Here's how to whiten your teeth in three minutes ...

Here's how to whiten your teeth in three minutes ...

Here's how to whiten your teeth in three minutes ...

You admit it yourself, smile is your little fatal weapon. Whether you use it to seduce or to escape embarrassing situations, having nice teeth helps make your face more radiant, and if that smile emanates from your interior, say hello to anyPositive energyWhich could arise.

Our teeth are yellow: why?

Having yellow teeth may simply be due to the nature of your teeth. However, the consumption of certain foods can cause their yellowing, such as tobacco, beverages or even certain medications.

Know that the more you advance in age, your teeth become more and more yellow. Indeed, the effect of aging concerns both our teeth and our other organs. This change in color is mainly due to the damage of the enamel layer charged to protect our teeth, thus causing some transparency.

Yellow teeth: what to do?

Between all the teeth whitening techniques that exist today, one wonders which of these methods is the most optimal in terms of efficiency, cost, side effects ... etc.

Here is a recipe to make immediately with you, you will see that it is simple, fast and not expensive ...

Lemon and baking soda to whiten your teeth:

You will not be told a thousand ingredients, just a few drops oflemonAnd baking soda and the trick is played. Mix these two ingredients together to make a paste and then mix it with your toothpaste, brush your teeth for 2 minutes, you will see your teeth clear, continue use until you get the desired results. Be careful not to repeat the application more than once a week, the mixture may damage your tooth enamel.

Why lemon?

This food is known for its tonic and descaling properties. Indeed, the acidity contained in lemon and in its juice essentially helps to whiten teeth, to reduce the tartar, to fight the badbreath, But not that, the lemon contains vitamin C which is excellent for the gums.

Beware of commercially available lemon toothpastes, they are actually only flavored toothpastes and do not guarantee the desired efficacy.

And baking soda?

Thanks to its stain-resistant properties, baking soda is used to whiten teeth and eliminate stains, although many people think it is abrasive because it can scratch the tooth enamel. However, it has been demonstrated that this substance is a mild abrasive whose use on the teeth does not necessarily lead to dental tissue aggression.

Always be vigilant about its use. Observe the recommended frequency of no more than twice a week and choose a soft toothbrush to reduce the effect of the baking soda contact with the enamel protective film.

Needless to remind you that baking soda is not more toxic than table salt, as many can believe, the secret being to behave well with this substance. Respect the number of recommended use, change your eating habits and do not forget to brush your teeth at least twice a day!

