Do not eat this fish anymore, it destroys your health!

Do not eat this fish anymore, it destroys your health!

Do not eat this fish anymore, it destroys your health!

Among the diet's flagship foods is fish. Allowing to balance meals and being low in calories, the fish is also rich in flavors. But in order to avoid huge costs to lose weight, some people resign themselves to buying the cheapest fish from the trade.

However, their price may prove to be an indication of their quality, as is the case with this particular fish, which is very dangerous forhealth! Find out why you absolutely must stop buying Panga fish.

The Panga, one of the most toxic fish:

Pangasius hypophthalmus is a fish found on fish stalls at a very low price. It is produced industrially in Vietnam and comes from one of the most contaminated rivers on the planet, the Mekong.

Hormones collected in the dried urine of pregnant women are injected into the females of the Panga fish in order to increase the birth rate and hence the production. The breeding takes place in large Mekong parks containing impressive amounts of micro-organismstoxicImpregnated in the flesh of the fish. The fish are fed from imported Peruvian meal made from fish cores mixed with cassava, soya and various cereals. Once the gavage is completed, the fish farmers recover the enormous fish and the netting is done by Chinese workers. The nets are sent frozen to Europe.

The United States has banned the consumption of this fish in the face of public health risks. No sanitary regulations are required in China regarding Panga fish farming, however, the more we buy, the more we encourage the raising and continuing sale of this toxic fish.

In addition, Panga fish contains little nutritional value and its intake of omega-3 is insufficient. That is why it is paramount to our health to choose the fish we eat. Find out which fish to choose to preserve your health.

Which fish to choose to preserve its health?

Beyond the consequences of overfishing for our environment, choosing a fish is dangerous to our health. Farmed fish are poorly recommended due to genetic modification and exposure to a large number of toxins, antibiotics and pesticides. The latter, antibiotics and pesticides, are given to fish to help them survive and fight sea lice. Moreover, their food is unhealthy.

Therefore, it is better to rely on the so-called wild and sustainable fish. This is the case of the fish below:

  • Cod of the Pacific
  • Alaska pollock
  • Herring
  • Mackerel
  • Hastings Sole
  • SalmonOf the Pacific
  • Cape White Hake

Since January 2002, a European regulation requires that the scientific name of the fish, the area where it has been fished or its country of rearing and the method of production shall be indicated on the label. And since 2014, traders must also add the indication of the fishing gear and specify more specifically the fishing zone. However, the labels on the packaging are not always very reliable because these regulations are only very poorly respected. A double vigilance is therefore necessary in order to properly choose his fish, by asking questions to the fishmonger with regard to labels for example.

In order to preserve fish nutrients, including omega-3s beneficial to heart, brain and eye health; The type of cooking is also very important. Be sure to use a gentle cooking mode such as steam, poached cooking, papillote, bain-marie or marinade.

