How To Get Rid Of A Painful Ingrain Nail Without a Doctor
The ingrown toenail or onychocryptosis is an annoying and especially very painful problem. This phenomenon can occur at any age and is characterized by the regrowth of a part of the nail under the skin that surrounds it. In some cases, surgery is inevitable to treat the ingrown nail, while in others, it is possible to remedy it naturally. Here are some natural tips to treat ingrown toenails.
What causes ingrown toenails?
Ingrown toenails can be related to various factors:
- The deformation of the nail (nail in the form of clamp)
- Thickening of the nail
- Trauma (shock)
- Cutting nails too short
- Wearing too narrow shoes that crush the nail
- Taking Acne Treatments Containing Isotretinoin
Note that people with diabetes or any other disease that causes poor blood circulation are more likely to develop an ingrown toenail.
What are the symptoms of an ingrown toenail?
It should be noted that the evolution of this problem can be divided into 3 phases, each with its own symptoms:
The first phaseIs manifested by slight swelling and pain during pressure. In this phase, the patient may also develop erythema or edema.
The moderate phaseIs characterized by increased swelling, infection and ulceration.
The severe phaseIs naturally the most difficult. The patient experiences chronic inflammation and hypertrophy of the lateral bulges.
But in most cases, pain, redness, infections and swelling around the toe are very common symptoms.
If the ingrown nail is not treated in time, it can lead to severe infections, especially in the bones.In some cases, the patient is obliged to undergo surgery to resolve this problem, but for the less advanced stages, natural remedies can be effective!
Here are some natural solutions to get rid of ingrown toenails:
To clean the infected area and remove bacteria, soak your feet in warm, soapy water 2 to 3 times a day. Use Castile soap preferably, because it contains natural ingredients. You can also add Epsom salt to soften the skin and nail.
- Make a foot bath with cider vinegar
This trick is one of the most effective ways to get rid of ingrown toenails. Pour ½ cup ofcider vinegarIn a bowl of warm water and soak your feet for a few minutes. You can even apply this preparation directly to the affected area. This will prevent infections.
- Place cotton under the nail
After washing your feet, use the dental floss to lift the ingrown corner of the nail and separate it slightly from the skin. