Scientists have confirmed that this is the world's best food against heart attacks, high blood pressure, cholesterol and stroke

Scientists have confirmed that this is the world's best food against heart attacks, high blood pressure, cholesterol and stroke

Scientists have confirmed that this is the world's best food against heart attacks, high blood pressure, cholesterol and stroke

The date is this small exotic fruit that comes from the date palms, it can be consumed fresh or dried. It is small by its size and large by its nutritional and energetic intakes. It is an incredible source of energy, nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

The rich composition of dates intervenes in the alleviation of many medical complications such as heart attacks, cholesterol, hypertension and stroke. Its fiber content, on the other hand, improves digestion.

Here are 8 good reasons to regularly integrate the date into your diet and improve your eating habits:

Dates are rich in iron

Dates contain a high iron content, which is particularly important for individuals who suffer from anemia, as well as children and pregnant women. If one consumes 100 grams of dates each day, knowing that this quantity contains 2.7mg of iron one covers 19% of our contributionnutritionalDaily iron. Iron is found in the composition of the hemoglobin that is present in the red blood cells, as well as in the constitution of the myoglobin which stores oxygen in the muscles.

Dates prevent the release of intestines

ThedatesAre rich in potassium, a fundamental mineral that prevents the loosening of the intestines by preserving the intestinal flora, thus controlling the microorganisms living in the intestines and increasing the useful bacteria in the intestinal tract.

Dates reduce constipation

To combat digestive disorders and strengthen the intestines, dates are an excellentfoodAnti-constipation, be it punctual or chronic.

One can deceive 3 to 5 dates in a glass of water all night and eat the fruit in the early morning, on an empty stomach. Drinking also the water in which they were soaked, it has a laxative effect during the day.

Dates control cholesterol levels

Dates are also useful for cholesterol balance, because with their antioxidant action, they remove cholesterol from cells loaded with lipids. They also purify the veins and prevent blood clotting.

Dates strengthen heart

Known for their benefits on the cardiovascular system, the dates arrive thanks to their antioxidant ability to counteract the accumulation of lipid plaques throughout the arterial walls.

Dates regulate blood pressure

Individuals who suffer from hypertension should consume many dates, since they are high in potassium and low in sodium. For information, 5 to 6 dates contain 80 mg of magnesium, a mineral that improves blood flow. It takes about 370 mg of magnesium to decrease the circulatory tension.

Dates Prevent Cerebrovascular Diseases

As already mentioned earlier in this article, dates contain a surprising amount of potassium and magnesium. Seven different studies have shown that magnesium reduces the risk of stroke by 10%.

