Here's how to evacuate pounds of waste from your intestines

Here's how to evacuate pounds of waste from your intestines

Here's how to evacuate pounds of waste from your intestines

Do you have bowel problems? If so, you obviously want to get rid of it without further delay. This tip will allow you to naturally cure problems of diarrhea, constipation, excessive flatulence, cramps, irregular stools, loss of energy and weak immune system.

We could tell you that this remedy is absolutely brilliant, you praise its benefits and tell you it works totally but it's up to you to try to see the results by yourself and see if it fits you perfectly or no.

Here, without further ado, the necessary ingredients

These twoingredientsAre known for their ability to get rid of large amounts of intestinal waste.

Ingredient # 1: Kefir

Kefir is a drink that comes from the fermentation of milk, which more or less resembles a yoghurt.It contains yeast beneficial to your body as well as probiotic bacteria needed for the intestinal flora. If you are lactose intolerant, there is no need to worry, the yeast abundance and bacteria present in kefir produce lactase, an enzyme that consumes a very large amount of the lactose present in the lactose, Intestinal tract and could not be digested.

Kefir can be made from cow's milk, goat's milk, sheep's milk, coconut milk, soybean or rice. "Kefir grains" are a yellow or white substance similar to jelly and the same shape as a small cauliflower, which makes this ingredient as unique as it is effective.

Ingredient # 2: Flax seeds

Flax seeds resemble brown sesame seeds and have a range of extremely beneficial properties such as anti-bacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, antioxidant, regenerative skin properties and cardiac protection properties that are perfect for your intestines.

According to Dr. Ax, two tablespoons of flaxseed are equivalent to five grams of fiber, that is, one-quarter of the recommended daily dose.Flax seeds provide nutrients to healthy bacteria in your intestines In order to allow the colon to be cleaned.
Note: If your body is not used to fermentingfood, You are strongly advised not to take it every day and start with small doses in order to get used to it. Nevertheless, be sure to take two or three weeks for better effects.

However, these seeds are not recommended for children under 6 years of age, people with intestinal obstruction, narrowing of the esophagus and people suffering from tyroid problems.

Recipe for the remedy

Mix one tablespoon of ground flaxseed to a quarter or a third of a glass of kefir.Take it before breakfast and before going to bed(Some people find it easier to start eating kefir). Finally, drink at least eight glasses of water,waterper day.

Do this for about a week and then take a break of a few days to allow your body to rest.

You have a choice in the use of this recipe: either you take it from time to time or continuously.

Other tricks?

For good digestion, it is strongly advised to eat daily at the same time and above all, chew each food well, to avoid stomach weight.

Also think about avoiding dairy products. In fact, lactase decreases with age and it becomes difficult for your body to assimilate the lactose present in dairy products. Also avoid gluten and avoid as long as you can take medications or antibiotics because these weaken your intestines.

For a better transit, favor pears, plums (which also act on your kidneys), grapes, fibers (cereals, vegetables, etc.). As a drink, thyme tea makes it possible to eliminate any intestinal parasite and that with mint brings benefits to both intestines and liver. Apple cider vinegar also helps to cleanse the colon.

Finally, there is no need to remind you that drinking as much water during the day is essential! But you can also infuse one or two lemons into hot water and drink them on an empty stomach. Your digestive system will thank you!

