Tip: say goodbye to dental pain in 5 seconds thanks to this powerful remedy!

Tip: say goodbye to dental pain in 5 seconds thanks to this powerful remedy!

Tip: say goodbye to dental pain in 5 seconds thanks to this powerful remedy!

Various dental diseases exist such as tooth decay, gingivitis or periodontitis, pulpitis and tooth abscess. The common point of all these health problems is that a sharp and throbbing pain appears in the affected tooth. It is then a calvary for the person who suffers because the dental pain is particularly handicapped and can hinder the daily life.

ThesmileRadiant and joie de vivre leaves room for an imperial need to relieve this unbearable pain. Several treatments are offered such as taking painkillers. However, drug dependence and overdose lead to hepatic toxicity and severe kidney complications depending on the person's history. Recourse to natural methods is therefore the best way to avoid such serious side effects.

That's why we offer a natural remedy to treat dental pain quickly, discover the recipe!

Natural remedy to treat dental pain


  • ½ teaspoon clove powder
  • ½ teaspoon of coconut oil


Mix the clove powder toCoconut oilIn order to obtain a homogeneous paste. Then put on a cotton stem a small amount of the paste and apply on the tooth that makes you suffer. In a few minutes, the pain will disappear!

This remedy is to be used as soon as your tooth launches you. However, consult your dentist as a dental infection that is not managed can lead to sepsis, cardiovascular disorders, respiratory problems or chronic infections in the most severe cases.

Benefits of Ingredients

  • Cloves :Due to their antiseptic, anesthetic and analgesic properties due to their eugenol content, cloves effectively relieve dental pain and combat the development of bacteria that cause dental infections and bad breath. However, cloves are not recommended for pregnant and nursing women. An overdose of these can also prove toxic to the nervous system and the digestive system.
  • Coconut oil :Coconut oil can be used both for cooking and for the whole body. It contains antifungal and antibacterial properties. It helps to reduce bad breath, caries and gum disease.

Additional tips for good oral hygiene

In order to avoid the appearance of dental pain, some simple tips allow to maintain a good oral hygiene like:

  • Effective brushing:To maintain the health of your teeth and mouth, daily brushing of the teeth is necessary. To be effective, respect the number of brushing and the duration is 2 minutes morning and evening, that is to say twice a day. Also be sure to follow thebrushingrecommended.
  • Use Hygiene Supplements:The French Union for Oral Health recommends the use of dental floss and mouthwashes in order to combat the occurrence of dental plaque and the resulting ailments.
  • Reduce tobacco consumption and consumption of coffee, tea and soft drinks:Among the products that promote the appearance of spots, caries and tartar, we find tobacco, coffee, tea and sodas. For good oral hygiene, it is therefore necessary to reduce their intake and to rinse their mouth with a glass of water after drinking coffee or tea.

Having a varied and balanced diet:Food is surely the best way to maintain its overall health. In the case of oral health, foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, and calcium have a protective effect on the teeth. In addition, spicy food activates the salivary glands which is beneficial for disinfecting the mouth because saliva is a natural disinfectant.

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Tip, say, goodbye, to, dental, pain, in, 5, seconds, thanks, to, this, powerful, remedy, Various, dental, diseases, exist, such, as, tooth, decay,, gingivitis, or, periodontitis,, pulpitis, and, tooth, abscess., The, common, point, of, all, these, health, problems, is, that, a, sharp, and, throbbing, pain, appears, in, the, affected, tooth., It, is, then, a, calvary, for, the, person, who, suffers, because, the, dental, pain, is, particularly, handicapped, and, can, hinder, the, daily, life., The, radiant, smile, and, the, joie, de, vivre, give, way, to, an, imperial, need, to, relieve, this, unbearable, pain., Several, treatments, are, offered, such, as, taking, painkillers., However,, drug, dependence, and, overdose, lead, to, hepatic, toxicity, and, severe, kidney, complications, depending, on, the, person's, history., Recourse, to, natural, methods, thus, remains, the, best, way, to, avoid, this, kind, of, serious, side, effects., This, is, why, we, offer, a, natural, remedy, to, treat, dental, pain, quickly,, discover, the, recipe, &, nbsp;, Natural, remedy, for, treating, dental, pain, &, nbsp;, &, nbsp;, &, nbsp;, Ingredients:, ½, teaspoon, clove, powder, ½, teaspoon, coconut, oil, Preparation:, Mix, the, clove, powder, with, coconut, oil, in, order, to, obtain, a, homogeneous, paste., Then, put, on, a, cotton, stem, a, small, amount, of, the, paste, and, apply, on, the, tooth, that, makes, you, suffer., In, a, few, minutes,, the, pain, will, disappear, &, nbsp;, This, remedy, is, to, be, used, as, soon, as, your, tooth, launches, you., However,, consult, your, dentist, as, a, dental, infection, that, is, not, managed, can, lead, to, sepsis,, cardiovascular, disorders,, respiratory, problems, or, chronic, infections, in, the, most, severe, cases., Benefits, of, Ingredients, Cloves, &, nbsp, ;:, De, Their, antiseptic,, anesthetic, and, analgesic, properties, thanks, to, their, eugenol, content,, cloves, effectively, relieve, dental, pain, and, fight, against, the, appearance, of, bacteria, in, the, origin, of, dental, infections, and, bad, breath., However,, cloves, are, not, recommended, for, pregnant, and, nursing, women., An, overdose, of, these, may, also, prove, toxic, to, the, nervous, system, and, the, digestive, tract., Coconut, oil:, Useful, both, for, cooking, and, for, the, whole, body,, coconut, oil, contains, antifungal, and, antibacterial, properties., It, helps, to, reduce, bad, breath,, caries, and, gum, disease., Additional, tips, for, good, oral, hygiene, In, order, to, avoid, the, onset, of, dental, pain,, some, simple, tips, will, help, maintain, good, oral, hygiene, such, as:, Effective, brushing, &, nbsp, ;:, To, maintain, the, health, of, your, teeth, and, Of, your, mouth,, a, daily, brushing, of, the, teeth, is, necessary., In, order, to, be, effective,, respect, the, number, of, brushing, and, the, duration, is, 2, minutes, morning, and, evening,, that, is, to, say, twice, a, day., Be, sure, to, follow, the, recommended, brushing, method., Use, Hygiene, Supplements, The, French, Union, for, Oral, Health, recommends, the, use, of, dental, floss, and, mouthwashes, in, order, to, combat, the, occurrence, of, dental, plaque, and, related, ailments., Reduce, smoking, and, consumption, of, coffee,, tea, and, sodas:, Among, products, that, promote, the, appearance, of, spots,, caries, and, tartar,, Finds, tobacco,, coffee,, tea, and, sodas., For, good, oral, hygiene,, it, is, therefore, necessary, to, reduce, their, intake, and, to, rinse, their, mouths, with, a, glass, of, water, after, drinking, coffee, or, tea., Have, a, varied, and, balanced, diet:, nutrition, is, surely, the, best, way, to, maintain, one's, overall, health., In, the, case, of, oral, health,, foods, rich, in, vitamins, A,, B,, C,, and, E,, and, calcium, have, a, protective, effect, on, the, teeth., In, addition,, spicy, food, activates, the, salivary, glands, which, is, beneficial, for, disinfecting, the, mouth, because, saliva, is, a, natural, disinfectant., &, Nbsp;, Tip say, say goodbye, goodbye to, to dental, dental pain, pain in, in 5, 5 seconds, seconds thanks, thanks to, to this, this powerful, powerful remedy, remedy Various, Various dental, dental diseases, diseases exist, exist such, such as, as tooth, tooth decay,, decay, gingivitis, gingivitis or, or periodontitis,, periodontitis, pulpitis, pulpitis and, and tooth, tooth abscess., abscess. The, The common, common point, point of, of all, all these, these