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Scientists, have, confirmed, that, this, is, the, worlds, best, food, against, heart, attacks, high, blood, pressure, cholesterol, and, stroke, The, date, is, this, small, exotic, fruit, that, comes, from, the, date, palms,, it, can, be, consumed, fresh, or, dried., It, is, small, by, its, size, and, large, by, its, nutritional, and, energetic, intakes., It, is, an, incredible, source, of, energy,, nutrients,, vitamins,, minerals, and, trace, elements., The, rich, composition, of, dates, affects, many, medical, complications, such, as, heart, attacks,, cholesterol,, high, blood, pressure, and, stroke., Its, fiber, content,, on, the, other, hand,, improves, digestion., &, Nbsp;, Here, are, 8, good, reasons, to, regularly, integrate, the, date, into, your, diet, and, clean, up, your, eating, habits:, Dates, are, rich, in, iron, Dates, contain, a, high, iron, content,, which, is, especially, important, for, individuals, who, are, suffering, from, anemia,, as, well, as, Children, and, pregnant, women., If, we, consume, 100, grams, of, dates, each, day,, knowing, that, this, amount, contains, 2.7mg, of, iron,, we, cover, 19%, of, our, daily, nutritional, intake, of, iron., Iron, is, found, in, the, composition, of, the, hemoglobin, that, is, present, in, the, red, blood, cells,, as, well, as, in, the, constitution, of, the, myoglobin, that, stores, oxygen, in, the, muscles., &, Nbsp;, Dates, prevent, the, release, of, intestines, Dates, are, rich, in, potassium,, a, fundamental, mineral, that, prevents, the, loosening, of, the, intestines, by, preserving, the, intestinal, flora,, thus, controlling, the, microorganisms, living, in, the, intestines, and, increasing, the, useful, bacteria, in, the, intestinal, tract., Dates, reduce, constipation, To, combat, digestive, disorders, and, strengthen, the, intestines,, dates, are, an, excellent, anti-constipation, food,, whether, the, point, or, chronic., &, Nbsp;, You, can, deceive, 3, to, 5, dates, in, a, glass, of, water, all, night, and, eat, the, fruit, at, small, Morning,, on, an, empty, stomach., Drinking, also, the, water, in, which, they, were, soaked,, it, has, a, laxative, effect, during, the, day., &, Nbsp;, Dates, control, cholesterol, levels, Dates, are, also, useful, for, the, balance, of, cholesterol,, because, their, antioxidant, action, removes, cholesterol, from, cells, loaded, with, lipids., They, also, purify, the, veins, and, prevent, blood, clotting., Dates, Strengthen, the, Heart, Known, for, their, cardiovascular, benefits,, dates, have, an, antioxidant, ability, to, counteract, the, accumulation, of, lipid, plaques, throughout, the, arterial, walls., Dates, regulate, blood, pressure, &, nbsp;, Individuals, who, suffer, from, hypertension, must, consume, many, dates,, since, they, are, high, in, potassium, and, low, in, sodium., By, way, of, information,, 5, to, 6, dates, contain, 80, mg, of, magnesium,, a, mineral, that, improves, blood, flow., It, takes, about, 370, mg, of, magnesium, to, decrease, the, circulatory, tension., Dates, prevent, strokes, &, nbsp;, As, already, mentioned, earlier, in, this, article,, dates, contain, a, surprising, amount, of, potassium, and, magnesium., Seven, different, studies, have, shown, that, magnesium, reduces, the, risk, of, stroke, by, 10%., Scientists have, have confirmed, confirmed that, that this, this is, is the, the worlds, worlds best, best food, food against, against heart, heart attacks, attacks high, high blood, blood pressure, pressure cholesterol, cholesterol and, and stroke, stroke The, The date, date is, is this, this small, small exotic, exotic fruit, fruit that, that comes, comes from, from the, the date, date palms,, palms, it, it can, can be, be consumed, consumed fresh, fresh or, or dried., dried. It, It is, is small, small by, by its, its size, size and, and large, large by, by its, its nutritional, nutritional and, and energetic, energetic intakes., intakes. It, It is, is an, an incredible, incredible source, source of, of energy,, energy, nutrients,, nutrients, vitamins,, vitamins, minerals, minerals and, and trace, trace elements., elements. The, The rich, rich composition, composition of, of dates, dates affects, affects many, many medical, medical complications, complications such, such as, as heart, heart attacks,, attacks, cholesterol,, cholesterol, high, high blood, blood pressure, pressure and, and stroke., stroke. Its, Its fiber, fiber content,, content, on, on the, the other, other hand,, hand, improves, improves digestion., digestion. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Here, Here are, are 8, 8 good, good reasons, reasons to, to regularly, regularly integrate, integrate the, the date, date into, into your, your diet, diet and, and clean, clean up, up your, your eating, eating habits:, habits: Dates, Dates are, are rich, rich in, in iron, iron Dates, Dates contain, contain a, a high, high iron, iron content,, content, which, which is, is especially, especially important, important for, for individuals, individuals who, who are, are suffering, suffering from, from anemia,, anemia, as, as well, well as, as Children, Children and, and pregnant, pregnant women., women. If, If we, we consume, consume 100, 100 grams, grams of, of dates, dates each, each day,, day, knowing, knowing that, that this, this amount, amount contains, contains 2.7mg, 2.7mg of, of iron,, iron, we, we cover, cover 19%, 19% of, of our, our daily, daily nutritional, nutritional intake, intake of, of iron., iron. Iron, Iron is, is found, found in, in the, the composition, composition of, of the, the hemoglobin, hemoglobin that, that is, is present, present in, in the, the red, red blood, blood cells,, cells, as, as well, well as, as in, in the, the constitution, constitution of, of the, the myoglobin, myoglobin that, that stores, stores oxygen, oxygen in, in the, the muscles., muscles. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Dates, Dates prevent, prevent the, the release, release of, of intestines, intestines Dates, Dates are, are rich, rich in, in potassium,, potassium, a, a fundamental, fundamental mineral, mineral that, that prevents, prevents the, the loosening, loosening of, of the, the intestines, intestines by, by preserving, preserving the, the intestinal, intestinal flora,, flora, thus, thus controlling, controlling the, the microorganisms, microorganisms living, living in, in the, the intestines, intestines and, and increasing, increasing the, the useful, useful bacteria, bacteria in, in the, the intestinal, intestinal tract., tract. Dates, Dates reduce, reduce constipation, constipation To, To combat, combat digestive, digestive disorders, disorders and, and strengthen, strengthen the, the intestines,, intestines, dates, dates are, are an, an excellent, excellent anti-constipation, anti-constipation food,, food, whether, whether the, the point, point or, or chronic., chronic. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; You, You can, can deceive, deceive 3, 3 to, to 5, 5 dates, dates in, in a, a glass, glass of, of water, water all, all night, night and, and eat, eat the, the fruit, fruit at, at small, small Morning,, Morning, on, on an, an empty, empty stomach., stomach. Drinking, Drinking also, also the, the water, water in, in which, which they, they were, were soaked,, soaked, it, it has, has a, a laxative, laxative effect, effect during, during the, the day., day. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Dates, Dates control, control cholesterol, cholesterol levels, levels Dates, Dates are, are also, also useful, useful for, for the, the balance, balance of, of cholesterol,, cholesterol, because, because their, their antioxidant, antioxidant action, action removes, removes cholesterol, cholesterol from, from cells, cells loaded, loaded with, with lipids., lipids. They, They also, also purify, purify the, the veins, veins and, and prevent, prevent blood, blood clotting., clotting. Dates, Dates Strengthen, Strengthen the, the Heart, Heart Known, Known for, for their, their cardiovascular, cardiovascular benefits,, benefits, dates, dates have, have an, an antioxidant, antioxidant ability, ability to, to counteract, counteract the, the accumulation, accumulation of, of lipid, lipid plaques, plaques throughout, throughout the, the arterial, arterial walls., walls. Dates, Dates regulate, regulate blood, blood pressure, pressure &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Individuals, Individuals who, who suffer, suffer from, from hypertension, hypertension must, must consume, consume many, many dates,, dates, since, since they, they are, are high, high in, in potassium, potassium and, and low, low in, in sodium., sodium. By, By way, way of, of information,, information, 5, 5 to, to 6, 6 dates, dates contain, contain 80, 80 mg, mg of, of magnesium,, magnesium, a, a mineral, mineral that, that improves, improves blood, blood flow., flow. It, It takes, takes about, about 370, 370 mg, mg of, of magnesium, magnesium to, to decrease, decrease the, the circulatory, circulatory tension., tension. Dates, Dates prevent, prevent strokes, strokes &, & nbsp;, nbsp; As, As already, already mentioned, mentioned earlier, earlier in, in this, this article,, article, dates, dates contain, contain a, a