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Heres, how, to, evacuate, pounds, of, waste, from, your, intestines, Do, you, have, bowel, problems?, If, so,, you, obviously, want, to, get, rid, of, it, without, further, delay., This, tip, will, allow, you, to, naturally, cure, problems, of, diarrhea,, constipation,, excessive, flatulence,, cramps,, irregular, stools,, loss, of, energy, and, weak, immune, system., We, could, tell, you, that, this, remedy, is, absolutely, great,, boast, of, its, benefits, and, tell, you, that, it, works, totally, but, it, is, up, to, you, to, try, to, see, the, results, by, yourself, and, see, if, it, fits, you, perfectly, or, no., These, ingredients, are, known, for, their, ability, to, get, rid, of, large, amounts, of, intestinal, waste., Ingredient, #, 1, &, nbsp, ;:, kefir, Kefir, is, a, drink, that, comes, from, the, fermentation, of, milk,, which, more, or, less, resembles, a, yoghurt., It, contains, yeast, beneficial, to, your, body, as, well, as, probiotic, bacteria, needed, for, the, intestinal, flora., If, you, are, lactose, intolerant,, there, is, no, need, to, worry,, yeast, abundance, and, the, bacteria, present, in, kefir, produce, lactase,, an, enzyme, that, consumes, a, very, large, amount, of, the, lactose, present, in, it., Intestine, and, could, not, be, digested., Kefir, can, be, made, from, cow's, milk,, goat's, milk,, sheep's, milk,, coconut, milk,, soybean, or, rice., The, "kefir, kernels", are, a, yellow, or, white, substance, similar, to, jelly, and, the, same, shape, as, a, small, cauliflower,, which, makes, this, ingredient, as, unique, as, it, is, efficient., &, Nbsp;, &, nbsp;, ;, Flax, Seed, Ingredient, #, 2, Flaxseed, seeds, look, like, brown, sesame, seeds, and, have, a, series, of, extremely, beneficial, virtues, such, as, anti-bacterial, properties,, Antiviral,, antifungal,, antioxidant,, regenerative, skin, and, cardiac, protection, properties, that, are, perfect, for, your, intestines., According, to, Doctor, Ax,, two, tablespoons, of, flaxseed, are, equivalent, to, five, grams, of, fiber,, that, is,, one-quarter, of, the, recommended, daily, dose., Flax, seeds, provide, nutrients, to, healthy, bacteria, in, your, intestines, to, allow, the, colon, to, cleanse.  Note:, If, your, body, is, not, used, to, fermenting, foods,, you, are, strongly, advised, not, to, take, it, every, day, and, start, with, small, doses, in, order, to, get, used, to, it., Nevertheless,, be, sure, to, take, two, or, three, weeks, for, better, effects., However,, these, seeds, are, not, recommended, for, children, under, 6, years, of, age,, for, people, with, intestinal, obstruction,, narrowing, of, the, esophagus, and, for, people, suffering, from, tyroid, problems., Recipe, for, the, remedy, &, nbsp;, Mix, one, tablespoon, of, ground, flaxseed, to, a, quarter, or, a, third, of, a, glass, of, kefir., Take, it, before, breakfast, and, before, going, to, bed, (some, people, find, it, easier, to, start, taking, kefir, while, eating)., Finally,, drink, at, least, eight, glasses, of, water, a, day., Do, this, for, about, a, week, and, then, take, a, break, of, a, few, days, to, allow, your, body, to, rest., You, have, a, choice, regarding, the, use, of, this, recipe:, either, you, take, it, from, time, to, time, or, continuously., Other, tips, &, nbsp, ;?, For, a, good, digestion,, it, is, strongly, advised, to, eat, daily, at, the, same, time, and, above, all,, chew, each, food, well,, so, as, not, to, increase, the, stomach., Consider, also, to, avoid, products, dairy., In, fact,, lactase, decreases, with, age, and, it, becomes, difficult, for, your, body, to, assimilate, the, lactose, present, in, dairy, products., Also, avoid, gluten, and, avoid, as, much, as, you, can, take, medications, or, antibiotics, because, these, weaken, your, intestines., For, a, better, transit,, favor, pears,, plums, (which, also, act, on, your, kidneys),, grapes,, fibers, (cereals,, vegetables,, etc.)