After seeing this method of cooking chicken, I will never use another. It's so good ! To cook our food, we use different methods but we do not know that some of them can be badly cooked or even toxic. In order to preserve and maintain all the nutritional values ​​and natural flavors of foods, it is therefore very important to choose the healthiest method of cooking. Here's a method to cook chicken that you absolutely must try! Baking, pan, water, steaming andbarbecue Are the different cooking methods we use from generation to generation. In this article, we will look at different ways of cooking and we will also present a delicious recipe based on chicken and spinach.
What are the different types and modes of cooking? Cooking makes possible the consumption of certain foods, such as pasta, rice and certain vegetables that can not be consumed and digested raw. There are however two types of cooking, namely, soft cooking, which are steaming and cooking with water and cooking by concentration, which are baking, frying, grilling, grilling And microwave cooking (which you should never use).
Soft cooking is done in a minimum time and at low temperatures, allowing the best possible conservation of the nutritional values ​​of the food. Concentrate cooking preserves and concentrates the flavors of the food.
Zoom on the baking: Baking is highly prized for its ease and speed. It allows us to cook meat, chicken, vegetables and also pastry by the heat that comes either from electrical resistances or fromcombustion some gas. As mentioned above, this method of cooking is done by concentration, because part of the water contained in the food evaporates and generates a concentration of vapors and flavors.
However, the temperature problem must be taken into consideration. A very high temperature may cause you to lose all the flavors and value of your dishes and to over-broil your food until becoming harmful to your health. Ideally, food should be cooked at an average temperature of no more than 150 ° C. Also pay attention to the products you add to your dishes, such as oils, spices, aromas and marinades.
Here is a list of foods and preparations that can be baked:
the vegetables the fruits The gratins Meat and chicken Thefish
Easy, fast and very healthy recipe that you will quickly adopt: Ingredients (for two people):
600 g chicken breast 30 g of ricotta (preferably goat's milk) Paprika Salt Pepper 1 teaspoon of olive oil 1 cup fresh spinach
Preparation: Cut the chicken breasts so they do not cut them completely. Season with salt and pepper and let them rest. In a frying pan, add a little olive oil and sauté the spinach for 5 minutes. Remove the skillet from the heat and add the Ricotta cheese and a little salt and pepper and mix well to obtain a creamy mixture. Using a tablespoon, place the spinach and ricotta mixture in the interstices between the slices of the chicken breasts. Then place the chicken on the baking sheet covered with baking paper and sprinkle with paprika. Cook the preparation in a preheated oven at 150 ° C for about 25 to 30 minutes.
Some tips for pan cooking:
Use as little oil as possible Prefer healthier oils, such as olive oil Cook at low temperatures Never use a previously baked oil When cooking, it is best to use a lid that will circulate the steam coming out of the food and will cook your food homogeneously.
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After, seeing, this, method, of, cooking, chicken, I, will, never, use, another, Its, so, good, To, cook, our, food,, we, use, different, methods, but, we, do, not, know, that, some, of, them, can, be, badly, cooked, or, even, toxic., In, order, to, preserve, and, maintain, all, the, nutritional, values, ​​and, natural, flavors, of, foods,, it, is, therefore, very, important, to, choose, the, healthiest, method, of, cooking., Here's, a, method, to, cook, chicken, that, you, absolutely, must, try!, Baking,, frying,, steaming,, and, barbecue, are, the, different, cooking, methods, we, use, from, generation, to, generation., In, this, article,, we, will, go, through, the, magnifying, glass, of, different, cooking, methods, and, we, will, also, present, a, delicious, recipe, based, on, chicken, and, spinach., What, are, the, different, types, and, modes, of, cooking?, Cooking, makes, possible, the, consumption, of, certain, foods,, such, as, pasta,, rice, and, certain, vegetables, that, can, not, be, consumed, and, digested, raw., There, are, however, two, types, of, cooking,, namely, the, soft, cooking,, which, are, steaming, and, cooking, with, water, and, cooking, by, concentration,, which, are, baking,, frying,, grilling,, grilling, And, microwave, cooking, (which, you, should, never, use)., &, Nbsp;, Soft, cooking, is, done, in, a, minimum, time, and, at, low, temperatures,, allowing, the, best, possible, conservation, of, the, nutritional, values, ​​of, the, food., Concentrate, cooking, preserves, and, concentrates, &, nbsp;, food, flavors., Focus, on, Baking:, Baking, is, very, popular, for, its, ease, and, speed., It, allows, us, to, cook, meat,, chicken,, vegetables, and, also, pastry,, by, the, heat, that, comes, from, either, electrical, resistances, or, the, combustion, of, gas., As, mentioned, above,, this, method, of, cooking, is, done, by, concentration,, because, a, Part, of, the, water, contained, in, the, food, &, nbsp;, evaporates, and, generates, a, concentration, of, vapors, and, flavors., &, Nbsp;, However,, the, temperature, problem, must, be, taken, into, consideration., A, very, high, temperature, can, cause, all, the, flavors, and, value, of, your, dishes, to, be, lost, and, to, toast, too, much, of, your, food, until, it, becomes, harmful, to, your, health., The, ideal, solution, would, be, to, cook, food, at, an, average, temperature, of, no, more, than, 150, °, C., Also, pay, attention, to, the, products, you, add, to, your, dishes,, such, as, oils,, spices,, aromas, and, marinades., Here, is, a, list, of, foods, and, preparations, that, can, be, baked:, Vegetables, &, nbsp;, Fruits, &, nbsp;, The, gratins, &, nbsp;, Meat, &, Chicken, Fish, &, nbsp;, Pastry, Recipes, Easy,, fast, and, very, healthy, recipe, that, you, will, quickly, adopt:, Ingredients, (for, two, people):, 600, g, chicken, breast, &, nbsp;, 30, g, ricotta, (preferably, goat's, milk), Paprika, Salt, Pepper, 1, teaspoon, olive, oil, 1, cup, fresh, spinach, Preparation:, Cut, the, chicken, breasts, in, such, a, way, as, to, make, nicks, without, cutting, them, completely., Season, with, salt, and, pepper, and, let, them, rest., In, a, frying, pan,, add, a, little, olive, oil, and, sauté, the, spinach, for, 5, minutes., Remove, the, skillet, from, the, heat, and, add, the, Ricotta, cheese, and, a, little, salt, and, pepper, &, mix, well, to, get, a, creamy, mixture., &, Nbsp;
Using, a, tablespoon,, place, the, spinach, and, ricotta, mixture, in, the, interstices, between, the, slices, of, the, chicken, breasts., &, Nbsp;
Then, place, the, chicken, on, the, baking, sheet, covered, with, baking, paper, and, sprinkle, with, paprika., &, Nbsp;
Bake, the, preparation, in, a, preheated, oven, at, 150, °, C, for, about, 25, to, 30, minutes., &, Nbsp;, Some, tips, for, pan-frying:, Use, as, little, oil, as, possible, Favor, healthier, oils,, such, as, olive, oil, Bake, at, low, temperatures, Never, use, a, previously, baked, oil, While, cooking,, it, is, best, to, Use, a, lid, that, will, circulate, the, steam, coming, out, of, the, food, and, will, cook, your, food, evenly., After seeing, seeing this, this method, method of, of cooking, cooking chicken, chicken I, I will, will never, never use, use another, another Its, Its so, so good, good To, To cook, cook our, our food,, food, we, we use, use different, different methods, methods but, but we, we do, do not, not know, know that, that some, some of, of them, them can, can be, be badly, badly cooked, cooked or, or even, even toxic., toxic. In, In order, order to, to preserve, preserve and, and maintain, maintain all, all the, the nutritional, nutritional values, values ​​and, ​​and natural, natural flavors, flavors of, of foods,, foods, it, it is, is therefore, therefore very, very important, important to, to choose, choose the, the healthiest, healthiest method, method of, of cooking., cooking. Here's, Here's a, a method, method to, to cook, cook chicken, chicken that, that you, you absolutely, absolutely must, must try!, try! Baking,, Baking, frying,, frying, steaming,, steaming, and, and barbecue, barbecue are, are the, the different, different cooking, cooking methods, methods we, we use, use from, from generation, generation to, to generation., generation. In, In this, this article,, article, we, we will, will go, go through, through the, the magnifying, magnifying glass, glass of, of different, different cooking, cooking methods, methods