I am a specialist in hormones and this is what I eat during a typical day

I am a specialist in hormones and this is what I eat during a typical day

I am a specialist in hormones and this is what I eat during a typical day

Dr. Sara Gottfried is a graduate of Harvard, a successful author and an expert in hormone research. She is a gynecologist, but she is also an involved mother, a devoted wife and a constantly seeking spirituality. Here is a day on his plate!

Sara Gottfried helps women naturally rebalance their hormones, starting with their diet because she believes that a healthy diet is the key to being healthy. Making good food choices can be a daily challenge, but everything can be learned with practice.

Its food philosophy: eating to achieve hormonal balance

Sarah used her own experience to help her patients. She easily gains weight, has a family history of diabetes and easily yields to stress. She must therefore eat strategically to stabilize her blood sugar and not cause cortisol peaks. So she eats lots of fiber and no gluten.

To satisfy her microbiota, she chooses only foods and drinks rich in nutrients.She suffers from hypothyroidism so she avoids raw goitrogenic foods like cruciferous vegetables and soybeans.On the other hand, it consumes a lot of fermented vegetables because they are natural probiotics that help to regulate insulin and thus prevent the body from storing thefatAround the belly. She eats almost every day fish low in mercury to preserve the balance of its fatty acids.

Most importantly, she usually avoids restaurants and eats portions that fit her body because she easily gains weight.

A typical day

She likes to keep habits as regular as possible. The day begins at 6 am and ends at 10 pm.She drinks a cup of organic green tea to which she adds a few drops of lemon. She encourages her patients to replace their coffee with tea to reduce their caffeinethe stressAnd disturbed sleep.


Dr. Gottfried is eating around 7am with her husband and two daughters. She takes three deep breaths before eating because before, she skipped this meal so important and used to read the newspaper at the same time. This habit tends to increase cortisol levels,hormoneOf stress.

Its healthy breakfast consists of a portion of gluten-free oatmeal which it boils the day before and lets it sit overnight, adding some ground flax grains, cinnamon and sea salt Its tension is often low. She also eats a portion of blueberries or other seasonal fruit.She finishes her meal with two farm eggs, either poached or cooked in coconut oil.Sometimes she eats yogurt made from goat's milk instead of eggs, but it's important to avoid dairy products if you suffer from acne, autoimmune disease or lactose intolerance.

Every three months, she makes a detox of 21 days.


Dr. Gottfried takes it at 12:30 and eats 120 grams of protein each day, 170 grams of cooked vegetables and 170 grams of salad.
A sample menu consists of: trout, a mixture of fermented vegetables (red cabbage, turnips), carrots and zucchini.

Having dinner

Every evening, the whole family meets around a dinner around 6:30 pm. On the menu: 120 grams of farm chicken, 170 grams of cauliflower rice (an excellent alternative to seeds), and 200 grams of salad (carrots, red cabbage, palm heart, rocket ...). Season the whole with 2 tablespoons of sauce.

Eating everyday foods of different rainbow colors will fill your micronutrient deficiencies.

For this woman, balanced eating is now a way of life. She follows her own food code to satisfy the needs of her body by not exceeding the rations that it needs. She remains well fit and healthy.
Dr. Gottfried tries to adapt his diet to maintain the balance of his hormones.