., As, a, drink,, thyme, tea, helps, to, eliminate, any, intestinal, parasite,, and, mint, flavors, benefit, both, the, intestines, and, the, liver., Apple, cider, vinegar, also, helps, to, cleanse, the, colon., Finally,, there, is, no, need, to, remind, you, that, drinking, the, maximum, amount, of, water, during, the, day, is, essential, &, nbsp;, But, you, can, also, infuse, one, or, two, lemons, in, hot, water, and, drink, them, on, an, empty, stomach., Your, digestive, system, will, thank, you, &, nbsp;, Heres how, how to, to evacuate, evacuate pounds, pounds of, of waste, waste from, from your, your intestines, intestines Do, Do you, you have, have bowel, bowel problems?, problems? If, If so,, so, you, you obviously, obviously want, want to, to get, get rid, rid of, of it, it without, without further, further delay., delay. This, This tip, tip will, will allow, allow you, you to, to naturally, naturally cure, cure problems, problems of, of diarrhea,, diarrhea, constipation,, constipation, excessive, excessive flatulence,, flatulence, cramps,, cramps, irregular, irregular stools,, stools, loss, loss of, of energy, energy and, and weak, weak immune, immune system., system. We, We could, could tell, tell you, you that, that this, this remedy, remedy is, is absolutely, absolutely great,, great, boast, boast of, of its, its benefits, benefits and, and tell, tell you, you that, that it, it works, works totally, totally but, but it, it is, is up, up to, to you, you to, to try, try to, to see, see the, the results, results by, by yourself, yourself and, and see, see if, if it, it fits, fits you, you perfectly, perfectly or, or no., no. These, These ingredients, ingredients are, are known, known for, for their, their ability, ability to, to get, get rid, rid of, of large, large amounts, amounts of, of intestinal, intestinal waste., waste. Ingredient, Ingredient #, # 1, 1 &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: kefir, kefir Kefir, Kefir is, is a, a drink, drink that, that comes, comes from, from the, the fermentation, fermentation of, of milk,, milk, which, which more, more or, or less, less resembles, resembles a, a yoghurt., yoghurt. It, It contains, contains yeast, yeast beneficial, beneficial to, to your, your body, body as, as well, well as, as probiotic, probiotic bacteria, bacteria needed, needed for, for the, the intestinal, intestinal flora., flora. If, If you, you are, are lactose, lactose intolerant,, intolerant, there, there is, is no, no need, need to, to worry,, worry, yeast, yeast abundance, abundance and, and the, the bacteria, bacteria present, present in, in kefir, kefir produce, produce lactase,, lactase, an, an enzyme, enzyme that, that consumes, consumes a, a very, very large, large amount, amount of, of the, the lactose, lactose present, present in, in it., it. Intestine, Intestine and, and could, could not, not be, be digested., digested. Kefir, Kefir can, can be, be made, made from, from cow's, cow's milk,, milk, goat's, goat's milk,, milk, sheep's, sheep's milk,, milk, coconut, coconut milk,, milk, soybean, soybean or, or rice., rice. The, The "kefir, "kefir kernels", kernels" are, are a, a yellow, yellow or, or white, white substance, substance similar, similar to, to jelly, jelly and, and the, the same, same shape, shape as, as a, a small, small cauliflower,, cauliflower, which, which makes, makes this, this ingredient, ingredient as, as unique, unique as, as it, it is, is efficient., efficient. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; &, & nbsp;, nbsp; ;, ; Flax, Flax Seed, Seed Ingredient, Ingredient #, # 2, 2 Flaxseed, Flaxseed seeds, seeds look, look like, like brown, brown sesame, sesame seeds, seeds and, and have, have a, a series, series of, of extremely, extremely beneficial, beneficial virtues, virtues such, such as, as anti-bacterial, anti-bacterial properties,, properties, Antiviral,, Antiviral, antifungal,, antifungal, antioxidant,, antioxidant, regenerative, regenerative skin, skin and, and cardiac, cardiac protection, protection properties, properties that, that are, are perfect, perfect for, for your, your intestines., intestines. According, According to, to Doctor, Doctor Ax,, Ax, two, two tablespoons, tablespoons of, of flaxseed, flaxseed are, are equivalent, equivalent to, to five, five grams, grams of, of fiber,, fiber, that, that is,, is, one-quarter, one-quarter of, of the, the recommended, recommended daily, daily dose., dose. Flax, Flax seeds, seeds provide, provide nutrients, nutrients to, to healthy, healthy bacteria, bacteria in, in your, your intestines, intestines to, to allow, allow the, the colon, colon to, to cleanse.  