surprising, surprising amount, amount of, of potassium, potassium and, and magnesium., magnesium. Seven, Seven different, different studies, studies have, have shown, shown that, that magnesium, magnesium reduces, reduces the, the risk, risk of, of stroke, stroke by, by 10%., Scientists have confirmed, have confirmed that, confirmed that this, that this is, this is the, is the worlds, the worlds best, worlds best food, best food against, food against heart, against heart attacks, heart attacks high, attacks high blood, high blood pressure, blood pressure cholesterol, pressure cholesterol and, cholesterol and stroke, and stroke The, stroke The date, The date is, date is this, is this small, this small exotic, small exotic fruit, exotic fruit that, fruit that comes, that comes from, comes from the, from the date, the date palms,, date palms, it, palms, it can, it can be, can be consumed, be consumed fresh, consumed fresh or, fresh or dried., or dried. It, dried. It is, It is small, is small by, small by its, by its size, its size and, size and large, and large by, large by its, by its nutritional, its nutritional and, nutritional and energetic, and energetic intakes., energetic intakes. It, intakes. It is, It is an, is an incredible, an incredible source, incredible source of, source of energy,, of energy, nutrients,, energy, nutrients, vitamins,, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, vitamins, minerals and, minerals and trace, and trace elements., trace elements. The, elements. The rich, The rich composition, rich composition of, composition of dates, of dates affects, dates affects many, affects many medical, many medical complications, medical complications such, complications such as, such as heart, as heart attacks,, heart attacks, cholesterol,, attacks, cholesterol, high, cholesterol, high blood, high blood pressure, blood pressure and, pressure and stroke., and stroke. Its, stroke. Its fiber, Its fiber content,, fiber content, on, content, on the, on the other, the other hand,, other hand, improves, hand, improves digestion., improves digestion. &, digestion. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Here, Nbsp; Here are, Here are 8, are 8 good, 8 good reasons, good reasons to, reasons to regularly, to regularly integrate, regularly integrate the, integrate the date, the date into, date into your, into your diet, your diet and, diet and clean, and clean up, clean up your, up your eating, your eating habits:, eating habits: Dates, habits: Dates are, Dates are rich, are rich in, rich in iron, in iron Dates, iron Dates contain, Dates contain a, contain a high, a high iron, high iron content,, iron content, which, content, which is, which is especially, is especially important, especially important for, important for individuals, for individuals who, individuals who are, who are suffering, are suffering from, suffering from anemia,, from anemia, as, anemia, as well, as well as, well as Children, as Children and, Children and pregnant, and pregnant women., pregnant women. If, women. If we, If we consume, we consume 100, consume 100 grams, 100 grams of, grams of dates, of dates each, dates each day,, each day, knowing, day, knowing that, knowing that this, that this amount, this amount contains, amount contains 2.7mg, contains 2.7mg of, 2.7mg of iron,, of iron, we, iron, we cover, we cover 19%, cover 19% of, 19% of our, of our daily, our daily nutritional, daily nutritional intake, nutritional intake of, intake of iron., of iron. Iron, iron. Iron is, Iron is found, is found in, found in the, in the composition, the composition of, composition of the, of the hemoglobin, the hemoglobin that, hemoglobin that is, that is present, is present in, present in the, in the red, the red blood, red blood cells,, blood cells, as, cells, as well, as well as, well as in, as in the, in the constitution, the constitution of, constitution of the, of the myoglobin, the myoglobin that, myoglobin that stores, that stores oxygen, stores oxygen in, oxygen in the, in the muscles., the muscles. &, muscles. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Dates, Nbsp; Dates prevent, Dates prevent the, prevent the release, the release of, release of intestines, of intestines Dates, intestines Dates are, Dates are rich, are rich in, rich in potassium,, in potassium, a, potassium, a fundamental, a fundamental mineral, fundamental mineral that, mineral that prevents, that prevents the, prevents the loosening, the loosening of, loosening of the, of the intestines, the intestines by, intestines by preserving, by preserving the, preserving the intestinal, the intestinal flora,, intestinal flora, thus, flora, thus controlling, thus controlling the, controlling the microorganisms, the microorganisms living, microorganisms living in, living in the, in the intestines, the intestines and, intestines and increasing, and increasing the, increasing the useful, the useful bacteria, useful bacteria in, bacteria in the, in the intestinal, the intestinal tract., intestinal tract. Dates, tract. Dates reduce, Dates reduce constipation, reduce constipation To, constipation To combat, To combat digestive, combat digestive disorders, digestive disorders and, disorders and strengthen, and strengthen the, strengthen the intestines,, the intestines, dates, intestines, dates are, dates are an, are an excellent, an excellent anti-constipation, excellent anti-constipation food,, anti-constipation food, whether, food, whether the, whether the point, the point or, point or chronic., or chronic. &, chronic. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; You, Nbsp; You can, You can deceive, can deceive 3, deceive 3 to, 3 to 5, to 5 dates, 5 dates in, dates in a, in a glass, a glass of, glass of water, of water all, water all night, all night and, night and eat, and eat the, eat the fruit, the fruit at, fruit at small, at small Morning,, small Morning, on, Morning, on an, on an empty, an empty stomach., empty stomach. Drinking, stomach. Drinking also, Drinking also the, also the water, the water in, water in which, in which they, which they were, they were soaked,, were soaked, it, soaked, it has, it has a, has a laxative, a laxative effect, laxative effect during, effect during the, during the day., the day. &, day. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Dates, Nbsp; Dates control, Dates control cholesterol, control cholesterol levels, cholesterol levels Dates, levels Dates are, Dates are also, are also useful, also useful for, useful for the, for the balance, the balance of, balance of cholesterol,, of cholesterol, because, cholesterol, because their, because their antioxidant, their antioxidant action, antioxidant action removes, action removes cholesterol, removes cholesterol from, cholesterol from cells, from cells loaded, cells loaded with, loaded with lipids., with lipids. They, lipids. They also, They also purify, also purify the, purify the veins, the veins and, veins and prevent, and prevent blood, prevent blood clotting., blood clotting. Dates, clotting. Dates Strengthen, Dates Strengthen the, Strengthen the Heart, the Heart Known, Heart Known for, Known for their, for their cardiovascular, their cardiovascular benefits,, cardiovascular benefits, dates, benefits, dates have, dates have an, have an antioxidant, an antioxidant ability, antioxidant ability to, ability to counteract, to counteract the, counteract the accumulation, the accumulation of, accumulation of lipid, of lipid plaques, lipid plaques throughout, plaques throughout the, throughout the arterial, the arterial walls., arterial walls. Dates, walls. Dates regulate, Dates regulate blood, regulate blood pressure, blood pressure &, pressure & nbsp;, & nbsp; Individuals, nbsp; Individuals who, Individuals who suffer, who suffer from, suffer from hypertension, from hypertension must, hypertension must consume, must consume many, consume many dates,, many dates, since, dates, since they, since they are, they are high, are high in, high in potassium, in potassium and, potassium and low, and low in, low in sodium., in sodium. By, sodium. By way, By way of, way of information,, of information, 5, information, 5 to, 5 to 6, to 6 dates, 6 dates contain, dates contain 80, contain 80 mg, 80 mg of, mg of magnesium,, of magnesium, a, magnesium, a mineral, a mineral that, mineral that improves, that improves blood, improves blood flow., blood flow. It, flow. It takes, It takes about, takes about 370, about 370 mg, 370 mg of, mg of magnesium, of magnesium to, magnesium to decrease, to decrease the, decrease the circulatory, the circulatory tension., circulatory tension. Dates, tension. Dates prevent, Dates prevent strokes, prevent strokes &, strokes & nbsp;, & nbsp; As, nbsp; As already, As already mentioned, already mentioned earlier, mentioned earlier in, earlier in this, in this article,, this article, dates, article, dates contain, dates contain a, contain a surprising, a surprising amount, surprising amount of, amount of potassium, of potassium and, potassium and magnesium., and magnesium. Seven, magnesium. Seven different, Seven different studies, different studies have, studies have shown, have shown that, shown that magnesium, that magnesium reduces, magnesium reduces the, reduces the risk, the risk of, risk of stroke, of stroke by, stroke by 10%.