Get rid of plaque in only 5 minutes! This will change your life!

Get rid of plaque in only 5 minutes! This will change your life!

Get rid of plaque in only 5 minutes! This will change your life!

Dental plaque is composed of salivary proteins, food, bacteria and toxins. Although it occurs naturally, plaque can cause various periodontal diseases and dental caries. It is therefore essential to get rid of an aesthetic point of view and for health!

A lot of bad habits cause dental plaque such as smoking, caffeine, theine, foods that try enamel, poor oral hygiene and a bad method ofbrushing.

It is therefore recommended to maintain oral hygiene in order to prevent the appearance of dental plaque. However, when the latter is already well established, certain natural remedies favor its elimination. So discover foods that remove plaque and a natural remedy to regain a bright smile!

Food for removing plaque

  • The strawberries :Concentrated in ascorbic acid, strawberries reduce the appearance of tasks and combat yellowing of teeth. Simply crush a few strawberries and rub them directly on your teeth and then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Parsley:Offering fresh breath, parsley also improves the cleaning of teeth. Apply a few sheets of fresh parsley on your teeth and leave for five minutes. Finally, rinse your mouth with lukewarm water to remove residues.
  • Carrots :Rich in fiber, thecarrotsAre of major interest in interdental cleansing. They promote the elimination of dental plaque, thus reducing the appearance of periodontal problems. In addition, by gently chewing the carrots, you give your gums a natural massage and you increase your saliva. This last fight against the bacteria causing dental caries.
  • The lemon :Allowing to remove the tartar, the lemon, and especially the lemon juice, allows the maintenance of a good oral hygiene. Simply mix half a lemon juice with warm water and then use it as a gargle. However, be careful about its use as the lemon is abrasive for dental enamel. Do not exceed one to two uses per week.

Natural remedy for teeth whitening


  • One tablespoon of baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon of fine sea salt
  • 1 glass of water


Mix the baking soda and the fine sea salt with water to obtain a homogeneous preparation. Apply to your toothbrush and then brush your teeth. Finally, rinse with clean water.

Benefits of Ingredients

  • Baking soda:Used for multiple purposes, baking soda attacks tartar. Indeed, it is a natural descaler that makes it possible to whiten the teeth and to polish the enamel by attacking the spots. In particular, it clears the stains caused by the consumption of tobacco, tea and coffee.
  • Fine Sea Salt:Recognized for its antibacterial properties due to iodine content, fine sea salt promotes the production of saliva in the mouth. This eliminates the bacteria that attack dental enamel andBad breath. It whitens your teeth and tones the gums at the same time.

Warnings :However, these two ingredients have an action, so it is recommended to limit the use of this remedy to one or two times a week only to not damage the enamel of your teeth.