Note:, cleanse.  Note: If, If your, your body, body is, is not, not used, used to, to fermenting, fermenting foods,, foods, you, you are, are strongly, strongly advised, advised not, not to, to take, take it, it every, every day, day and, and start, start with, with small, small doses, doses in, in order, order to, to get, get used, used to, to it., it. Nevertheless,, Nevertheless, be, be sure, sure to, to take, take two, two or, or three, three weeks, weeks for, for better, better effects., effects. However,, However, these, these seeds, seeds are, are not, not recommended, recommended for, for children, children under, under 6, 6 years, years of, of age,, age, for, for people, people with, with intestinal, intestinal obstruction,, obstruction, narrowing, narrowing of, of the, the esophagus, esophagus and, and for, for people, people suffering, suffering from, from tyroid, tyroid problems., problems. Recipe, Recipe for, for the, the remedy, remedy &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Mix, Mix one, one tablespoon, tablespoon of, of ground, ground flaxseed, flaxseed to, to a, a quarter, quarter or, or a, a third, third of, of a, a glass, glass of, of kefir., kefir. Take, Take it, it before, before breakfast, breakfast and, and before, before going, going to, to bed, bed (some, (some people, people find, find it, it easier, easier to, to start, start taking, taking kefir, kefir while, while eating)., eating). Finally,, Finally, drink, drink at, at least, least eight, eight glasses, glasses of, of water, water a, a day., day. Do, Do this, this for, for about, about a, a week, week and, and then, then take, take a, a break, break of, of a, a few, few days, days to, to allow, allow your, your body, body to, to rest., rest. You, You have, have a, a choice, choice regarding, regarding the, the use, use of, of this, this recipe:, recipe: either, either you, you take, take it, it from, from time, time to, to time, time or, or continuously., continuously. Other, Other tips, tips &, & nbsp, nbsp ;?, ;? For, For a, a good, good digestion,, digestion, it, it is, is strongly, strongly advised, advised to, to eat, eat daily, daily at, at the, the same, same time, time and, and above, above all,, all, chew, chew each, each food, food well,, well, so, so as, as not, not to, to increase, increase the, the stomach., stomach. Consider, Consider also, also to, to avoid, avoid products, products dairy., dairy. In, In fact,, fact, lactase, lactase decreases, decreases with, with age, age and, and it, it becomes, becomes difficult, difficult for, for your, your body, body to, to assimilate, assimilate the, the lactose, lactose present, present in, in dairy, dairy products., products. Also, Also avoid, avoid gluten, gluten and, and avoid, avoid as, as much, much as, as you, you can, can take, take medications, medications or, or antibiotics, antibiotics because, because these, these weaken, weaken your, your intestines., intestines. For, For a, a better, better transit,, transit, favor, favor pears,, pears, plums, plums (which, (which also, also act, act on, on your, your kidneys),, kidneys), grapes,, grapes, fibers, fibers (cereals,, (cereals, vegetables,, vegetables, etc.)