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Do, not, eat, this, fish, anymore, it, destroys, your, health, Among, the, diet's, flagship, foods, is, fish., Allowing, to, balance, meals, and, being, low, in, calories,, the, fish, is, also, rich, in, flavors., But, in, order, to, avoid, huge, costs, to, lose, weight,, some, people, resign, themselves, to, buying, the, cheapest, fish, from, the, trade., However,, their, price, may, prove, to, be, an, indication, of, their, quality, as, it, is, the, case, of, this, particular, fish, that, is, very, dangerous, to, health, &, nbsp;, Find, out, why, you, should, definitely, stop, buying, Panga, fish., &, Nbsp;, Panga,, one, of, the, most, toxic, fish:, &, nbsp;, Pangasius, hypophthalmus, is, a, fish, that, can, be, found, on, fish, stalls, at, a, very, low, price., It, is, produced, industrially, in, Vietnam, and, comes, from, one, of, the, most, contaminated, rivers, on, the, planet,, the, Mekong., &, Nbsp;, Hormones, collected, in, dried, urine, from, pregnant, women, are, injected, into, the, females, of, the, Panga, fish, in, order, to, increase, the, birth, rate, and, hence, the, production., The, breeding, takes, place, in, large, Mekong, parks, containing, impressive, quantities, of, toxic, micro-organisms, impregnating, in, the, flesh, of, the, fish., The, fish, are, fed, from, imported, Peruvian, meal, made, from, fish, cores, mixed, with, cassava,, soy, and, various, grains., Once, the, gavage, is, completed,, the, fish, farmers, recover, the, enormous, fish, and, the, netting, is, done, by, Chinese, workers., The, nets, are, sent, frozen, to, Europe., &, Nbsp;, The, United, States, has, banned, the, consumption, of, this, fish, in, the, face, of, public, health, risks., No, sanitary, regulations, are, required, in, China, concerning, the, farming, of, Panga, fish,, however,, the, more, we, buy,, the, more, we, encourage, the, breeding, and, the, continuity, of, The, sale, of, this, toxic, fish., &, Nbsp;, In, addition,, Panga, fish, contains, little, nutritional, value, and, its, intake, of, omega-3, is, insufficient., That, is, why, it, is, paramount, for, our, health, to, choose, the, fish, we, eat., Find, out, which, fish, to, choose, to, preserve, your, health., &, Nbsp;, What, fish, to, choose, to, preserve, his, health, &, nbsp;, Beyond, the, consequences, of, overfishing, for, our, environment,, choosing, a, fish, is, dangerous, to, our, health., Rearing, fish, are, poorly, recommended, due, to, genetic, modification, and, exposure, to, a, large, number, of, toxins,, antibiotics, and, pesticides., The, latter,, antibiotics, and, pesticides,, are, given, to, fish, to, help, them, survive, and, fight, sea, lice., Moreover,, their, diet, is, unhealthy., &, Nbsp;, Therefore,, it, is, better, to, rely, on, the, so-called, wild, and, sustainable, fish., This, is, the, case, for, the, fish, below:, &, nbsp;, Pacific, Cod, &, nbsp;, Colin, from, Alaska, &, nbsp;, Herring, &, nbsp;, Mackerel, Sole, from, Hastings, &, nbsp;, Pacific, White, Hake, Cape, Salmon, &, nbsp;, Since, January, 2002,, a, European, regulation, requires, that, the, scientific, name, of, the, fish,, the, area, where, it, has, been, fished, or, its, country, of, rearing, and, the, method, of, production, be, notified, on, the, label., And, since, 2014,, traders, must, also, add, the, indication, of, the, fishing, gear, and, specify, more, specifically, the, fishing, zone., However,, the, labels, on, the, packaging, are, not, always, very, reliable, because, these, regulations, are, only, very, poorly, respected., A, double, vigilance, is, therefore, necessary, in, order, to, choose, your, fish, well,, by, asking, questions, to, the, fishmonger, about, the, labels, for, example., &, Nbsp;, In, order, to, preserve, the, nutrients, of, the, fish,, Including, omega-3s, beneficial, to, heart,, brain, and, eye, health, nbsp;, The, type, of, cooking, is, also, very, important., Be, sure, to, use, a, gentle, cooking, mode, such, as, steam,, poached, cooking,, papillote,, bain-marie, or, marinade., Do not, not eat, eat this, this fish, fish anymore, anymore it, it destroys, destroys your, your health, health Among, Among the, the diet's, diet's flagship, flagship foods, foods is, is fish., fish. Allowing, Allowing to, to balance, balance meals, meals and, and being, being low, low in, in calories,, calories, the, the fish, fish is, is also, also rich, rich in, in flavors., flavors. But, But in, in order, order to, to avoid, avoid huge, huge costs, costs to, to lose, lose weight,, weight, some, some people, people resign, resign themselves, themselves to, to buying, buying the, the cheapest, cheapest fish, fish from, from the, the trade., trade. However,, However, their, their price, price may, may prove, prove to, to be, be an, an indication, indication of, of their, their quality, quality as, as it, it is, is the, the case, case of, of this, this particular, particular fish, fish that, that is, is very, very dangerous, dangerous to, to health, health &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Find, Find out, out why, why you, you should, should definitely, definitely stop, stop buying, buying Panga, Panga fish., fish. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Panga,, Panga, one, one of, of the, the most, most toxic, toxic fish:, fish: &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Pangasius, Pangasius hypophthalmus, hypophthalmus is, is a, a fish, fish that, that can, can be, be found, found on, on fish, fish stalls, stalls at, at a, a very, very low, low price., price. It, It is, is produced, produced industrially, industrially in, in Vietnam, Vietnam and, and comes, comes from, from one, one of, of the, the most, most contaminated, contaminated rivers, rivers on, on the, the planet,, planet, the, the Mekong., Mekong. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Hormones, Hormones collected, collected in, in dried, dried urine, urine from, from pregnant, pregnant women, women are, are injected, injected into, into the, the females, females of, of the, the Panga, Panga fish, fish in, in order, order to, to increase, increase the, the birth, birth rate, rate and, and hence, hence the, the production., production. The, The breeding, breeding takes, takes place, place in, in large, large Mekong, Mekong parks, parks containing, containing impressive, impressive quantities, quantities of, of toxic, toxic micro-organisms, micro-organisms impregnating, impregnating in, in the, the flesh, flesh of, of the, the fish., fish. The, The fish, fish are, are fed, fed from, from imported, imported Peruvian, Peruvian meal, meal made, made from, from fish, fish cores, cores mixed, mixed with, with cassava,, cassava, soy, soy and, and various, various grains., grains. Once, Once the, the gavage, gavage is, is completed,, completed, the, the fish, fish farmers, farmers recover, recover the, the enormous, enormous fish, fish and, and the, the netting, netting is, is done, done by, by Chinese, Chinese workers., workers. The, The nets, nets are, are sent, sent frozen, frozen to, to Europe., Europe. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; The, The United, United States, States has, has banned, banned the, the consumption, consumption of, of this, this fish, fish in, in the, the face, face of, of public, public health, health risks., risks. No, No sanitary, sanitary regulations, regulations are, are required, required in, in China, China concerning, concerning the, the farming, farming of, of Panga, Panga fish,, fish, however,, however, the, the more, more we, we buy,, buy, the, the more, more we, we encourage, encourage the, the breeding, breeding and, and the, the continuity, continuity of, of The, The sale, sale of, of this, this toxic, toxic fish., fish. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; In, In addition,, addition, Panga, Panga fish, fish contains, contains little, little nutritional, nutritional value, value and, and its, its intake, intake of, of omega-3, omega-3 is, is insufficient., insufficient. That, That is, is why, why it, it is, is paramount, paramount for, for our, our health, health to, to choose, choose the, the fish, fish we, we eat., eat. Find, Find out, out which, which fish, fish to, to choose, choose to, to preserve, preserve your, your health., health. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; What, What fish, fish to, to choose, choose to, to preserve, preserve his, his health, health &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Beyond, Beyond the, the consequences, consequences of, of overfishing, overfishing for, for our, our environment,, environment, choosing, choosing a, a fish, fish is, is dangerous, dangerous to, to our, our health., health. Rearing, Rearing fish, fish are, are poorly, poorly recommended, recommended due, due to, to genetic, genetic modification, modification and, and exposure, exposure to, to a, a large, large number, number of, of toxins,, toxins, antibiotics, antibiotics and, and pesticides., pesticides. The, The latter,, latter, antibiotics, antibiotics and, and pesticides,, pesticides, are, are given, given to, to fish, fish to, to help, help them, them survive, survive and, and fight, fight sea, sea lice., lice. Moreover,, Moreover, their, their diet, diet is, is unhealthy., unhealthy. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Therefore,, Therefore, it, it is, is better, better to, to rely, rely on, on the, the so-called, so-called wild, wild and, and sustainable, sustainable fish., fish. This, This is, is the, the case, case for, for the, the fish, fish below:, below: &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Pacific, Pacific Cod, Cod &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Colin, Colin from, from Alaska, Alaska &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Herring, Herring &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Mackerel, Mackerel Sole, Sole from, from Hastings, Hastings &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Pacific, Pacific White, White Hake, Hake Cape, Cape Salmon, Salmon &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Since, Since January, January 2002,, 2002, a, a European, European regulation, regulation requires, requires that, that the, the scientific, scientific name, name of, of the, the fish,, fish, the, the area, area where, where it, it has, has been, been fished, fished or, or its, its country, country of, of rearing, rearing and, and the, the method, method of, of production, production be, be notified, notified on, on the, the label., label. And, And since, since 2014,, 2014, traders, traders must, must also, also add, add the, the indication, indication of, of the, the fishing, fishing gear, gear and, and specify, specify more, more specifically, specifically the, the fishing, fishing zone., zone. However,, However, the, the labels, labels on, on the, the packaging, packaging are, are not, not always, always very, very reliable, reliable because, because these, these regulations, regulations are, are only, only very, very poorly, poorly respected., respected. A, A double, double vigilance, vigilance is, is therefore, therefore necessary, necessary in, in order, order to, to choose, choose your, your fish, fish well,, well, by, by asking, asking questions, questions to, to the, the fishmonger, fishmonger about, about the, the labels, labels for, for example., example. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; In, In order, order to, to preserve, preserve the, the nutrients, nutrients of, of the, the fish,, fish, Including, Including omega-3s, omega-3s beneficial, beneficial to, to heart,, heart, brain, brain and, and eye, eye health, health nbsp;, nbsp; The, The type, type of, of cooking, cooking is, is also, also very, very important., important. Be, Be sure, sure to, to use, use a, a gentle, gentle cooking, cooking mode, mode such, such as, as steam,, steam, poached, poached cooking,, cooking, papillote,, papillote, bain-marie, bain-marie or, or marinade., Do not eat, not eat this, eat this fish, this fish anymore, fish anymore it, anymore it destroys, it destroys your, destroys your health, your health Among, health Among the, Among the diet's, the diet's flagship, diet's flagship foods, flagship foods is, foods is fish., is fish. Allowing, fish. Allowing to, Allowing to balance, to balance meals, balance meals and, meals and being, and being low, being low in, low in calories,, in calories, the, calories, the fish, the fish is, fish is also, is also rich, also rich in, rich in flavors., in flavors. But, flavors. But in, But in order, in order to, order to avoid, to avoid huge, avoid huge costs, huge costs to, costs to lose, to lose weight,, lose weight, some, weight, some people, some people resign, people resign themselves, resign themselves to, themselves to buying, to buying the, buying the cheapest, the cheapest fish, cheapest fish from, fish from the, from the trade., the trade. However,, trade. However, their, However, their price, their price may, price may prove, may prove to, prove to be, to be an, be an indication, an indication of, indication of their, of their quality, their quality as, quality as it, as it is, it is the, is the case, the case of, case of this, of this particular, this particular fish, particular fish that, fish that is, that is very, is very dangerous, very dangerous to, dangerous to health, to health &, health & nbsp;, & nbsp; Find, nbsp; Find out, Find out why, out why you, why you should, you should definitely, should definitely stop, definitely stop buying, stop buying Panga, buying Panga fish., Panga fish. &, fish. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Panga,, Nbsp; Panga, one, Panga, one of, one of the, of the most, the most toxic, most toxic fish:, toxic fish: &, fish: & nbsp;, & nbsp; Pangasius, nbsp; Pangasius hypophthalmus, Pangasius hypophthalmus is, hypophthalmus is a, is a fish, a fish that, fish that can, that can be, can be found, be found on, found on fish, on fish stalls, fish stalls at, stalls at a, at a very, a very low, very low price., low price. It, price. It is, It is produced, is produced industrially, produced industrially in, industrially in Vietnam, in Vietnam and, Vietnam and comes, and comes from, comes from one, from one of, one of the, of the most, the most contaminated, most contaminated rivers, contaminated rivers on, rivers on the, on the planet,, the planet, the, planet, the Mekong., the Mekong. &, Mekong. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Hormones, Nbsp; Hormones collected, Hormones collected in, collected in dried, in dried urine, dried urine from, urine from pregnant, from pregnant women, pregnant women are, women are injected, are injected into, injected into the, into the females, the females of, females of the, of the Panga, the Panga fish, Panga fish in, fish in order, in order to, order to increase, to increase the, increase the birth, the birth rate, birth rate and, rate and hence, and hence the, hence the production., the production. The, production. The breeding, The breeding takes, breeding takes place, takes place in, place in large, in large Mekong, large Mekong parks, Mekong parks containing, parks containing impressive, containing impressive quantities, impressive quantities of, quantities of toxic, of toxic micro-organisms, toxic micro-organisms impregnating, micro-organisms impregnating in, impregnating in the, in the flesh, the flesh of, flesh of the, of the fish., the fish. The, fish. The fish, The fish are, fish are fed, are fed from, fed from imported, from imported Peruvian, imported Peruvian meal, Peruvian meal made, meal made from, made from fish, from fish cores, fish cores mixed, cores mixed with, mixed with cassava,, with cassava, soy, cassava, soy and, soy and various, and various grains., various grains. Once, grains. Once the, Once the gavage, the gavage is, gavage is completed,, is completed, the, completed, the fish, the fish farmers, fish farmers recover, farmers recover the, recover the enormous, the enormous fish, enormous fish and, fish and the, and the netting, the netting is, netting is done, is done by, done by Chinese, by Chinese workers., Chinese workers. The, workers. The nets, The nets are, nets are sent, are sent frozen, sent frozen to, frozen to Europe., to Europe. &, Europe. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; The, Nbsp; The United, The United States, United States has, States has banned, has banned the, banned the consumption, the consumption of, consumption of this, of this fish, this fish in, fish in the, in the face, the face of, face of public, of public health, public health risks., health risks. No, risks. No sanitary, No sanitary regulations, sanitary regulations are, regulations are required, are required in, required in China, in China concerning, China concerning the, concerning the farming, the farming of, farming of Panga, of Panga fish,, Panga fish, however,, fish, however, the, however, the more, the more we, more we buy,, we buy, the, buy, the more, the more we, more we encourage, we encourage the, encourage the breeding, the breeding and, breeding and the, and the continuity, the continuity of, continuity of The, of The sale, The sale of, sale of this, of this toxic, this toxic fish., toxic fish. &, fish. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; In, Nbsp; In addition,, In addition, Panga, addition, Panga fish, Panga fish contains, fish contains little, contains little nutritional, little nutritional value, nutritional value and, value and its, and its intake, its intake of, intake of omega-3, of omega-3 is, omega-3 is insufficient., is insufficient. That, insufficient. That is, That is why, is why it, why it is, it is paramount, is paramount for, paramount for our, for our health, our health to, health to choose, to choose the, choose the fish, the fish we, fish we eat., we eat. Find, eat. Find out, Find out which, out which fish, which fish to, fish to choose, to choose to, choose to preserve, to preserve your, preserve your health., your health. &, health. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; What, Nbsp; What fish, What fish to, fish to choose, to choose to, choose to preserve, to preserve his, preserve his health, his health &, health & nbsp;, & nbsp; Beyond, nbsp; Beyond the, Beyond the consequences, the consequences of, consequences of overfishing, of overfishing for, overfishing for our, for our environment,, our environment, choosing, environment, choosing a, choosing a fish, a fish is, fish is dangerous, is dangerous to, dangerous to our, to our health., our health. Rearing, health. Rearing fish, Rearing fish are, fish are poorly, are poorly recommended, poorly recommended due, recommended due to, due to genetic, to genetic modification, genetic modification and, modification and exposure, and exposure to, exposure to a, to a large, a large number, large number of, number of toxins,, of toxins, antibiotics, toxins, antibiotics and, antibiotics and pesticides., and pesticides. The, pesticides. The latter,, The latter, antibiotics, latter, antibiotics and, antibiotics and pesticides,, and pesticides, are, pesticides, are given, are given to, given to fish, to fish to, fish to help, to help them, help them survive, them survive and, survive and fight, and fight sea, fight sea lice., sea lice. Moreover,, lice. Moreover, their, Moreover, their diet, their diet is, diet is unhealthy., is unhealthy. &, unhealthy. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Therefore,, Nbsp; Therefore, it, Therefore, it is, it is better, is better to, better to rely, to rely on, rely on the, on the so-called, the so-called wild, so-called wild and, wild and sustainable, and sustainable fish., sustainable fish. This, fish. This is, This is the, is the case, the case for, case for the, for the fish, the fish below:, fish below: &, below: & nbsp;, & nbsp; Pacific, nbsp; Pacific Cod, Pacific Cod &, Cod & nbsp;, & nbsp; Colin, nbsp; Colin from, Colin from Alaska, from Alaska &, Alaska & nbsp;, & nbsp; Herring, nbsp; Herring &, Herring & nbsp;, & nbsp; Mackerel, nbsp; Mackerel Sole, Mackerel Sole from, Sole from Hastings, from Hastings &, Hastings & nbsp;, & nbsp; Pacific, nbsp; Pacific White, Pacific White Hake, White Hake Cape, Hake Cape Salmon, Cape Salmon &, Salmon & nbsp;, & nbsp; Since, nbsp; Since January, Since January 2002,, January 2002, a, 2002, a European, a European regulation, European regulation requires, regulation requires that, requires that the, that the scientific, the scientific name, scientific name of, name of the, of the fish,, the fish, the, fish, the area, the area where, area where it, where it has, it has been, has been fished, been fished or, fished or its, or its country, its country of, country of rearing, of rearing and, rearing and the, and the method, the method of, method of production, of production be, production be notified, be notified on, notified on the, on the label., the label. And, label. And since, And since 2014,, since 2014, traders, 2014, traders must, traders must also, must also add, also add the, add the indication, the indication of, indication of the, of the fishing, the fishing gear, fishing gear and, gear and specify, and specify more, specify more specifically, more specifically the, specifically the fishing, the fishing zone., fishing zone. However,, zone. However, the, However, the labels, the labels on, labels on the, on the packaging, the packaging are, packaging are not, are not always, not always very, always very reliable, very reliable because, reliable because these, because these regulations, these regulations are, regulations are only, are only very, only very poorly, very poorly respected., poorly respected. A, respected. A double, A double vigilance, double vigilance is, vigilance is therefore, is therefore necessary, therefore necessary in, necessary in order, in order to, order to choose, to choose your, choose your fish, your fish well,, fish well, by, well, by asking, by asking questions, asking questions to, questions to the, to the fishmonger, the fishmonger about, fishmonger about the, about the labels, the labels for, labels for example., for example. &, example. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; In, Nbsp; In order, In order to, order to preserve, to preserve the, preserve the nutrients, the nutrients of, nutrients of the, of the fish,, the fish, Including, fish, Including omega-3s, Including omega-3s beneficial, omega-3s beneficial to, beneficial to heart,, to heart, brain, heart, brain and, brain and eye, and eye health, eye health nbsp;, health nbsp; The, nbsp; The type, The type of, type of cooking, of cooking is, cooking is also, is also very, also very important., very important. Be, important. Be sure, Be sure to, sure to use, to use a, use a gentle, a gentle cooking, gentle cooking mode, cooking mode such, mode such as, such as steam,, as steam, poached, steam, poached cooking,, poached cooking, papillote,, cooking, papillote, bain-marie, papillote, bain-marie or, bain-marie or marinade.