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Get, rid, of, plaque, in, only, 5, minutes, This, will, change, your, life, Dental, plaque, is, composed, of, salivary, proteins,, food,, bacteria, and, toxins., Although, it, occurs, naturally,, plaque, can, cause, various, periodontal, diseases, and, dental, caries., It, is, therefore, essential, to, get, rid, of, an, aesthetic, point, of, view, and, for, health!, Lots, of, bad, habits, cause, dental, plaque, such, as, smoking,, caffeine,, theine,, foods, that, try, enamel,, poor, oral, hygiene, and, a, bad, brushing, method., It, is, therefore, recommended, to, maintain, oral, hygiene, in, order, to, prevent, the, occurrence, of, dental, plaque., However,, when, the, latter, is, already, well, established,, certain, natural, remedies, favor, its, elimination., So, discover, foods, that, remove, dental, plaque, as, well, as, a, natural, remedy, to, regain, a, glowing, smile, &, nbsp;, Foods, for, removing, dental, plaque, Strawberries:, Concentrates, in, ascorbic, acid,, strawberries, reduce, the, onset, of, tasks, and, combat, yellowing, of, teeth., Simply, crush, a, few, strawberries, and, rub, them, directly, on, your, teeth, and, then, rinse, with, lukewarm, water., Parsley:, Offering, fresh, breath,, parsley, also, improves, the, cleaning, of, teeth., Apply, a, few, sheets, of, fresh, parsley, on, your, teeth, and, leave, for, five, minutes., Finally,, rinse, your, mouth, with, lukewarm, water, to, remove, residues., Carrots, &, nbsp, ;:, Fiber-rich, carrots, are, of, major, interest, in, inter-dental, cleaning., They, promote, the, elimination, of, dental, plaque,, thus, reducing, the, occurrence, of, periodontal, problems., In, addition,, by, gently, chewing, the, carrots,, you, give, your, gums, a, natural, massage, and, you, increase, Your, saliva., This, last, fight, against, the, bacteria, to, the, origin, of, dental, caries., Lemon:, Allowing, the, removal, of, tartar,, lemon,, and, especially, lemon, juice,, allows, the, maintenance, of, good, oral, hygiene., Simply, mix, the, juice, of, half, a, lemon, with, lukewarm, water, and, then, use, it, as, a, gargle., However,, be, careful, about, its, use, as, the, lemon, is, abrasive, for, dental, enamel., Do, not, exceed, one, to, two, uses, per, week., Natural, Remedy, for, Teeth, Whitening, Ingredients:, A, tablespoon, of, baking, soda, ½, teaspoon, of, fine, sea, salt, 1, glass, of, water, Preparation:, Mix, baking, soda, and, fine, sea, salt, in, water, so, To, obtain, a, homogeneous, preparation., Apply, to, your, toothbrush, and, then, brush, your, teeth., Finally,, rinse, with, clear, water., Benefits, of, Sodium, Bicarbonate, Ingredients:, Used, for, multiple, purposes,, edible, baking, soda, attacks, tartar., Indeed,, it, is, a, natural, descaler, that, allows, to, whiten, teeth, and, polish, enamel, by, attacking, stain., In, particular,, it, clears, the, stains, caused, by, the, consumption, of, tobacco,, tea, and, coffee., Fine, sea, salt:, Recognized, for, its, antibacterial, properties, thanks, to, iodine, content,, fine, sea, salt, promotes, the, production, of, saliva, in, the, mouth., This, eliminates, the, bacteria, that, attack, dental, enamel, and, are, the, source, of, bad, breath., It, whitens, your, teeth, and, tones, the, gums, at, the, same, time., Warnings, &, Warnings:, However,, these, two, ingredients, have, an, action,, so, it, is, recommended, to, Limit, the, use, of, this, remedy, to, once, or, twice, a, week, only, so, as, not, to, damage, the, enamel, of, your, teeth., Get rid, rid of, of plaque, plaque in, in only, only 5, 5 minutes, minutes This, This will, will change, change your, your life, life Dental, Dental plaque, plaque is, is composed, composed of, of salivary, salivary proteins,, proteins, food,, food, bacteria, bacteria and, and toxins., toxins. Although, Although it, it occurs, occurs naturally,, naturally, plaque, plaque can, can cause, cause various, various periodontal, periodontal diseases, diseases and, and dental, dental caries., caries. It, It is, is therefore, therefore essential, essential to, to get, get rid, rid of, of an, an aesthetic, aesthetic point, point of, of view, view and, and for, for health!, health! Lots, Lots of, of bad, bad habits, habits cause, cause dental, dental plaque, plaque such, such as, as smoking,, smoking, caffeine,, caffeine, theine,, theine, foods, foods that, that try, try enamel,, enamel, poor, poor oral, oral hygiene, hygiene and, and a, a bad, bad brushing, brushing method., method. It, It is, is therefore, therefore recommended, recommended to, to maintain, maintain oral, oral hygiene, hygiene in, in order, order to, to prevent, prevent the, the occurrence, occurrence of, of dental, dental plaque., plaque. However,, However, when, when the, the latter, latter is, is already, already well, well established,, established, certain, certain natural, natural