The magic trick for your toilets always smell good!

The magic trick for your toilets always smell good!

The magic trick for your toilets always smell good!

The magic trick for your toilets always smell good!

The magic trick for your toilets always smell good!

Bad odors in bathrooms are often frequent. For your bathroom to feel clean, there are various natural methods and tricks. Unpleasant piping odors from the shower or tub or the smell of damp linen can easily disappear with this trick of baking soda and white vinegar.

Your bathroom can be invaded by bad odors, which is why it often needs a good housekeeping to eliminate even the most persistent bad odors. A good ventilation of this room is essential because it allows to circulate the air and to reduce theodor. Bad habits can also cause and cause these bad odors, such as forgetting wet laundry in the bathroom. Discover the factors and solutions of this phenomenon.

What are the factors causing bad odors in the bathroom?

Toilet paper and wet wipes:These two products have been classified products very harmful to the environment, even a little more than the exhaust of cars. Do you know that more than 270,000 trees are being slaughtered every day in the world to cover toilet paper needs? And do you know that the average annual consumption of a European citizen is 13 kg? These figures are very worrying. Added to this also the fact that these papers and wet wipes can cause bad odors due to their moisture and also because they can block the pipes. The ideal would be to use biodegradable and ecological dry paper and to clean the intimate parts with lukewarm water.

Problems of ventilation: The bathrooms are very damp and the lack of ventilation and ventilation can cause the presence of bad odors. After a shower or bath, try to ventilate the room by opening the window, if it exists, or by using theventilation(VMC) to evacuate moist air.

The accumulation of waste and germs:The accumulation of organic waste, residues and hair in the siphon can be the cause of these unpleasant odors. It is for this reason that you have to unclog and clean your siphons, even those that are in the kitchen. For this fact, you can use the coffee grounds, it has a 2 in 1 effect, it allows to unclog the siphon and to eliminate bad odors.

Here is a recipe based on natural products to get rid of bad odors:

To properly disinfect and clean your bathroom, there are no better than natural products that are highly effective. A mixture of sodium bicarbonate,vinegarAnd essential oil will get rid of these odors in just a few hours.


  • 200 grams of sodium bicarbonate
  • ½ cup white vinegar
  • 15 drops of essential oil (depending on your choice)


The preparation is very simple, just mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you get a paste and a homogeneous texture. Then prepare small balls with a spoon and let them dry and harden for 4 to 5 hours. Keep them in a box. To use them, place a ball in the toilet bowl and leave them for 5 minutes before running the water. Use these balls once a week to get good results.

White vinegar, like baking soda, are products that have proven effective in removing odors from pipes in bathrooms, the shower and the kitchen sink. Essential oils such as lavender, tea tree and lemon make it possible to perfume your pieces.