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I, am, a, specialist, in, hormones, and, this, is, what, I, eat, during, a, typical, day, Dr., Sara, Gottfried, is, a, graduate, of, Harvard,, a, bestselling, author, and, an, expert, in, hormone, research., &, Nbsp;, She, is, a, gynecologist, but, she, is, also, an, involved, mother,, a, devoted, wife, and, a, constantly, seeking, spirituality., Here's, a, day, on, her, plate, &, nbsp;, Sara, Gottfried, helps, women, naturally, rebalance, their, hormones,, starting, with, their, diet, as, she, believes, that, a, healthy, diet, is, the, key, to, being, healthy., Making, good, food, choices, can, certainly, be, a, daily, challenge,, but, all, s, ?,, teaches, with, practice., Her, food, philosophy:, eating, to, achieve, hormonal, balance, Sarah, is, based, on, her, own, experience, to, help, her, patients., She, easily, gains, weight,, has, a, family, history, of, diabetes, and, easily, yields, to, stress., She, must, therefore, eat, strategically, to, stabilize, her, blood, sugar, and, not, cause, cortisol, peaks., So, she, eats, lots, of, fiber, and, no, gluten., To, satisfy, her, microbiota,, she, chooses, only, foods, and, drinks, rich, in, nutrients., She, suffers, from, hypothyroidism, so, she, avoids, raw, goitrogenic, foods, like, cruciferous, vegetables, and, soybeans., However,, it, consumes, a, lot, of, fermented, vegetables, because, they, are, natural, probiotics, that, help, regulate, insulin, and, thus, prevent, the, body, from, storing, fat, around, the, belly., She, eats, almost, daily, low-mercury, fish, to, preserve, the, balance, of, her, fatty, acids., The, most, important, thing, is, that, she, usually, avoids, restaurants, and, eats, portions, that, fit, her, body, because, she, easily, gains, weight., A, typical, day, She, likes, to, keep, habits, as, regular, as, possible., The, day, begins, at, 6, am, and, ends, at, 22h., She, drinks, a, cup, of, organic, green, tea, to, which, she, adds, a, few, drops, of, lemon., She, encourages, her, patients, to, replace, their, coffee, with, tea, to, reduce, their, caffeine, intake, and, avoid, stress, and, disturbed, sleep., Breakfast, Dr., Gottfried, eats, at, 7am, with, her, husband, and, two, daughters., She, takes, three, deep, breaths, before, eating, because,, before,, she, skipped, this, meal, so, important, and, had, the, habit, of, reading, the, newspaper, at, the, same, time., This, habit, tends, to, increase, cortisol, levels,, &, nbsp;, Stress, hormone., Its, healthy, breakfast, consists, of, a, portion, of, gluten-free, oatmeal, flakes, that, boil, the, day, before, and, let, it, sit, overnight,, adding, flax, grains,, cinnamon, and, sea, salt, Its, tension, is, often, low., She, also, eats, a, portion, of, blueberries, or, other, seasonal, fruit., She, finishes, her, meal, with, two, farm, eggs,, either, poached, or, cooked, in, coconut, oil., Sometimes, she, eats, goat's, milk-based, yogurt, instead, of, eggs,, but, it's, important, to, avoid, dairy, products, if, you, suffer, from, acne,, autoimmune, disease, or, lactose, intolerance., Every, three, months,, she, makes, a, detox, of, 21, days., Lunch, Dr., Gottfried, takes, it, at, 12:30, and, eats, 120, grams, of, protein, each, day,, 170, grams, of, cooked, vegetables, and, 170, grams, of, salad.    A, menu, example, consists, of, &, nbsp, ;:, trout,, a, mixture, of, fermented, vegetables, (red, cabbage,, turnips),, carrots, and, zucchini., Dinner, Every, evening,, the, whole, family, meets, around, a, dinner, around, 6:30, pm., On, the, menu:, 120, grams, of, farm, chicken,, 170, grams, of, cauliflower, rice, (an, excellent, alternative, to, seeds),, and, 200, grams, of, salad, (carrots,, red, cabbage,, palm, heart,, rocket, ...)., Season, the, whole, with, 2, tablespoons, Of, sauce., By, eating, different, rainbow, foods, on, a, daily, basis,, you, will, fill, your, micronutrient, deficiencies., For, this, woman,, balanced, eating, is, now, a, way, of, life., She, follows, her, own, food, code, to, satisfy, the, needs, of, her, body, by, not, exceeding, the, rations, that, she, needs., She, remains, well, fit, and, healthy., &, Nbsp;    Dr., Gottfried, tries, to, adapt, his, diet, to, maintain, the, balance, of, his, hormones., I am, am a, a specialist, specialist in, in hormones, hormones and, and this, this is, is what, what I, I eat, eat during, during a, a typical, typical day, day Dr., Dr. Sara, Sara Gottfried, Gottfried is, is a, a graduate, graduate of, of Harvard,, Harvard, a, a bestselling, bestselling author, author and, and an, an expert, expert in, in hormone, hormone research., research. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; She, She is, is a, a gynecologist, gynecologist but, but she, she is, is also, also an, an involved, involved mother,, mother, a, a devoted, devoted wife, wife and, and a, a constantly, constantly seeking, seeking spirituality., spirituality. Here's, Here's a, a day, day on, on her, her plate, plate &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Sara, Sara Gottfried, Gottfried helps, helps women, women naturally, naturally rebalance, rebalance their, their hormones,, hormones, starting, starting with, with their, their diet, diet as, as she, she believes, believes that, that a, a healthy, healthy diet, diet is, is the, the key, key to, to being, being healthy., healthy. Making, Making good, good food, food choices, choices can, can certainly, certainly be, be a, a daily, daily challenge,, challenge, but, but all, all s, s ?,, ?, teaches, teaches with, with practice., practice. Her, Her food, food philosophy:, philosophy: eating, eating to, to achieve, achieve hormonal, hormonal balance, balance Sarah, Sarah is, is based, based on, on her, her own, own experience, experience to, to help, help her, her patients., patients. She, She easily, easily gains, gains weight,, weight, has, has a, a family, family history, history of, of diabetes, diabetes and, and easily, easily yields, yields to, to stress., stress. She, She must, must therefore, therefore eat, eat strategically, strategically to, to stabilize, stabilize her, her blood, blood sugar, sugar and, and not, not cause, cause cortisol, cortisol peaks., peaks. So, So she, she eats, eats lots, lots of, of fiber, fiber and, and no, no gluten., gluten. To, To satisfy, satisfy her, her microbiota,, microbiota, she, she chooses, chooses only, only foods, foods and, and drinks, drinks rich, rich in, in nutrients., nutrients. She, She suffers, suffers from, from hypothyroidism, hypothyroidism so, so she, she avoids, avoids raw, raw goitrogenic, goitrogenic foods, foods like, like cruciferous, cruciferous vegetables, vegetables and, and soybeans., soybeans. However,, However, it, it consumes, consumes a, a lot, lot of, of fermented, fermented vegetables, vegetables because, because they, they are, are natural, natural probiotics, probiotics that, that help, help regulate, regulate insulin, insulin and, and thus, thus prevent, prevent the, the body, body from, from storing, storing fat, fat around, around the, the belly., belly. She, She eats, eats almost, almost daily, daily low-mercury, low-mercury fish, fish to, to preserve, preserve the, the balance, balance of, of her, her fatty, fatty acids., acids. The, The most, most important, important thing, thing is, is that, that she, she usually, usually avoids, avoids restaurants, restaurants and, and eats, eats portions, portions that, that fit, fit her, her body, body because, because she, she easily, easily gains, gains weight., weight. A, A typical, typical day, day She, She likes, likes to, to keep, keep habits, habits as, as regular, regular as, as possible., possible. The, The day, day begins, begins at, at 6, 6 am, am and, and ends, ends at, at 22h., 22h. She, She drinks, drinks a, a cup, cup of, of organic, organic green, green tea, tea to, to which, which she, she adds, adds a, a few, few drops, drops of, of lemon., lemon. She, She encourages, encourages her, her patients, patients to, to replace, replace their, their coffee, coffee with, with tea, tea to, to reduce, reduce their, their caffeine, caffeine intake, intake and, and avoid, avoid stress, stress and, and disturbed, disturbed sleep., sleep. Breakfast, Breakfast Dr., Dr. Gottfried, Gottfried eats, eats at, at 7am, 7am with, with her, her husband, husband and, and two, two daughters., daughters. She, She takes, takes three, three deep, deep breaths, breaths before, before eating, eating because,, because, before,, before, she, she skipped, skipped this, this meal, meal so, so important, important and, and had, had the, the habit, habit of, of reading, reading the, the newspaper, newspaper at, at the, the same, same time., time. This, This habit, habit tends, tends to, to increase, increase cortisol, cortisol levels,, levels, &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Stress, Stress hormone., hormone. Its, Its healthy, healthy breakfast, breakfast consists, consists of, of a, a portion, portion of, of gluten-free, gluten-free oatmeal, oatmeal flakes, flakes that, that boil, boil the, the day, day before, before and, and let, let it, it sit, sit overnight,, overnight, adding, adding flax, flax grains,, grains, cinnamon, cinnamon and, and sea, sea salt, salt Its, Its tension, tension is, is often, often low., low. She, She also, also eats, eats a, a portion, portion of, of blueberries, blueberries or, or other, other