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Heres, how, to, whiten, your, teeth, in, three, minutes, You, admit, it, yourself,, smile, is, your, little, fatal, weapon., Whether, you, use, it, to, seduce, or, to, escape, embarrassing, situations,, having, pretty, teeth, helps, make, your, face, brighter,, and, if, that, smile, emanates, from, your, interior,, say, hello, to, any, positive, energy, that, might, flow, from, it., &, Nbsp, ;, Our, teeth, are, yellow, &, nbsp;, why, &, nbsp, ;?, Having, yellow, teeth, may, simply, be, due, to, the, nature, of, your, teeth., However,, the, consumption, of, certain, foods, can, cause, their, yellowing,, such, as, tobacco,, beverages, or, even, certain, medications., Be, aware, that, the, more, you, advance, in, age,, your, teeth, will, become, more, and, more, yellow., Indeed,, the, effect, of, aging, concerns, both, our, teeth, and, our, other, organs., This, change, in, color, is, mainly, due, to, the, damage, of, the, enamel, layer, charged, to, protect, our, teeth,, thus, causing, some, transparency., Yellow, teeth, &, nbsp;, what, to, do, &, nbsp;, Between, all, the, teeth, whitening, techniques, that, exist, today,, one, wonders, which, of, these, methods, is, the, most, optimal, in, terms, of, efficiency,, cost,, side, effects, ..., etc., &, nbsp;, Here, is, a, recipe, to, make, immediately, at, home,, you, will, see, that, it, is, simple,, fast, and, not, expensive, ..., Lemon, and, baking, soda, to, whiten, your, teeth:, We, will, not, tell, you, a, thousand, ingredients,, just, a, few, drops, of, lemon, And, baking, soda, and, the, trick, is, played., Mix, these, two, ingredients, together, to, make, a, paste, and, then, mix, it, with, your, toothpaste,, brush, your, teeth, for, 2, minutes,, you, will, see, your, teeth, lighten,, continue, the, use, until, obtaining, the, desired, results., Be, careful, not, to, repeat, the, application, more, than, once, per, Week,, the, mixture, may, damage, your, tooth, enamel., Why, Lemon, &, nbsp;, This, food, is, known, for, its, tonic, and, descaling, properties., Indeed,, the, acidity, contained, in, the, lemon, and, its, juice, essentially, helps, to, help, teeth, whiten,, reduce, tartar,, fight, bad, breath,, but, not, that, lemon, contains, vitamin, C, which, is, Excellent, for, the, gum., &, Nbsp;, Beware, of, commercially, available, lemon, toothpastes,, they, are, actually, only, flavored, toothpastes, and, do, not, guarantee, the, desired, efficacy, in, any, way., And, baking, soda, &, nbsp;, Thanks, to, its, stain-resistant, properties,, baking, soda, is, used, to, whiten, teeth, and, eliminate, stains,, although, many, people, believe, that, it, is, abrasive, because, it, can, scratch, teeth, enamel., However,, it, has, been, demonstrated, that, this, substance, is, a, mild, abrasive, which, can, not, be, used, on, dental, teeth, due, to, dental, tissue, aggression., Always, be, vigilant, about, its, use., Respect, the, recommended, frequency, that, does, not, exceed, twice, a, week, at, the, most, and, choose, a, soft, toothbrush, to, lighten, the, effect, of, baking, soda, contact, with, the, enamel, protective, film., &, Nbsp;, Needless, to, remind, you, that, baking, soda, is, not, more, toxic, than, table, salt,, as, many, can, believe,, the, secret, being, to, behave, well, with, this, substance., Respect, the, recommended, number, of, uses,, change, your, eating, habits, and, do, not, forget, to, brush, your, teeth, at, least, twice, a, day!, Heres how, how to, to whiten, whiten your, your teeth, teeth in, in three, three minutes, minutes You, You admit, admit it, it yourself,, yourself, smile, smile is, is your, your little, little fatal, fatal weapon., weapon. Whether, Whether you, you use, use it, it to, to seduce, seduce or, or to, to escape, escape embarrassing, embarrassing situations,, situations, having, having pretty, pretty teeth, teeth helps, helps make, make your, your face, face brighter,, brighter, and, and if, if that, that smile, smile emanates, emanates from, from your, your interior,, interior, say, say hello, hello to, to any, any positive, positive energy, energy that, that might, might flow, flow from, from it., it. &, & Nbsp, Nbsp ;, ; Our, Our teeth, teeth are, are yellow, yellow &, & nbsp;, nbsp; why, why &, & nbsp, nbsp ;?, ;? Having, Having yellow, yellow teeth, teeth may, may simply, simply be, be due, due to, to the, the nature, nature of, of your, your teeth., teeth. However,, However, the, the consumption, consumption of, of certain, certain foods, foods can, can cause, cause their, their yellowing,, yellowing, such, such as, as tobacco,, tobacco, beverages, beverages or, or even, even certain, certain medications., medications. Be, Be aware, aware that, that the, the more, more you, you advance, advance in, in age,, age, your, your teeth, teeth