and, and we, we will, will also, also present, present a, a delicious, delicious recipe, recipe based, based on, on chicken, chicken and, and spinach., spinach. What, What are, are the, the different, different types, types and, and modes, modes of, of cooking?, cooking? Cooking, Cooking makes, makes possible, possible the, the consumption, consumption of, of certain, certain foods,, foods, such, such as, as pasta,, pasta, rice, rice and, and certain, certain vegetables, vegetables that, that can, can not, not be, be consumed, consumed and, and digested, digested raw., raw. There, There are, are however, however two, two types, types of, of cooking,, cooking, namely, namely the, the soft, soft cooking,, cooking, which, which are, are steaming, steaming and, and cooking, cooking with, with water, water and, and cooking, cooking by, by concentration,, concentration, which, which are, are baking,, baking, frying,, frying, grilling,, grilling, grilling, grilling And, And microwave, microwave cooking, cooking (which, (which you, you should, should never, never use)., use). &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Soft, Soft cooking, cooking is, is done, done in, in a, a minimum, minimum time, time and, and at, at low, low temperatures,, temperatures, allowing, allowing the, the best, best possible, possible conservation, conservation of, of the, the nutritional, nutritional values, values ​​of, ​​of the, the food., food. Concentrate, Concentrate cooking, cooking preserves, preserves and, and concentrates, concentrates &, & nbsp;, nbsp; food, food flavors., flavors. Focus, Focus on, on Baking:, Baking: Baking, Baking is, is very, very popular, popular for, for its, its ease, ease and, and speed., speed. It, It allows, allows us, us to, to cook, cook meat,, meat, chicken,, chicken, vegetables, vegetables and, and also, also pastry,, pastry, by, by the, the heat, heat that, that comes, comes from, from either, either electrical, electrical resistances, resistances or, or the, the combustion, combustion of, of gas., gas. As, As mentioned, mentioned above,, above, this, this method, method of, of cooking, cooking is, is done, done by, by concentration,, concentration, because, because a, a Part, Part of, of the, the water, water contained, contained in, in the, the food, food &, & nbsp;, nbsp; evaporates, evaporates and, and generates, generates a, a concentration, concentration of, of vapors, vapors and, and flavors., flavors. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; However,, However, the, the temperature, temperature problem, problem must, must be, be taken, taken into, into consideration., consideration. A, A very, very high, high temperature, temperature can, can cause, cause all, all the, the flavors, flavors and, and value, value of, of your, your dishes, dishes to, to be, be lost, lost and, and to, to toast, toast too, too much, much of, of your, your food, food until, until it, it becomes, becomes harmful, harmful to, to your, your health., health. The, The ideal, ideal solution, solution would, would be, be to, to cook, cook food, food at, at an, an average, average temperature, temperature of, of no, no more, more than, than 150, 150 °, ° C., C. Also, Also pay, pay attention, attention to, to the, the products, products you, you add, add to, to your, your dishes,, dishes, such, such as, as oils,, oils, spices,, spices, aromas, aromas and, and marinades., marinades. Here, Here is, is a, a list, list of, of foods, foods and, and preparations, preparations that, that can, can be, be baked:, baked: Vegetables, Vegetables &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Fruits, Fruits &, & nbsp;, nbsp; The, The gratins, gratins &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Meat, Meat &, & Chicken, Chicken Fish, Fish &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Pastry, Pastry Recipes, Recipes Easy,, Easy, fast, fast and, and very, very healthy, healthy recipe, recipe that, that you, you will, will quickly, quickly adopt:, adopt: Ingredients, Ingredients (for, (for two, two people):, people): 600, 600 g, g chicken, chicken breast, breast &, & nbsp;, nbsp; 30, 30 g, g ricotta, ricotta (preferably, (preferably goat's, goat's milk), milk) Paprika, Paprika Salt, Salt Pepper, Pepper 1, 1 teaspoon, teaspoon olive, olive oil, oil 1, 1 cup, cup fresh, fresh spinach, spinach Preparation:, Preparation: Cut, Cut the, the