Shocking: Here's what's really in a McDonald's hamburger
The main ingredients in McDonald's sandwiches are unhealthy, but especially strange! Stuffed with fats, dyes and preservatives, McDonald's hamburgers can cause serious health problems. Discover the components of the McDouble, one of the most popular burgers at McDonald's!
The ingredients of the famous McDouble sandwich
1. The bread (or bread hamburger)
- Enriched flourContains the following ingredients: malted barley flour, bleached wheat flour, reduced iron, niacin, thiamine mononitrate, folic acid, riboflavin, yeast, high fructose corn syrup and / orsugar, Soybean oil and / or rapeseed oil. The bread also contains 2% or less of the following: salt, calcium sulfate, wheat gluten, calcium carbonate, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate, DATEM emulsifiers, sodium stearoyllactylate, Sorbic acid, mono and diglycerides, azodicarbominade, monocalcium phosphate, ethoxylated mono and diglycerides, enzymes, calcium peroxide and guar gum. McDonald's hamburger bread is also made up of preservatives such as sorbic acid, calcium propionate and / or sodium propionate and emulsifiers such as phosphatidylcholine (also known as soy lecithin).
The hamburger bread alone can cause the following unwanted effects:
-Bleached flour: It has been proven that alloxane is a by-product used in flour whitening, a process that makes flour white and clean. In reality, this by-product is not added to flour, it is formed rather by the chemical treatment of the grains. On the other hand, alloxane is a product obtained through the oxidation of uric acid by nitric acid. The alloxan destroys the beta cells of the pancreas. Moreover, it is widely used in scientific experiments, notably todiabetesIn laboratory animals.
-Ammonium sulphateIs a crystalline salt that is often used as a fertilizer to acidify alkaline soils. That is why it was one of the main sources of lawn fertilizers until its price began to rise in 2004, thus reducing its availability.
-Corn syrupHigh-fructose content contains excessive amounts of contaminants such as mercury and is not measured or regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
- Prohibited in the EU, Australia and Singapore,azodicarbonamideIs used as a food additive and as a bleaching agent in flour. It helps to relax the dough to keep it in good condition especially when it is divided and distributed in bakeries. Azodicarbonamide can lead to allergic reactions in people sensitive to azo compounds, such as food dyes. Moreover, its consumption may increase the risk of developing allergies to other food products. Azodicarbonamide is also widely used as an additive in the production of plastic foams.In the United Kingdom, Health and Safety Executive classifies this material as a respiratory sensitizer (a potential cause of asthma) and notes that these products should be labeled as "may cause sensitization by inhalation".
-Sodium stearoyllactylateIs an additive that can lead to food intolerances.
- According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,Sorbic acidis a powerful chemical irritant that can cause skin problems, severe damage toeyesAnd the respiratory tract, especially when consumed in large quantities.
- Excessive use ofguar gumIs prohibited by the FDA because it can cause obstruction and swelling of the intestine and esophagus.
2. Cheese
Pasteurized melted American cheese contains milk, water, cream and sodium citrate. It also contains 2% or less of citric acid, sorbic acid (a preservative), salt, sodium phosphate, lactic acid, sodium pyrophosphate, acetic acid, natural flavor, Soy lecithin and colorants.
3. The ketchup
It contains distilled vinegar, ripe tomato concentrate, high fructose corn syrup, natural flavors, water and salt.
4. The Pickle
Pickle slices include water, salt, distilled vinegar, alum, calcium chloride, natural flavors, potassium sorbate, turmeric extracts and polysorbate 80.
5. Mustard
This sauce, which is highly prized for its pungent taste, contains distilled vinegar, mustard seeds,the water, Salt, paprika, turmeric and spice extracts.
6. Beef patties
The meat contains carminic acid, a substance obtained from a red insect helping to dye food. The meat patties of these sandwiches may also contain L-cysteine, an amino acid synthesized from duck feathers or human hair to flavor the meat.