health, health problems, problems is, is that, that a, a sharp, sharp and, and throbbing, throbbing pain, pain appears, appears in, in the, the affected, affected tooth., tooth. It, It is, is then, then a, a calvary, calvary for, for the, the person, person who, who suffers, suffers because, because the, the dental, dental pain, pain is, is particularly, particularly handicapped, handicapped and, and can, can hinder, hinder the, the daily, daily life., life. The, The radiant, radiant smile, smile and, and the, the joie, joie de, de vivre, vivre give, give way, way to, to an, an imperial, imperial need, need to, to relieve, relieve this, this unbearable, unbearable pain., pain. Several, Several treatments, treatments are, are offered, offered such, such as, as taking, taking painkillers., painkillers. However,, However, drug, drug dependence, dependence and, and overdose, overdose lead, lead to, to hepatic, hepatic toxicity, toxicity and, and severe, severe kidney, kidney complications, complications depending, depending on, on the, the person's, person's history., history. Recourse, Recourse to, to natural, natural methods, methods thus, thus remains, remains the, the best, best way, way to, to avoid, avoid this, this kind, kind of, of serious, serious side, side effects., effects. This, This is, is why, why we, we offer, offer a, a natural, natural remedy, remedy to, to treat, treat dental, dental pain, pain quickly,, quickly, discover, discover the, the recipe, recipe &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Natural, Natural remedy, remedy for, for treating, treating dental, dental pain, pain &, & nbsp;, nbsp; &, & nbsp;, nbsp; &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Ingredients:, Ingredients: ½, ½ teaspoon, teaspoon clove, clove powder, powder ½, ½ teaspoon, teaspoon coconut, coconut oil, oil Preparation:, Preparation: Mix, Mix the, the clove, clove powder, powder with, with coconut, coconut oil, oil in, in order, order to, to obtain, obtain a, a homogeneous, homogeneous paste., paste. Then, Then put, put on, on a, a cotton, cotton stem, stem a, a small, small amount, amount of, of the, the paste, paste and, and apply, apply on, on the, the tooth, tooth that, that makes, makes you, you suffer., suffer. In, In a, a few, few minutes,, minutes, the, the pain, pain will, will disappear, disappear &, & nbsp;, nbsp; This, This remedy, remedy is, is to, to be, be used, used as, as soon, soon as, as your, your tooth, tooth launches, launches you., you. However,, However, consult, consult your, your dentist, dentist as, as a, a dental, dental infection, infection that, that is, is not, not managed, managed can, can lead, lead to, to sepsis,, sepsis, cardiovascular, cardiovascular disorders,, disorders, respiratory, respiratory problems, problems or, or chronic, chronic infections, infections in, in the, the most, most severe, severe cases., cases. Benefits, Benefits of, of Ingredients, Ingredients Cloves, Cloves &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: De, De Their, Their antiseptic,, antiseptic, anesthetic, anesthetic and, and analgesic, analgesic properties, properties thanks, thanks to, to their, their eugenol, eugenol content,, content, cloves, cloves effectively, effectively relieve, relieve dental, dental pain, pain and, and fight, fight against, against the, the appearance, appearance of, of bacteria, bacteria in, in the, the origin, origin of, of dental, dental infections, infections and, and bad, bad breath., breath. However,, However, cloves, cloves are, are not, not recommended, recommended for, for pregnant, pregnant and, and nursing, nursing women., women. An, An overdose, overdose of, of these, these may, may also, also prove, prove toxic, toxic to, to the, the nervous, nervous system, system and, and the, the digestive, digestive tract., tract. Coconut, Coconut oil:, oil: Useful, Useful both, both for, for cooking, cooking and, and for, for the, the whole, whole body,, body, coconut, coconut oil, oil contains, contains antifungal, antifungal and, and antibacterial, antibacterial properties., properties. It, It helps, helps to, to reduce, reduce bad, bad breath,, breath, caries, caries and, and gum, gum disease., disease. Additional, Additional tips, tips for, for good, good oral, oral hygiene, hygiene In, In order, order to, to avoid, avoid the, the onset, onset of, of dental, dental pain,, pain, some, some simple, simple tips, tips will, will help, help maintain, maintain good, good oral, oral hygiene, hygiene such, such