will, will become, become more, more and, and more, more yellow., yellow. Indeed,, Indeed, the, the effect, effect of, of aging, aging concerns, concerns both, both our, our teeth, teeth and, and our, our other, other organs., organs. This, This change, change in, in color, color is, is mainly, mainly due, due to, to the, the damage, damage of, of the, the enamel, enamel layer, layer charged, charged to, to protect, protect our, our teeth,, teeth, thus, thus causing, causing some, some transparency., transparency. Yellow, Yellow teeth, teeth &, & nbsp;, nbsp; what, what to, to do, do &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Between, Between all, all the, the teeth, teeth whitening, whitening techniques, techniques that, that exist, exist today,, today, one, one wonders, wonders which, which of, of these, these methods, methods is, is the, the most, most optimal, optimal in, in terms, terms of, of efficiency,, efficiency, cost,, cost, side, side effects, effects ..., ... etc., etc. &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Here, Here is, is a, a recipe, recipe to, to make, make immediately, immediately at, at home,, home, you, you will, will see, see that, that it, it is, is simple,, simple, fast, fast and, and not, not expensive, expensive ..., ... Lemon, Lemon and, and baking, baking soda, soda to, to whiten, whiten your, your teeth:, teeth: We, We will, will not, not tell, tell you, you a, a thousand, thousand ingredients,, ingredients, just, just a, a few, few drops, drops of, of lemon, lemon And, And baking, baking soda, soda and, and the, the trick, trick is, is played., played. Mix, Mix these, these two, two ingredients, ingredients together, together to, to make, make a, a paste, paste and, and then, then mix, mix it, it with, with your, your toothpaste,, toothpaste, brush, brush your, your teeth, teeth for, for 2, 2 minutes,, minutes, you, you will, will see, see your, your teeth, teeth lighten,, lighten, continue, continue the, the use, use until, until obtaining, obtaining the, the desired, desired results., results. Be, Be careful, careful not, not to, to repeat, repeat the, the application, application more, more than, than once, once per, per Week,, Week, the, the mixture, mixture may, may damage, damage your, your tooth, tooth enamel., enamel. Why, Why Lemon, Lemon &, & nbsp;, nbsp; This, This food, food is, is known, known for, for its, its tonic, tonic and, and descaling, descaling properties., properties. Indeed,, Indeed, the, the acidity, acidity contained, contained in, in the, the lemon, lemon and, and its, its juice, juice essentially, essentially helps, helps to, to help, help teeth, teeth whiten,, whiten, reduce, reduce tartar,, tartar, fight, fight bad, bad breath,, breath, but, but not, not that, that lemon, lemon contains, contains vitamin, vitamin C, C which, which is, is Excellent, Excellent for, for the, the gum., gum. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Beware, Beware of, of commercially, commercially available, available lemon, lemon toothpastes,, toothpastes, they, they are, are actually, actually only, only flavored, flavored toothpastes, toothpastes and, and do, do not, not guarantee, guarantee the, the desired, desired efficacy, efficacy in, in any, any way., way. And, And baking, baking soda, soda &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Thanks, Thanks to, to its, its stain-resistant, stain-resistant properties,, properties, baking, baking soda, soda is, is used, used to, to whiten, whiten teeth, teeth and, and eliminate, eliminate stains,, stains, although, although many, many people, people believe, believe that, that it, it is, is abrasive, abrasive because, because it, it can, can scratch, scratch teeth, teeth enamel., enamel. However,, However, it, it has, has been, been demonstrated, demonstrated that, that this, this substance, substance is, is a, a mild, mild abrasive, abrasive which, which can, can not, not be, be used, used on, on dental, dental teeth, teeth due, due to, to dental, dental tissue, tissue aggression., aggression. Always, Always be, be vigilant, vigilant about, about its, its use., use. Respect, Respect the, the recommended, recommended frequency, frequency that, that does, does not, not exceed, exceed twice, twice a, a week, week at, at the, the most, most and, and choose, choose a, a soft, soft toothbrush, toothbrush to, to lighten, lighten the, the effect, effect of, of baking, baking soda, soda contact, contact with, with the, the enamel, enamel protective, protective film., film. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Needless, Needless to, to remind, remind you, you that, that baking, baking soda, soda is, is not, not more, more toxic, toxic than, than table, table salt,, salt, as, as many, many can, can believe,, believe, the, the secret, secret being, being to, to behave, behave well, well with, with this, this substance., substance. Respect, Respect the, the recommended, recommended number, number of, of uses,, uses, change, change your, your eating, eating habits, habits and, and do, do not, not forget, forget to, to brush, brush your, your teeth, teeth at, at least, least twice, twice a, a day!, Heres how to, how to whiten, to whiten your, whiten your teeth, your teeth in, teeth in three, in three minutes, three minutes You, minutes You admit, You admit it, admit it yourself,, it yourself, smile, yourself, smile is, smile is your, is your little, your little fatal, little fatal weapon., fatal weapon. Whether, weapon. Whether you, Whether you use, you use it, use it to, it to seduce, to seduce or, seduce or to, or to escape, to escape embarrassing, escape embarrassing situations,, embarrassing situations, having, situations, having pretty, having pretty teeth, pretty teeth helps, teeth helps make, helps make your, make your face, your face brighter,, face brighter, and, brighter, and if, and if that, if that smile, that smile emanates, smile emanates from, emanates from your, from your interior,, your interior, say, interior, say hello, say hello to, hello to any, to any positive, any positive energy, positive energy that, energy that might, that might flow, might flow from, flow from it., from it. &, it. & Nbsp, & Nbsp ;, Nbsp ; Our, ; Our teeth, Our teeth are, teeth are yellow, are yellow &, yellow & nbsp;, & nbsp; why, nbsp; why &, why & nbsp, & nbsp ;?, nbsp ;? Having, ;? Having yellow, Having yellow teeth, yellow teeth may, teeth may simply, may simply be, simply be due, be due to, due to the, to the nature, the nature of, nature of your, of your teeth., your teeth. However,, teeth. However, the, However, the consumption, the consumption of, consumption of certain, of certain foods, certain foods can, foods can cause, can cause their, cause their yellowing,, their yellowing, such, yellowing, such as, such as tobacco,, as tobacco, beverages, tobacco, beverages or, beverages or even, or even certain, even certain medications., certain medications. Be, medications. Be aware, Be aware that, aware that the, that the more, the more you, more you advance, you advance in, advance in age,, in age, your, age, your teeth, your teeth will, teeth will become, will become more, become more and, more and more, and more yellow., more yellow. Indeed,, yellow. Indeed, the, Indeed, the effect, the effect of, effect of aging, of aging concerns, aging concerns both, concerns both our, both our teeth, our teeth and, teeth and our, and our other, our other organs., other organs. This, organs. This change, This change in, change in color, in color is, color is mainly, is mainly due, mainly due to, due to the, to the damage, the damage of, damage of the, of the enamel, the enamel layer, enamel layer charged, layer charged to, charged to protect, to protect our, protect our teeth,, our teeth, thus, teeth, thus causing, thus causing some, causing some transparency., some transparency. Yellow, transparency. Yellow teeth, Yellow teeth &, teeth & nbsp;, & nbsp; what, nbsp; what to, what to do, to do &, do & nbsp;, & nbsp; Between, nbsp; Between all, Between all the, all the teeth, the teeth whitening, teeth whitening techniques, whitening techniques that, techniques that exist, that exist today,, exist today, one, today, one wonders, one wonders which, wonders which of, which of these, of these methods, these methods is, methods is the, is the most, the most optimal, most optimal in, optimal in terms, in terms of, terms of efficiency,, of efficiency, cost,, efficiency, cost, side, cost, side effects, side effects ..., effects ... etc., ... etc. &, etc. & nbsp;, & nbsp; Here, nbsp; Here is, Here is a, is a recipe, a recipe to, recipe to make, to make immediately, make immediately at, immediately at home,, at home, you, home, you will, you will see, will see that, see that it, that it is, it is simple,, is simple, fast, simple, fast and, fast and not, and not expensive, not expensive ..., expensive ... Lemon, ... Lemon and, Lemon and baking, and baking soda, baking soda to, soda to whiten, to whiten your, whiten your teeth:, your teeth: We, teeth: We will, We will not, will not tell, not tell you, tell you a, you a thousand, a thousand ingredients,, thousand ingredients, just, ingredients, just a, just a few, a few drops, few drops of, drops of lemon, of lemon And, lemon And baking, And baking soda, baking soda and, soda and the, and the trick, the trick is, trick is played., is played. Mix, played. Mix these, Mix these two, these two ingredients, two ingredients together, ingredients together to, together to make, to make a, make a paste, a paste and, paste and then, and then mix, then mix it, mix it with, it with your, with your toothpaste,, your