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Shocking, Heres, whats, really, in, a, McDonalds, hamburger, The, main, ingredients, that, make, up, McDonald's, sandwiches, are, unhealthy,, but, mostly, strange, &, nbsp;, Stuffed, with, fats,, dyes, and, preservatives,, McDonald's, hamburgers, can, cause, serious, health, problems., Discover, the, McDouble, components,, one, of, McDonald's, most, popular, hamburgers, &, nbsp;, The, ingredients, of, the, famous, McDouble, sandwich, 1., Bread, (hamburger, bread), -, Enriched, flour, contains, the, following, ingredients:, malted, barley, flour,, bleached, wheat, flour,, reduced, iron,, niacin,, thiamine, mononitrate,, folic, acid,, riboflavin, ,, Yeast,, high, fructose, corn, syrup, and, /, or, sugar,, soybean, oil, and, /, or, rapeseed, oil., The, bread, also, contains, 2%, or, less, of, the, following:, salt,, calcium, sulfate,, wheat, gluten,, calcium, carbonate,, ammonium, chloride,, ammonium, sulfate,, DATEM, emulsifiers,, sodium, stearoyllactylate,, Sorbic, acid,, mono, and, diglycerides,, azodicarbominade,, monocalcium, phosphate,, ethoxylated, mono, and, diglycerides,, enzymes,, calcium, peroxide, and, guar, gum., McDonald's, hamburger, bread, is, also, made, up, of, preservatives, such, as, sorbic, acid,, calcium, propionate, and, /, or, sodium, propionate, and, emulsifiers, such, as, phosphatidylcholine, (also, known, as, soy, lecithin)., The, hamburger, bread, can, alone, cause, the, following, unwanted, effects:, -, Bleached, flour:, Alloxane, has, been, proven, to, be, a, by-product, used, in, flour, whitening,, a, process, that, makes, flour, white, and, clean, ., In, reality,, this, by-product, is, not, added, to, flour,, it, is, formed, rather, by, the, chemical, treatment, of, the, grains., On, the, other, hand,, alloxane, is, a, product, obtained, through, the, oxidation, of, Uric, acid, by, nitric, acid., The, alloxan, destroys, the, beta, cells, of, the, pancreas., Moreover,, it, is, widely, used, in, scientific, experiments,, in, particular, to, induce, diabetes, in, laboratory, animals., -, Ammonium, sulphate, is, a, crystalline, salt, that, is, often, used, as, a, fertilizer, to, acidify, alkaline, soils., As, a, result,, it, was, one, of, the, main, sources, of, lawn, fertilizers, until, its, price, began, to, rise, in, 2004,, reducing, its, availability., -, High-fructose, corn, syrup, contains, excessive, amounts, of, contaminants, such, as, mercury,, which, are, neither, measured, nor, regulated, by, the, Food, and, Drug, Administration, (FDA)., -, Forbidden, in, the, EU,, Australia, and, Singapore,, azodicarbonamide, is, used, as, a, food, additive, and, bleach, in, flour., It, helps, to, relax, the, dough, to, keep, it, in, good, condition, especially, when, it, is, divided, and, distributed, in, bakeries., Azodicarbonamide, can, lead, to, allergic, reactions, in, people, sensitive, to, azo, compounds,, such, as, food, dyes., In, addition,, its, consumption, may, increase, the, risk, of, developing, allergies, to, other, food, products., Azodicarbonamide, is, also, widely, used, as, an, additive, in, the, production, of, plastic, foams., In, the, United, Kingdom,, Health, and, Safety, Executive, classifies, this, material, as, a, respiratory, sensitizer, (a, potential, cause, of, asthma), and, notes, that, these, products, should, be, labeled, as, follows:, "May, cause, sensitization, by, inhalation"., -, Sodium, stearoyllactylate, is, an, additive, that, can, lead, to, food, intolerances., -, According, to, the, National, Oceanic, and, Atmospheric, Administration,, sorbic, acid, is, a, potent, and, irritating, chemical, Causing, skin, problems,, severe, eye, and, respiratory, damage,, especially, when, consumed, in, large, quantities., -, Excessive, use, of, guar, gum, is, prohibited, by, the, FDA,, as, it, may, cause, obstruction, and, swelling, of, the, gut, and, esophagus., 