as:, as: Effective, Effective brushing, brushing &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: To, To maintain, maintain the, the health, health of, of your, your teeth, teeth and, and Of, Of your, your mouth,, mouth, a, a daily, daily brushing, brushing of, of the, the teeth, teeth is, is necessary., necessary. In, In order, order to, to be, be effective,, effective, respect, respect the, the number, number of, of brushing, brushing and, and the, the duration, duration is, is 2, 2 minutes, minutes morning, morning and, and evening,, evening, that, that is, is to, to say, say twice, twice a, a day., day. Be, Be sure, sure to, to follow, follow the, the recommended, recommended brushing, brushing method., method. Use, Use Hygiene, Hygiene Supplements, Supplements The, The French, French Union, Union for, for Oral, Oral Health, Health recommends, recommends the, the use, use of, of dental, dental floss, floss and, and mouthwashes, mouthwashes in, in order, order to, to combat, combat the, the occurrence, occurrence of, of dental, dental plaque, plaque and, and related, related ailments., ailments. Reduce, Reduce smoking, smoking and, and consumption, consumption of, of coffee,, coffee, tea, tea and, and sodas:, sodas: Among, Among products, products that, that promote, promote the, the appearance, appearance of, of spots,, spots, caries, caries and, and tartar,, tartar, Finds, Finds tobacco,, tobacco, coffee,, coffee, tea, tea and, and sodas., sodas. For, For good, good oral, oral hygiene,, hygiene, it, it is, is therefore, therefore necessary, necessary to, to reduce, reduce their, their intake, intake and, and to, to rinse, rinse their, their mouths, mouths with, with a, a glass, glass of, of water, water after, after drinking, drinking coffee, coffee or, or tea., tea. Have, Have a, a varied, varied and, and balanced, balanced diet:, diet: nutrition, nutrition is, is surely, surely the, the best, best way, way to, to maintain, maintain one's, one's overall, overall health., health. In, In the, the case, case of, of oral, oral health,, health, foods, foods rich, rich in, in vitamins, vitamins A,, A, B,, B, C,, C, and, and E,, E, and, and calcium, calcium have, have a, a protective, protective effect, effect on, on the, the teeth., teeth. In, In addition,, addition, spicy, spicy food, food activates, activates the, the salivary, salivary glands, glands which, which is, is beneficial, beneficial for, for disinfecting, disinfecting the, the mouth, mouth because, because saliva, saliva is, is a, a natural, natural disinfectant., disinfectant. &, & Nbsp;, Tip say goodbye, say goodbye to, goodbye to dental, to dental pain, dental pain in, pain in 5, in 5 seconds, 5 seconds thanks, seconds thanks to, thanks to this, to this powerful, this powerful remedy, powerful remedy Various, remedy Various dental, Various dental diseases, dental diseases exist, diseases exist such, exist such as, such as tooth, as tooth decay,, tooth decay, gingivitis, decay, gingivitis or, gingivitis or periodontitis,, or periodontitis, pulpitis, periodontitis, pulpitis and, pulpitis and tooth, and tooth abscess., tooth abscess. The, abscess. The common, The common point, common point of, point of all, of all these, all these health, these health problems, health problems is, problems is that, is that a, that a sharp, a sharp and, sharp and throbbing, and throbbing pain, throbbing pain appears, pain appears in, appears in the, in the affected, the affected tooth., affected tooth. It, tooth. It is, It is then, is then a, then a calvary, a calvary for, calvary for the, for the person, the person who, person who suffers, who suffers because, suffers because the, because the dental, the dental pain, dental pain is, pain is particularly, is particularly handicapped, particularly handicapped and, handicapped and can, and can hinder, can hinder the, hinder the daily, the daily life., daily life. The, life. The radiant, The radiant smile, radiant smile and, smile and the, and the joie, the joie de, joie de vivre, de vivre give, vivre give way, give way to, way to an, to an imperial, an imperial need, imperial need to, need to relieve, to relieve this, relieve this unbearable, this unbearable pain., unbearable pain. Several, pain. Several treatments, Several treatments are, treatments are offered, are offered such, offered such as, such as taking, as taking painkillers., taking painkillers. However,, painkillers. However, drug, However, drug dependence, drug dependence and, dependence and overdose, and