chicken, chicken breasts, breasts in, in such, such a, a way, way as, as to, to make, make nicks, nicks without, without cutting, cutting them, them completely., completely. Season, Season with, with salt, salt and, and pepper, pepper and, and let, let them, them rest., rest. In, In a, a frying, frying pan,, pan, add, add a, a little, little olive, olive oil, oil and, and sauté, sauté the, the spinach, spinach for, for 5, 5 minutes., minutes. Remove, Remove the, the skillet, skillet from, from the, the heat, heat and, and add, add the, the Ricotta, Ricotta cheese, cheese and, and a, a little, little salt, salt and, and pepper, pepper &, & mix, mix well, well to, to get, get a, a creamy, creamy mixture., mixture. &, & Nbsp;
Using, Nbsp;
Using a, a tablespoon,, tablespoon, place, place the, the spinach, spinach and, and ricotta, ricotta mixture, mixture in, in the, the interstices, interstices between, between the, the slices, slices of, of the, the chicken, chicken breasts., breasts. &, & Nbsp;
Then, Nbsp;
Then place, place the, the chicken, chicken on, on the, the baking, baking sheet, sheet covered, covered with, with baking, baking paper, paper and, and sprinkle, sprinkle with, with paprika., paprika. &, & Nbsp;
Bake, Nbsp;
Bake the, the preparation, preparation in, in a, a preheated, preheated oven, oven at, at 150, 150 °, ° C, C for, for about, about 25, 25 to, to 30, 30 minutes., minutes. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Some, Some tips, tips for, for pan-frying:, pan-frying: Use, Use as, as little, little oil, oil as, as possible, possible Favor, Favor healthier, healthier oils,, oils, such, such as, as olive, olive oil, oil Bake, Bake at, at low, low temperatures, temperatures Never, Never use, use a, a previously, previously baked, baked oil, oil While, While cooking,, cooking, it, it is, is best, best to, to Use, Use a, a lid, lid that, that will, will circulate, circulate the, the steam, steam coming, coming out, out of, of the, the food, food and, and will, will cook, cook your, your food, food evenly., After seeing this, seeing this method, this method of, method of cooking, of cooking chicken, cooking chicken I, chicken I will, I will never, will never use, never use another, use another Its, another Its so, Its so good, so good To, good To cook, To cook our, cook our food,, our food, we, food, we use, we use different, use different methods, different methods but, methods but we, but we do, we do not, do not know, not know that, know that some, that some of, some of them, of them can, them can be, can be badly, be badly cooked, badly cooked or, cooked or even, or even toxic., even toxic. In, toxic. In order, In order to, order to preserve, to preserve and, preserve and maintain, and maintain all, maintain all the, all the nutritional, the nutritional values, nutritional values ​​and, values ​​and natural, ​​and natural flavors, natural flavors of, flavors of foods,, of foods, it, foods, it is, it is therefore, is therefore very, therefore very important, very important to, important to choose, to choose the, choose the healthiest, the healthiest method, healthiest method of, method of cooking., of cooking. Here's, cooking. Here's a, Here's a method, a method to, method to cook, to cook chicken, cook chicken that, chicken that you, that you absolutely, you absolutely must, absolutely must try!, must try! Baking,, try! Baking, frying,, Baking, frying, steaming,, frying, steaming, and, steaming, and barbecue, and barbecue are, barbecue are the, are the different, the different cooking, different cooking methods, cooking methods we, methods we use, we use from, use from generation, from generation to, generation to generation., to generation. In, generation. In this, In this article,, this article, we, article, we will, we will go, will go through, go through the, through the magnifying, the magnifying glass, magnifying glass of, glass of different, of different cooking, different cooking methods, cooking methods and, methods and we, and we will, we will also, will also present, also present a, present a delicious, a delicious recipe, delicious recipe based, recipe based on, based on chicken, on chicken and, chicken and spinach., and spinach. What, spinach. What are, What are the, are the different, the different types, different types and, types and modes, and modes of, modes of cooking?, of cooking? Cooking, cooking? Cooking makes, Cooking makes