2., Cheese, American, pasteurized, melted, cheese, contains, milk,, water,, cream, and, sodium, citrate., It, also, contains, 2%, or, less, of, citric, acid,, sorbic, acid, (a, preservative),, salt,, sodium, phosphate,, lactic, acid,, sodium, pyrophosphate,, acetic, acid,, natural, flavor,, Soy, lecithin, and, colorants., 3., Ketchup, It, contains, distilled, vinegar,, ripe, tomato, concentrate,, high, fructose, corn, syrup,, natural, flavors,, water, and, salt., 4., Pickles, Cornichon, slices, include, water,, salt,, distilled, vinegar,, alum,, calcium, chloride,, natural, flavors,, potassium, sorbate,, turmeric, extracts, and, polysorbate, 80., 5, Mustard, seeds,, water,, salt,, paprika,, turmeric, and, extracts, of, spices., 6., Beef, patties, The, meat, contains, carminic, acid,, a, substance, obtained, from, a, red, insect, helping, to, dye, the, food., The, meat, patties, of, these, sandwiches, may, also, contain, L-cysteine,, an, amino, acid, synthesized, from, duck, feathers, or, human, hair, to, flavor, the, meat., Shocking Heres, Heres whats, whats really, really in, in a, a McDonalds, McDonalds hamburger, hamburger The, The main, main ingredients, ingredients that, that make, make up, up McDonald's, McDonald's sandwiches, sandwiches are, are unhealthy,, unhealthy, but, but mostly, mostly strange, strange &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Stuffed, Stuffed with, with fats,, fats, dyes, dyes and, and preservatives,, preservatives, McDonald's, McDonald's hamburgers, hamburgers can, can cause, cause serious, serious health, health problems., problems. Discover, Discover the, the McDouble, McDouble components,, components, one, one of, of McDonald's, McDonald's most, most popular, popular hamburgers, hamburgers &, & nbsp;, nbsp; The, The ingredients, ingredients of, of the, the famous, famous McDouble, McDouble sandwich, sandwich 1., 1. Bread, Bread (hamburger, (hamburger bread), bread) -, - Enriched, Enriched flour, flour contains, contains the, the following, following ingredients:, ingredients: malted, malted barley, barley flour,, flour, bleached, bleached wheat, wheat flour,, flour, reduced, reduced iron,, iron, niacin,, niacin, thiamine, thiamine mononitrate,, mononitrate, folic, folic acid,, acid, riboflavin, riboflavin ,, , Yeast,, Yeast, high, high fructose, fructose corn, corn syrup, syrup and, and /, / or, or sugar,, sugar, soybean, soybean oil, oil and, and /, / or, or rapeseed, rapeseed oil., oil. The, The bread, bread also, also contains, contains 2%, 2% or, or less, less of, of the, the following:, following: salt,, salt, calcium, calcium sulfate,, sulfate, wheat, wheat gluten,, gluten, calcium, calcium carbonate,, carbonate, ammonium, ammonium chloride,, chloride, ammonium, ammonium sulfate,, sulfate, DATEM, DATEM emulsifiers,, emulsifiers, sodium, sodium stearoyllactylate,, stearoyllactylate, Sorbic, Sorbic acid,, acid, mono, mono and, and diglycerides,, diglycerides, azodicarbominade,, azodicarbominade, monocalcium, monocalcium phosphate,, phosphate, ethoxylated, ethoxylated mono, mono and, and diglycerides,, diglycerides, enzymes,, enzymes, calcium, calcium peroxide, peroxide and, and guar, guar gum., gum. McDonald's, McDonald's hamburger, hamburger bread, bread is, is also, also made, made up, up of, of preservatives, preservatives such, such as, as sorbic, sorbic acid,, acid, calcium, calcium propionate, propionate and, and /, / or, or sodium, sodium propionate, propionate and, and emulsifiers, emulsifiers such, such as, as phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylcholine (also, (also known, known as, as soy, soy lecithin)., lecithin). The, The hamburger, hamburger bread, bread can, can alone, alone cause, cause the, the following, following unwanted, unwanted effects:, effects: -, - Bleached, Bleached flour:, flour: Alloxane, Alloxane has, has been, been proven, proven to, to be, be a, a by-product, by-product used, used in, in flour, flour