overdose lead, overdose lead to, lead to hepatic, to hepatic toxicity, hepatic toxicity and, toxicity and severe, and severe kidney, severe kidney complications, kidney complications depending, complications depending on, depending on the, on the person's, the person's history., person's history. Recourse, history. Recourse to, Recourse to natural, to natural methods, natural methods thus, methods thus remains, thus remains the, remains the best, the best way, best way to, way to avoid, to avoid this, avoid this kind, this kind of, kind of serious, of serious side, serious side effects., side effects. This, effects. This is, This is why, is why we, why we offer, we offer a, offer a natural, a natural remedy, natural remedy to, remedy to treat, to treat dental, treat dental pain, dental pain quickly,, pain quickly, discover, quickly, discover the, discover the recipe, the recipe &, recipe & nbsp;, & nbsp; Natural, nbsp; Natural remedy, Natural remedy for, remedy for treating, for treating dental, treating dental pain, dental pain &, pain & nbsp;, & nbsp; &, nbsp; & nbsp;, & nbsp; &, nbsp; & nbsp;, & nbsp; Ingredients:, nbsp; Ingredients: ½, Ingredients: ½ teaspoon, ½ teaspoon clove, teaspoon clove powder, clove powder ½, powder ½ teaspoon, ½ teaspoon coconut, teaspoon coconut oil, coconut oil Preparation:, oil Preparation: Mix, Preparation: Mix the, Mix the clove, the clove powder, clove powder with, powder with coconut, with coconut oil, coconut oil in, oil in order, in order to, order to obtain, to obtain a, obtain a homogeneous, a homogeneous paste., homogeneous paste. Then, paste. Then put, Then put on, put on a, on a cotton, a cotton stem, cotton stem a, stem a small, a small amount, small amount of, amount of the, of the paste, the paste and, paste and apply, and apply on, apply on the, on the tooth, the tooth that, tooth that makes, that makes you, makes you suffer., you suffer. In, suffer. In a, In a few, a few minutes,, few minutes, the, minutes, the pain, the pain will, pain will disappear, will disappear &, disappear & nbsp;, & nbsp; This, nbsp; This remedy, This remedy is, remedy is to, is to be, to be used, be used as, used as soon, as soon as, soon as your, as your tooth, your tooth launches, tooth launches you., launches you. However,, you. However, consult, However, consult your, consult your dentist, your dentist as, dentist as a, as a dental, a dental infection, dental infection that, infection that is, that is not, is not managed, not managed can, managed can lead, can lead to, lead to sepsis,, to sepsis, cardiovascular, sepsis, cardiovascular disorders,, cardiovascular disorders, respiratory, disorders, respiratory problems, respiratory problems or, problems or chronic, or chronic infections, chronic infections in, infections in the, in the most, the most severe, most severe cases., severe cases. Benefits, cases. Benefits of, Benefits of Ingredients, of Ingredients Cloves, Ingredients Cloves &, Cloves & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: De, ;: De Their, De Their antiseptic,, Their antiseptic, anesthetic, antiseptic, anesthetic and, anesthetic and analgesic, and analgesic properties, analgesic properties thanks, properties thanks to, thanks to their, to their eugenol, their eugenol content,, eugenol content, cloves, content, cloves effectively, cloves effectively relieve, effectively relieve dental, relieve dental pain, dental pain and, pain and fight, and fight against, fight against the, against the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of bacteria, of bacteria in, bacteria in the, in the origin, the origin of, origin of dental, of dental infections, dental infections and, infections and bad, and bad breath., bad breath. However,, breath. However, cloves, However, cloves are, cloves are not, are not recommended, not recommended for, recommended for pregnant, for pregnant and, pregnant and nursing, and nursing women., nursing women. An, women. An overdose, An overdose of, overdose of these, of these may, these may also, may also prove, also prove toxic, prove toxic to, toxic to the, to the nervous, the nervous system, nervous system and, system and the, and the digestive, the digestive tract., digestive tract. Coconut, tract. Coconut oil:, Coconut oil: Useful, oil: Useful both, Useful both for, both for cooking, for cooking and, cooking and for, and for the, for the whole, the whole body,, whole body, coconut, body, coconut oil, coconut oil contains, oil contains antifungal, contains antifungal and, antifungal and