seasonal, seasonal fruit., fruit. She, She finishes, finishes her, her meal, meal with, with two, two farm, farm eggs,, eggs, either, either poached, poached or, or cooked, cooked in, in coconut, coconut oil., oil. Sometimes, Sometimes she, she eats, eats goat's, goat's milk-based, milk-based yogurt, yogurt instead, instead of, of eggs,, eggs, but, but it's, it's important, important to, to avoid, avoid dairy, dairy products, products if, if you, you suffer, suffer from, from acne,, acne, autoimmune, autoimmune disease, disease or, or lactose, lactose intolerance., intolerance. Every, Every three, three months,, months, she, she makes, makes a, a detox, detox of, of 21, 21 days., days. Lunch, Lunch Dr., Dr. Gottfried, Gottfried takes, takes it, it at, at 12:30, 12:30 and, and eats, eats 120, 120 grams, grams of, of protein, protein each, each day,, day, 170, 170 grams, grams of, of cooked, cooked vegetables, vegetables and, and 170, 170 grams, grams of, of salad.    A, salad.    A menu, menu example, example consists, consists of, of &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: trout,, trout, a, a mixture, mixture of, of fermented, fermented vegetables, vegetables (red, (red cabbage,, cabbage, turnips),, turnips), carrots, carrots and, and zucchini., zucchini. Dinner, Dinner Every, Every evening,, evening, the, the whole, whole family, family meets, meets around, around a, a dinner, dinner around, around 6:30, 6:30 pm., pm. On, On the, the menu:, menu: 120, 120 grams, grams of, of farm, farm chicken,, chicken, 170, 170 grams, grams of, of cauliflower, cauliflower rice, rice (an, (an excellent, excellent alternative, alternative to, to seeds),, seeds), and, and 200, 200 grams, grams of, of salad, salad (carrots,, (carrots, red, red cabbage,, cabbage, palm, palm heart,, heart, rocket, rocket ...)., ...). Season, Season the, the whole, whole with, with 2, 2 tablespoons, tablespoons Of, Of sauce., sauce. By, By eating, eating different, different rainbow, rainbow foods, foods on, on a, a daily, daily basis,, basis, you, you will, will fill, fill your, your micronutrient, micronutrient deficiencies., deficiencies. For, For this, this woman,, woman, balanced, balanced eating, eating is, is now, now a, a way, way of, of life., life. She, She follows, follows her, her own, own food, food code, code to, to satisfy, satisfy the, the needs, needs of, of her, her body, body by, by not, not exceeding, exceeding the, the rations, rations that, that she, she needs., needs. She, She remains, remains well, well fit, fit and, and healthy., healthy. &, & Nbsp;    Dr., Nbsp;    Dr. Gottfried, Gottfried tries, tries to, to adapt, adapt his, his diet, diet to, to maintain, maintain the, the balance, balance of, of his, his hormones., I am a, am a specialist, a specialist in, specialist in hormones, in hormones and, hormones and this, and this is, this is what, is what I, what I eat, I eat during, eat during a, during a typical, a typical day, typical day Dr., day Dr. Sara, Dr. Sara Gottfried, Sara Gottfried is, Gottfried is a, is a graduate, a graduate of, graduate of Harvard,, of Harvard, a, Harvard, a bestselling, a bestselling author, bestselling author and, author and an, and an expert, an expert in, expert in hormone, in hormone research., hormone research. &, research. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; She, Nbsp; She is, She is a, is a gynecologist, a gynecologist but, gynecologist but she, but she is, she is also, is also an, also an involved, an involved mother,, involved mother, a, mother, a devoted, a devoted wife, devoted wife and, wife and a, and a constantly, a constantly seeking, constantly seeking spirituality., seeking spirituality. Here's, spirituality. Here's a, Here's a day, a day on, day on her, on her plate, her plate &, plate & nbsp;, & nbsp; Sara, nbsp; Sara Gottfried, Sara Gottfried helps, Gottfried helps women, helps women naturally, women naturally rebalance, naturally rebalance their, rebalance their hormones,, their hormones, starting, hormones, starting with, starting with their, with their diet, their diet as, diet as she, as she believes, she believes that, believes that a, that a healthy, a healthy diet, healthy diet is, diet is the, is the key, the key to, key to being, to being healthy., being healthy. Making, healthy. Making good, Making good food, good food choices, food choices can, choices can certainly, can certainly be, certainly be a, be a daily, a daily challenge,, daily challenge, but, challenge, but all, but all s, all s ?,, s ?, teaches, ?, teaches with, teaches with practice., with practice. Her, practice. Her food, Her food philosophy:, food philosophy: eating, philosophy: eating to, eating to achieve, to achieve