whitening,, whitening, a, a process, process that, that makes, makes flour, flour white, white and, and clean, clean ., . In, In reality,, reality, this, this by-product, by-product is, is not, not added, added to, to flour,, flour, it, it is, is formed, formed rather, rather by, by the, the chemical, chemical treatment, treatment of, of the, the grains., grains. On, On the, the other, other hand,, hand, alloxane, alloxane is, is a, a product, product obtained, obtained through, through the, the oxidation, oxidation of, of Uric, Uric acid, acid by, by nitric, nitric acid., acid. The, The alloxan, alloxan destroys, destroys the, the beta, beta cells, cells of, of the, the pancreas., pancreas. Moreover,, Moreover, it, it is, is widely, widely used, used in, in scientific, scientific experiments,, experiments, in, in particular, particular to, to induce, induce diabetes, diabetes in, in laboratory, laboratory animals., animals. -, - Ammonium, Ammonium sulphate, sulphate is, is a, a crystalline, crystalline salt, salt that, that is, is often, often used, used as, as a, a fertilizer, fertilizer to, to acidify, acidify alkaline, alkaline soils., soils. As, As a, a result,, result, it, it was, was one, one of, of the, the main, main sources, sources of, of lawn, lawn fertilizers, fertilizers until, until its, its price, price began, began to, to rise, rise in, in 2004,, 2004, reducing, reducing its, its availability., availability. -, - High-fructose, High-fructose corn, corn syrup, syrup contains, contains excessive, excessive amounts, amounts of, of contaminants, contaminants such, such as, as mercury,, mercury, which, which are, are neither, neither measured, measured nor, nor regulated, regulated by, by the, the Food, Food and, and Drug, Drug Administration, Administration (FDA)., (FDA). -, - Forbidden, Forbidden in, in the, the EU,, EU, Australia, Australia and, and Singapore,, Singapore, azodicarbonamide, azodicarbonamide is, is used, used as, as a, a food, food additive, additive and, and bleach, bleach in, in flour., flour. It, It helps, helps to, to relax, relax the, the dough, dough to, to keep, keep it, it in, in good, good condition, condition especially, especially when, when it, it is, is divided, divided and, and distributed, distributed in, in bakeries., bakeries. Azodicarbonamide, Azodicarbonamide can, can lead, lead to, to allergic, allergic reactions, reactions in, in people, people sensitive, sensitive to, to azo, azo compounds,, compounds, such, such as, as food, food dyes., dyes. In, In addition,, addition, its, its consumption, consumption may, may increase, increase the, the risk, risk of, of developing, developing allergies, allergies to, to other, other food, food products., products. Azodicarbonamide, Azodicarbonamide is, is also, also widely, widely used, used as, as an, an additive, additive in, in the, the production, production of, of plastic, plastic foams., foams. In, In the, the United, United Kingdom,, Kingdom, Health, Health and, and Safety, Safety Executive, Executive classifies, classifies this, this material, material as, as a, a respiratory, respiratory sensitizer, sensitizer (a, (a potential, potential cause, cause of, of asthma), asthma) and, and notes, notes that, that these, these products, products should, should be, be labeled, labeled as, as follows:, follows: "May, "May cause, cause sensitization, sensitization by, by inhalation"., inhalation". -, - Sodium, Sodium stearoyllactylate, stearoyllactylate is, is an, an additive, additive that, that can, can lead, lead to, to food, food intolerances., intolerances. -, - According, According to, to the, the National, National Oceanic, Oceanic and, and Atmospheric, Atmospheric Administration,, Administration, sorbic, sorbic acid, acid is, is a, a potent, potent and, and irritating, irritating chemical, chemical Causing, Causing skin, skin problems,, problems, severe, severe eye, eye and, and respiratory, respiratory damage,, damage, especially, especially when, when consumed, consumed in, in large, large quantities., quantities. -, - Excessive, Excessive use, use of, of guar, guar gum, gum is, is prohibited, prohibited by, by the, the FDA,, FDA, as, as it, it may, may cause, cause obstruction, obstruction and, and swelling, swelling of, of the, the gut, gut and, and esophagus., esophagus. 