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The, magic, trick, for, your, toilets, always, smell, good, Bad, odors, in, bathrooms, are, often, frequent., For, your, bathroom, to, feel, clean,, there, are, various, natural, methods, and, tricks., Unpleasant, piping, odors, from, the, shower, or, tub, or, the, smell, of, damp, linen, can, easily, disappear, with, this, trick, of, baking, soda, and, white, vinegar., Your, bathroom, can, be, invaded, by, bad, odors,, so, it, often, needs, a, good, housekeeping, to, eliminate, even, the, most, persistent, bad, odors., A, good, ventilation, of, this, room, is, essential, because, it, allows, to, circulate, the, air, and, to, reduce, the, odors., Bad, habits, can, also, cause, and, cause, these, bad, odors,, such, as, the, forgetfulness, of, wet, laundry, in, the, bathroom., Discover, the, factors, and, solutions, of, this, phenomenon., What, are, the, factors, causing, bad, odors, in, the, bathroom?, Toilet, papers, and, wet, wipes:, These, two, products, have, been, classified, as, very, harmful, products, for, the, environment,, even, a, little, more, than, the, exhaust, gas, of, cars., Do, you, know, that, more, than, &, nbsp;, 270,000, trees, are, being, slaughtered, every, day, in, the, planet, to, cover, toilet, paper, needs?, And, do, you, know, that, the, average, annual, consumption, of, a, European, citizen, is, 13, kg?, These, figures, are, very, worrying., This, also, adds, to, the, fact, that, these, papers, and, wet, wipes, can, cause, bad, odors, due, to, their, moisture, and, also, because, they, can, block, the, pipes., The, ideal, would, be, to, use, biodegradable, and, environmentally, friendly, dry, paper, and, to, clean, the, intimate, parts, with, lukewarm, water., Ventilation, problems:, Bathrooms, are, very, damp, and, lack, of, ventilation, and, ventilation, can, cause, bad, odors., After, a, shower, or, bath,, try, to, ventilate, the, room, by, opening, the, window,, if, it, exists,, or, by, using, ventilation, (VMC), to, evacuate, moist, air., &, Nbsp;, The, accumulation, of, waste, and, microbes:, The, accumulation, of, organic, waste,, residues, and, hair, in, the, siphon, can, be, the, cause, of, these, unpleasant, odors., This, is, why, you, have, to, unclog, and, clean, your, siphons,, even, those, in, the, kitchen., For, this, fact,, you, can, use, coffee, grounds,, it, has, a, 2, in, 1, effect,, it, allows, to, unclog, the, siphon, and, to, eliminate, the, bad, odors., Here, is, a, recipe, based, on, natural, products, to, get, rid, of, bad, odors:, To, properly, disinfect, and, clean, your, bathroom,, there, are, no, better, than, natural, products, that, are, very, effective., &, Nbsp;, A, mixture, of, baking, soda,, vinegar, and, essential, oil, will, get, rid, of, these, odors, in, just, a, few, hours., Ingredients:, 200, grams, of, baking, soda, ½, cup, of, white, vinegar, 15, drops, of, essential, oil, (whichever, you, choose), Preparation:, Preparation, is, very, simple,, just, mix, all, the, ingredients, in, a, bowl, until, you, get, a, Paste, and, a, homogeneous, texture., Then, prepare, small, balls, with, a, spoon, and, let, them, dry, and, harden, for, 4, to, 5, hours., Keep, them, in, a, box., To, use, them,, place, a, ball, in, the, toilet, bowl, and, leave, them, for, 5, minutes, before, sinking, the, water., Use, these, balls, once, a, week, to, get, good, results., &, Nbsp;, White, vinegar,, as, well, as, baking, soda,, are, products, that, have, been, shown, to, be, effective, in, eliminating, odors, from, pipes, in, bathrooms,, showers, and, sinks., cooked., Essential, oils,, such, as, lavender,, tea, tree, and, lemon, allow, to, perfume, your, pieces., The magic, magic trick, trick for, for your, your toilets, toilets always, always smell, smell good, good Bad, Bad odors, odors in, in bathrooms, bathrooms are, are often, often frequent., frequent. For, For your, your bathroom, bathroom to, to feel, feel clean,, clean, there, there are, are various, various natural, natural methods, methods and, and tricks., tricks. Unpleasant, Unpleasant piping, piping odors, odors from, from the, the shower, shower or, or tub, tub or, or the, the smell, smell of, of damp, damp linen, linen can, can easily, easily disappear, disappear with, with this, this trick, trick of, of baking, baking soda, soda and, and white, white vinegar., vinegar. Your, Your bathroom, bathroom can, can be, be invaded, invaded by, by bad, bad odors,, odors, so, so it, it often, often needs, needs a, a good, good housekeeping, housekeeping to, to eliminate, eliminate even, even the, the most, most persistent, persistent bad, bad odors., odors. A, A good, good ventilation, ventilation of, of this, this room, room is, is essential, essential because, because it, it allows, allows to, to circulate, circulate the, the air, air and, and to, to reduce, reduce the, the odors., odors. Bad, Bad habits, habits can, can also, also cause, cause and, and cause, cause these, these bad, bad odors,, odors, such, such as, as the, the forgetfulness, forgetfulness of, of wet, wet laundry, laundry in, in the, the bathroom., bathroom. Discover, Discover the, the factors, factors and, and solutions, solutions of, of this, this phenomenon., phenomenon. What, What are, are the, the factors, factors causing, causing bad, bad odors, odors in, in the, the bathroom?, bathroom? Toilet, Toilet papers, papers and, and wet, wet wipes:, wipes: These, These two, two products, products have, have been, been classified, classified as, as very, very harmful, harmful products, products for, for the, the environment,, environment, even, even a, a little, little more, more than, than the, the exhaust, exhaust gas, gas of, of cars., cars. Do, Do you, you know, know that, that more, more than, than &, & nbsp;, nbsp; 270,000, 270,000 trees, trees are, are being, being slaughtered, slaughtered every, every day, day in, in the, the planet, planet to, to cover, cover toilet, toilet paper, paper needs?, needs? And, And do, do you, you know, know that, that the, the average, average annual, annual consumption, consumption of, of a, a European, European citizen, citizen is, is 13, 13 kg?, kg? These, These figures, figures are, are very, very worrying., worrying. This, This also, also adds, adds to, to the, the fact, fact that, that these, these papers, papers and, and wet, wet wipes, wipes can, can cause, cause bad, bad odors, odors due, due to, to their, their moisture, moisture and, and also, also because, because they, they can, can block, block the, the pipes., pipes. The, The ideal, ideal would, would be, be to, to use, use biodegradable, biodegradable and, and environmentally, environmentally friendly, friendly dry, dry paper, paper and, and to, to clean, clean the, the intimate, intimate parts, parts with, with lukewarm, lukewarm water., water. Ventilation, Ventilation problems:, problems: Bathrooms, Bathrooms are, are very, very damp, damp and, and lack, lack of, of ventilation, ventilation and, and ventilation, ventilation can, can cause, cause bad, bad odors., odors. After, After a, a shower, shower or, or bath,, bath, try, try to, to ventilate, ventilate the, the room, room by, by opening, opening the, the window,, window, if, if it, it exists,, exists, or, or by, by using, using ventilation, ventilation (VMC), (VMC) to, to evacuate, evacuate moist, moist air., air. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; The, The accumulation, accumulation of, of waste, waste and, and microbes:, microbes: The, The accumulation, accumulation of, of organic, organic waste,, waste, residues, residues and, and hair, hair in, in the, the siphon, siphon can, can be, be the, the cause, cause of, of these, these unpleasant, unpleasant odors., odors. This, This is, is why, why you, you have, have to, to unclog, unclog and, and clean, clean your, your siphons,, siphons, even, even those, those in, in the, the kitchen., kitchen. For, For this, this fact,, fact, you, you can, can use, use coffee, coffee grounds,, grounds, it, it has, has a, a 2, 2 in, in 1, 1 effect,, effect, it, it allows, allows to, to unclog, unclog the, the siphon, siphon and, and to, to eliminate, eliminate the, the bad, bad odors., odors. Here, Here is, is a, a recipe, recipe based, based on, on natural, natural products, products to, to get, get rid, rid of, of bad, bad odors:, odors: To, To properly, properly disinfect, disinfect and, and clean, clean your, your bathroom,, bathroom, there, there are, are no, no better, better than, than natural, natural products, products that, that are, are very, very effective., effective. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; A, A mixture, mixture of, of baking, baking soda,, soda, vinegar, vinegar and, and essential, essential oil, oil will, will get, get rid, rid of, of these, these odors, odors in, in just, just a, a few, few hours., hours. Ingredients:, Ingredients: 200, 200 grams, grams of, of baking, baking soda, soda ½, ½ cup, cup of, of white, white vinegar, vinegar 15, 15 drops, drops of, of essential, essential oil, oil (whichever, (whichever you, you choose), choose) Preparation:, Preparation: Preparation, Preparation is, is very, very simple,, simple, just, just mix, mix all, all the, the ingredients, ingredients in, in a, a bowl, bowl until, until you, you get, get a, a Paste, Paste and, and a, a homogeneous, homogeneous texture., texture. Then, Then prepare, prepare small, small balls, balls with, with a, a spoon, spoon and, and let, let them, them dry, dry and, and harden, harden for, for 4, 4 to, to 5, 5 hours., hours. Keep, Keep them, them in, in a, a box., box. To, To use, use them,, them, place, place a, a ball, ball in, in the, the toilet, toilet bowl, bowl and, and leave, leave them, them for, for 5, 5 minutes, minutes before, before sinking, sinking the, the water., water. Use, Use these, these balls, balls once, once a, a week, week to, to get, get good, good results., results. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; White, White vinegar,, vinegar, as, as well, well as, as baking, baking soda,, soda, are, are products, products that, that have, have been, been shown, shown to, to be, be effective, effective in, in eliminating, eliminating odors, odors from, from pipes, pipes in, in bathrooms,, bathrooms, showers, showers and, and sinks., sinks. cooked., cooked. Essential, Essential oils,, oils, such, such as, as lavender,, lavender, tea, tea tree, tree and, and lemon, lemon allow, allow to, to perfume, perfume your, your pieces., The magic trick, magic trick for, trick for your, for your toilets, your toilets always, toilets always smell, always smell good, smell good Bad, good Bad odors, Bad odors in, odors in bathrooms, in bathrooms are, bathrooms are often, are often frequent., often frequent. For, frequent. For your, For your bathroom, your bathroom to, bathroom to feel, to feel clean,, feel clean, there, clean, there are, there are various, are various natural, various natural methods, natural methods and, methods and tricks., and tricks. Unpleasant, tricks. Unpleasant piping, Unpleasant piping odors, piping odors from, odors from the, from the shower, the shower or, shower or tub, or tub or, tub or the, or the smell, the smell of, smell of damp, of damp linen, damp linen can, linen can easily, can easily disappear, easily disappear with, disappear with this, with this trick, this trick of, trick of baking, of baking soda, baking soda and, soda and white, and white vinegar., white vinegar. Your, vinegar. Your bathroom, Your bathroom can, bathroom can be, can be invaded, be invaded by, invaded by bad, by bad odors,, bad odors, so, odors, so it, so it often, it often needs, often needs a, needs a good, a good housekeeping, good housekeeping to, housekeeping to eliminate, to eliminate even, eliminate even the, even the most, the most persistent, most persistent bad, persistent bad odors., bad odors. A, odors. A good, A good ventilation, good ventilation of, ventilation of this, of this room, this room is, room is essential, is essential because, essential because it, because it allows, it allows to, allows to circulate, to circulate the, circulate the air, the air and, air and to, and to reduce, to reduce the, reduce the odors., the odors. Bad, odors. Bad habits, Bad habits can, habits can also, can also cause, also cause and, cause and cause, and cause these, cause these bad, these bad odors,, bad odors, such, odors, such as, such as the, as the forgetfulness, the forgetfulness of, forgetfulness of wet, of wet laundry, wet laundry in, laundry in the, in the bathroom., the bathroom. Discover, bathroom. Discover the, Discover the factors, the factors and, factors and solutions, and solutions of, solutions of this, of this phenomenon., this phenomenon. What, phenomenon. What are, What are the, are the factors, the factors causing, factors causing bad, causing bad odors, bad odors in, odors in the, in the bathroom?, the bathroom? Toilet, bathroom? Toilet papers, Toilet papers and, papers and wet, and wet wipes:, wet wipes: These, wipes: These two, These two products, two products have, products have been, have been classified, been classified as, classified as very, as very harmful, very harmful products, harmful products for, products for the, for the environment,, the environment, even, environment, even a, even a little, a little more, little more than, more than the, than the exhaust, the exhaust gas, exhaust gas of, gas of cars., of cars. Do, cars. Do you, Do you know, you know that, know that more, that more than, more than &, than & nbsp;, & nbsp; 270,000, nbsp; 270,000 trees, 270,000 trees are, trees are being, are being slaughtered, being slaughtered every, slaughtered every day, every day in, day in the, in the planet, the planet to, planet to cover, to cover toilet, cover toilet paper, toilet paper needs?, paper needs? And, needs? And do, And do you, do you know, you know that, know that the, that the average, the average annual, average annual consumption, annual consumption of, consumption of a, of a European, a European citizen, European citizen is, citizen is 13, is 13 kg?, 13 kg? These, kg? These figures, These figures are, figures are very, are very worrying., very worrying. This, worrying. This also, This also adds, also adds to, adds to the, to the fact, the fact that, fact that these, that these papers, these papers and, papers and wet, and wet wipes, wet wipes can, wipes can cause, can cause bad, cause bad odors, bad odors due, odors due to, due to their, to their moisture, their moisture and, moisture and also, and also because, also because they, because they can, they can block, can block the, block the pipes., the pipes. The, pipes. The ideal, The ideal would, ideal would be, would be to, be to use, to use biodegradable, use biodegradable and, biodegradable and environmentally, and environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly dry, friendly dry paper, dry paper and, paper and to, and to clean, to clean the, clean the intimate, the intimate parts, intimate parts with, parts with lukewarm, with lukewarm water., lukewarm water. Ventilation, water. Ventilation problems:, Ventilation problems: Bathrooms, problems: Bathrooms are, Bathrooms are very, are very damp, very damp and, damp and lack, and lack of, lack of ventilation, of ventilation and, ventilation and ventilation, and ventilation can, ventilation can cause, can cause bad, cause bad odors., bad odors. After, odors. After a, After a shower, a shower or, shower or bath,, or bath, try, bath, try to, try to ventilate, to ventilate the, ventilate the room, the room by, room by opening, by opening the, opening the window,, the window, if, window, if it, if it exists,, it exists, or, exists, or by, or by using, by using ventilation, using ventilation (VMC), ventilation (VMC) to, (VMC) to evacuate, to evacuate moist, evacuate moist air., moist air. &, air. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; The, Nbsp; The accumulation, The accumulation of, accumulation of waste, of waste and, waste and microbes:, and microbes: The, microbes: The accumulation, The accumulation of, accumulation of organic, of organic waste,, organic waste, residues, waste, residues and, residues and hair, and hair in, hair in the, in the siphon, the siphon can, siphon can be, can be the, be the cause, the cause of, cause of these, of these unpleasant, these unpleasant odors., unpleasant odors. This, odors. This is, This is why, is why you, why you have, you have to, have to unclog, to unclog and, unclog and clean, and clean your, clean your siphons,, your siphons, even, siphons, even those, even those in, those in the, in the kitchen., the kitchen. For, kitchen. For this, For this fact,, this fact, you, fact, you can, you can use, can use coffee, use coffee grounds,, coffee grounds, it, grounds, it has, it has a, has a 2, a 2 in, 2 in 1, in 1 effect,, 1 effect, it, effect, it allows, it allows to, allows to unclog, to unclog the, unclog the siphon, the siphon and, siphon and to, and to eliminate, to eliminate the, eliminate the bad, the bad odors., bad odors. Here, odors. Here is, Here is a, is a recipe, a recipe based, recipe based on, based on natural, on natural products, natural products to, products to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of bad, of bad odors:, bad odors: To, odors: To properly, To properly disinfect, properly disinfect and, disinfect and clean, and clean your, clean your bathroom,, your bathroom, there, bathroom, there are, there are no, are no better, no better than, better than natural, than natural products, natural products that, products that are, that are very, are very effective., very effective. &, effective. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; A, Nbsp; A mixture, A mixture of, mixture of baking, of baking soda,, baking soda, vinegar, soda, vinegar and, vinegar and essential, and essential oil, essential oil will, oil will get, will get rid, get rid of, rid of these, of these odors, these odors in, odors in just, in just a, just a few, a few hours., few hours. Ingredients:, hours. Ingredients: 200, Ingredients: 200 grams, 200 grams of, grams of baking, of baking soda, baking soda ½, soda ½ cup, ½ cup of, cup of white, of white vinegar, white vinegar 15, vinegar 15 drops, 15 drops of, drops of essential, of essential oil, essential oil (whichever, oil (whichever you, (whichever you choose), you choose) Preparation:, choose) Preparation: Preparation, Preparation: Preparation is, Preparation is very, is very simple,, very simple, just, simple, just mix, just mix all, mix all the, all the ingredients, the ingredients in, ingredients in a, in a bowl, a bowl until, bowl until you, until you get, you get a, get a Paste, a Paste and, Paste and a, and a homogeneous, a homogeneous texture., homogeneous texture. Then, texture. Then prepare, Then prepare small, prepare small balls, small balls with, balls with a, with a spoon, a spoon and, spoon and let, and let them, let them dry, them dry and, dry and harden, and harden for, harden for 4, for 4 to, 4 to 5, to 5 hours., 5 hours. Keep, hours. Keep them, Keep them in, them in a, in a box., a box. To, box. To use, To use them,, use them, place, them, place a, place a ball, a ball in, ball in the, in the toilet, the toilet bowl, toilet bowl and, bowl and leave, and leave them, leave them for, them for 5, for 5 minutes, 5 minutes before, minutes before sinking, before sinking the, sinking the water., the water. Use, water. Use these, Use these balls, these balls once, balls once a, once a week, a week to, week to get, to get good, get good results., good results. &, results. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; White, Nbsp; White vinegar,, White vinegar, as, vinegar, as well, as well as, well as baking, as baking soda,, baking soda, are, soda, are products, are products that, products that have, that have been, have been shown, been shown to, shown to be, to be effective, be effective in, effective in eliminating, in eliminating odors, eliminating odors from, odors from pipes, from pipes in, pipes in bathrooms,, in bathrooms, showers, bathrooms, showers and, showers and sinks., and sinks. cooked., sinks. cooked. Essential, cooked. Essential oils,, Essential oils, such, oils, such as, such as lavender,, as lavender, tea, lavender, tea tree, tea tree and, tree and lemon, and lemon allow, lemon allow to, allow to perfume, to perfume your, perfume your pieces.