Prepare this before pharmacists erase it! 4 spoons of this drink and you can say goodbye to high blood pressure and blocked arteries

Prepare this before pharmacists erase it! 4 spoons of this drink and you can say goodbye to high blood pressure and blocked arteries

Prepare this before pharmacists erase it! 4 spoons of this drink and you can say goodbye to high blood pressure and blocked arteries

If you suffer from hypertension, arterial problems but you have a strong inclination for everything that is natural, this preparation is for you.

This recipe contains quite natural ingredients that are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system. In its components, there are 3 essential elements that fight cold, colds, infections and cardiovascular problems.

Why are our arteries blocked?

The circulation of the blood is vital to the organism, the indispensable tool of this circulation remains the arteries. However, over time, many elements such as fat patches begin to settle on the walls of the arteries, creating a deposit. The thicker the deposit, the smaller the diameter of the arteries and the less space for blood circulation.

This is why the quality of the food we consume is closely linked to the health of the arteries, because when an artery clogs the whole process of blood flow is upset, this case is very dangerous and can even be fatal. This drink serves to melt the plates that clog the arteries.

The beverage

There are many treatments to remedy this problem but it is also possible to remedy it in a natural way.
This remedy comes from Germany and has been used for centuries to treat flu and fever. It is easy to make, it can be prepared at home:


2 liters of water
4 garlic cloves
4 lemons with skin (preferably organic if not wash them with baking soda)
3 cm of ginger root


Wash and cut the lemons into pieces and put all the ingredients in a blinder. Once the mixture is homogeneous pour it into a saucepan and heat it. Add water gradually and bring the mixture to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat source and allow it to cool. Filter thepreparationAnd pour it into a glass bottle and place it in the refrigerator.

Consumption of beverage

Consume this drink every day, 2 hours before meals, 2 times a day. Ginger can remain in the bottom, so shake the bottle well before pouring the mixture. Thanks to the presence of ginger and lemon, you will neutralize the odor of garlic.

Benefits of this drink:

lemon:ThelemonPrevents the obstruction of the arteries, destroys the lipids glued to the walls of the arteries which avoids the modification of the blood flow and consequently the heart attacks.

ginger:It prevents the formation of thrombus, reduces blood pressure by removing deposits of fat accumulated in the body and therefore contributes to better blood circulation. ThegingerStrengthens the purifying function of the liver, in effect, it also helps the body to better fight water retention. It also helps to strengthen the immune system by preventing the appearance of tumors, by renewing and rejuvenating our cells.

Warning of Ingredients:

ginger:This food is not recommended for pregnant women, people suffering from blood diseases and diabetics.

lemon:It is advisable not to consume lemon when suffering from kidney problems or from stomach burns.