antibacterial, and antibacterial properties., antibacterial properties. It, properties. It helps, It helps to, helps to reduce, to reduce bad, reduce bad breath,, bad breath, caries, breath, caries and, caries and gum, and gum disease., gum disease. Additional, disease. Additional tips, Additional tips for, tips for good, for good oral, good oral hygiene, oral hygiene In, hygiene In order, In order to, order to avoid, to avoid the, avoid the onset, the onset of, onset of dental, of dental pain,, dental pain, some, pain, some simple, some simple tips, simple tips will, tips will help, will help maintain, help maintain good, maintain good oral, good oral hygiene, oral hygiene such, hygiene such as:, such as: Effective, as: Effective brushing, Effective brushing &, brushing & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: To, ;: To maintain, To maintain the, maintain the health, the health of, health of your, of your teeth, your teeth and, teeth and Of, and Of your, Of your mouth,, your mouth, a, mouth, a daily, a daily brushing, daily brushing of, brushing of the, of the teeth, the teeth is, teeth is necessary., is necessary. In, necessary. In order, In order to, order to be, to be effective,, be effective, respect, effective, respect the, respect the number, the number of, number of brushing, of brushing and, brushing and the, and the duration, the duration is, duration is 2, is 2 minutes, 2 minutes morning, minutes morning and, morning and evening,, and evening, that, evening, that is, that is to, is to say, to say twice, say twice a, twice a day., a day. Be, day. Be sure, Be sure to, sure to follow, to follow the, follow the recommended, the recommended brushing, recommended brushing method., brushing method. Use, method. Use Hygiene, Use Hygiene Supplements, Hygiene Supplements The, Supplements The French, The French Union, French Union for, Union for Oral, for Oral Health, Oral Health recommends, Health recommends the, recommends the use, the use of, use of dental, of dental floss, dental floss and, floss and mouthwashes, and mouthwashes in, mouthwashes in order, in order to, order to combat, to combat the, combat the occurrence, the occurrence of, occurrence of dental, of dental plaque, dental plaque and, plaque and related, and related ailments., related ailments. Reduce, ailments. Reduce smoking, Reduce smoking and, smoking and consumption, and consumption of, consumption of coffee,, of coffee, tea, coffee, tea and, tea and sodas:, and sodas: Among, sodas: Among products, Among products that, products that promote, that promote the, promote the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of spots,, of spots, caries, spots, caries and, caries and tartar,, and tartar, Finds, tartar, Finds tobacco,, Finds tobacco, coffee,, tobacco, coffee, tea, coffee, tea and, tea and sodas., and sodas. For, sodas. For good, For good oral, good oral hygiene,, oral hygiene, it, hygiene, it is, it is therefore, is therefore necessary, therefore necessary to, necessary to reduce, to reduce their, reduce their intake, their intake and, intake and to, and to rinse, to rinse their, rinse their mouths, their mouths with, mouths with a, with a glass, a glass of, glass of water, of water after, water after drinking, after drinking coffee, drinking coffee or, coffee or tea., or tea. Have, tea. Have a, Have a varied, a varied and, varied and balanced, and balanced diet:, balanced diet: nutrition, diet: nutrition is, nutrition is surely, is surely the, surely the best, the best way, best way to, way to maintain, to maintain one's, maintain one's overall, one's overall health., overall health. In, health. In the, In the case, the case of, case of oral, of oral health,, oral health, foods, health, foods rich, foods rich in, rich in vitamins, in vitamins A,, vitamins A, B,, A, B, C,, B, C, and, C, and E,, and E, and, E, and calcium, and calcium have, calcium have a, have a protective, a protective effect, protective effect on, effect on the, on the teeth., the teeth. In, teeth. In addition,, In addition, spicy, addition, spicy food, spicy food activates, food activates the, activates the salivary, the salivary glands, salivary glands which, glands which is, which is beneficial, is beneficial for, beneficial for disinfecting, for disinfecting the, disinfecting the mouth, the mouth because, mouth because saliva, because saliva is, saliva is a, is a natural, a natural disinfectant., natural disinfectant. &, disinfectant. & Nbsp;

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