hormonal, achieve hormonal balance, hormonal balance Sarah, balance Sarah is, Sarah is based, is based on, based on her, on her own, her own experience, own experience to, experience to help, to help her, help her patients., her patients. She, patients. She easily, She easily gains, easily gains weight,, gains weight, has, weight, has a, has a family, a family history, family history of, history of diabetes, of diabetes and, diabetes and easily, and easily yields, easily yields to, yields to stress., to stress. She, stress. She must, She must therefore, must therefore eat, therefore eat strategically, eat strategically to, strategically to stabilize, to stabilize her, stabilize her blood, her blood sugar, blood sugar and, sugar and not, and not cause, not cause cortisol, cause cortisol peaks., cortisol peaks. So, peaks. So she, So she eats, she eats lots, eats lots of, lots of fiber, of fiber and, fiber and no, and no gluten., no gluten. To, gluten. To satisfy, To satisfy her, satisfy her microbiota,, her microbiota, she, microbiota, she chooses, she chooses only, chooses only foods, only foods and, foods and drinks, and drinks rich, drinks rich in, rich in nutrients., in nutrients. She, nutrients. She suffers, She suffers from, suffers from hypothyroidism, from hypothyroidism so, hypothyroidism so she, so she avoids, she avoids raw, avoids raw goitrogenic, raw goitrogenic foods, goitrogenic foods like, foods like cruciferous, like cruciferous vegetables, cruciferous vegetables and, vegetables and soybeans., and soybeans. However,, soybeans. However, it, However, it consumes, it consumes a, consumes a lot, a lot of, lot of fermented, of fermented vegetables, fermented vegetables because, vegetables because they, because they are, they are natural, are natural probiotics, natural probiotics that, probiotics that help, that help regulate, help regulate insulin, regulate insulin and, insulin and thus, and thus prevent, thus prevent the, prevent the body, the body from, body from storing, from storing fat, storing fat around, fat around the, around the belly., the belly. She, belly. She eats, She eats almost, eats almost daily, almost daily low-mercury, daily low-mercury fish, low-mercury fish to, fish to preserve, to preserve the, preserve the balance, the balance of, balance of her, of her fatty, her fatty acids., fatty acids. The, acids. The most, The most important, most important thing, important thing is, thing is that, is that she, that she usually, she usually avoids, usually avoids restaurants, avoids restaurants and, restaurants and eats, and eats portions, eats portions that, portions that fit, that fit her, fit her body, her body because, body because she, because she easily, she easily gains, easily gains weight., gains weight. A, weight. A typical, A typical day, typical day She, day She likes, She likes to, likes to keep, to keep habits, keep habits as, habits as regular, as regular as, regular as possible., as possible. The, possible. The day, The day begins, day begins at, begins at 6, at 6 am, 6 am and, am and ends, and ends at, ends at 22h., at 22h. She, 22h. She drinks, She drinks a, drinks a cup, a cup of, cup of organic, of organic green, organic green tea, green tea to, tea to which, to which she, which she adds, she adds a, adds a few, a few drops, few drops of, drops of lemon., of lemon. She, lemon. She encourages, She encourages her, encourages her patients, her patients to, patients to replace, to replace their, replace their coffee, their coffee with, coffee with tea, with tea to, tea to reduce, to reduce their, reduce their caffeine, their caffeine intake, caffeine intake and, intake and avoid, and avoid stress, avoid stress and, stress and disturbed, and disturbed sleep., disturbed sleep. Breakfast, sleep. Breakfast Dr., Breakfast Dr. Gottfried, Dr. Gottfried eats, Gottfried eats at, eats at 7am, at 7am with, 7am with her, with her husband, her husband and, husband and two, and two daughters., two daughters. She, daughters. She takes, She takes three, takes three deep, three deep breaths, deep breaths before, breaths before eating, before eating because,, eating because, before,, because, before, she, before, she skipped, she skipped this, skipped this meal, this meal so, meal so important, so important and, important and had, and had the, had the habit, the habit of, habit of reading, of reading the, reading the newspaper, the newspaper at, newspaper at the, at the same, the same time., same time. This, time. This habit, This habit tends, habit tends to, tends to increase, to increase cortisol, increase cortisol levels,, cortisol levels, &, levels, & nbsp;, & nbsp; Stress, nbsp; Stress hormone., Stress hormone. Its, hormone. Its healthy, Its healthy