Do you have a ball in your neck, back or behind your ear? You must know this!

Do you have a ball in your neck, back or behind your ear? You must know this!

Do you have a ball in your neck, back or behind your ear? You must know this!

Some people may notice the appearance of a small ball or hard bump under the skin that can appear in different parts of the body, especially on the neck, behind the ears or even in the back. These bumps, called epidermoid pimples or cysts, are lesions that often appear as a result of localized inflammation of a hair follicle. Focus on this unsightly and troublesome pathology.

Very unattractive, the epidermoid cyst often presents itself in the form of a ball well rounded and painless. It is generally benign and contains a liquid or solid substance, due to the enclavement of a fragmentepidermisIn the subcutaneous layer. It may nevertheless constitute discomfort, infection and may even require surgery.

Zoom on the epidermoid cysts

What is an epidermoid cyst?

These cysts usually result from swelling or inflammation of the hair follicles. They are small in size but can grow or regrow spontaneously. The skin lying above the cyst can often have a normal color, which will become clear when the cyst is superficial or red if the cyst is inflammatory. The epidermoid cyst consists of a stratified squamous epithelium that resembles the epidermis, rich in keratin andsebum. These cysts can become very troublesome or painful and so it is often advisable to remove them.

What are the causes and symptoms of epidermoid cysts?

The symptoms are very recognizable. The small painless bump is the main symptom. But if the cyst is infected or inflamed, other symptoms may appear:

  • Redness of the skin
  • The affected area becomes warm
  • Sharp and acute pain in the cyst

Squamous cell cysts are usually caused by folliculitis, which is swelling and inflammation of one or more hair follicles. Folliculitis is often formed by ingrown hairs or by blocking the pores of the skin, causing an excess of sebum.

Diagnosis and treatment:

In most cases, an examination of the skin by a specialist doctor is enough to make the diagnosis of a simple cyst. But in case of doubt, the doctor may request a biopsy, ultrasound or radio that may exclude other conditions.

However, treatment depends on the condition of the cyst and the discomfort caused. If it is small and painless, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, either orally or locally, to calm the infection. In the case of a red and painful cyst, surgical treatment is essential. This treatment consists of removal of the cyst, under local anesthesia. AincisionIs thus made on the cyst, which can be easily removed. The wound is then stitched and a scar can be seen.

A dressing with an antiseptic or an antibiotic in cream or ointment can then be applied to the wound to avoid infections and to favor the filling of the cavity.

Generally, most cysts that appear on the surface of the skin can be removed as they are unsightly or they are located in a rubbing area.