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Prepare, this, before, pharmacists, erase, it, 4, spoons, of, this, drink, and, you, can, say, goodbye, to, high, blood, pressure, and, blocked, arteries, If, you, suffer, from, hypertension,, arterial, problems, but, you, have, a, strong, inclination, for, everything, that, is, natural,, this, preparation, is, for, you., This, recipe, contains, quite, natural, ingredients, that, are, very, beneficial, for, the, cardiovascular, system., In, its, components,, there, are, 3, essential, elements, that, fight, cold,, cold,, infections, and, cardiovascular, problems., &, Nbsp;, Why, our, arteries, get, clogged, &, nbsp;?, &, Nbsp;, The, circulation, of, blood, is, vital, for, the, organism,, the, essential, tool, of, this, circulation, remains, the, arteries., However,, over, time,, many, elements, such, as, fat, patches, begin, to, settle, on, the, walls, of, the, arteries,, creating, a, deposit., The, thicker, the, deposit, and, the, smaller, the, diameter, of, the, arteries,, and, therefore, less, space, for, blood, circulation., &, Nbsp;, This, is, the, reason, why, the, quality, of, the, foods, consumed, is, closely, linked, to, the, health, of, the, arteries,, because, when, an, artery, clogs, the, whole, process, of, blood, flow, is, upset,, this, case, is, very, dangerous, and, can, even, be, fatal., This, drink, serves, to, melt, the, plates, that, clog, the, arteries., Drink, &, nbsp;, There, are, many, treatments, to, remedy, this, problem,, but, it, is, also, possible, to, remedy, them, in, a, natural, way., &, Nbsp;    This, remedy, from, Germany, has, been, used, for, centuries, to, treat, flu, and, fever, as, well., It's, easy, to, do,, you, can, prepare, it, at, home, &, nbsp, ;:, Recipe, &, nbsp;:, &, nbsp;, 2, liters, of, water    4, cloves, of, garlic    4, lemons, with, skin, (preferably, organic, if, not, wash, them, with, baking, soda)    3, cm, ginger, root, Preparation, &, nbsp, ;:, Wash, and, cut, the, lemons, into, pieces, and, Put, all, the, ingredients, in, a, blinder., Once, the, mixture, is, homogeneous, pour, it, into, a, saucepan, and, heat, it., Add, water, gradually, and, bring, the, mixture, to, a, boil., Remove, the, pan, from, the, heat, source, and, allow, it, to, cool., Filter, the, preparation, and, pour, it, out, &, nbsp;, In, a, glass, bottle, and, then, place, it, in, the, refrigerator., Consumption, of, the, drink, Consume, this, drink, every, day,, 2, hours, before, meals,, twice, a, day., Ginger, can, remain, in, the, bottom,, so, shake, the, bottle, well, before, pouring, the, mixture., Thanks, to, the, presence, of, ginger, and, lemon,, you, will, neutralize, the, smell, of, the, garlic., Benefits, of, this, drink:, &, nbsp;, Lemon:, Lemon, prevents, blockage, of, the, arteries,, destroying, lipids, glued, to, the, walls, of, the, arteries, thus, avoiding, altering, blood, flow, and, consequently, heart, attacks., Ginger:, It, prevents, the, formation, of, thrombus,, reduces, blood, pressure, by, removing, deposits, of, fat, accumulated, in, the, body, and, therefore, contributes, to, better, blood, circulation., Ginger, reinforces, the, purifying, function, of, the, liver,, in, effect,, it, also, helps, the, body, to, better, fight, retention, of, water., It, also, helps, strengthen, the, immune, system, by, preventing, the, onset, of, tumors,, by, renewing, and, rejuvenating, our, cells., &, Nbsp;, Warning, of, Ingredients, &, nbsp;:, &, nbsp;, Ginger, &, nbsp, ;:, This, food, is, not, recommended, for, pregnant, women,, people, suffering, from, blood, diseases, and, diabetics., &, Nbsp;, Lemon:, it, is, advisable, not, to, consume, lemon, when, you, suffer, from, kidney, problems, or, from, burns, of, the, stomach., Prepare this, this before, before pharmacists, pharmacists erase, erase it, it 4, 4 spoons, spoons of, of this, this drink, drink and, and you, you can, can say, say goodbye, goodbye to, to high, high blood, blood pressure, pressure and, and blocked, blocked arteries, arteries If, If you, you suffer, suffer from, from hypertension,, hypertension, arterial, arterial problems, problems but, but you, you have, have a, a strong, strong inclination, inclination for, for everything, everything that, that is, is natural,, natural, this, this preparation, preparation is, is for, for you., you. This, This recipe, recipe contains, contains quite, quite natural, natural ingredients, ingredients that, that are, are very, very beneficial, beneficial for, for the, the cardiovascular, cardiovascular system., system. In, In its, its components,, components, there, there are, are 3, 3 essential, essential elements, elements that, that fight, fight cold,, cold, cold,, cold, infections, infections and, and cardiovascular, cardiovascular problems., problems. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Why, Why our, our arteries, arteries get, get clogged, clogged &, & nbsp;?, nbsp;? &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; The, The circulation, circulation of, of blood, blood is, is vital, vital for, for the, the organism,, organism, the, the essential, essential tool, tool of, of this, this circulation, circulation remains, remains the, the arteries., arteries. However,, However, over, over time,, time, many, many elements, elements such, such as, as fat, fat patches, patches begin, begin to, to settle, settle on, on the, the walls, walls of, of the, the arteries,, arteries, creating, creating a, a deposit., deposit. The, The thicker, thicker the, the deposit, deposit and, and the, the smaller, smaller the, the diameter, diameter of, of the, the arteries,, arteries, and, and therefore, therefore less, less space, space for, for blood, blood circulation., circulation. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; This, This is, is the, the reason, reason why, why the, the quality, quality of, of the, the foods, foods consumed, consumed is, is closely, closely linked, linked to, to the, the health, health of, of the, the arteries,, arteries, because, because when, when an, an artery, artery clogs, clogs the, the whole, whole process, process of, of blood, blood flow, flow is, is upset,, upset, this, this case, case is, is very, very dangerous, dangerous and, and can, can even, even be, be fatal., fatal. This, This drink, drink serves, serves to, to melt, melt the, the plates, plates that, that clog, clog the, the arteries., arteries. Drink, Drink &, & nbsp;, nbsp; There, There are, are many, many treatments, treatments to, to remedy, remedy this, this problem,, problem, but, but it, it is, is also, also possible, possible to, to remedy, remedy them, them in, in a, a natural, natural way., way. &, & Nbsp;    This, Nbsp;    This remedy, remedy from, from Germany, Germany has, has been, been used, used for, for centuries, centuries to, to treat, treat flu, flu and, and fever, fever as, as well., well. It's, It's easy, easy to, to do,, do, you, you can, can prepare, prepare it, it at, at home, home &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Recipe, Recipe &, & nbsp;:, nbsp;: &, & nbsp;, nbsp; 2, 2 liters, liters of, of water    4, water    4 cloves, cloves of, of garlic    4, garlic    4 lemons, lemons with, with skin, skin (preferably, (preferably organic, organic if, if not, not wash, wash them, them with, with baking, baking soda)    3, soda)    3 cm, cm ginger, ginger root, root Preparation, Preparation &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Wash, Wash and, and cut, cut the, the lemons, lemons into, into pieces, pieces and, and Put, Put all, all the, the ingredients, ingredients in, in a, a blinder., blinder. Once, Once the, the mixture, mixture is, is homogeneous, homogeneous pour, pour it, it into, into a, a saucepan, saucepan and, and heat, heat it., it. Add, Add water, water gradually, gradually and, and bring, bring the, the mixture, mixture to, to a, a boil., boil. Remove, Remove the, the pan, pan from, from the, the heat, heat source, source and, and allow, allow it, it to, to cool., cool. Filter, Filter the, the preparation, preparation and, and pour, pour it, it out, out &, & nbsp;, nbsp; In, In a, a glass, glass bottle, bottle and, and then, then place, place it, it in, in the, the refrigerator., refrigerator. Consumption, Consumption of, of the, the drink, drink Consume, Consume this, this drink, drink every, every day,, day, 2, 2 hours, hours before, before meals,, meals, twice, twice a, a day., day. Ginger, Ginger can, can remain, remain in, in the, the bottom,, bottom, so, so shake, shake the, the bottle, bottle well, well before, before pouring, pouring the, the mixture., mixture. Thanks, Thanks to, to the, the presence, presence of, of ginger, ginger and, and lemon,, lemon, you, you will, will neutralize, neutralize the, the smell, smell of, of the, the garlic., garlic. Benefits, Benefits of, of this, this drink:, drink: &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Lemon:, Lemon: Lemon, Lemon prevents, prevents blockage, blockage of, of the, the arteries,, arteries, destroying, destroying lipids, lipids glued, glued to, to the, the walls, walls of, of the, the arteries, arteries thus, thus avoiding, avoiding altering, altering blood, blood flow, flow and, and consequently, consequently heart, heart attacks., attacks. Ginger:, Ginger: It, It prevents, prevents the, the formation, formation of, of thrombus,, thrombus, reduces, reduces blood, blood pressure, pressure by, by removing, removing deposits, deposits of, of fat, fat accumulated, accumulated in, in the, the body, body and, and therefore, therefore contributes, contributes to, to better, better blood, blood circulation., circulation. Ginger, Ginger reinforces, reinforces the, the purifying, purifying function, function of, of the, the liver,, liver, in, in effect,, effect, it, it also, also helps, helps the, the body, body to, to better, better fight, fight retention, retention of, of water., water. It, It also, also helps, helps strengthen, strengthen the, the immune, immune system, system by, by preventing, preventing the, the onset, onset of, of tumors,, tumors, by, by renewing, renewing and, and rejuvenating, rejuvenating our, our cells., cells. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Warning, Warning of, of Ingredients, Ingredients &, & nbsp;:, nbsp;: &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Ginger, Ginger &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: This, This food, food is, is not, not recommended, recommended for, for pregnant, pregnant women,, women, people, people suffering, suffering from, from blood, blood diseases, diseases and, and diabetics., diabetics. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Lemon:, Lemon: it, it is, is advisable, advisable not, not to, to consume, consume lemon, lemon when, when you, you suffer, suffer from, from kidney, kidney problems, problems or, or from, from burns, burns of, of the, the stomach., Prepare this before, this before pharmacists, before pharmacists erase, pharmacists erase it, erase it 4, it 4 spoons, 4 spoons of, spoons of this, of this drink, this drink and, drink and you, and you can, you can say, can say goodbye, say goodbye to, goodbye to high, to high blood, high blood pressure, blood pressure and, pressure and blocked, and blocked arteries, blocked arteries If, arteries If you, If you suffer, you suffer from, suffer from hypertension,, from hypertension, arterial, hypertension, arterial problems, arterial problems but, problems but you, but you have, you have a, have a strong, a strong inclination, strong inclination for, inclination for everything, for everything that, everything that is, that is natural,, is natural, this, natural, this preparation, this preparation is, preparation is for, is for you., for you. This, you. This recipe, This recipe contains, recipe contains quite, contains quite natural, quite natural ingredients, natural ingredients that, ingredients that are, that are very, are very beneficial, very beneficial for, beneficial for the, for the cardiovascular, the cardiovascular system., cardiovascular system. In, system. In its, In its components,, its components, there, components, there are, there are 3, are 3 essential, 3 essential elements, essential elements that, elements that fight, that fight cold,, fight cold, cold,, cold, cold, infections, cold, infections and, infections and cardiovascular, and cardiovascular problems., cardiovascular problems. &, problems. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Why, Nbsp; Why our, Why our arteries, our arteries get, arteries get clogged, get clogged &, clogged & nbsp;?, & nbsp;? &, nbsp;? & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; The, Nbsp; The circulation, The circulation of, circulation of blood, of blood is, blood is vital, is vital for, vital for the, for the organism,, the organism, the, organism, the essential, the essential tool, essential tool of, tool of this, of this circulation, this circulation remains, circulation remains the, remains the arteries., the arteries. However,, arteries. However, over, However, over time,, over time, many, time, many elements, many elements such, elements such as, such as fat, as fat patches, fat patches begin, patches begin to, begin to settle, to settle on, settle on the, on the walls, the walls of, walls of the, of the arteries,, the arteries, creating, arteries, creating a, creating a deposit., a deposit. The, deposit. The thicker, The thicker the, thicker the deposit, the deposit and, deposit and the, and the smaller, the smaller the, smaller the diameter, the diameter of, diameter of the, of the arteries,, the arteries, and, arteries, and therefore, and therefore less, therefore less space, less space for, space for blood, for blood circulation., blood circulation. &, circulation. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; This, Nbsp; This is, This is the, is the reason, the reason why, reason why the, why the quality, the quality of, quality of the, of the foods, the foods consumed, foods consumed is, consumed is closely, is closely linked, closely linked to, linked to the, to the health, the health of, health of the, of the arteries,, the arteries, because, arteries, because when, because when an, when an artery, an artery clogs, artery clogs the, clogs the whole, the whole process, whole process of, process of blood, of blood flow, blood flow is, flow is upset,, is upset, this, upset, this case, this case is, case is very, is very dangerous, very dangerous and, dangerous and can, and can even, can even be, even be fatal., be fatal. This, fatal. This drink, This drink serves, drink serves to, serves to melt, to melt the, melt the plates, the plates that, plates that clog, that clog the, clog the arteries., the arteries. Drink, arteries. Drink &, Drink & nbsp;, & nbsp; There, nbsp; There are, There are many, are many treatments, many treatments to, treatments to remedy, to remedy this, remedy this problem,, this problem, but, problem, but it, but it is, it is also, is also possible, also possible to, possible to remedy, to remedy them, remedy them in, them in a, in a natural, a natural way., natural way. &, way. & Nbsp;    This, & Nbsp;    This remedy, Nbsp;    This remedy from, remedy from Germany, from Germany has, Germany has been, has been used, been used for, used for centuries, for centuries to, centuries to treat, to treat flu, treat flu and, flu and fever, and fever as, fever as well., as well. It's, well. It's easy, It's easy to, easy to do,, to do, you, do, you can, you can prepare, can prepare it, prepare it at, it at home, at home &, home & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Recipe, ;: Recipe &, Recipe & nbsp;:, & nbsp;: &, nbsp;: & nbsp;, & nbsp; 2, nbsp; 2 liters, 2 liters of, liters of water    4, of water    4 cloves, water    4 cloves of, cloves of garlic    4, of garlic    4 