The 10 Best Breakfast Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

The 10 Best Breakfast Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

The 10 Best Breakfast Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

The 10 Best Breakfast Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

The 10 Best Breakfast Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

The 10 Best Breakfast Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

The 10 Best Breakfast Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

The 10 Best Breakfast Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

The 10 Best Breakfast Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

The 10 Best Breakfast Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

The 10 Best Breakfast Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

The 10 Best Breakfast Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

The 10 Best Breakfast Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

In the morning, we are often in a hurry and prefer to sleep at breakfast. The latter is one of the most important meals because it allows to have enough energy to hold during the day and because it follows a period of nocturnal fasting. So although you do not necessarily feel the urge to eat, hunger will appear during the morning increasing nibbling and gaining weight. We offer you 10 varied breakfast recipes, simple to carry out and which promote weight loss!

Grilled vegetables and fried eggs

For breakfast, grill vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, onions, garlic) and prepare fried eggs using a half-coconut oil. Season with a little paprika, pink Himalayan salt and pepper to raise the taste of food.

Melon cantaloupe garnished with yogurt

You will simply need a cantaloupe melon, Greek yogurt and red fruits (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries) and some seeds. Cut the melon in half and cut it out. Then garnish with yogurt and the rest of the ingredients for a fresh breakfast!

Tempered oat flakes

For this recipe you will need a half cup of oatmeal, a teaspoon of chia seeds, half a glass of vegetable milk, a yoghurt as well as a banana, blueberries, Pineapple and some almonds. Mix all the ingredients together and leave in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning, mix again and add a few pieces of fruit and almonds.

Smoothie Almond-Strawberry-Bananas and Yogurt

In order to consume fruit in different ways at breakfast, think about smoothies! Simply mix 4 strawberries, half a banana, blueberries, a plain yogurt, 12 almonds and 3 ice cubes. You can enjoy it immediately or if you are in a hurry, or take it with you to work.

Pancakes without wheat

The pancakes illustrate the typical American breakfast and make it possible to treat both young and old alike. To make you happy, make a pancake paste by mixing 3 cups sliced ​​almonds, 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds, half a spoon ofBaking soda, A pinch of sea salt, 3 large eggs, 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil and ¾ of a cup of coconut milk or almond milk. Appreciate your pancakes with fruit, maple syrup and yoghurt.

Apple and Cinnamon Quinoa Cake

For this gluten-free cake, you will need a cup of quinoa, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a little nutmeg, 2 seeded and peeled apples, 2 eggs, 2 cups vegetable milk, Raisins, chopped almonds and a little maple syrup. Mix all the ingredients and then bake for one hour. Enjoy a portion the next day, at breakfast, with a Greek yoghurt.

Baked eggs in avocado

The avocado, rich in oleic acid, a fatty acid offering a sensation of satiety and egg, low in calories and protein source, are a winning duo for weight loss! Simply fill half of a avocado with an egg and place in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes at 220 °. However, cooking depends on the size of the avocado and the egg.
Once cooked, season with chives and chopped chives.

Frittata with egg whites

To make this frittata at breakfast and satisfy the appetite of your whole family, mix 8 egg whites with chopped peppers and onions as well as two tablespoons of olive oil, pepper, spinach and Of feta. Cook the ingredients in a frying pan, stuffing the feta and the spinach to add to the frittata at the last moment and consume immediately.

Quinoa Gratin with Thyme and Garlic Eggs

To prepare this quinoa gratin, mix 8 eggs, 1 teaspoon butter, ½ teaspoon uncooked quinoa, 1/2 cup vegetable milk, 1 teaspoon chopped thyme, 2 cups coarsely chopped spinach, A pinch of salt, pepper and a little Parmesan. Pour the mixture into a dish and bake for the first time for 45 minutes at 180 degrees. Then add a little parmesan on top of the gratin and leave to brown for 10 to 15 minutes. Enjoy a cheerful breakfast the next day.

The Paleo plate

This quick breakfast from the Paleolithic diet contains two eggs cooked in a pan, two slices ofSalmonSmoked salad and a rocket and avocado salad with a pinch of pepper and a little lemon juice. What to feast on by combining slimness and freshness!