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Do, you, have, a, ball, in, your, neck, back, or, behind, your, ear, You, must, know, this, Some, people, may, notice, the, appearance, of, a, small, ball, or, hard, bump, under, the, skin, that, can, appear, in, different, parts, of, the, body,, especially, on, the, neck,, behind, the, ears, or, even, in, the, back., These, bumps,, called, epidermoid, pimples, or, cysts,, are, lesions, that, often, appear, as, a, result, of, localized, inflammation, of, a, hair, follicle., Focus, on, this, unsightly, and, troublesome, pathology., Very, unattractive,, the, epidermoid, cyst, often, presents, itself, in, the, form, of, a, well, rounded, and, painless, ball., It, is, generally, benign, and, contains, a, liquid, or, solid, substance,, due, to, the, enclavement, of, an, epidermis, fragment, in, the, subcutaneous, layer., It, may, nevertheless, constitute, discomfort,, infection, and, may, even, require, surgery., Focus, on, epidermoid, cysts, What, is, a, squamous, cell, cyst?, These, cysts, usually, result, from, swelling, or, inflammation, of, the, hair, follicles., They, are, small, in, size, but, can, grow, or, regrow, spontaneously., The, skin, lying, above, the, cyst, can, often, have, a, normal, color,, which, will, become, clear, when, the, cyst, is, superficial, or, red, if, the, cyst, is, inflammatory., The, epidermoid, cyst, is, formed, of, a, stratified, squamous, epithelium, that, resembles, the, epidermis,, rich, in, keratin, and, sebum., These, cysts, can, become, very, troublesome, or, painful, and, so, it, is, often, advisable, to, remove, them., What, are, the, causes, and, symptoms, of, epidermoid, cysts?, The, symptoms, are, very, recognizable., The, small, painless, bump, is, the, main, symptom., But, if, the, cyst, is, infected, or, inflamed,, other, symptoms, may, appear:, Redness, of, the, skin, The, affected, area, becomes, hot, Acute, and, acute, pain, in, the, cyst, Squamous, cysts, are, usually, Caused, by, folliculitis,, which, is, swelling, and, inflammation, of, one, or, more, hair, follicles., Folliculitis, is, often, formed, by, ingrown, hairs, or, by, blocking, the, pores, of, the, skin,, causing, an, excess, of, sebum., &, Nbsp;, Diagnosis, and, treatment:, In, most, cases,, an, examination, of, the, skin, by, a, specialist, doctor, is, enough, to, make, the, diagnosis, of, a, simple, cyst., But, in, case, of, doubt,, the, doctor, may, request, a, biopsy,, ultrasound, or, radio, that, may, exclude, other, conditions., However,, treatment, depends, on, the, condition, of, the, cyst, and, the, discomfort, caused., It, is, small, and, painless,, so, the, doctor, can, prescribe, antibiotics,, either, orally, or, locally,, to, calm, the, infection., In, the, case, of, a, red, and, painful, cyst,, surgical, treatment, is, essential., This, treatment, consists, of, removal, of, the, cyst,, under, local, anesthesia., An, incision, is, made, on, the, cyst,, which, can, be, easily, removed., The, wound, is, then, re-sewn, and, a, scar, can, be, seen, a, little., &, Nbsp;, A, dressing, with, an, antiseptic, or, an, antibiotic, in, cream, or, ointment, can, then, be, applied, to, the, wound, to, avoid, infections, and, to, favor, the, filling, of, the, cavity., Generally,, most, cysts, that, appear, on, the, surface, of, the, skin, can, be, removed, as, they, are, unsightly, or, they, are, located, in, a, rubbing, area., &, Nbsp;, Do you, you have, have a, a ball, ball in, in your, your neck, neck back, back or, or behind, behind your, your ear, ear You, You must, must know, know this, this Some, Some people, people may, may notice, notice the, the appearance, appearance of, of a, a small, small ball, ball or, or hard, hard bump, bump under, under the, the skin, skin that, that can, can appear, appear in, in different, different parts, parts of, of the, the body,, body, especially, especially on, on the, the neck,, neck, behind, behind the, the ears, ears or, or even, even in, in the, the back., back. These, These bumps,, bumps, called, called epidermoid, epidermoid pimples, pimples or, or cysts,, cysts, are, are lesions, lesions that, that often, often appear, appear as, as a, a result, result of, of localized, localized inflammation, inflammation of, of a, a hair, hair follicle., follicle. Focus, Focus on, on this, this unsightly, unsightly and, and troublesome, troublesome pathology., pathology. Very, Very unattractive,, unattractive, the, the epidermoid, epidermoid cyst, cyst often, often presents, presents itself, itself in, in the, the form, form of, of a, a well, well rounded, rounded and, and painless, painless ball., ball. It, It is, is generally, generally benign, benign and, and contains, contains a, a