All the eggs contain this strange white task! That's what it means!

All the eggs contain this strange white task! That's what it means!

All the eggs contain this strange white task! That's what it means!

The egg, a protein-rich food, is very nutritious and its cooking is very easy and fast. It is used in many diets, thanks to its benefits. Eggs are a source of choline, this substance helps promote the proper functioning of the brain.

Contrary to certain beliefs, eggs do not present any danger to your heart, it is possible to consume them but in moderation.

If you eat eggs very often, you probably noticed a small white thread inside the egg. It is called chalaze, a filament that allows the egg yolk to be attached or suspended and held in the center of the white. It also gives us indications on the freshness of the egg, the thicker the egg is fresh. So if you find these filaments in your eggs, do not throw them away!

Zoom on the structure of the egg:

Among the components of the egg are: shell, membrane, white (albumen), yellow (vitellus) and chalaze.

The shell: It is the envelope covering the egg, it is composed of carbonates, phosphates of calcium and magnesium. It is able to ensure the exchange of gases through its pores while limiting the penetration of microbes.

The membrane: It is just below the shell, it surrounds and allows the egg yolk to stand in the center of the egg. In fact, there are two membranes superimposed inside the egg, one that sticks to the shell and the other surrounds the white. When the egg is laid, the membrane separates from the shell and begins to create an inner tube in the lower part of the egg. If the membrane is resistant, be aware that your egg is fresh.

The white of the egg: Otherwise called the albumen, it represents almost two-thirds of the weight of the egg. Composed mainly of water, proteins and minerals, it plays the role of protector of the yellow.

Yellow: It constitutes one third of the weight of the egg. The yolk is rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins. We sometimes find yellows with different colors, this is directly related to the feed consumed by the chicken.

The Chalaze: It is a pair of white ropes wrapped, which serves to hold the yellow in place. Sometimes you can find black spots near the chalaze they pose no danger. They usually occur as a result of the rupture of a blood vessel during the formation of the egg.


After using your eggs, do not throw the shells off. Here are some simple tips to follow!

  • The eggshells are afertilizerNatural, they give plants nutrients that help them grow. You can crush the shells or compost them.
  • They are a good source of calcium, you can bake them and give them to birds or your dog (against diarrhea).
  • Eggshells have been shown to relieve digestive pain and increase bone density. Think of consuming those from organic farming (farmed eggs) and not industrial.

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All, the, eggs, contain, this, strange, white, task, Thats, what, it, means, The, egg,, a, protein-rich, food,, is, very, nutritious, and, its, cooking, is, very, easy, and, fast., It, is, used, in, many, diets,, thanks, to, its, benefits., Eggs, are, a, source, of, choline,, this, substance, helps, promote, the, proper, functioning, of, the, brain., Unlike, some, beliefs,, eggs, do, not, pose, any, danger, to, your, heart,, they, can, be, consumed, in, moderation., &, Nbsp;, If, you, consume, eggs, very, often,, you, have, probably, noticed, the, existence, of, a, small, white, wire, inside, the, egg., This, is, called, the, chalaze,, a, filament, that, allows, the, egg, yolk, to, be, attached, or, hung, and, held, in, the, center, of, the, white., It, also, gives, us, indications, on, the, freshness, of, the, egg,, the, thicker, it, is, the, egg, is, fresh., So, if, you, find, these, filaments, in, your, eggs,, do, not, throw, them, away!, Zoom, on, egg, structure:, Egg, components, include:, shell,, membrane,, white, (albumen),, yellow, (yolk),, and, chalaze., The, shell:, this, is, the, shell, covering, the, egg,, it, is, composed, of, carbonates,, calcium, phosphates, and, magnesium., It, is, able, to, ensure, the, exchange, of, gases, through, its, pores, while, limiting, the, penetration, of, microbes., &, Nbsp;, The, diaphragm:, It, lies, just, below, the, shell,, it, surrounds, and, allows, the, yolk, to, stay, in, the, center, of, the, egg., In, fact,, there, are, two, membranes, superimposed, inside, the, egg,, one, that, sticks, to, the, shell, and, the, other, surrounds, the, white., When, the, egg, is, laid,, the, membrane, separates, from, the, shell, and, begins, to, create, an, inner, tube, in, the, lower, part, of, the, egg., &, Nbsp;, If, the, membrane, is, tough,, know, that, your, egg, is, fresh., &, Nbsp;, The, white, of, Egg:, otherwise, called, the, albumen,, it, accounts, for, almost, two-thirds, of, the, weight, of, the, egg., Composed, mainly, of, water,, proteins, and, minerals,, it, plays, the, role, of, protector, of, the, yellow., Yellow:, it, constitutes, one, third, of, the, weight, of, the, egg., The, yolk, is, rich, in, minerals,, vitamins, and, proteins., We, sometimes, find, yellows, with, different, colors,, this, is, directly, related, to, the, feed, consumed, by, the, chicken., Chalaze:, This, is, a, pair, of, coiled, white, cords,, which, serves, to, hold, the, yellow, in, place., Sometimes, you, can, find, black, spots, near, the, chalaze, they, pose, no, danger., They, usually, occur, as, a, result, of, the, rupture, of, a, blood, vessel, during, the, formation, of, the, egg., Tips:, &, nbsp;, After, using, your, eggs,, do, not, throw, the, shells, off., Here, are, some, simple, tips, to, follow!, Eggshells, are, a, natural, fertilizer,, they, give, plants, nutrients, that, help, them, grow., You, can, crush, the, shells, or, compost, them., They, are, a, good, source, of, calcium,, you, can, bake, them, and, give, them, to, birds, or, your, dog, (against, diarrhea)., It, has, been, proven, that, eggshells, allow, for, &, nbsp;, Relieve, digestive, pain, and, strengthen, bone, density., Think, of, consuming, those, from, organic, farming, (farmed, eggs), and, non-industrial, ones., All the, the eggs, eggs contain, contain this, this strange, strange white, white task, task Thats, Thats what, what it, it means, means The, The egg,, egg, a, a protein-rich, protein-rich food,, food, is, is very, very nutritious, nutritious and, and its, its cooking, cooking is, is very, very easy, easy and, and fast., fast. It, It is, is used, used in, in many, many diets,, diets, thanks, thanks to, to its, its benefits., benefits. Eggs, Eggs are, are a, a source, source of, of choline,, choline, this, this substance, substance helps, helps promote, promote the, the proper, proper functioning, functioning of, of the, the brain., brain. Unlike, Unlike some, some beliefs,, beliefs, eggs, eggs do, do not, not pose, pose any, any danger, danger to, to your, your heart,, heart, they, they can, can be, be consumed, consumed in, in moderation., moderation. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; If, If you, you consume, consume eggs, eggs very, very often,, often, you, you have, have probably, probably noticed, noticed the, the existence, existence of, of a, a small, small white, white wire, wire inside, inside the, the egg., egg. This, This is, is called, called the, the chalaze,, chalaze, a, a filament, filament that, that allows, allows the, the egg, egg yolk, yolk to, to be, be attached, attached or, or hung, hung and, and held, held in, in the, the center, center of, of the, the white., white. It, It also, also gives, gives us, us indications, indications on, on the, the freshness, freshness of, of the, the egg,, egg, the, the thicker, thicker it, it is, is the, the egg, egg is, is fresh., fresh. So, So if, if you, you find, find these, these filaments, filaments in, in your, your eggs,, eggs, do, do not, not throw, throw them, them away!, away! Zoom, Zoom on, on egg, egg structure:, structure: Egg, Egg components, components include:, include: shell,, shell, membrane,, membrane, white, white (albumen),, (albumen), yellow, yellow (yolk),, (yolk), and, and chalaze., chalaze. The, The shell:, shell: this, this is, is the, the shell, shell covering, covering the, the egg,, egg, it, it is, is composed, composed of, of carbonates,, carbonates, calcium, calcium phosphates, phosphates and, and magnesium., magnesium. It, It is, is able, able to, to ensure, ensure the, the exchange, exchange of, of gases, gases through, through its, its pores, pores while, while limiting, limiting the, the penetration, penetration of, of microbes., microbes. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; The, The diaphragm:, diaphragm: It, It lies, lies just, just below, below the, the shell,, shell, it, it surrounds, surrounds and, and allows, allows the, the yolk, yolk to, to stay, stay in, in the, the center, center of, of the, the egg., egg. In, In fact,, fact, there, there are, are two, two membranes, membranes superimposed, superimposed inside, inside the, the egg,, egg, one, one that, that sticks, sticks to, to the, the shell, shell and, and the, the other, other surrounds, surrounds the, the white., white. When, When the, the egg, egg is, is laid,, laid, the, the membrane, membrane separates, separates from, from the, the shell, shell and, and begins, begins to, to create, create an, an inner, inner tube, tube in, in the, the lower, lower part, part of, of the, the egg., egg. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; If, If the, the membrane, membrane is, is tough,, tough, know, know that, that your, your egg, egg is, is fresh., fresh. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; The, The white, white of, of Egg:, Egg: otherwise, otherwise called, called the, the albumen,, albumen, it, it accounts, accounts for, for almost, almost two-thirds, two-thirds of, of the, the weight, weight of, of the, the egg., egg. Composed, Composed mainly, mainly of, of water,, water, proteins, proteins and, and minerals,, minerals, it, it plays, plays the, the role, role of, of protector, protector of, of the, the yellow., yellow. Yellow:, Yellow: it, it constitutes, constitutes one, one third, third of, of the, the weight, weight of, of the, the egg., egg. The, The yolk, yolk is, is rich, rich in, in minerals,, minerals, vitamins, vitamins and, and proteins., proteins. We, We sometimes, sometimes find, find yellows, yellows with, with different, different colors,, colors, this, this is, is directly, directly related, related to, to the, the feed, feed consumed, consumed by, by the, the chicken., chicken. Chalaze:, Chalaze: This, This is, is a, a pair, pair of, of coiled, coiled white, white cords,, cords, which, which serves, serves to, to hold, hold the, the yellow, yellow in, in place., place. Sometimes, Sometimes you, you can, can find, find black, black spots, spots near, near the, the chalaze, chalaze they, they pose, pose no, no danger., danger. They, They usually, usually occur, occur as, as a, a result, result of, of the, the rupture, rupture of, of a, a blood, blood vessel, vessel during, during the, the formation, formation of, of the, the egg., egg. Tips:, Tips: &, & nbsp;, nbsp; After, After using, using your, your eggs,, eggs, do, do not, not throw, throw the, the shells, shells off., off. Here, Here are, are some, some simple, simple tips, tips to, to follow!, follow! Eggshells, Eggshells are, are a, a natural, natural fertilizer,, fertilizer, they, they give, give plants, plants nutrients, nutrients that, that help, help them, them grow., grow. You, You can, can crush, crush the, the shells, shells or, or compost, compost them., them. They, They are, are a, a good, good source, source of, of calcium,, calcium, you, you can, can bake, bake them, them and, and give, give them, them to, to birds, birds or, or your, your dog, dog (against, (against diarrhea)., diarrhea). It, It has, has been, been proven, proven that, that eggshells, eggshells allow, allow for, for &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Relieve, Relieve digestive, digestive pain, pain and, and strengthen, strengthen bone, bone density., density. Think, Think of, of consuming, consuming those, those from, from organic, organic farming, farming (farmed, (farmed eggs), eggs) and, and non-industrial, non-industrial ones., All the eggs, the eggs contain, eggs contain this, contain this strange, this strange white, strange white task, white task Thats, task Thats what, Thats what it, what it means, it means The, means The egg,, The egg, a, egg, a protein-rich, a protein-rich food,, protein-rich food, is, food, is very, is very nutritious, very nutritious and, nutritious and its, and its cooking, its cooking is, cooking is very, is very easy, very easy and, easy and fast., and fast. It, fast. It is, It is used, is used in, used in many, in many diets,, many diets, thanks, diets, thanks to, thanks to its, to its benefits., its benefits. Eggs, benefits. Eggs are, Eggs are a, are a source, a source of, source of choline,, of choline, this, choline, this substance, this substance helps, substance helps promote, helps promote the, promote the proper, the proper functioning, proper functioning of, functioning of the, of the brain., the brain. Unlike, brain. Unlike some, Unlike some beliefs,, some beliefs, eggs, beliefs, eggs do, eggs do not, do not pose, not pose any, pose any danger, any danger to, danger to your, to your heart,, your heart, they, heart, they can, they can be, can be consumed, be consumed in, consumed in moderation., in moderation. &, moderation. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; If, Nbsp; If you, If you consume, you consume eggs, consume eggs very, eggs very often,, very often, you, often, you have, you have probably, have probably noticed, probably noticed the, noticed the existence, the existence of, existence of a, of a small, a small white, small white wire, white wire inside, wire inside the, inside the egg., the egg. This, egg. This is, This is called, is called the, called the chalaze,, the chalaze, a, chalaze, a filament, a filament that, filament that allows, that allows the, allows the egg, the egg yolk, egg yolk to, yolk to be, to be attached, be attached or, attached or hung, or hung and, hung and held, and held in, held in the, in the center, the center of, center of the, of the white., the white. It, white. It also, It also gives, also gives us, gives us indications, us indications on, indications on the, on the freshness, the freshness of, freshness of the, of the egg,, the egg, the, egg, the thicker, the thicker it, thicker it is, it is the, is the egg, the egg is, egg is fresh., is fresh. So, fresh. So if, So if you, if you find, you find these, find these filaments, these filaments in, filaments in your, in your eggs,, your eggs, do, eggs, do not, do not throw, not throw them, throw them away!, them away! Zoom, away! Zoom on, Zoom on egg, on egg structure:, egg structure: Egg, structure: Egg components, Egg components include:, components include: shell,, include: shell, membrane,, shell, membrane, white, membrane, white (albumen),, white (albumen), yellow, (albumen), yellow (yolk),, yellow (yolk), and, (yolk), and chalaze., and chalaze. The, chalaze. The shell:, The shell: this, shell: this is, this is the, is the shell, the shell covering, shell covering the, covering the egg,, the egg, it, egg, it is, it is composed, is composed of, composed of carbonates,, of carbonates, calcium, carbonates, calcium phosphates, calcium phosphates and, phosphates and magnesium., and magnesium. It, magnesium. It is, It is able, is able to, able to ensure, to ensure the, ensure the exchange, the exchange of, exchange of gases, of gases through, gases through its, through its pores, its pores while, pores while limiting, while limiting the, limiting the penetration, the penetration of, penetration of microbes., of microbes. &, microbes. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; The, Nbsp; The diaphragm:, The diaphragm: It, diaphragm: It lies, It lies just, lies just below, just below the, below the shell,, the shell, it, shell, it surrounds, it surrounds and, surrounds and allows, and allows the, allows the yolk, the yolk to, yolk to stay, to stay in, stay in the, in the center, the center of, center of the, of the egg., the egg. In, egg. In fact,, In fact, there, fact, there are, there are two, are two membranes, two membranes superimposed, membranes superimposed inside, superimposed inside the, inside the egg,, the egg, one, egg, one that, one that sticks, that sticks to, sticks to the, to the shell, the shell and, shell and the, and the other, the other surrounds, other surrounds the, surrounds the white., the white. When, white. When the, When the egg, the egg is, egg is laid,, is laid, the, laid, the membrane, the membrane separates, membrane separates from, separates from the, from the shell, the shell and, shell and begins, and begins to, begins to create, to create an, create an inner, an inner tube, inner tube in, tube in the, in the lower, the lower part, lower part of, part of the, of the egg., the egg. &, egg. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; If, Nbsp; If the, If the membrane, the membrane is, membrane is tough,, is tough, know, tough, know that, know that your, that your egg, your egg is, egg is fresh., is fresh. &, fresh. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; The, Nbsp; The white, The white of, white of Egg:, of Egg: otherwise, Egg: otherwise called, otherwise called the, called the albumen,, the albumen, it, albumen, it accounts, it accounts for, accounts for almost, for almost two-thirds, almost two-thirds of, two-thirds of the, of the weight, the weight of, weight of the, of the egg., the egg. Composed, egg. Composed mainly, Composed mainly of, mainly of water,, of water, proteins, water, proteins and, proteins and minerals,, and minerals, it, minerals, it plays, it plays the, plays the role, the role of, role of protector, of protector of, protector of the, of the yellow., the yellow. Yellow:, yellow. Yellow: it, Yellow: it constitutes, it constitutes one, constitutes one third, one third of, third of the, of the weight, the weight of, weight of the, of the egg., the egg. The, egg. The yolk, The yolk is, yolk is rich, is rich in, rich in minerals,, in minerals, vitamins, minerals, vitamins and, vitamins and proteins., and proteins. We, proteins. We sometimes, We sometimes find, sometimes find yellows, find yellows with, yellows with different, with different colors,, different colors, this, colors, this is, this is directly, is directly related, directly related to, related to the, to the feed, the feed consumed, feed consumed by, consumed by the, by the chicken., the chicken. Chalaze:, chicken. Chalaze: This, Chalaze: This is, This is a, is a pair, a pair of, pair of coiled, of coiled white, coiled white cords,, white cords, which, cords, which serves, which serves to, serves to hold, to hold the, hold the yellow, the yellow in, yellow in place., in place. Sometimes, place. Sometimes you, Sometimes you can, you can find, can find black, find black spots, black spots near, spots near the, near the chalaze, the chalaze they, chalaze they pose, they pose no, pose no danger., no danger. They, danger. They usually, They usually occur, usually occur as, occur as a, as a result, a result of, result of the, of the rupture, the rupture of, rupture of a, of a blood, a blood vessel, blood vessel during, vessel during the, during the formation, the formation of, formation of the, of the egg., the egg. Tips:, egg. Tips: &, Tips: & nbsp;, & nbsp; After, nbsp; After using, After using your, using your eggs,, your eggs, do, eggs, do not, do not throw, not throw the, throw the shells, the shells off., shells off. Here, off. Here are, Here are some, are some simple, some simple tips, simple tips to, tips to follow!, to follow! Eggshells, follow! Eggshells are, Eggshells are a, are a natural, a natural fertilizer,, natural fertilizer, they, fertilizer, they give, they give plants, give plants nutrients, plants nutrients that, nutrients that help, that help them, help them grow., them grow. You, grow. You can, You can crush, can crush the, crush the shells, the shells or, shells or compost, or compost them., compost them. They, them. They are, They are a, are a good, a good source, good source of, source of calcium,, of calcium, you, calcium, you can, you can bake, can bake them, bake them and, them and give, and give them, give them to, them to birds, to birds or, birds or your, or your dog, your dog (against, dog (against diarrhea)., (against diarrhea). It, diarrhea). It has, It has been, has been proven, been proven that, proven that eggshells, that eggshells allow, eggshells allow for, allow for &, for & nbsp;, & nbsp; Relieve, nbsp; Relieve digestive, Relieve digestive pain, digestive pain and, pain and strengthen, and strengthen bone, strengthen bone density., bone density. Think, density. Think of, Think of consuming, of consuming those, consuming those from, those from organic, from organic farming, organic farming (farmed, farming (farmed eggs), (farmed eggs) and, eggs) and non-industrial, and non-industrial ones.