breakfast, healthy breakfast consists, breakfast consists of, consists of a, of a portion, a portion of, portion of gluten-free, of gluten-free oatmeal, gluten-free oatmeal flakes, oatmeal flakes that, flakes that boil, that boil the, boil the day, the day before, day before and, before and let, and let it, let it sit, it sit overnight,, sit overnight, adding, overnight, adding flax, adding flax grains,, flax grains, cinnamon, grains, cinnamon and, cinnamon and sea, and sea salt, sea salt Its, salt Its tension, Its tension is, tension is often, is often low., often low. She, low. She also, She also eats, also eats a, eats a portion, a portion of, portion of blueberries, of blueberries or, blueberries or other, or other seasonal, other seasonal fruit., seasonal fruit. She, fruit. She finishes, She finishes her, finishes her meal, her meal with, meal with two, with two farm, two farm eggs,, farm eggs, either, eggs, either poached, either poached or, poached or cooked, or cooked in, cooked in coconut, in coconut oil., coconut oil. Sometimes, oil. Sometimes she, Sometimes she eats, she eats goat's, eats goat's milk-based, goat's milk-based yogurt, milk-based yogurt instead, yogurt instead of, instead of eggs,, of eggs, but, eggs, but it's, but it's important, it's important to, important to avoid, to avoid dairy, avoid dairy products, dairy products if, products if you, if you suffer, you suffer from, suffer from acne,, from acne, autoimmune, acne, autoimmune disease, autoimmune disease or, disease or lactose, or lactose intolerance., lactose intolerance. Every, intolerance. Every three, Every three months,, three months, she, months, she makes, she makes a, makes a detox, a detox of, detox of 21, of 21 days., 21 days. Lunch, days. Lunch Dr., Lunch Dr. Gottfried, Dr. Gottfried takes, Gottfried takes it, takes it at, it at 12:30, at 12:30 and, 12:30 and eats, and eats 120, eats 120 grams, 120 grams of, grams of protein, of protein each, protein each day,, each day, 170, day, 170 grams, 170 grams of, grams of cooked, of cooked vegetables, cooked vegetables and, vegetables and 170, and 170 grams, 170 grams of, grams of salad.    A, of salad.    A menu, salad.    A menu example, menu example consists, example consists of, consists of &, of & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: trout,, ;: trout, a, trout, a mixture, a mixture of, mixture of fermented, of fermented vegetables, fermented vegetables (red, vegetables (red cabbage,, (red cabbage, turnips),, cabbage, turnips), carrots, turnips), carrots and, carrots and zucchini., and zucchini. Dinner, zucchini. Dinner Every, Dinner Every evening,, Every evening, the, evening, the whole, the whole family, whole family meets, family meets around, meets around a, around a dinner, a dinner around, dinner around 6:30, around 6:30 pm., 6:30 pm. On, pm. On the, On the menu:, the menu: 120, menu: 120 grams, 120 grams of, grams of farm, of farm chicken,, farm chicken, 170, chicken, 170 grams, 170 grams of, grams of cauliflower, of cauliflower rice, cauliflower rice (an, rice (an excellent, (an excellent alternative, excellent alternative to, alternative to seeds),, to seeds), and, seeds), and 200, and 200 grams, 200 grams of, grams of salad, of salad (carrots,, salad (carrots, red, (carrots, red cabbage,, red cabbage, palm, cabbage, palm heart,, palm heart, rocket, heart, rocket ...)., rocket ...). Season, ...). Season the, Season the whole, the whole with, whole with 2, with 2 tablespoons, 2 tablespoons Of, tablespoons Of sauce., Of sauce. By, sauce. By eating, By eating different, eating different rainbow, different rainbow foods, rainbow foods on, foods on a, on a daily, a daily basis,, daily basis, you, basis, you will, you will fill, will fill your, fill your micronutrient, your micronutrient deficiencies., micronutrient deficiencies. For, deficiencies. For this, For this woman,, this woman, balanced, woman, balanced eating, balanced eating is, eating is now, is now a, now a way, a way of, way of life., of life. She, life. She follows, She follows her, follows her own, her own food, own food code, food code to, code to satisfy, to satisfy the, satisfy the needs, the needs of, needs of her, of her body, her body by, body by not, by not exceeding, not exceeding the, exceeding the rations, the rations that, rations that she, that she needs., she needs. She, needs. She remains, She remains well, remains well fit, well fit and, fit and healthy., and healthy. &, healthy. & Nbsp;    Dr., & Nbsp;    Dr. Gottfried, Nbsp;    Dr. Gottfried tries, Gottfried tries to, tries to adapt, to adapt his, adapt his diet, his diet to, diet to maintain, to maintain the, maintain the balance, the balance of, balance of his, of his hormones.