liquid, liquid or, or solid, solid substance,, substance, due, due to, to the, the enclavement, enclavement of, of an, an epidermis, epidermis fragment, fragment in, in the, the subcutaneous, subcutaneous layer., layer. It, It may, may nevertheless, nevertheless constitute, constitute discomfort,, discomfort, infection, infection and, and may, may even, even require, require surgery., surgery. Focus, Focus on, on epidermoid, epidermoid cysts, cysts What, What is, is a, a squamous, squamous cell, cell cyst?, cyst? These, These cysts, cysts usually, usually result, result from, from swelling, swelling or, or inflammation, inflammation of, of the, the hair, hair follicles., follicles. They, They are, are small, small in, in size, size but, but can, can grow, grow or, or regrow, regrow spontaneously., spontaneously. The, The skin, skin lying, lying above, above the, the cyst, cyst can, can often, often have, have a, a normal, normal color,, color, which, which will, will become, become clear, clear when, when the, the cyst, cyst is, is superficial, superficial or, or red, red if, if the, the cyst, cyst is, is inflammatory., inflammatory. The, The epidermoid, epidermoid cyst, cyst is, is formed, formed of, of a, a stratified, stratified squamous, squamous epithelium, epithelium that, that resembles, resembles the, the epidermis,, epidermis, rich, rich in, in keratin, keratin and, and sebum., sebum. These, These cysts, cysts can, can become, become very, very troublesome, troublesome or, or painful, painful and, and so, so it, it is, is often, often advisable, advisable to, to remove, remove them., them. What, What are, are the, the causes, causes and, and symptoms, symptoms of, of epidermoid, epidermoid cysts?, cysts? The, The symptoms, symptoms are, are very, very recognizable., recognizable. The, The small, small painless, painless bump, bump is, is the, the main, main symptom., symptom. But, But if, if the, the cyst, cyst is, is infected, infected or, or inflamed,, inflamed, other, other symptoms, symptoms may, may appear:, appear: Redness, Redness of, of the, the skin, skin The, The affected, affected area, area becomes, becomes hot, hot Acute, Acute and, and acute, acute pain, pain in, in the, the cyst, cyst Squamous, Squamous cysts, cysts are, are usually, usually Caused, Caused by, by folliculitis,, folliculitis, which, which is, is swelling, swelling and, and inflammation, inflammation of, of one, one or, or more, more hair, hair follicles., follicles. Folliculitis, Folliculitis is, is often, often formed, formed by, by ingrown, ingrown hairs, hairs or, or by, by blocking, blocking the, the pores, pores of, of the, the skin,, skin, causing, causing an, an excess, excess of, of sebum., sebum. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Diagnosis, Diagnosis and, and treatment:, treatment: In, In most, most cases,, cases, an, an examination, examination of, of the, the skin, skin by, by a, a specialist, specialist doctor, doctor is, is enough, enough to, to make, make the, the diagnosis, diagnosis of, of a, a simple, simple cyst., cyst. But, But in, in case, case of, of doubt,, doubt, the, the doctor, doctor may, may request, request a, a biopsy,, biopsy, ultrasound, ultrasound or, or radio, radio that, that may, may exclude, exclude other, other conditions., conditions. However,, However, treatment, treatment depends, depends on, on the, the condition, condition of, of the, the cyst, cyst and, and the, the discomfort, discomfort caused., caused. It, It is, is small, small and, and painless,, painless, so, so the, the doctor, doctor can, can prescribe, prescribe antibiotics,, antibiotics, either, either orally, orally or, or locally,, locally, to, to calm, calm the, the infection., infection. In, In the, the case, case of, of a, a red, red and, and painful, painful cyst,, cyst, surgical, surgical treatment, treatment is, is essential., essential. This, This treatment, treatment consists, consists of, of removal, removal of, of the, the cyst,, cyst, under, under local, local anesthesia., anesthesia. An, An incision, incision is, is made, made on, on the, the cyst,, cyst, which, which can, can be, be easily, easily removed., removed. The, The wound, wound is, is then, then re-sewn, re-sewn and, and a, a scar, scar can, can be, be seen, seen a, a little., little. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; A, A dressing, dressing with, with an, an antiseptic, antiseptic or, or an, an antibiotic, antibiotic in, in cream, cream or, or ointment, ointment can, can then, then be, be applied, applied to, to the, the wound, wound to, to avoid, avoid infections, infections and, and to, to favor, favor the, the filling, filling of, of the, the cavity., cavity. Generally,, Generally, most, most cysts, cysts that, that appear, appear on, on the, the surface, surface of, of the, the skin, skin can, can be, be removed, removed as, as they, they are, are unsightly, unsightly or, or they, they are, are located, located in, in a, a rubbing, rubbing area., area. &, & Nbsp;, Do you have, you have a, have a ball, a ball in, ball in your, in your neck, your neck back, neck back or, back or behind, or behind your, behind your ear, your ear You, ear You must, You must know, must know this, know this Some, this Some people, Some people may, people may notice, may notice the, notice the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of a, of a small, a small ball, small ball or, ball or hard, or hard bump, hard bump under, bump under the, under the skin, the skin that, skin that can, that can appear, can appear in, appear in different, in different parts, different parts of, parts of the, of the body,, the body, especially, body, especially on, especially on the, on the neck,, the neck, behind, neck, behind the, behind the ears, the ears or, ears or even, or even in, even in the, in the back., the back. These, back. These bumps,, These bumps, called, bumps, called epidermoid, called epidermoid pimples, epidermoid pimples or, pimples or cysts,, or cysts, are, cysts, are lesions, are lesions that, lesions that often, that often appear, often appear as, appear as a, as a result, a result of, result of localized, of localized inflammation, localized inflammation of, inflammation of a, of a hair, a hair follicle., hair follicle. Focus, follicle. Focus on, Focus on this, on this unsightly, this unsightly and, unsightly and troublesome, and troublesome pathology., troublesome pathology. Very, pathology. Very unattractive,, Very unattractive, the, unattractive, the epidermoid, the epidermoid cyst, epidermoid cyst often, cyst often presents, often presents itself, presents itself in, itself in the, in the form, the form of, form of a, of a well, a well rounded, well rounded and, rounded and painless, and painless ball., painless ball. It, ball. It is, It is generally, is generally benign, generally benign and, benign and contains, and contains a, contains a liquid, a liquid or, liquid or solid, or solid substance,, solid substance, due, substance, due to, due to the, to the enclavement, the enclavement of, enclavement of an, of an epidermis, an epidermis fragment, epidermis fragment in, fragment in the, in the subcutaneous, the subcutaneous layer., subcutaneous layer. It, layer. It may, It may nevertheless, may nevertheless constitute, nevertheless constitute discomfort,, constitute discomfort, infection, discomfort, infection and, infection and may, and may even, may even require, even require surgery., require surgery. Focus, surgery. Focus on, Focus on epidermoid, on epidermoid cysts, epidermoid cysts What, cysts What is, What is a, is a squamous, a squamous cell, squamous cell cyst?, cell cyst? These, cyst? These cysts, These cysts usually, cysts usually result, usually result from, result from swelling, from swelling or, swelling or inflammation, or inflammation of, inflammation of the, of the hair, the hair follicles., hair follicles. They, follicles. They are, They are small, are small in, small in size, in size but, size but can, but can grow, can grow or, grow or regrow, or regrow spontaneously., regrow spontaneously. The, spontaneously. The skin, The skin lying, skin lying above, lying above the, above the cyst, the cyst can, cyst can often, can often have, often have a, have a normal, a normal color,, normal color, which, color, which will, which will become, will become clear, become clear when, clear when the, when the cyst, the cyst is, cyst is superficial, is superficial or, superficial or red, or red if, red if the, if the cyst, the cyst is, cyst is inflammatory., is inflammatory. The, inflammatory. The epidermoid, The epidermoid cyst, epidermoid cyst is, cyst is formed, is formed of, formed of a, of a stratified, a stratified squamous, stratified squamous epithelium, squamous epithelium that, epithelium that resembles, that resembles the, resembles the epidermis,, the epidermis, rich, epidermis, rich in, rich in keratin, in keratin and, keratin and sebum., and sebum. These, sebum. These cysts, These cysts can, cysts can become, can become very, become very troublesome, very troublesome or, troublesome or painful, or painful and, painful and so, and so it, so it is, it is often, is often advisable, often advisable to, advisable to remove, to remove them., remove them. What, them. What are, What are the, are the causes, the causes and, causes and symptoms, and symptoms of, symptoms of epidermoid, of epidermoid cysts?, epidermoid cysts? The, cysts? The symptoms, The symptoms