, brain development,, development, improving, improving memory, memory and, and synthesizing, synthesizing acetylcholine, acetylcholine in, in neurotransmitters., neurotransmitters. In, In addition,, addition, eggs, eggs are, are a, a good, good food, food for, for pregnant, pregnant women, women provided, provided they, they are, are well, well washed, washed and, and consumed., consumed. In, In addition,, addition, eggs, eggs reduce, reduce The, The risk, risk of, of liver, liver disease, disease and, and muscle, muscle damage., damage. -, - Maintain, Maintain good, good vision, vision Eggs, Eggs contain, contain lutein, lutein and, and zeaxanthin,, zeaxanthin, powerful, powerful carotenoids, carotenoids that, that are, are necessary, necessary for, for good, good vision., vision. Thus,, Thus, eating, eating daily, daily eggs, eggs would, would reduce, reduce the, the risk, risk of, of age-related, age-related macular, macular degeneration,, degeneration, and, and keep, keep your, your eyes, eyes from, from the, the harm, harm of, of sunlight, sunlight while, while reducing, reducing the, the possibility, possibility of, of cataracts, cataracts by, by 50%., 50%. -, - Feeding, Feeding muscles, muscles and, and bones, bones Eating, Eating eggs, eggs provides, provides enough, enough protein, protein to, to feed, feed your, your muscles., muscles. Eggs, Eggs also, also contain, contain a, a large, large amount, amount of, of vitamin, vitamin D, D and, and calcium, calcium that, that are, are needed, needed for, for the, the development, development and, and health, health of, of your, your bones, bones and, and teeth., teeth. Vitamin, Vitamin D, D allows, allows better, better absorption, absorption of, of calcium, calcium in, in the, the body,, body, while, while calcium, calcium is, is needed, needed for, for blood, blood clotting,, clotting, nerve, nerve signals, signals and, and muscle, muscle contractions., contractions. -, - Help, Help with, with weight, weight loss, loss Eggs, Eggs are, are very, very low, low in, in calories., calories. Therefore,, Therefore, their, their consumption, consumption during, during breakfast, breakfast can, can reduce, reduce the, the amount, amount of, of food, food you, you consume, consume during, during the, the day, day because, because they, they have, have a, a high, high satiety, satiety index., index. This, This results, results in, in a, a loss, loss of, of weight, weight and, and a, a decrease, decrease in, in body, body fat., fat. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; -, - Boost, Boost your, your energy, energy &, & nbsp;, nbsp; A, A single, single egg, egg can, can provide, provide 15%, 15% of, of your, your recommended, recommended daily, daily intake, intake of, of vitamin, vitamin B2,, B2, otherwise, otherwise known, known as, as riboflavin,, riboflavin, which, which helps, helps your, your body, body transform, transform food, food into, into energy., energy. Eggs, Eggs also, also contain, contain &, & nbsp;, nbsp; zinc,, zinc, which, which is, is essential, essential for, for the, the healthy, healthy immune, immune system, system as, as well, well as, as helping, helping to, to transform, transform food, food into, into energy., energy. -, - Provide, Provide essential, essential amino, amino acids:, acids: The, The human, human body, body needs, needs 11, 11 amino, amino acids, acids and, and the, the egg, egg alone, alone provides, provides 9, 9 of, of the, the most, most essential, essential amino, amino acids., acids. These, These amino, amino acids, acids accelerate, accelerate the, the Producing, Producing growth, growth hormone, hormone and, and promoting, promoting the, the development, development of, of muscle, muscle mass,, mass, thus, thus helping, helping the, the body, body to, to resist, resist fatigue., fatigue. The, The deficiency, deficiency in, in one, one of, of these, these amino, amino acids, acids can, can have, have various, various consequences, consequences on, on our, our body., body. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; -, - Fight, Fight against, against breast, breast cancer, cancer Following, Following a, a study, study conducted, conducted by, by Harvard, Harvard University, University in, in 2003,, 2003, three, three eggs, eggs a, a day, day during, during adolescence, adolescence could, could help, help prevent, prevent breast, breast cancer, cancer in, in adulthood., adulthood. Another, Another study,, study, conducted, conducted in, in 2005, 2005 by, by US, US researchers,, researchers, supports, supports these, these findings, findings by, by demonstrating, demonstrating that, that women, women who, who consumed, consumed at, at least, least six, six eggs, eggs per, per week, week were, were at, at a, a 44%, 44% lower, lower risk, risk of, of breast, breast cancer, cancer than, than those, those who, who consumed, consumed it, it Only, Only two., two. Moreover,, Moreover, the, the eggs, eggs are, are very, very delicious, delicious even, even by, by consuming, consuming them, them on, on their, their own,, own, they, they can, can also, also accommodate, accommodate multiple, multiple preparations, preparations and, and easily, easily impregnated, impregnated with, with all, all the, the perfumes, perfumes you, you can, can add, add during, during cooking:, cooking: mushrooms,, mushrooms, onions,, onions, pepper, pepper ..., ... You, You do, do not, not have, have So, So no, no reason, reason not, not to, to consume, consume them!, them! &, & Nbsp;, Do you know, you know what, know what happens, what happens when, happens when you, when you eat, you eat 3, eat 3 eggs, 3 eggs each, eggs each day, each day You, day You will, You will be, will be surprised, be surprised at, surprised at their, at their effect, their effect on, effect on your, on your body, your body Unlike, body Unlike rumors, Unlike rumors and, rumors and beliefs,, and beliefs, cholesterol, beliefs, cholesterol contained, cholesterol contained in, contained in eggs, in eggs is, eggs is not, is not responsible, not responsible for, responsible for the, for the increase, the increase in, increase in blood, in blood cholesterol, blood cholesterol and, cholesterol and does, and does not, does not have, not have any, have any adverse, any adverse effect, adverse effect on, effect on your, on your health., your health. Just, health. Just like, Just like coconut, like coconut oil, coconut oil and, oil and avocado,, and avocado, eggs, avocado, eggs are, eggs are a, are a veritable, a veritable mine, veritable mine of, mine of nutrients, of nutrients and, nutrients and virtues., and virtues. That's, virtues. That's why, That's why we, why we decided, we decided today, decided today to, today to show, to show you, show you some, you some benefits, some benefits of, benefits of eggs, of eggs on, eggs on your, on your body., your body. According, body. According to, According to numerous, to numerous studies,, numerous studies, an, studies, an average, an average egg, average egg comprises, egg comprises between, comprises between 180-186, between 180-186 mg, 180-186 mg of, mg of cholesterol, of cholesterol and, cholesterol and the, and the liver, the liver generates, liver generates between, generates between 700, between 700 and, 700 and 1000, and 1000 mg, 1000 mg of, mg of cholesterol, of cholesterol per, cholesterol per day., per day. When, day. When you, When you consume, you consume eggs,, consume eggs, your, eggs, your liver, your liver will, liver will adapt, will adapt by, adapt by automatically, by automatically decreasing, automatically decreasing its, decreasing its own, its own production., own production. This, production. This means, This means that, means that you, that you are, you are not, are not increasing, not increasing the, increasing the existing, the existing amount, existing amount of, amount of cholesterol, of cholesterol in, cholesterol in your, in your body, your body by, body by consuming, by consuming this, consuming this type, this type of, type of food,, of food, but, food, but you, but you are, you are replacing, are replacing one, replacing one type, one type with, type with another., with another. So, another. So here, So here are, here are ladies, are ladies and, ladies and gentlemen, and gentlemen why, gentlemen why you, why you should, you should incorporate, should incorporate eggs, incorporate eggs daily, eggs daily into, daily into your, into your diet., your diet. What, diet. What are, What are the, are the benefits, the benefits of, benefits of eggs?, of eggs? The, eggs? The eggs, The eggs are, eggs are very, are very rich, very rich in, rich in vitamins, in vitamins (A,, vitamins (A, D,, (A, D, E,, D, E, B1,, E, B1, B2,, B1, B2, B7,, B2, B7, B12, B7, B12 ...),, B12 ...), antioxidants,, ...), antioxidants, minerals, antioxidants, minerals (phosphorus,, minerals (phosphorus, magnesium,, (phosphorus, magnesium, selenium,, magnesium, selenium, zinc,, selenium, zinc, iron), zinc, iron) and, iron) and