remedies, remedies favor, favor its, its elimination., elimination. So, So discover, discover foods, foods that, that remove, remove dental, dental plaque, plaque as, as well, well as, as a, a natural, natural remedy, remedy to, to regain, regain a, a glowing, glowing smile, smile &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Foods, Foods for, for removing, removing dental, dental plaque, plaque Strawberries:, Strawberries: Concentrates, Concentrates in, in ascorbic, ascorbic acid,, acid, strawberries, strawberries reduce, reduce the, the onset, onset of, of tasks, tasks and, and combat, combat yellowing, yellowing of, of teeth., teeth. Simply, Simply crush, crush a, a few, few strawberries, strawberries and, and rub, rub them, them directly, directly on, on your, your teeth, teeth and, and then, then rinse, rinse with, with lukewarm, lukewarm water., water. Parsley:, Parsley: Offering, Offering fresh, fresh breath,, breath, parsley, parsley also, also improves, improves the, the cleaning, cleaning of, of teeth., teeth. Apply, Apply a, a few, few sheets, sheets of, of fresh, fresh parsley, parsley on, on your, your teeth, teeth and, and leave, leave for, for five, five minutes., minutes. Finally,, Finally, rinse, rinse your, your mouth, mouth with, with lukewarm, lukewarm water, water to, to remove, remove residues., residues. Carrots, Carrots &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Fiber-rich, Fiber-rich carrots, carrots are, are of, of major, major interest, interest in, in inter-dental, inter-dental cleaning., cleaning. They, They promote, promote the, the elimination, elimination of, of dental, dental plaque,, plaque, thus, thus reducing, reducing the, the occurrence, occurrence of, of periodontal, periodontal problems., problems. In, In addition,, addition, by, by gently, gently chewing, chewing the, the carrots,, carrots, you, you give, give your, your gums, gums a, a natural, natural massage, massage and, and you, you increase, increase Your, Your saliva., saliva. This, This last, last fight, fight against, against the, the bacteria, bacteria to, to the, the origin, origin of, of dental, dental caries., caries. Lemon:, Lemon: Allowing, Allowing the, the removal, removal of, of tartar,, tartar, lemon,, lemon, and, and especially, especially lemon, lemon juice,, juice, allows, allows the, the maintenance, maintenance of, of good, good oral, oral hygiene., hygiene. Simply, Simply mix, mix the, the juice, juice of, of half, half a, a lemon, lemon with, with lukewarm, lukewarm water, water and, and then, then use, use it, it as, as a, a gargle., gargle. However,, However, be, be careful, careful about, about its, its use, use as, as the, the lemon, lemon is, is abrasive, abrasive for, for dental, dental enamel., enamel. Do, Do not, not exceed, exceed one, one to, to two, two uses, uses per, per week., week. Natural, Natural Remedy, Remedy for, for Teeth, Teeth Whitening, Whitening Ingredients:, Ingredients: A, A tablespoon, tablespoon of, of baking, baking soda, soda ½, ½ teaspoon, teaspoon of, of fine, fine sea, sea salt, salt 1, 1 glass, glass of, of water, water Preparation:, Preparation: Mix, Mix baking, baking soda, soda and, and fine, fine sea, sea salt, salt in, in water, water so, so To, To obtain, obtain a, a homogeneous, homogeneous preparation., preparation. Apply, Apply to, to your, your toothbrush, toothbrush and, and then, then brush, brush your, your teeth., teeth. Finally,, Finally, rinse, rinse with, with clear, clear water., water. Benefits, Benefits of, of Sodium, Sodium Bicarbonate, Bicarbonate Ingredients:, Ingredients: Used, Used for, for multiple, multiple purposes,, purposes, edible, edible baking, baking soda, soda attacks, attacks tartar., tartar. Indeed,, Indeed, it, it is, is a, a natural, natural descaler, descaler that, that allows, allows to, to whiten, whiten teeth, teeth and, and polish, polish enamel, enamel by, by attacking, attacking stain., stain. In, In particular,, particular, it, it clears, clears the, the stains, stains caused, caused by, by the, the consumption, consumption of, of tobacco,, tobacco, tea, tea and, and coffee., coffee. Fine, Fine sea, sea salt:, salt: Recognized, Recognized for, for its, its antibacterial, antibacterial properties, properties thanks, thanks to, to iodine, iodine content,, content, fine, fine sea, sea salt, salt promotes, promotes the, the production, production of, of saliva, saliva in, in the, the mouth., mouth. This, This eliminates, eliminates the, the bacteria, bacteria that, that attack, attack dental, dental enamel, enamel and, and are, are the, the source, source of, of bad, bad breath., breath. It, It whitens, whitens your, your teeth, teeth and, and tones, tones the, the gums, gums at, at the, the same, same time., time. Warnings, Warnings &, & Warnings:, Warnings: However,, However, these, these two, two ingredients, ingredients have, have an, an