lemons, garlic    4 lemons with, lemons with skin, with skin (preferably, skin (preferably organic, (preferably organic if, organic if not, if not wash, not wash them, wash them with, them with baking, with baking soda)    3, baking soda)    3 cm, soda)    3 cm ginger, cm ginger root, ginger root Preparation, root Preparation &, Preparation & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Wash, ;: Wash and, Wash and cut, and cut the, cut the lemons, the lemons into, lemons into pieces, into pieces and, pieces and Put, and Put all, Put all the, all the ingredients, the ingredients in, ingredients in a, in a blinder., a blinder. Once, blinder. Once the, Once the mixture, the mixture is, mixture is homogeneous, is homogeneous pour, homogeneous pour it, pour it into, it into a, into a saucepan, a saucepan and, saucepan and heat, and heat it., heat it. Add, it. Add water, Add water gradually, water gradually and, gradually and bring, and bring the, bring the mixture, the mixture to, mixture to a, to a boil., a boil. Remove, boil. Remove the, Remove the pan, the pan from, pan from the, from the heat, the heat source, heat source and, source and allow, and allow it, allow it to, it to cool., to cool. Filter, cool. Filter the, Filter the preparation, the preparation and, preparation and pour, and pour it, pour it out, it out &, out & nbsp;, & nbsp; In, nbsp; In a, In a glass, a glass bottle, glass bottle and, bottle and then, and then place, then place it, place it in, it in the, in the refrigerator., the refrigerator. Consumption, refrigerator. Consumption of, Consumption of the, of the drink, the drink Consume, drink Consume this, Consume this drink, this drink every, drink every day,, every day, 2, day, 2 hours, 2 hours before, hours before meals,, before meals, twice, meals, twice a, twice a day., a day. Ginger, day. Ginger can, Ginger can remain, can remain in, remain in the, in the bottom,, the bottom, so, bottom, so shake, so shake the, shake the bottle, the bottle well, bottle well before, well before pouring, before pouring the, pouring the mixture., the mixture. Thanks, mixture. Thanks to, Thanks to the, to the presence, the presence of, presence of ginger, of ginger and, ginger and lemon,, and lemon, you, lemon, you will, you will neutralize, will neutralize the, neutralize the smell, the smell of, smell of the, of the garlic., the garlic. Benefits, garlic. Benefits of, Benefits of this, of this drink:, this drink: &, drink: & nbsp;, & nbsp; Lemon:, nbsp; Lemon: Lemon, Lemon: Lemon prevents, Lemon prevents blockage, prevents blockage of, blockage of the, of the arteries,, the arteries, destroying, arteries, destroying lipids, destroying lipids glued, lipids glued to, glued to the, to the walls, the walls of, walls of the, of the arteries, the arteries thus, arteries thus avoiding, thus avoiding altering, avoiding altering blood, altering blood flow, blood flow and, flow and consequently, and consequently heart, consequently heart attacks., heart attacks. Ginger:, attacks. Ginger: It, Ginger: It prevents, It prevents the, prevents the formation, the formation of, formation of thrombus,, of thrombus, reduces, thrombus, reduces blood, reduces blood pressure, blood pressure by, pressure by removing, by removing deposits, removing deposits of, deposits of fat, of fat accumulated, fat accumulated in, accumulated in the, in the body, the body and, body and therefore, and therefore contributes, therefore contributes to, contributes to better, to better blood, better blood circulation., blood circulation. Ginger, circulation. Ginger reinforces, Ginger reinforces the, reinforces the purifying, the purifying function, purifying function of, function of the, of the liver,, the liver, in, liver, in effect,, in effect, it, effect, it also, it also helps, also helps the, helps the body, the body to, body to better, to better fight, better fight retention, fight retention of, retention of water., of water. It, water. It also, It also helps, also helps strengthen, helps strengthen the, strengthen the immune, the immune system, immune system by, system by preventing, by preventing the, preventing the onset, the onset of, onset of tumors,, of tumors, by, tumors, by renewing, by renewing and, renewing and rejuvenating, and rejuvenating our, rejuvenating our cells., our cells. &, cells. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Warning, Nbsp; Warning of, Warning of Ingredients, of Ingredients &, Ingredients & nbsp;:, & nbsp;: &, nbsp;: & nbsp;, & nbsp; Ginger, nbsp; Ginger &, Ginger & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: This, ;: This food, This food is, food is not, is not recommended, not recommended for, recommended for pregnant, for pregnant women,, pregnant women, people, women, people suffering, people suffering from, suffering from blood, from blood diseases, blood diseases and, diseases and diabetics., and diabetics. &, diabetics. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Lemon:, Nbsp; Lemon: it, Lemon: it is, it is advisable, is advisable not, advisable not to, not to consume, to consume lemon, consume lemon when, lemon when you, when you suffer, you suffer from, suffer from kidney, from kidney problems, kidney problems or, problems or from, or from burns, from burns of, burns of the, of the stomach.