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The, 10, Best, Breakfast, Recipes, That, Make, You, Lose, Weight, In, the, morning,, we, are, often, in, a, hurry, and, prefer, to, sleep, at, breakfast., The, latter, is, one, of, the, most, important, meals, because, it, allows, to, have, enough, energy, to, hold, during, the, day, and, because, it, follows, a, period, of, nocturnal, fasting., So, although, you, do, not, necessarily, feel, the, urge, to, eat,, hunger, will, appear, during, the, morning, increasing, nibbling, and, gaining, weight., We, offer, you, 10, varied, breakfast, recipes,, simple, to, carry, out, and, which, promote, weight, loss!, Grilled, Vegetables, and, Fried, Eggs, &, nbsp;, For, breakfast,, grill, vegetables, (broccoli,, cauliflower,, peppers,, onions,, garlic), and, prepare, fried, eggs, using, a, half-spoon, of, coconut, oil., Season, with, a, little, paprika,, rose, Himalaya, salt, and, pepper, to, taste, the, food., &, Nbsp;, Melon, cantaloupe, garnished, with, yogurt, &, nbsp;, You, will, simply, need, a, Cantaloupe, melon,, Greek, yoghurt, and, red, fruits, (raspberries,, blueberries,, blackberries), and, some, seeds., Cut, the, melon, in, half, and, cut, it, out., Then, garnish, yoghurt, and, other, ingredients, for, a, fresh, breakfast, &, nbsp;!, &, Nbsp;, Tempered, oatmeal, flakes, &, nbsp;, For, this, recipe, you, will, need, a, half, cup, of, oatmeal, flakes,, a, teaspoon, of, chia, seeds,, half, a, glass, of, vegetable, milk,, yoghurt, and, a, banana,, blueberries,, Pineapple, and, some, almonds., Mix, all, the, ingredients, together, and, leave, in, the, refrigerator, overnight., The, next, morning,, mix, again, and, add, a, few, pieces, of, fruit, and, almonds., &, Nbsp;, Smoothie, Almond-Strawberries-Bananas, and, Yoghurt, In, order, to, consume, fruit, in, different, ways, at, breakfast,, think, about, smoothies, &, nbsp;, Simply, Mix, 4, Strawberries,, half, a, banana,, blueberries,, a, plain, yoghurt,, 12, almonds, and, 3, ice, cubes., You, can, enjoy, it, immediately, or, if, you, are, in, a, hurry,, or, take, it, with, you, to, work., &, Nbsp;, Pancakes, without, wheat, &, nbsp;, The, pancakes, illustrate, the, typical, American, breakfast, and, make, it, possible, to, treat, both, young, and, old, alike., In, order, to, make, you, happy,, make, a, pancake, paste, by, mixing, 3, cups, sliced, ​​almonds,, 1, tablespoon, ground, flax, seeds,, half, a, spoonful, of, baking, soda,, a, pinch, of, sea, salt,, 3, large, eggs,, 2, Tablespoons, of, virgin, coconut, oil, and, ¾, of, a, cup, of, coconut, milk, or, almond, milk., Enhance, your, pancakes, with, fruit,, maple, syrup, and, yoghurt., &, Nbsp;, Apple, and, Cinnamon, Quinoa, Cake, &, nbsp;, For, this, gluten-free, cake,, you, will, need, a, cup, of, quinoa,, one, and, a, half, teaspoons, of, cinnamon,, a, little, nutmeg,, 2, seeded, and, peeled, apples,, 2, eggs,, 2, cups, vegetable, milk,, Raisins,, chopped, almonds, and, a, little, maple, syrup., Mix, together, the, ingredients, then, bake, for, an, hour., Enjoy, a, portion, the, next, day,, at, breakfast,, with, a, Greek, yoghurt., &, Nbsp;, Baked, Eggs, in, a, Lawyer, &, nbsp;, The, avocado,, rich, in, oleic, acid,, a, fatty, acid, with, a, sensation, of, satiety, and, egg,, low, in, calories, and, protein, source,, are, a, winning, duo, for, weight, loss, &, nbsp;, Simply, fill, half, of, an, avocado, with, an, egg, and, place, in, the, oven, for, 15-20, minutes, at, 220, °., However,, cooking, depends, on, the, size, of, the, avocado, and, the, egg., &, Nbsp;    Once, cooked,, season, with, chopped, pepper, and, chives., &, Nbsp;, Frittata, with, egg, whites, &, nbsp;, To, achieve, this, frittata, at, breakfast, and, meet, the, &, rsquo;, appetite, for, the, whole, family,, mix, 8, white, d, &, rsquo;, eggs, with, peppers, and, chopped, onion, and, two, tablespoons, of, &, rsquo;, oil, &, rsquo;, olive,, pepper,, spinach, and, feta, cheese., Cook, the, ingredients, in, a, pan,, reserving, the, feta, and, spinach, frittata, to, decorate, the, last, moment, and, consume, immediately., &, Nbsp;, &, Nbsp;, Quinoa, Gratin, &, Thyme, &, Garlic, Eggs, &, nbsp;, To, prepare, the, quinoa, dish,, mix, 