2., 2. Cheese, Cheese American, American pasteurized, pasteurized melted, melted cheese, cheese contains, contains milk,, milk, water,, water, cream, cream and, and sodium, sodium citrate., citrate. It, It also, also contains, contains 2%, 2% or, or less, less of, of citric, citric acid,, acid, sorbic, sorbic acid, acid (a, (a preservative),, preservative), salt,, salt, sodium, sodium phosphate,, phosphate, lactic, lactic acid,, acid, sodium, sodium pyrophosphate,, pyrophosphate, acetic, acetic acid,, acid, natural, natural flavor,, flavor, Soy, Soy lecithin, lecithin and, and colorants., colorants. 3., 3. Ketchup, Ketchup It, It contains, contains distilled, distilled vinegar,, vinegar, ripe, ripe tomato, tomato concentrate,, concentrate, high, high fructose, fructose corn, corn syrup,, syrup, natural, natural flavors,, flavors, water, water and, and salt., salt. 4., 4. Pickles, Pickles Cornichon, Cornichon slices, slices include, include water,, water, salt,, salt, distilled, distilled vinegar,, vinegar, alum,, alum, calcium, calcium chloride,, chloride, natural, natural flavors,, flavors, potassium, potassium sorbate,, sorbate, turmeric, turmeric extracts, extracts and, and polysorbate, polysorbate 80., 80. 5, 5 Mustard, Mustard seeds,, seeds, water,, water, salt,, salt, paprika,, paprika, turmeric, turmeric and, and extracts, extracts of, of spices., spices. 6., 6. Beef, Beef patties, patties The, The meat, meat contains, contains carminic, carminic acid,, acid, a, a substance, substance obtained, obtained from, from a, a red, red insect, insect helping, helping to, to dye, dye the, the food., food. The, The meat, meat patties, patties of, of these, these sandwiches, sandwiches may, may also, also contain, contain L-cysteine,, L-cysteine, an, an amino, amino acid, acid synthesized, synthesized from, from duck, duck feathers, feathers or, or human, human hair, hair to, to flavor, flavor the, the meat., Shocking Heres whats, Heres whats really, whats really in, really in a, in a McDonalds, a McDonalds hamburger, McDonalds hamburger The, hamburger The main, The main ingredients, main ingredients that, ingredients that make, that make up, make up McDonald's, up McDonald's sandwiches, McDonald's sandwiches are, sandwiches are unhealthy,, are unhealthy, but, unhealthy, but mostly, but mostly strange, mostly strange &, strange & nbsp;, & nbsp; Stuffed, nbsp; Stuffed with, Stuffed with fats,, with fats, dyes, fats, dyes and, dyes and preservatives,, and preservatives, McDonald's, preservatives, McDonald's hamburgers, McDonald's hamburgers can, hamburgers can cause, can cause serious, cause serious health, serious health problems., health problems. Discover, problems. Discover the, Discover the McDouble, the McDouble components,, McDouble components, one, components, one of, one of McDonald's, of McDonald's most, McDonald's most popular, most popular hamburgers, popular hamburgers &, hamburgers & nbsp;, & nbsp; The, nbsp; The ingredients, The ingredients of, ingredients of the, of the famous, the famous McDouble, famous McDouble sandwich, McDouble sandwich 1., sandwich 1. Bread, 1. Bread (hamburger, Bread (hamburger bread), (hamburger bread) -, bread) - Enriched, - Enriched flour, Enriched flour contains, flour contains the, contains the following, the following ingredients:, following ingredients: malted, ingredients: malted barley, malted barley flour,, barley flour, bleached, flour, bleached wheat, bleached wheat flour,, wheat flour, reduced, flour, reduced iron,, reduced