possible, makes possible the, possible the consumption, the consumption of, consumption of certain, of certain foods,, certain foods, such, foods, such as, such as pasta,, as pasta, rice, pasta, rice and, rice and certain, and certain vegetables, certain vegetables that, vegetables that can, that can not, can not be, not be consumed, be consumed and, consumed and digested, and digested raw., digested raw. There, raw. There are, There are however, are however two, however two types, two types of, types of cooking,, of cooking, namely, cooking, namely the, namely the soft, the soft cooking,, soft cooking, which, cooking, which are, which are steaming, are steaming and, steaming and cooking, and cooking with, cooking with water, with water and, water and cooking, and cooking by, cooking by concentration,, by concentration, which, concentration, which are, which are baking,, are baking, frying,, baking, frying, grilling,, frying, grilling, grilling, grilling, grilling And, grilling And microwave, And microwave cooking, microwave cooking (which, cooking (which you, (which you should, you should never, should never use)., never use). &, use). & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Soft, Nbsp; Soft cooking, Soft cooking is, cooking is done, is done in, done in a, in a minimum, a minimum time, minimum time and, time and at, and at low, at low temperatures,, low temperatures, allowing, temperatures, allowing the, allowing the best, the best possible, best possible conservation, possible conservation of, conservation of the, of the nutritional, the nutritional values, nutritional values ​​of, values ​​of the, ​​of the food., the food. Concentrate, food. Concentrate cooking, Concentrate cooking preserves, cooking preserves and, preserves and concentrates, and concentrates &, concentrates & nbsp;, & nbsp; food, nbsp; food flavors., food flavors. Focus, flavors. Focus on, Focus on Baking:, on Baking: Baking, Baking: Baking is, Baking is very, is very popular, very popular for, popular for its, for its ease, its ease and, ease and speed., and speed. It, speed. It allows, It allows us, allows us to, us to cook, to cook meat,, cook meat, chicken,, meat, chicken, vegetables, chicken, vegetables and, vegetables and also, and also pastry,, also pastry, by, pastry, by the, by the heat, the heat that, heat that comes, that comes from, comes from either, from either electrical, either electrical resistances, electrical resistances or, resistances or the, or the combustion, the combustion of, combustion of gas., of gas. As, gas. As mentioned, As mentioned above,, mentioned above, this, above, this method, this method of, method of cooking, of cooking is, cooking is done, is done by, done by concentration,, by concentration, because, concentration, because a, because a Part, a Part of, Part of the, of the water, the water contained, water contained in, contained in the, in the food, the food &, food & nbsp;, & nbsp; evaporates, nbsp; evaporates and, evaporates and generates, and generates a, generates a concentration, a concentration of, concentration of vapors, of vapors and, vapors and flavors., and flavors. &, flavors. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; However,, Nbsp; However, the, However, the temperature, the temperature problem, temperature problem must, problem must be, must be taken, be taken into, taken into consideration., into consideration. A, consideration. A very, A very high, very high temperature, high temperature can, temperature can cause, can cause all, cause all the, all the flavors, the flavors and, flavors and value, and value of, value of your, of your dishes, your dishes to, dishes to be, to be lost, be lost and, lost and to, and to toast, to toast too, toast too much, too much of, much of your, of your food, your food until, food until it, until it becomes, it becomes harmful, becomes harmful to, harmful to your, to your health., your health. The, health. The ideal, The ideal solution, ideal solution would, solution would be, would be to, be to cook, to cook food, cook food at, food at an, at an average, an average temperature, average temperature of, temperature of no, of no more, no more than, more than 150, than 150 °, 150 ° C., ° C. Also, C. Also pay, Also pay attention, pay attention to, attention to the, to the products, the products you, products you add, you add to, add to your, to your dishes,, your dishes, such, dishes, such