8, eggs,, a, teaspoon, of, butter,, ½, teaspoon, of, uncooked, quinoa,, a, cup, and, a, half, of, vegetable, milk,, a, teaspoon, of, chopped, thyme,, 2, d, &, rsquo, cups;, coarsely, chopped, spinach,, A, pinch, of, salt,, pepper, and, a, little, Parmesan., Pour, the, mixture, into, a, dish, and, bake, for, the, first, time, for, 45, minutes, at, 180, degrees., Then, add, a, little, parmesan, on, top, of, the, gratin, and, leave, to, brown, for, 10, to, 15, minutes., Enjoy, a, tasty, breakfast, the, next, day., &, Nbsp;, &, Nbsp;, Paléo, plate, &, nbsp;, This, quick, breakfast, from, the, user, &, rsquo;, Paleolithic, diet, contains, two, eggs, cooked, in, a, pan,, two, slices, of, smoked, salmon, and, arugula, salad, and, d, &, rsquo;, lawyer, embellished, d, &, rsquo;, a, pinch, of, pepper, and, d, &, rsquo;, a, little, lemon, juice, ., Enjoy, the, combination, of, slimness, and, freshness, &, nbsp;!, &, Nbsp;, The 10, 10 Best, Best Breakfast, Breakfast Recipes, Recipes That, That Make, Make You, You Lose, Lose Weight, Weight In, In the, the morning,, morning, we, we are, are often, often in, in a, a hurry, hurry and, and prefer, prefer to, to sleep, sleep at, at breakfast., breakfast. The, The latter, latter is, is one, one of, of the, the most, most important, important meals, meals because, because it, it allows, allows to, to have, have enough, enough energy, energy to, to hold, hold during, during the, the day, day and, and because, because it, it follows, follows a, a period, period of, of nocturnal, nocturnal fasting., fasting. So, So although, although you, you do, do not, not necessarily, necessarily feel, feel the, the urge, urge to, to eat,, eat, hunger, hunger will, will appear, appear during, during the, the morning, morning increasing, increasing nibbling, nibbling and, and gaining, gaining weight., weight. We, We offer, offer you, you 10, 10 varied, varied breakfast, breakfast recipes,, recipes, simple, simple to, to carry, carry out, out and, and which, which promote, promote weight, weight loss!, loss! Grilled, Grilled Vegetables, Vegetables and, and Fried, Fried Eggs, Eggs &, & nbsp;, nbsp; For, For breakfast,, breakfast, grill, grill vegetables, vegetables (broccoli,, (broccoli, cauliflower,, cauliflower, peppers,, peppers, onions,, onions, garlic), garlic) and, and prepare, prepare fried, fried eggs, eggs using, using a, a half-spoon, half-spoon of, of coconut, coconut oil., oil. Season, Season with, with a, a little, little paprika,, paprika, rose, rose Himalaya, Himalaya salt, salt and, and pepper, pepper to, to taste, taste the, the food., food. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Melon, Melon cantaloupe, cantaloupe garnished, garnished with, with yogurt, yogurt &, & nbsp;, nbsp; You, You will, will simply, simply need, need a, a Cantaloupe, Cantaloupe melon,, melon, Greek, Greek yoghurt, yoghurt and, and red, red fruits, fruits (raspberries,, (raspberries, blueberries,, blueberries, blackberries), blackberries) and, and some, some seeds., seeds. Cut, Cut the, the melon, melon in, in half, half and, and cut, cut it, it out., out. Then, Then garnish, garnish yoghurt, yoghurt and, and other, other ingredients, ingredients for, for a, a fresh, fresh breakfast, breakfast &, & nbsp;!, nbsp;! &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Tempered, Tempered oatmeal, oatmeal flakes, flakes &, & nbsp;, nbsp; For, For this, this recipe, recipe you, you will, will need, need a, a half, half cup, cup of, of oatmeal, oatmeal flakes,, flakes, a, a teaspoon, teaspoon of, of chia, chia seeds,, seeds, half, half a, a glass, glass of, of vegetable, vegetable milk,, milk, yoghurt, yoghurt and, and a, a banana,, banana, blueberries,, blueberries, Pineapple, Pineapple and, and some, some almonds., almonds. Mix, Mix all, all the, the ingredients, ingredients together, together and, and leave, leave in, in the, the refrigerator, refrigerator overnight., overnight. The, The next, next morning,, morning, mix, mix again, again and, and add, add a, a few, few pieces, pieces of, of fruit, fruit and, and almonds., almonds. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Smoothie, Smoothie Almond-Strawberries-Bananas, Almond-Strawberries-Bananas and, and Yoghurt, Yoghurt In, In order, order to, to consume, consume fruit, fruit in, in different, different ways, ways at, at breakfast,, breakfast, think, think about, about smoothies, smoothies &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Simply, Simply Mix, Mix 4, 4 Strawberries,, Strawberries, half, half a, a banana,, banana, blueberries,, blueberries, a, a plain, plain yoghurt,, yoghurt, 12, 12 almonds, almonds and, and 3, 3 ice, ice cubes., cubes. You, You can, can enjoy, enjoy it, it immediately, immediately or, or if, if you, you are, are in, in a, a hurry,, hurry, or, or take, take it, it with, with you, you to, to work., work. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Pancakes, Pancakes without, without wheat, wheat &, & nbsp;, nbsp; The, The pancakes, pancakes illustrate, illustrate the, the typical, typical American, American breakfast, breakfast and, and make, make it, it possible, possible to, to treat, treat both, both young, young and, and old, old alike., alike. In, In order, order to, to make, make you, you happy,, happy, make, make a, a pancake, pancake paste, paste by, by mixing, mixing 3, 3 cups, cups sliced, sliced ​​almonds,, ​​almonds, 1, 1 tablespoon, tablespoon ground, ground flax, flax seeds,, seeds, half, half a, a spoonful, spoonful of, of baking, baking soda,, soda, a, a pinch, pinch of, of sea, sea salt,, salt, 3, 3 large, large eggs,, eggs, 2, 2 Tablespoons, Tablespoons of, of virgin, virgin coconut, coconut oil, oil and, and ¾, ¾ of, of a, a cup, cup of, of coconut, coconut milk, milk or, or almond, almond milk., milk. Enhance, Enhance your, your pancakes, pancakes with, with fruit,, fruit, maple, maple syrup, syrup and, and yoghurt., yoghurt. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Apple, Apple and, and Cinnamon, Cinnamon Quinoa, Quinoa Cake, Cake &, & nbsp;, nbsp; For, For this, this gluten-free, gluten-free cake,, cake, you, you will, will need, need a, a cup, cup of, of quinoa,, quinoa, one, one and, and a, a half, half teaspoons, teaspoons of, of cinnamon,, cinnamon, a, a little, little nutmeg,, nutmeg, 2, 2 seeded, seeded and, and peeled, peeled apples,, apples, 2, 2 eggs,, eggs, 2, 2 cups, cups vegetable, vegetable milk,, milk, Raisins,, Raisins, chopped, chopped almonds, almonds and, and a, a little, little maple, maple syrup., syrup. Mix, Mix together, together the, the ingredients, ingredients then, then bake, bake for, for an, an hour., hour. Enjoy, Enjoy a, a portion, portion the, the next, next day,, day, at, at breakfast,, breakfast, with, with a, a Greek, Greek yoghurt., yoghurt. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Baked, Baked Eggs, Eggs in, in a, a Lawyer, Lawyer &, & nbsp;, nbsp; The, The avocado,, avocado, rich, rich in, in oleic, oleic acid,, acid, a, a fatty, fatty acid, acid with, with a, a sensation, sensation of, of satiety, satiety and, and egg,, egg, low, low in, in calories, calories and, and protein, protein source,, source, are, are a, a winning, winning duo, duo for, for weight, weight loss, loss &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Simply, Simply fill, fill half, half of, of an, an avocado, avocado with, with an, an egg, egg and, and place, place in, in the, the oven, oven for, for 15-20, 15-20 minutes, minutes at, at 220, 220 °., °. However,, However, cooking, cooking depends, depends on, on the, the size, size of, of the, the avocado, avocado and, and the, the egg., egg. &, & Nbsp;    Once, Nbsp;    Once cooked,, cooked, season, season with, with chopped, chopped pepper, pepper and, and chives., chives. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Frittata, Frittata with, with egg, egg whites, whites &, & nbsp;, nbsp; To, To achieve, achieve this, this frittata, frittata at, at breakfast, breakfast and, and meet, meet the, the &, & rsquo;, rsquo; appetite, appetite for, for the, the whole, whole family,, family, mix, mix 8, 8 white, white d, d &, & rsquo;, rsquo; eggs, eggs with, with peppers, peppers and, and chopped, chopped onion, onion and, and two, two tablespoons, tablespoons of, of &, & rsquo;, rsquo; oil, oil &, & rsquo;, rsquo; olive,, olive, pepper,, pepper, spinach, spinach and, and feta, feta cheese., cheese. Cook, Cook the, the ingredients, ingredients in, in a, a pan,, pan, reserving, reserving the, the feta, feta and, and spinach, spinach frittata, frittata to, to decorate, decorate the, the last, last moment, moment and, and consume, consume immediately., immediately. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Quinoa, Quinoa Gratin, Gratin &, & Thyme, Thyme &, & Garlic, Garlic Eggs, Eggs &, & nbsp;, nbsp; To, To prepare, prepare the, the quinoa, quinoa dish,, dish, mix, mix 8, 8 eggs,, eggs, a, a teaspoon, teaspoon of, of butter,, butter, ½, ½ teaspoon, teaspoon of, of uncooked, uncooked quinoa,, quinoa, a, a cup, cup and, and a, a half, half of, of vegetable, vegetable milk,, milk, a, a teaspoon, teaspoon of, of chopped, chopped thyme,, thyme, 2, 2 d, d &, & rsquo, rsquo cups;, cups; coarsely, coarsely chopped, chopped spinach,, spinach, A, A pinch, pinch of, of salt,, salt, pepper, pepper and, and a, a little, little Parmesan., Parmesan. Pour, Pour the, the mixture, mixture into, into a, a dish, dish and, and bake, bake for, for the, the first, first time, time for, for 45, 45 minutes, minutes at, at 180, 180 degrees., degrees. Then, Then add, add a, a little, little parmesan, parmesan on, on top, top of, of the, the gratin, gratin and, and leave, leave to, to brown, brown for, for 10, 10 to, to 15, 15 minutes., minutes. Enjoy, Enjoy a, a tasty, tasty breakfast, breakfast the, the next, next day., day. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Paléo, Paléo plate, plate &, & nbsp;, nbsp; This, This quick, quick breakfast, breakfast from, from the, the user, user &, & rsquo;, rsquo; Paleolithic, Paleolithic diet, diet contains, contains two, two eggs, eggs cooked, cooked in, in a, a pan,, pan, two, two slices, slices of, of smoked, smoked salmon, salmon and, and arugula, arugula salad, salad and, and d, d &, & rsquo;, rsquo; lawyer, lawyer embellished, embellished d, d &, & rsquo;, rsquo; a, a pinch, pinch of, of pepper, pepper and, and d, d &, & rsquo;, rsquo; a, a little, little lemon, lemon juice, juice ., . Enjoy, Enjoy the, the combination, combination of, of slimness, slimness and, and freshness, freshness &, & nbsp;!, nbsp;! &, & Nbsp;, The 10 Best, 10 Best Breakfast, Best Breakfast Recipes, Breakfast Recipes That, Recipes That Make, That Make You, Make You Lose, You Lose Weight, Lose Weight In, Weight In the, In the morning,, the morning, we, morning, we are, we are often, are often in, often in a, in a hurry, a hurry and, hurry and prefer, and prefer to, prefer to sleep, to sleep at, sleep at breakfast., at breakfast. The, breakfast. The latter, The latter is, latter is one, is one of, one of the, of the most, the most important, most important meals, important meals because, meals because it, because it allows, it allows to, allows to have, to have enough, have enough energy, enough energy to, energy to hold, to hold during, hold during the, during the day, the day and, day and because, and because it, because it follows, it follows a, follows a period, a period of, period of nocturnal, of nocturnal fasting., nocturnal fasting. So, fasting. So although, So although you, although you do, you do not, do not necessarily, not necessarily feel, necessarily feel the, feel the urge, the urge to, urge to eat,, to eat, hunger, eat, hunger will, hunger will appear, will appear during, appear during the, during the morning, the morning increasing, morning increasing nibbling, increasing nibbling and, nibbling and gaining, and gaining weight., gaining weight. We, weight. We offer, We offer you, offer you 10, you 10 varied, 10 varied breakfast, varied breakfast recipes,, breakfast recipes, simple, recipes, simple to, simple to carry, to carry out, carry out and, out and which, and which promote, which promote weight, promote weight loss!, weight loss! Grilled, loss! Grilled Vegetables, Grilled Vegetables