iron, niacin,, iron, niacin, thiamine, niacin, thiamine mononitrate,, thiamine mononitrate, folic, mononitrate, folic acid,, folic acid, riboflavin, acid, riboflavin ,, riboflavin , Yeast,, , Yeast, high, Yeast, high fructose, high fructose corn, fructose corn syrup, corn syrup and, syrup and /, and / or, / or sugar,, or sugar, soybean, sugar, soybean oil, soybean oil and, oil and /, and / or, / or rapeseed, or rapeseed oil., rapeseed oil. The, oil. The bread, The bread also, bread also contains, also contains 2%, contains 2% or, 2% or less, or less of, less of the, of the following:, the following: salt,, following: salt, calcium, salt, calcium sulfate,, calcium sulfate, wheat, sulfate, wheat gluten,, wheat gluten, calcium, gluten, calcium carbonate,, calcium carbonate, ammonium, carbonate, ammonium chloride,, ammonium chloride, ammonium, chloride, ammonium sulfate,, ammonium sulfate, DATEM, sulfate, DATEM emulsifiers,, DATEM emulsifiers, sodium, emulsifiers, sodium stearoyllactylate,, sodium stearoyllactylate, Sorbic, stearoyllactylate, Sorbic acid,, Sorbic acid, mono, acid, mono and, mono and diglycerides,, and diglycerides, azodicarbominade,, diglycerides, azodicarbominade, monocalcium, azodicarbominade, monocalcium phosphate,, monocalcium phosphate, ethoxylated, phosphate, ethoxylated mono, ethoxylated mono and, mono and diglycerides,, and diglycerides, enzymes,, diglycerides, enzymes, calcium, enzymes, calcium peroxide, calcium peroxide and, peroxide and guar, and guar gum., guar gum. McDonald's, gum. McDonald's hamburger, McDonald's hamburger bread, hamburger bread is, bread is also, is also made, also made up, made up of, up of preservatives, of preservatives such, preservatives such as, such as sorbic, as sorbic acid,, sorbic acid, calcium, acid, calcium propionate, calcium propionate and, propionate and /, and / or, / or sodium, or sodium propionate, sodium propionate and, propionate and emulsifiers, and emulsifiers such, emulsifiers such as, such as phosphatidylcholine, as phosphatidylcholine (also, phosphatidylcholine (also known, (also known as, known as soy, as soy lecithin)., soy lecithin). The, lecithin). The hamburger, The hamburger bread, hamburger bread can, bread can alone, can alone cause, alone cause the, cause the following, the following unwanted, following unwanted effects:, unwanted effects: -, effects: - Bleached, - Bleached flour:, Bleached flour: Alloxane, flour: Alloxane has, Alloxane has been, has been proven, been proven to, proven to be, to be a, be a by-product, a by-product used, by-product used in, used in flour, in flour whitening,, flour whitening, a, whitening, a process, a process that, process that makes, that makes flour, makes flour white, flour white and, white and clean, and clean ., clean . In, . In reality,, In reality, this, reality, this by-product, this by-product is, by-product is not, is not added, not added to, added to flour,, to flour, it, flour, it is, it is formed, is formed rather, formed rather by, rather by the, by the chemical, the chemical treatment, chemical treatment of, treatment of the, of the grains., the grains. On, grains. On the, On the other, the other hand,, other hand, alloxane, hand, alloxane is, alloxane is a, is a product, a product obtained, product obtained through, obtained through the, through the oxidation, the oxidation of, oxidation of Uric, of Uric acid, Uric acid by, acid by nitric, by nitric acid., nitric acid. The, acid. The alloxan, The alloxan destroys, alloxan destroys the, destroys the beta, the beta cells, beta cells of, cells of the, of the pancreas., the pancreas. Moreover,, pancreas. Moreover, it, Moreover, it is, it is widely, is widely used, widely used in, used in scientific, in scientific experiments,, scientific experiments, in, experiments, in particular, in particular to, particular to induce, to induce diabetes, induce diabetes in, diabetes in laboratory, in laboratory animals., laboratory