as, such as oils,, as oils, spices,, oils, spices, aromas, spices, aromas and, aromas and marinades., and marinades. Here, marinades. Here is, Here is a, is a list, a list of, list of foods, of foods and, foods and preparations, and preparations that, preparations that can, that can be, can be baked:, be baked: Vegetables, baked: Vegetables &, Vegetables & nbsp;, & nbsp; Fruits, nbsp; Fruits &, Fruits & nbsp;, & nbsp; The, nbsp; The gratins, The gratins &, gratins & nbsp;, & nbsp; Meat, nbsp; Meat &, Meat & Chicken, & Chicken Fish, Chicken Fish &, Fish & nbsp;, & nbsp; Pastry, nbsp; Pastry Recipes, Pastry Recipes Easy,, Recipes Easy, fast, Easy, fast and, fast and very, and very healthy, very healthy recipe, healthy recipe that, recipe that you, that you will, you will quickly, will quickly adopt:, quickly adopt: Ingredients, adopt: Ingredients (for, Ingredients (for two, (for two people):, two people): 600, people): 600 g, 600 g chicken, g chicken breast, chicken breast &, breast & nbsp;, & nbsp; 30, nbsp; 30 g, 30 g ricotta, g ricotta (preferably, ricotta (preferably goat's, (preferably goat's milk), goat's milk) Paprika, milk) Paprika Salt, Paprika Salt Pepper, Salt Pepper 1, Pepper 1 teaspoon, 1 teaspoon olive, teaspoon olive oil, olive oil 1, oil 1 cup, 1 cup fresh, cup fresh spinach, fresh spinach Preparation:, spinach Preparation: Cut, Preparation: Cut the, Cut the chicken, the chicken breasts, chicken breasts in, breasts in such, in such a, such a way, a way as, way as to, as to make, to make nicks, make nicks without, nicks without cutting, without cutting them, cutting them completely., them completely. Season, completely. Season with, Season with salt, with salt and, salt and pepper, and pepper and, pepper and let, and let them, let them rest., them rest. In, rest. In a, In a frying, a frying pan,, frying pan, add, pan, add a, add a little, a little olive, little olive oil, olive oil and, oil and sauté, and sauté the, sauté the spinach, the spinach for, spinach for 5, for 5 minutes., 5 minutes. Remove, minutes. Remove the, Remove the skillet, the skillet from, skillet from the, from the heat, the heat and, heat and add, and add the, add the Ricotta, the Ricotta cheese, Ricotta cheese and, cheese and a, and a little, a little salt, little salt and, salt and pepper, and pepper &, pepper & mix, & mix well, mix well to, well to get, to get a, get a creamy, a creamy mixture., creamy mixture. &, mixture. & Nbsp;
Using, & Nbsp;
Using a, Nbsp;
Using a tablespoon,, a tablespoon, place, tablespoon, place the, place the spinach, the spinach and, spinach and ricotta, and ricotta mixture, ricotta mixture in, mixture in the, in the interstices, the interstices between, interstices between the, between the slices, the slices of, slices of the, of the chicken, the chicken breasts., chicken breasts. &, breasts. & Nbsp;
Then, & Nbsp;
Then place, Nbsp;
Then place the, place the chicken, the chicken on, chicken on the, on the baking, the baking sheet, baking sheet covered, sheet covered with, covered with baking, with baking paper, baking paper and, paper and sprinkle, and sprinkle with, sprinkle with paprika., with paprika. &, paprika. & Nbsp;
Bake, & Nbsp;
Bake the, Nbsp;
Bake the preparation, the preparation in, preparation in a, in a preheated, a preheated oven, preheated oven at, oven at 150, at 150 °, 150 ° C, ° C for, C for about, for about 25, about 25 to, 25 to 30, to 30 minutes., 30 minutes. &, minutes. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Some, Nbsp; Some tips, Some tips for, tips for pan-frying:, for pan-frying: Use, pan-frying: Use as, Use as little, as little oil, little oil as, oil as possible, as possible Favor, possible Favor healthier, Favor healthier oils,, healthier oils, such, oils, such as, such as olive, as olive oil, olive oil Bake, oil Bake at, Bake at low, at low temperatures, low temperatures Never, temperatures Never use, Never use a, use a previously, a previously baked, previously baked oil, baked oil While, oil While cooking,, While cooking, it, cooking, it is, it is best, is best to, best to Use, to Use a, Use a lid, a lid that, lid that will, that will circulate, will circulate the, circulate the steam, the steam coming, steam coming out, coming out of, out of the, of the food, the food and, food and will, and will cook, will cook your, cook your food, your food evenly.
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