action,, action, so, so it, it is, is recommended, recommended to, to Limit, Limit the, the use, use of, of this, this remedy, remedy to, to once, once or, or twice, twice a, a week, week only, only so, so as, as not, not to, to damage, damage the, the enamel, enamel of, of your, your teeth., Get rid of, rid of plaque, of plaque in, plaque in only, in only 5, only 5 minutes, 5 minutes This, minutes This will, This will change, will change your, change your life, your life Dental, life Dental plaque, Dental plaque is, plaque is composed, is composed of, composed of salivary, of salivary proteins,, salivary proteins, food,, proteins, food, bacteria, food, bacteria and, bacteria and toxins., and toxins. Although, toxins. Although it, Although it occurs, it occurs naturally,, occurs naturally, plaque, naturally, plaque can, plaque can cause, can cause various, cause various periodontal, various periodontal diseases, periodontal diseases and, diseases and dental, and dental caries., dental caries. It, caries. It is, It is therefore, is therefore essential, therefore essential to, essential to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of an, of an aesthetic, an aesthetic point, aesthetic point of, point of view, of view and, view and for, and for health!, for health! Lots, health! Lots of, Lots of bad, of bad habits, bad habits cause, habits cause dental, cause dental plaque, dental plaque such, plaque such as, such as smoking,, as smoking, caffeine,, smoking, caffeine, theine,, caffeine, theine, foods, theine, foods that, foods that try, that try enamel,, try enamel, poor, enamel, poor oral, poor oral hygiene, oral hygiene and, hygiene and a, and a bad, a bad brushing, bad brushing method., brushing method. It, method. It is, It is therefore, is therefore recommended, therefore recommended to, recommended to maintain, to maintain oral, maintain oral hygiene, oral hygiene in, hygiene in order, in order to, order to prevent, to prevent the, prevent the occurrence, the occurrence of, occurrence of dental, of dental plaque., dental plaque. However,, plaque. However, when, However, when the, when the latter, the latter is, latter is already, is already well, already well established,, well established, certain, established, certain natural, certain natural remedies, natural remedies favor, remedies favor its, favor its elimination., its elimination. So, elimination. So discover, So discover foods, discover foods that, foods that remove, that remove dental, remove dental plaque, dental plaque as, plaque as well, as well as, well as a, as a natural, a natural remedy, natural remedy to, remedy to regain, to regain a, regain a glowing, a glowing smile, glowing smile &, smile & nbsp;, & nbsp; Foods, nbsp; Foods for, Foods for removing, for removing dental, removing dental plaque, dental plaque Strawberries:, plaque Strawberries: Concentrates, Strawberries: Concentrates in, Concentrates in ascorbic, in ascorbic acid,, ascorbic acid, strawberries, acid, strawberries reduce, strawberries reduce the, reduce the onset, the onset of, onset of tasks, of tasks and, tasks and combat, and combat yellowing, combat yellowing of, yellowing of teeth., of teeth. Simply, teeth. Simply crush, Simply crush a, crush a few, a few strawberries, few strawberries and, strawberries and rub, and rub them, rub them directly, them directly on, directly on your, on your teeth, your teeth and, teeth and then, and then rinse, then rinse with, rinse with lukewarm, with lukewarm water., lukewarm water. Parsley:, water. Parsley: Offering, Parsley: Offering fresh, Offering fresh breath,, fresh breath, parsley, breath, parsley also, parsley also improves, also improves the, improves the cleaning, the cleaning of, cleaning of teeth., of teeth. Apply, teeth. Apply a, Apply a few, a few sheets, few sheets of, sheets of fresh, of fresh parsley, fresh parsley on, parsley on your, on your teeth, your teeth and, teeth and leave, and leave for, leave for five, for five minutes., five minutes. Finally,, minutes. Finally, rinse, Finally, rinse your, rinse your mouth, your mouth with, mouth with lukewarm, with lukewarm water, lukewarm water to, water to remove, to remove residues., remove residues. Carrots, residues. Carrots &, Carrots & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Fiber-rich, ;: Fiber-rich carrots, Fiber-rich carrots are, carrots are of, are of major, of major interest, major interest in, interest in inter-dental, in inter-dental cleaning., inter-dental cleaning. They, cleaning. They promote, They promote the, promote the elimination, the elimination of, elimination of dental, of dental plaque,, dental plaque, thus, plaque, thus reducing, thus reducing the, reducing the occurrence, the occurrence of, occurrence of periodontal, of periodontal problems., periodontal problems. In, problems. In addition,, In addition, by, addition, by gently, by gently chewing, gently chewing the, chewing