proteins., and proteins. They, proteins. They help, They help nourish, help nourish the, nourish the different, the different body, different body tissues,, body tissues, strengthen, tissues, strengthen bones, strengthen bones and, bones and teeth,, and teeth, improve, teeth, improve brain, improve brain function, brain function and, function and combat, and combat aging, combat aging and, aging and cardiovascular, and cardiovascular disease., cardiovascular disease. -, disease. - Improve, - Improve brain, Improve brain function, brain function and, function and health, and health Eggs, health Eggs are, Eggs are an, are an excellent, an excellent source, excellent source of, source of choline,, of choline, a, choline, a component, a component of, component of our, of our cell, our cell membranes, cell membranes that, membranes that is, that is very, is very important, very important in, important in promoting, in promoting brain, promoting brain development,, brain development, improving, development, improving memory, improving memory and, memory and synthesizing, and synthesizing acetylcholine, synthesizing acetylcholine in, acetylcholine in neurotransmitters., in neurotransmitters. In, neurotransmitters. In addition,, In addition, eggs, addition, eggs are, eggs are a, are a good, a good food, good food for, food for pregnant, for pregnant women, pregnant women provided, women provided they, provided they are, they are well, are well washed, well washed and, washed and consumed., and consumed. In, consumed. In addition,, In addition, eggs, addition, eggs reduce, eggs reduce The, reduce The risk, The risk of, risk of liver, of liver disease, liver disease and, disease and muscle, and muscle damage., muscle damage. -, damage. - Maintain, - Maintain good, Maintain good vision, good vision Eggs, vision Eggs contain, Eggs contain lutein, contain lutein and, lutein and zeaxanthin,, and zeaxanthin, powerful, zeaxanthin, powerful carotenoids, powerful carotenoids that, carotenoids that are, that are necessary, are necessary for, necessary for good, for good vision., good vision. Thus,, vision. Thus, eating, Thus, eating daily, eating daily eggs, daily eggs would, eggs would reduce, would reduce the, reduce the risk, the risk of, risk of age-related, of age-related macular, age-related macular degeneration,, macular degeneration, and, degeneration, and keep, and keep your, keep your eyes, your eyes from, eyes from the, from the harm, the harm of, harm of sunlight, of sunlight while, sunlight while reducing, while reducing the, reducing the possibility, the possibility of, possibility of cataracts, of cataracts by, cataracts by 50%., by 50%. -, 50%. - Feeding, - Feeding muscles, Feeding muscles and, muscles and bones, and bones Eating, bones Eating eggs, Eating eggs provides, eggs provides enough, provides enough protein, enough protein to, protein to feed, to feed your, feed your muscles., your muscles. Eggs, muscles. Eggs also, Eggs also contain, also contain a, contain a large, a large amount, large amount of, amount of vitamin, of vitamin D, vitamin D and, D and calcium, and calcium that, calcium that are, that are needed, are needed for, needed for the, for the development, the development and, development and health, and health of, health of your, of your bones, your bones and, bones and teeth., and teeth. Vitamin, teeth. Vitamin D, Vitamin D allows, D allows better, allows better absorption, better absorption of, absorption of calcium, of calcium in, calcium in the, in the body,, the body, while, body, while calcium, while calcium is, calcium is needed, is needed for, needed for blood, for blood clotting,, blood clotting, nerve, clotting, nerve signals, nerve signals and, signals and muscle, and muscle contractions., muscle contractions. -, contractions. - Help, - Help with, Help with weight, with weight loss, weight loss Eggs, loss Eggs are, Eggs are very, are very low, very low in, low in calories., in calories. Therefore,, calories. Therefore, their, Therefore, their consumption, their consumption during, consumption during breakfast, during breakfast can, breakfast can reduce, can reduce the, reduce the amount, the amount of, amount of food, of food you, food you consume, you consume during, consume during the, during the day, the day because, day because they, because they have, they have a, have a high, a high satiety, high satiety index., satiety index. This, index. This results, This results in, results in a, in a loss, a loss of, loss of weight, of weight and, weight and a, and a decrease, a decrease in, decrease in body, in body fat., body fat. &, fat. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; -, Nbsp; - Boost, - Boost your, Boost your energy, your energy &, energy & nbsp;, & nbsp; A, nbsp; A single, A single egg, single egg can, egg can provide, can provide 15%, provide 15% of, 15% of your, of your recommended, your recommended daily, recommended daily intake, daily intake of, intake of vitamin, of vitamin B2,, vitamin B2, otherwise, B2, otherwise known, otherwise known as, known as riboflavin,, as riboflavin, which, riboflavin, which helps, which helps your, helps your body, your body transform, body transform food, transform food into, food into energy., into energy. Eggs, energy. Eggs also, Eggs also contain, also contain &, contain & nbsp;, & nbsp; zinc,, nbsp; zinc, which, zinc, which is, which is essential, is essential for, essential for the, for the healthy, the healthy immune, healthy immune system, immune system as, system as well, as well as, well as helping, as helping to, helping to transform, to transform food, transform food into, food into energy., into energy. -, energy. - Provide, - Provide essential, Provide essential amino, essential amino acids:, amino acids: The, acids: The human, The human body, human body needs, body needs 11, needs 11 amino, 11 amino acids, amino acids and, acids and the, and the egg, the egg alone, egg alone provides, alone provides 9, provides 9 of, 9 of the, of the most, the most essential, most essential amino, essential amino acids., amino acids. These, acids. These amino, These amino acids, amino acids accelerate, acids accelerate the, accelerate the Producing, the Producing growth, Producing growth hormone, growth hormone and, hormone and promoting, and promoting the, promoting the development, the development of, development of muscle, of muscle mass,, muscle mass, thus, mass, thus helping, thus helping the, helping the body, the body to, body to resist, to resist fatigue., resist fatigue. The, fatigue. The deficiency, The deficiency in, deficiency in one, in one of, one of these, of these amino, these amino acids, amino acids can, acids can have, can have various, have various consequences, various consequences on, consequences on our, on our body., our body. &, body. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; -, Nbsp; - Fight, - Fight against, Fight against breast, against breast cancer, breast cancer Following, cancer Following a, Following a study, a study conducted, study conducted by, conducted by Harvard, by Harvard University, Harvard University in, University in 2003,, in 2003, three, 2003, three eggs, three eggs a, eggs a day, a day during, day during adolescence, during adolescence could, adolescence could help, could help prevent, help prevent breast, prevent breast cancer, breast cancer in, cancer in adulthood., in adulthood. Another, adulthood. Another study,, Another study, conducted, study, conducted in, conducted in 2005, in 2005 by, 2005 by US, by US researchers,, US researchers, supports, researchers, supports these, supports these findings, these findings by, findings by demonstrating, by demonstrating that, demonstrating that women, that women who, women who consumed, who consumed at, consumed at least, at least six, least six eggs, six eggs per, eggs per week, per week were, week were at, were at a, at a 44%, a 44% lower, 44% lower risk, lower risk of, risk of breast, of breast cancer, breast cancer than, cancer than those, than those who, those who consumed, who consumed it, consumed it Only, it Only two., Only two. Moreover,, two. Moreover, the, Moreover, the eggs, the eggs are, eggs are very, are very delicious, very delicious even, delicious even by, even by consuming, by consuming them, consuming them on, them on their, on their own,, their own, they, own, they can, they can also, can also accommodate, also accommodate multiple, accommodate multiple preparations, multiple preparations and, preparations and easily, and easily impregnated, easily impregnated with, impregnated with all, with all the, all the perfumes, the perfumes you, perfumes you can, you can add, can add during, add during cooking:, during cooking: mushrooms,, cooking: mushrooms, onions,, mushrooms, onions, pepper, onions, pepper ..., pepper ... You, ... You do, You do not, do not have, not have So, have So no, So no reason, no reason not, reason not to, not to consume, to consume them!, consume them! &, them! & Nbsp;