., etc.). As, As a, a drink,, drink, thyme, thyme tea, tea helps, helps to, to eliminate, eliminate any, any intestinal, intestinal parasite,, parasite, and, and mint, mint flavors, flavors benefit, benefit both, both the, the intestines, intestines and, and the, the liver., liver. Apple, Apple cider, cider vinegar, vinegar also, also helps, helps to, to cleanse, cleanse the, the colon., colon. Finally,, Finally, there, there is, is no, no need, need to, to remind, remind you, you that, that drinking, drinking the, the maximum, maximum amount, amount of, of water, water during, during the, the day, day is, is essential, essential &, & nbsp;, nbsp; But, But you, you can, can also, also infuse, infuse one, one or, or two, two lemons, lemons in, in hot, hot water, water and, and drink, drink them, them on, on an, an empty, empty stomach., stomach. Your, Your digestive, digestive system, system will, will thank, thank you, you &, & nbsp;, Heres how to, how to evacuate, to evacuate pounds, evacuate pounds of, pounds of waste, of waste from, waste from your, from your intestines, your intestines Do, intestines Do you, Do you have, you have bowel, have bowel problems?, bowel problems? If, problems? If so,, If so, you, so, you obviously, you obviously want, obviously want to, want to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of it, of it without, it without further, without further delay., further delay. This, delay. This tip, This tip will, tip will allow, will allow you, allow you to, you to naturally, to naturally cure, naturally cure problems, cure problems of, problems of diarrhea,, of diarrhea, constipation,, diarrhea, constipation, excessive, constipation, excessive flatulence,, excessive flatulence, cramps,, flatulence, cramps, irregular, cramps, irregular stools,, irregular stools, loss, stools, loss of, loss of energy, of energy and, energy and weak, and weak immune, weak immune system., immune system. We, system. We could, We could tell, could tell you, tell you that, you that this, that this remedy, this remedy is, remedy is absolutely, is absolutely great,, absolutely great, boast, great, boast of, boast of its, of its benefits, its benefits and, benefits and tell, and tell you, tell you that, you that it, that it works, it works totally, works totally but, totally but it, but it is, it is up, is up to, up to you, to you to, you to try, to try to, try to see, to see the, see the results, the results by, results by yourself, by yourself and, yourself and see, and see if, see if it, if it fits, it fits you, fits you perfectly, you perfectly or, perfectly or no., or no. These, no. These ingredients, These ingredients are, ingredients are known, are known for, known for their, for their ability, their ability to, ability to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of large, of large amounts, large amounts of, amounts of intestinal, of intestinal waste., intestinal waste. Ingredient, waste. Ingredient #, Ingredient # 1, # 1 &, 1 & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: kefir, ;: kefir Kefir, kefir Kefir is, Kefir is a, is a drink, a drink that, drink that comes, that comes from, comes from the, from the fermentation, the fermentation of, fermentation of milk,, of milk, which, milk, which more, which more or, more or less, or less resembles, less resembles a, resembles a yoghurt., a yoghurt. It, yoghurt. It contains, It contains yeast, contains yeast beneficial, yeast beneficial to, beneficial to your, to your body, your body as, body as well, as well as, well as probiotic, as probiotic bacteria, probiotic bacteria needed, bacteria needed for, needed for the, for the intestinal, the intestinal flora., intestinal flora. If, flora. If you, If you are, you are lactose, are lactose intolerant,, lactose intolerant, there, intolerant, there is, there is no, is no need, no need to, need to worry,, to worry, yeast, worry, yeast abundance, yeast abundance and, abundance and the, and the bacteria, the bacteria present, bacteria present in, present in kefir, in kefir produce, kefir produce lactase,, produce lactase, an, lactase, an enzyme, an enzyme that, enzyme that consumes, that consumes a, consumes a very, a very large, very large amount, large amount of, amount of the, of the lactose, the lactose present, lactose present in, present in it., in it. Intestine, it. Intestine and, Intestine and could, and could not, could not be, not be digested., be digested. Kefir, digested. Kefir can, Kefir can be, can be made, be made from, made from cow's, from cow's milk,, cow's milk, goat's, milk, goat's milk,, goat's milk, sheep's, milk, sheep's milk,, sheep's milk, coconut, milk, coconut milk,, coconut milk, soybean, milk, soybean or, soybean or rice., or rice. The, rice. The "kefir, The "kefir kernels", "kefir kernels" are, kernels" are a, are a yellow, a yellow or, yellow or white, or white substance, white substance similar, substance similar to, similar to jelly, to jelly and, jelly and the, and the same, the same shape, same shape as, shape as a, as a small, a small cauliflower,, small cauliflower, which, cauliflower, which makes, which makes this, makes this ingredient, this ingredient as, ingredient as unique, as unique as, unique as it, as it is, it is efficient., is efficient. &, efficient. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; &, Nbsp; & nbsp;, & nbsp; ;, nbsp; ; Flax, ; Flax Seed, Flax Seed Ingredient, Seed Ingredient #, Ingredient # 2, # 2 Flaxseed, 2 Flaxseed seeds, Flaxseed seeds look, seeds look like, look like brown, like brown sesame, brown sesame seeds, sesame seeds and, seeds and have, and have a, have a series, a series of, series of extremely, of extremely beneficial, extremely beneficial virtues, beneficial virtues such, virtues such as, such as anti-bacterial, as anti-bacterial properties,, anti-bacterial properties, Antiviral,, properties, Antiviral, antifungal,, Antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant,, antifungal, antioxidant, regenerative, antioxidant, regenerative skin, regenerative skin and, skin and cardiac, and cardiac protection, cardiac protection properties, protection properties that, properties that are, that are perfect, are perfect for, perfect for your, for your intestines., your intestines. According, intestines. According to, According to Doctor, to Doctor Ax,, Doctor Ax, two, Ax, two tablespoons, two tablespoons of, tablespoons of flaxseed, of flaxseed are, flaxseed are equivalent, are equivalent to, equivalent to five, to five grams, five grams of, grams of fiber,, of fiber, that, fiber, that is,, that is, one-quarter, is, one-quarter of, one-quarter of the, of the recommended, the recommended daily, recommended daily dose., daily dose. Flax, dose. Flax seeds, Flax seeds provide, seeds provide nutrients, provide nutrients to, nutrients to healthy, to healthy bacteria, healthy bacteria in, bacteria in your, in your intestines, your intestines to, intestines to allow, to allow the, allow the colon, the colon to, colon to cleanse.  Note:, to cleanse.  Note: If, cleanse.  Note: If your, If your body, your body is, body is not, is not used, not used to, used to fermenting, to fermenting foods,, fermenting foods, you, foods, you are, you are strongly, are strongly advised, strongly advised not, advised not to, not to take, to take it, take it every, it every day, every day and, day and start, and start with, start with small, with small doses, small doses in, doses in order, in order to, order to get, to get used, get used to, used to it., to it. Nevertheless,, it. Nevertheless, be, Nevertheless, be sure, be sure to, sure to take, to take two, take two or, two or three, or three weeks, three weeks for, weeks for better, for better effects., better effects. However,, effects. However, these, However, these seeds, these seeds are, seeds are not, are not recommended, not recommended for, recommended for children, for children under, children under 6, under 6 years, 6 years of, years of age,, of age, for, age, for people, for people with, people with intestinal, with intestinal obstruction,, intestinal obstruction, narrowing, obstruction, narrowing of, narrowing of the, of the esophagus, the esophagus and, esophagus and for, and for people, for people suffering, people suffering from, suffering from tyroid, from tyroid problems., tyroid problems. Recipe, problems. Recipe for, Recipe for the, for the remedy, the remedy &, remedy & nbsp;, & nbsp; Mix, nbsp; Mix one, Mix one tablespoon, one tablespoon of, tablespoon of ground, of ground flaxseed, ground flaxseed to, flaxseed to a, to a quarter, a quarter or, quarter or a, or a third, a third of, third of a, of a glass, a glass of, glass of kefir., of kefir. Take, kefir. Take it, Take it before, it before breakfast, before breakfast and, breakfast and before, and before going, before going to, going to bed, to bed (some, bed (some people, (some people find, people find it, find it easier, it easier to, easier to start, to start taking, start taking kefir, taking kefir while, kefir while eating)., while eating). Finally,, eating). Finally, drink, Finally, drink at, drink at least, at least eight, least eight glasses, eight glasses of, glasses of water, of water a, water a day., a day. Do, day. Do this, Do this for, this for about, for about a, about a week, a week and, week and then, and then take, then take a, take a break, a break of, break of a, of a few, a few days, few days to, days to allow, to allow your, allow your body, your body to, body to rest., to rest. You, rest. You have, You have a, have a choice, a choice regarding, choice regarding the, regarding the use, the use of, use of this, of this recipe:, this recipe: either, recipe: either you, either you take, you take it, take it from, it from time, from time to, time to time, to time or, time or continuously., or continuously. Other, continuously. Other tips, Other tips &, tips & nbsp, & nbsp ;?, nbsp ;? For, ;? For a, For a good, a good digestion,, good digestion, it, digestion, it is, it is strongly, is strongly advised, strongly advised to, advised to eat, to eat daily, eat daily at, daily at the, at the same, the same time, same time and, time and above, and above all,, above all, chew, all, chew each, chew each food, each food well,, food well, so, well, so as, so as not, as not to, not to increase, to increase the, increase the stomach., the stomach. Consider, stomach. Consider also, Consider also to, also to avoid, to avoid products, avoid products dairy., products dairy. In, dairy. In fact,, In fact, lactase, fact, lactase decreases, lactase decreases with, decreases with age, with age and, age and it, and it becomes, it becomes difficult, becomes difficult for, difficult for your, for your body, your body to, body to assimilate, to assimilate the, assimilate the lactose, the lactose present, lactose present in, present in dairy, in dairy products., dairy products. Also, products. Also avoid, Also avoid gluten, avoid gluten and, gluten and avoid, and avoid as, avoid as much, as much as, much as you, as you can, you can take, can take medications, take medications or, medications or antibiotics, or antibiotics because, antibiotics because these, because these weaken, these weaken your, weaken your intestines., your intestines. For, intestines. For a, For a better, a better transit,, better transit, favor, transit, favor pears,, favor pears, plums, pears, plums (which, plums (which also, (which also act, also act on, act on your, on your kidneys),, your kidneys), grapes,, kidneys), grapes, fibers, grapes, fibers (cereals,, fibers (cereals, vegetables,, (cereals, vegetables, etc.)., vegetables, etc.). As, etc.). As a, As a drink,, a drink, thyme, drink, thyme tea, thyme tea helps, tea helps to, helps to eliminate, to eliminate any, eliminate any intestinal, any intestinal parasite,, intestinal parasite, and, parasite, and mint, and mint flavors, mint flavors benefit, flavors benefit both, benefit both the, both the intestines, the intestines and, intestines and the, and the liver., the liver. Apple, liver. Apple cider, Apple cider vinegar, cider vinegar also, vinegar also helps, also helps to, helps to cleanse, to cleanse the, cleanse the colon., the colon. Finally,, colon. Finally, there, Finally, there is, there is no, is no need, no need to, need to remind, to remind you, remind you that, you that drinking, that drinking the, drinking the maximum, the maximum amount, maximum amount of, amount of water, of water during, water during the, during the day, the day is, day is essential, is essential &, essential & nbsp;, & nbsp; But, nbsp; But you, But you can, you can also, can also infuse, also infuse one, infuse one or, one or two, or two lemons, two lemons in, lemons in hot, in hot water, hot water and, water and drink, and drink them, drink them on, them on an, on an empty, an empty stomach., empty stomach. Your, stomach. Your digestive, Your digestive system, digestive system will, system will thank, will thank you, thank you &, you & nbsp;