toothpaste, brush, toothpaste, brush your, brush your teeth, your teeth for, teeth for 2, for 2 minutes,, 2 minutes, you, minutes, you will, you will see, will see your, see your teeth, your teeth lighten,, teeth lighten, continue, lighten, continue the, continue the use, the use until, use until obtaining, until obtaining the, obtaining the desired, the desired results., desired results. Be, results. Be careful, Be careful not, careful not to, not to repeat, to repeat the, repeat the application, the application more, application more than, more than once, than once per, once per Week,, per Week, the, Week, the mixture, the mixture may, mixture may damage, may damage your, damage your tooth, your tooth enamel., tooth enamel. Why, enamel. Why Lemon, Why Lemon &, Lemon & nbsp;, & nbsp; This, nbsp; This food, This food is, food is known, is known for, known for its, for its tonic, its tonic and, tonic and descaling, and descaling properties., descaling properties. Indeed,, properties. Indeed, the, Indeed, the acidity, the acidity contained, acidity contained in, contained in the, in the lemon, the lemon and, lemon and its, and its juice, its juice essentially, juice essentially helps, essentially helps to, helps to help, to help teeth, help teeth whiten,, teeth whiten, reduce, whiten, reduce tartar,, reduce tartar, fight, tartar, fight bad, fight bad breath,, bad breath, but, breath, but not, but not that, not that lemon, that lemon contains, lemon contains vitamin, contains vitamin C, vitamin C which, C which is, which is Excellent, is Excellent for, Excellent for the, for the gum., the gum. &, gum. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Beware, Nbsp; Beware of, Beware of commercially, of commercially available, commercially available lemon, available lemon toothpastes,, lemon toothpastes, they, toothpastes, they are, they are actually, are actually only, actually only flavored, only flavored toothpastes, flavored toothpastes and, toothpastes and do, and do not, do not guarantee, not guarantee the, guarantee the desired, the desired efficacy, desired efficacy in, efficacy in any, in any way., any way. And, way. And baking, And baking soda, baking soda &, soda & nbsp;, & nbsp; Thanks, nbsp; Thanks to, Thanks to its, to its stain-resistant, its stain-resistant properties,, stain-resistant properties, baking, properties, baking soda, baking soda is, soda is used, is used to, used to whiten, to whiten teeth, whiten teeth and, teeth and eliminate, and eliminate stains,, eliminate stains, although, stains, although many, although many people, many people believe, people believe that, believe that it, that it is, it is abrasive, is abrasive because, abrasive because it, because it can, it can scratch, can scratch teeth, scratch teeth enamel., teeth enamel. However,, enamel. However, it, However, it has, it has been, has been demonstrated, been demonstrated that, demonstrated that this, that this substance, this substance is, substance is a, is a mild, a mild abrasive, mild abrasive which, abrasive which can, which can not, can not be, not be used, be used on, used on dental, on dental teeth, dental teeth due, teeth due to, due to dental, to dental tissue, dental tissue aggression., tissue aggression. Always, aggression. Always be, Always be vigilant, be vigilant about, vigilant about its, about its use., its use. Respect, use. Respect the, Respect the recommended, the recommended frequency, recommended frequency that, frequency that does, that does not, does not exceed, not exceed twice, exceed twice a, twice a week, a week at, week at the, at the most, the most and, most and choose, and choose a, choose a soft, a soft toothbrush, soft toothbrush to, toothbrush to lighten, to lighten the, lighten the effect, the effect of, effect of baking, of baking soda, baking soda contact, soda contact with, contact with the, with the enamel, the enamel protective, enamel protective film., protective film. &, film. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Needless, Nbsp; Needless to, Needless to remind, to remind you, remind you that, you that baking, that baking soda, baking soda is, soda is not, is not more, not more toxic, more toxic than, toxic than table, than table salt,, table salt, as, salt, as many, as many can, many can believe,, can believe, the, believe, the secret, the secret being, secret being to, being to behave, to behave well, behave well with, well with this, with this substance., this substance. Respect, substance. Respect the, Respect the recommended, the recommended number, recommended number of, number of uses,, of uses, change, uses, change your, change your eating, your eating habits, eating habits and, habits and do, and do not, do not forget, not forget to, forget to brush, to brush your, brush your teeth, your teeth at, teeth at least, at least twice, least twice a, twice a day!