and, Vegetables and Fried, and Fried Eggs, Fried Eggs &, Eggs & nbsp;, & nbsp; For, nbsp; For breakfast,, For breakfast, grill, breakfast, grill vegetables, grill vegetables (broccoli,, vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower,, (broccoli, cauliflower, peppers,, cauliflower, peppers, onions,, peppers, onions, garlic), onions, garlic) and, garlic) and prepare, and prepare fried, prepare fried eggs, fried eggs using, eggs using a, using a half-spoon, a half-spoon of, half-spoon of coconut, of coconut oil., coconut oil. Season, oil. Season with, Season with a, with a little, a little paprika,, little paprika, rose, paprika, rose Himalaya, rose Himalaya salt, Himalaya salt and, salt and pepper, and pepper to, pepper to taste, to taste the, taste the food., the food. &, food. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Melon, Nbsp; Melon cantaloupe, Melon cantaloupe garnished, cantaloupe garnished with, garnished with yogurt, with yogurt &, yogurt & nbsp;, & nbsp; You, nbsp; You will, You will simply, will simply need, simply need a, need a Cantaloupe, a Cantaloupe melon,, Cantaloupe melon, Greek, melon, Greek yoghurt, Greek yoghurt and, yoghurt and red, and red fruits, red fruits (raspberries,, fruits (raspberries, blueberries,, (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries), blueberries, blackberries) and, blackberries) and some, and some seeds., some seeds. Cut, seeds. Cut the, Cut the melon, the melon in, melon in half, in half and, half and cut, and cut it, cut it out., it out. Then, out. Then garnish, Then garnish yoghurt, garnish yoghurt and, yoghurt and other, and other ingredients, other ingredients for, ingredients for a, for a fresh, a fresh breakfast, fresh breakfast &, breakfast & nbsp;!, & nbsp;! &, nbsp;! & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Tempered, Nbsp; Tempered oatmeal, Tempered oatmeal flakes, oatmeal flakes &, flakes & nbsp;, & nbsp; For, nbsp; For this, For this recipe, this recipe you, recipe you will, you will need, will need a, need a half, a half cup, half cup of, cup of oatmeal, of oatmeal flakes,, oatmeal flakes, a, flakes, a teaspoon, a teaspoon of, teaspoon of chia, of chia seeds,, chia seeds, half, seeds, half a, half a glass, a glass of, glass of vegetable, of vegetable milk,, vegetable milk, yoghurt, milk, yoghurt and, yoghurt and a, and a banana,, a banana, blueberries,, banana, blueberries, Pineapple, blueberries, Pineapple and, Pineapple and some, and some almonds., some almonds. Mix, almonds. Mix all, Mix all the, all the ingredients, the ingredients together, ingredients together and, together and leave, and leave in, leave in the, in the refrigerator, the refrigerator overnight., refrigerator overnight. The, overnight. The next, The next morning,, next morning, mix, morning, mix again, mix again and, again and add, and add a, add a few, a few pieces, few pieces of, pieces of fruit, of fruit and, fruit and almonds., and almonds. &, almonds. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Smoothie, Nbsp; Smoothie Almond-Strawberries-Bananas, Smoothie Almond-Strawberries-Bananas and, Almond-Strawberries-Bananas and Yoghurt, and Yoghurt In, Yoghurt In order, In order to, order to consume, to consume fruit, consume fruit in, fruit in different, in different ways, different ways at, ways at breakfast,, at breakfast, think, breakfast, think about, think about smoothies, about smoothies &, smoothies & nbsp;, & nbsp; Simply, nbsp; Simply Mix, Simply Mix 4, Mix 4 Strawberries,, 4 Strawberries, half, Strawberries, half a, half a banana,, a banana, blueberries,, banana, blueberries, a, blueberries, a plain, a plain yoghurt,, plain yoghurt, 12, yoghurt, 12 almonds, 12 almonds and, almonds and 3, and 3 ice, 3 ice cubes., ice cubes. You, cubes. You can, You can enjoy, can enjoy it, enjoy it immediately, it immediately or, immediately or if, or if you, if you are, you are in, are in a, in a hurry,, a hurry, or, hurry, or take, or take it, take it with, it with you, with you to, you to work., to work. &, work. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Pancakes, Nbsp; Pancakes without, Pancakes without wheat, without wheat &, wheat & nbsp;, & nbsp; The, nbsp; The pancakes, The pancakes illustrate, pancakes illustrate the, illustrate the typical, the typical American, typical American breakfast, American breakfast and, breakfast and make, and make it, make it possible, it possible to, possible to treat, to treat both, treat both young, both young and, young and old, and old alike., old alike. In, alike. In order, In order to, order to make, to make you, make you happy,, you happy, make, happy, make a, make a pancake, a pancake paste, pancake paste by, paste by mixing, by mixing 3, mixing 3 cups, 3 cups sliced, cups sliced ​​almonds,, sliced ​​almonds, 1, ​​almonds, 1 tablespoon, 1 tablespoon ground, tablespoon ground flax, ground flax seeds,, flax seeds, half, seeds, half a, half a spoonful, a spoonful of, spoonful of baking, of baking soda,, baking soda, a, soda, a pinch, a pinch of, pinch of sea, of sea salt,, sea salt, 3, salt, 3 large, 3 large eggs,, large eggs, 2, eggs, 2 Tablespoons, 2 Tablespoons of, Tablespoons of virgin, of virgin coconut, virgin coconut oil, coconut oil and, oil and ¾, and ¾ of, ¾ of a, of a cup, a cup of, cup of coconut, of coconut milk, coconut milk or, milk or almond, or almond milk., almond milk. Enhance, milk. Enhance your, Enhance your pancakes, your pancakes with, pancakes with fruit,, with fruit, maple, fruit, maple syrup, maple syrup and, syrup and yoghurt., and yoghurt. &, yoghurt. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Apple, Nbsp; Apple and, Apple and Cinnamon, and Cinnamon Quinoa, Cinnamon Quinoa Cake, Quinoa Cake &, Cake & nbsp;, & nbsp; For, nbsp; For this, For this gluten-free, this gluten-free cake,, gluten-free cake, you, cake, you will, you will need, will need a, need a cup, a cup of, cup of quinoa,, of quinoa, one, quinoa, one and, one and a, and a half, a half teaspoons, half teaspoons of, teaspoons of cinnamon,, of cinnamon, a, cinnamon, a little, a little nutmeg,, little nutmeg, 2, nutmeg, 2 seeded, 2 seeded and, seeded and peeled, and peeled apples,, peeled apples, 2, apples, 2 eggs,, 2 eggs, 2, eggs, 2 cups, 2 cups vegetable, cups vegetable milk,, vegetable milk, Raisins,, milk, Raisins, chopped, Raisins, chopped almonds, chopped almonds and, almonds and a, and a little, a little maple, little maple syrup., maple syrup. Mix, syrup. Mix together, Mix together the, together the ingredients, the ingredients then, ingredients then bake, then bake for, bake for an, for an hour., an hour. Enjoy, hour. Enjoy a, Enjoy a portion, a portion the, portion the next, the next day,, next day, at, day, at breakfast,, at breakfast, with, breakfast, with a, with a Greek, a Greek yoghurt., Greek yoghurt. &, yoghurt. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Baked, Nbsp; Baked Eggs, Baked Eggs in, Eggs in a, in a Lawyer, a Lawyer &, Lawyer & nbsp;, & nbsp; The, nbsp; The avocado,, The avocado, rich, avocado, rich in, rich in oleic, in oleic acid,, oleic acid, a, acid, a fatty, a fatty acid, fatty acid with, acid with a, with a sensation, a sensation of, sensation of satiety, of satiety and, satiety and egg,, and egg, low, egg, low in, low in calories, in calories and, calories and protein, and protein source,, protein source, are, source, are a, are a winning, a winning duo, winning duo for, duo for weight, for weight loss, weight loss &, loss & nbsp;, & nbsp; Simply, nbsp; Simply fill, Simply fill half, fill half of, half of an, of an avocado, an avocado with, avocado with an, with an egg, an egg and, egg and place, and place in, place in the, in the oven, the oven for, oven for 15-20, for 15-20 minutes, 15-20 minutes at, minutes at 220, at 220 °., 220 °. However,, °. However, cooking, However, cooking depends, cooking depends on, depends on the, on the size, the size of, size of the, of the avocado, the avocado and, avocado and the, and the egg., the egg. &, egg. & Nbsp;    Once, & Nbsp;    Once cooked,, Nbsp;    Once cooked, season, cooked, season with, season with chopped, with chopped pepper, chopped pepper and, pepper and chives., and chives. &, chives. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Frittata, Nbsp; Frittata with, Frittata with egg, with egg whites, egg whites &, whites & nbsp;, & nbsp; To, nbsp; To achieve, To achieve this, achieve this frittata, this frittata at, frittata at breakfast, at breakfast and, breakfast and meet, and meet the, meet the &, the & rsquo;, & rsquo; appetite, rsquo; appetite for, appetite for the, for the whole, the whole family,, whole family, mix, family, mix 8, mix 8 white, 8 white d, white d &, d & rsquo;, & rsquo; eggs, rsquo; eggs with, eggs with peppers, with peppers and, peppers and chopped, and chopped onion, chopped onion and, onion and two, and two tablespoons, two tablespoons of, tablespoons of &, of & rsquo;, & rsquo; oil, rsquo; oil &, oil & rsquo;, & rsquo; olive,, rsquo; olive, pepper,, olive, pepper, spinach, pepper, spinach and, spinach and feta, and feta cheese., feta cheese. Cook, cheese. Cook the, Cook the ingredients, the ingredients in, ingredients in a, in a pan,, a pan, reserving, pan, reserving the, reserving the feta, the feta and, feta and spinach, and spinach frittata, spinach frittata to, frittata to decorate, to decorate the, decorate the last, the last moment, last moment and, moment and consume, and consume immediately., consume immediately. &, immediately. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; &, Nbsp; & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Quinoa, Nbsp; Quinoa Gratin, Quinoa Gratin &, Gratin & Thyme, & Thyme &, Thyme & Garlic, & Garlic Eggs, Garlic Eggs &, Eggs & nbsp;, & nbsp; To, nbsp; To prepare, To prepare the, prepare the quinoa, the quinoa dish,, quinoa dish, mix, dish, mix 8, mix 8 eggs,, 8 eggs, a, eggs, a teaspoon, a teaspoon of, teaspoon of butter,, of butter, ½, butter, ½ teaspoon, ½ teaspoon of, teaspoon of uncooked, of uncooked quinoa,, uncooked quinoa, a, quinoa, a cup, a cup and, cup and a, and a half, a half of, half of vegetable, of vegetable milk,, vegetable milk, a, milk, a teaspoon, a teaspoon of, teaspoon of chopped, of chopped thyme,, chopped thyme, 2, thyme, 2 d, 2 d &, d & rsquo, & rsquo cups;, rsquo cups; coarsely, cups; coarsely chopped, coarsely chopped spinach,, chopped spinach, A, spinach, A pinch, A pinch of, pinch of salt,, of salt, pepper, salt, pepper and, pepper and a, and a little, a little Parmesan., little Parmesan. Pour, Parmesan. Pour the, Pour the mixture, the mixture into, mixture into a, into a dish, a dish and, dish and bake, and bake for, bake for the, for the first, the first time, first time for, time for 45, for 45 minutes, 45 minutes at, minutes at 180, at 180 degrees., 180 degrees. Then, degrees. Then add, Then add a, add a little, a little parmesan, little parmesan on, parmesan on top, on top of, top of the, of the gratin, the gratin and, gratin and leave, and leave to, leave to brown, to brown for, brown for 10, for 10 to, 10 to 15, to 15 minutes., 15 minutes. Enjoy, minutes. Enjoy a, Enjoy a tasty, a tasty breakfast, tasty breakfast the, breakfast the next, the next day., next day. &, day. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; &, Nbsp; & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Paléo, Nbsp; Paléo plate, Paléo plate &, plate & nbsp;, & nbsp; This, nbsp; This quick, This quick breakfast, quick breakfast from, breakfast from the, from the user, the user &, user & rsquo;, & rsquo; Paleolithic, rsquo; Paleolithic diet, Paleolithic diet contains, diet contains two, contains two eggs, two eggs cooked, eggs cooked in, cooked in a, in a pan,, a pan, two, pan, two slices, two slices of, slices of smoked, of smoked salmon, smoked salmon and, salmon and arugula, and arugula salad, arugula salad and, salad and d, and d &, d & rsquo;, & rsquo; lawyer, rsquo; lawyer embellished, lawyer embellished d, embellished d &, d & rsquo;, & rsquo; a, rsquo; a pinch, a pinch of, pinch of pepper, of pepper and, pepper and d, and d &, d & rsquo;, & rsquo; a, rsquo; a little, a little lemon, little lemon juice, lemon juice ., juice . Enjoy, . Enjoy the, Enjoy the combination, the combination of, combination of slimness, of slimness and, slimness and freshness, and freshness &, freshness & nbsp;!, & nbsp;! &, nbsp;! & Nbsp;