the carrots,, the carrots, you, carrots, you give, you give your, give your gums, your gums a, gums a natural, a natural massage, natural massage and, massage and you, and you increase, you increase Your, increase Your saliva., Your saliva. This, saliva. This last, This last fight, last fight against, fight against the, against the bacteria, the bacteria to, bacteria to the, to the origin, the origin of, origin of dental, of dental caries., dental caries. Lemon:, caries. Lemon: Allowing, Lemon: Allowing the, Allowing the removal, the removal of, removal of tartar,, of tartar, lemon,, tartar, lemon, and, lemon, and especially, and especially lemon, especially lemon juice,, lemon juice, allows, juice, allows the, allows the maintenance, the maintenance of, maintenance of good, of good oral, good oral hygiene., oral hygiene. Simply, hygiene. Simply mix, Simply mix the, mix the juice, the juice of, juice of half, of half a, half a lemon, a lemon with, lemon with lukewarm, with lukewarm water, lukewarm water and, water and then, and then use, then use it, use it as, it as a, as a gargle., a gargle. However,, gargle. However, be, However, be careful, be careful about, careful about its, about its use, its use as, use as the, as the lemon, the lemon is, lemon is abrasive, is abrasive for, abrasive for dental, for dental enamel., dental enamel. Do, enamel. Do not, Do not exceed, not exceed one, exceed one to, one to two, to two uses, two uses per, uses per week., per week. Natural, week. Natural Remedy, Natural Remedy for, Remedy for Teeth, for Teeth Whitening, Teeth Whitening Ingredients:, Whitening Ingredients: A, Ingredients: A tablespoon, A tablespoon of, tablespoon of baking, of baking soda, baking soda ½, soda ½ teaspoon, ½ teaspoon of, teaspoon of fine, of fine sea, fine sea salt, sea salt 1, salt 1 glass, 1 glass of, glass of water, of water Preparation:, water Preparation: Mix, Preparation: Mix baking, Mix baking soda, baking soda and, soda and fine, and fine sea, fine sea salt, sea salt in, salt in water, in water so, water so To, so To obtain, To obtain a, obtain a homogeneous, a homogeneous preparation., homogeneous preparation. Apply, preparation. Apply to, Apply to your, to your toothbrush, your toothbrush and, toothbrush and then, and then brush, then brush your, brush your teeth., your teeth. Finally,, teeth. Finally, rinse, Finally, rinse with, rinse with clear, with clear water., clear water. Benefits, water. Benefits of, Benefits of Sodium, of Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate Ingredients:, Bicarbonate Ingredients: Used, Ingredients: Used for, Used for multiple, for multiple purposes,, multiple purposes, edible, purposes, edible baking, edible baking soda, baking soda attacks, soda attacks tartar., attacks tartar. Indeed,, tartar. Indeed, it, Indeed, it is, it is a, is a natural, a natural descaler, natural descaler that, descaler that allows, that allows to, allows to whiten, to whiten teeth, whiten teeth and, teeth and polish, and polish enamel, polish enamel by, enamel by attacking, by attacking stain., attacking stain. In, stain. In particular,, In particular, it, particular, it clears, it clears the, clears the stains, the stains caused, stains caused by, caused by the, by the consumption, the consumption of, consumption of tobacco,, of tobacco, tea, tobacco, tea and, tea and coffee., and coffee. Fine, coffee. Fine sea, Fine sea salt:, sea salt: Recognized, salt: Recognized for, Recognized for its, for its antibacterial, its antibacterial properties, antibacterial properties thanks, properties thanks to, thanks to iodine, to iodine content,, iodine content, fine, content, fine sea, fine sea salt, sea salt promotes, salt promotes the, promotes the production, the production of, production of saliva, of saliva in, saliva in the, in the mouth., the mouth. This, mouth. This eliminates, This eliminates the, eliminates the bacteria, the bacteria that, bacteria that attack, that attack dental, attack dental enamel, dental enamel and, enamel and are, and are the, are the source, the source of, source of bad, of bad breath., bad breath. It, breath. It whitens, It whitens your, whitens your teeth, your teeth and, teeth and tones, and tones the, tones the gums, the gums at, gums at the, at the same, the same time., same time. Warnings, time. Warnings &, Warnings & Warnings:, & Warnings: However,, Warnings: However, these, However, these two, these two ingredients, two ingredients have, ingredients have an, have an action,, an action, so, action, so it, so it is, it is recommended, is recommended to, recommended to Limit, to Limit the, Limit the use, the use of, use of this, of this remedy, this remedy to, remedy to once, to once or, once or twice, or twice a, twice a week, a week only, week only so, only so as, so as not, as not to, not to damage, to damage the, damage the enamel, the enamel of, enamel of your, of your teeth.