animals. -, animals. - Ammonium, - Ammonium sulphate, Ammonium sulphate is, sulphate is a, is a crystalline, a crystalline salt, crystalline salt that, salt that is, that is often, is often used, often used as, used as a, as a fertilizer, a fertilizer to, fertilizer to acidify, to acidify alkaline, acidify alkaline soils., alkaline soils. As, soils. As a, As a result,, a result, it, result, it was, it was one, was one of, one of the, of the main, the main sources, main sources of, sources of lawn, of lawn fertilizers, lawn fertilizers until, fertilizers until its, until its price, its price began, price began to, began to rise, to rise in, rise in 2004,, in 2004, reducing, 2004, reducing its, reducing its availability., its availability. -, availability. - High-fructose, - High-fructose corn, High-fructose corn syrup, corn syrup contains, syrup contains excessive, contains excessive amounts, excessive amounts of, amounts of contaminants, of contaminants such, contaminants such as, such as mercury,, as mercury, which, mercury, which are, which are neither, are neither measured, neither measured nor, measured nor regulated, nor regulated by, regulated by the, by the Food, the Food and, Food and Drug, and Drug Administration, Drug Administration (FDA)., Administration (FDA). -, (FDA). - Forbidden, - Forbidden in, Forbidden in the, in the EU,, the EU, Australia, EU, Australia and, Australia and Singapore,, and Singapore, azodicarbonamide, Singapore, azodicarbonamide is, azodicarbonamide is used, is used as, used as a, as a food, a food additive, food additive and, additive and bleach, and bleach in, bleach in flour., in flour. It, flour. It helps, It helps to, helps to relax, to relax the, relax the dough, the dough to, dough to keep, to keep it, keep it in, it in good, in good condition, good condition especially, condition especially when, especially when it, when it is, it is divided, is divided and, divided and distributed, and distributed in, distributed in bakeries., in bakeries. Azodicarbonamide, bakeries. Azodicarbonamide can, Azodicarbonamide can lead, can lead to, lead to allergic, to allergic reactions, allergic reactions in, reactions in people, in people sensitive, people sensitive to, sensitive to azo, to azo compounds,, azo compounds, such, compounds, such as, such as food, as food dyes., food dyes. In, dyes. In addition,, In addition, its, addition, its consumption, its consumption may, consumption may increase, may increase the, increase the risk, the risk of, risk of developing, of developing allergies, developing allergies to, allergies to other, to other food, other food products., food products. Azodicarbonamide, products. Azodicarbonamide is, Azodicarbonamide is also, is also widely, also widely used, widely used as, used as an, as an additive, an additive in, additive in the, in the production, the production of, production of plastic, of plastic foams., plastic foams. In, foams. In the, In the United, the United Kingdom,, United Kingdom, Health, Kingdom, Health and, Health and Safety, and Safety Executive, Safety Executive classifies, Executive classifies this, classifies this material, this material as, material as a, as a respiratory, a respiratory sensitizer, respiratory sensitizer (a, sensitizer (a potential, (a potential cause, potential cause of, cause of asthma), of asthma) and, asthma) and notes, and notes that, notes that these, that these products, these products should, products should be, should be labeled, be labeled as, labeled as follows:, as follows: "May, follows: "May cause, "May cause sensitization, cause sensitization by, sensitization by inhalation"., by inhalation". -, inhalation". - Sodium, - Sodium stearoyllactylate, Sodium stearoyllactylate is, stearoyllactylate is an, is an additive, an additive that, additive that can, that can lead, can lead to, lead to food, to food intolerances., food intolerances. -, intolerances. - According, - According