are, symptoms are very, are very recognizable., very recognizable. The, recognizable. The small, The small painless, small painless bump, painless bump is, bump is the, is the main, the main symptom., main symptom. But, symptom. But if, But if the, if the cyst, the cyst is, cyst is infected, is infected or, infected or inflamed,, or inflamed, other, inflamed, other symptoms, other symptoms may, symptoms may appear:, may appear: Redness, appear: Redness of, Redness of the, of the skin, the skin The, skin The affected, The affected area, affected area becomes, area becomes hot, becomes hot Acute, hot Acute and, Acute and acute, and acute pain, acute pain in, pain in the, in the cyst, the cyst Squamous, cyst Squamous cysts, Squamous cysts are, cysts are usually, are usually Caused, usually Caused by, Caused by folliculitis,, by folliculitis, which, folliculitis, which is, which is swelling, is swelling and, swelling and inflammation, and inflammation of, inflammation of one, of one or, one or more, or more hair, more hair follicles., hair follicles. Folliculitis, follicles. Folliculitis is, Folliculitis is often, is often formed, often formed by, formed by ingrown, by ingrown hairs, ingrown hairs or, hairs or by, or by blocking, by blocking the, blocking the pores, the pores of, pores of the, of the skin,, the skin, causing, skin, causing an, causing an excess, an excess of, excess of sebum., of sebum. &, sebum. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Diagnosis, Nbsp; Diagnosis and, Diagnosis and treatment:, and treatment: In, treatment: In most, In most cases,, most cases, an, cases, an examination, an examination of, examination of the, of the skin, the skin by, skin by a, by a specialist, a specialist doctor, specialist doctor is, doctor is enough, is enough to, enough to make, to make the, make the diagnosis, the diagnosis of, diagnosis of a, of a simple, a simple cyst., simple cyst. But, cyst. But in, But in case, in case of, case of doubt,, of doubt, the, doubt, the doctor, the doctor may, doctor may request, may request a, request a biopsy,, a biopsy, ultrasound, biopsy, ultrasound or, ultrasound or radio, or radio that, radio that may, that may exclude, may exclude other, exclude other conditions., other conditions. However,, conditions. However, treatment, However, treatment depends, treatment depends on, depends on the, on the condition, the condition of, condition of the, of the cyst, the cyst and, cyst and the, and the discomfort, the discomfort caused., discomfort caused. It, caused. It is, It is small, is small and, small and painless,, and painless, so, painless, so the, so the doctor, the doctor can, doctor can prescribe, can prescribe antibiotics,, prescribe antibiotics, either, antibiotics, either orally, either orally or, orally or locally,, or locally, to, locally, to calm, to calm the, calm the infection., the infection. In, infection. In the, In the case, the case of, case of a, of a red, a red and, red and painful, and painful cyst,, painful cyst, surgical, cyst, surgical treatment, surgical treatment is, treatment is essential., is essential. This, essential. This treatment, This treatment consists, treatment consists of, consists of removal, of removal of, removal of the, of the cyst,, the cyst, under, cyst, under local, under local anesthesia., local anesthesia. An, anesthesia. An incision, An incision is, incision is made, is made on, made on the, on the cyst,, the cyst, which, cyst, which can, which can be, can be easily, be easily removed., easily removed. The, removed. The wound, The wound is, wound is then, is then re-sewn, then re-sewn and, re-sewn and a, and a scar, a scar can, scar can be, can be seen, be seen a, seen a little., a little. &, little. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; A, Nbsp; A dressing, A dressing with, dressing with an, with an antiseptic, an antiseptic or, antiseptic or an, or an antibiotic, an antibiotic in, antibiotic in cream, in cream or, cream or ointment, or ointment can, ointment can then, can then be, then be applied, be applied to, applied to the, to the wound, the wound to, wound to avoid, to avoid infections, avoid infections and, infections and to, and to favor, to favor the, favor the filling, the filling of, filling of the, of the cavity., the cavity. Generally,, cavity. Generally, most, Generally, most cysts, most cysts that, cysts that appear, that appear on, appear on the, on the surface, the surface of, surface of the, of the skin, the skin can, skin can be, can be removed, be removed as, removed as they, as they are, they are unsightly, are unsightly or, unsightly or they, or they are, they are located, are located in, located in a, in a rubbing, a rubbing area., rubbing area. &, area. & Nbsp;