to, According to the, to the National, the National Oceanic, National Oceanic and, Oceanic and Atmospheric, and Atmospheric Administration,, Atmospheric Administration, sorbic, Administration, sorbic acid, sorbic acid is, acid is a, is a potent, a potent and, potent and irritating, and irritating chemical, irritating chemical Causing, chemical Causing skin, Causing skin problems,, skin problems, severe, problems, severe eye, severe eye and, eye and respiratory, and respiratory damage,, respiratory damage, especially, damage, especially when, especially when consumed, when consumed in, consumed in large, in large quantities., large quantities. -, quantities. - Excessive, - Excessive use, Excessive use of, use of guar, of guar gum, guar gum is, gum is prohibited, is prohibited by, prohibited by the, by the FDA,, the FDA, as, FDA, as it, as it may, it may cause, may cause obstruction, cause obstruction and, obstruction and swelling, and swelling of, swelling of the, of the gut, the gut and, gut and esophagus., and esophagus. 2., esophagus. 2. Cheese, 2. Cheese American, Cheese American pasteurized, American pasteurized melted, pasteurized melted cheese, melted cheese contains, cheese contains milk,, contains milk, water,, milk, water, cream, water, cream and, cream and sodium, and sodium citrate., sodium citrate. It, citrate. It also, It also contains, also contains 2%, contains 2% or, 2% or less, or less of, less of citric, of citric acid,, citric acid, sorbic, acid, sorbic acid, sorbic acid (a, acid (a preservative),, (a preservative), salt,, preservative), salt, sodium, salt, sodium phosphate,, sodium phosphate, lactic, phosphate, lactic acid,, lactic acid, sodium, acid, sodium pyrophosphate,, sodium pyrophosphate, acetic, pyrophosphate, acetic acid,, acetic acid, natural, acid, natural flavor,, natural flavor, Soy, flavor, Soy lecithin, Soy lecithin and, lecithin and colorants., and colorants. 3., colorants. 3. Ketchup, 3. Ketchup It, Ketchup It contains, It contains distilled, contains distilled vinegar,, distilled vinegar, ripe, vinegar, ripe tomato, ripe tomato concentrate,, tomato concentrate, high, concentrate, high fructose, high fructose corn, fructose corn syrup,, corn syrup, natural, syrup, natural flavors,, natural flavors, water, flavors, water and, water and salt., and salt. 4., salt. 4. Pickles, 4. Pickles Cornichon, Pickles Cornichon slices, Cornichon slices include, slices include water,, include water, salt,, water, salt, distilled, salt, distilled vinegar,, distilled vinegar, alum,, vinegar, alum, calcium, alum, calcium chloride,, calcium chloride, natural, chloride, natural flavors,, natural flavors, potassium, flavors, potassium sorbate,, potassium sorbate, turmeric, sorbate, turmeric extracts, turmeric extracts and, extracts and polysorbate, and polysorbate 80., polysorbate 80. 5, 80. 5 Mustard, 5 Mustard seeds,, Mustard seeds, water,, seeds, water, salt,, water, salt, paprika,, salt, paprika, turmeric, paprika, turmeric and, turmeric and extracts, and extracts of, extracts of spices., of spices. 6., spices. 6. Beef, 6. Beef patties, Beef patties The, patties The meat, The meat contains, meat contains carminic, contains carminic acid,, carminic acid, a, acid, a substance, a substance obtained, substance obtained from, obtained from a, from a red, a red insect, red insect helping, insect helping to, helping to dye, to dye the, dye the food., the food. The, food. The meat, The meat patties, meat patties of, patties of these, of these sandwiches, these sandwiches may, sandwiches may also, may also contain, also contain L-cysteine,, contain L-cysteine, an, L-cysteine, an amino, an amino acid, amino acid synthesized, acid synthesized from, synthesized from duck, from duck feathers, duck feathers or, feathers or human, or human hair, human hair to, hair to flavor, to flavor the, flavor the meat.
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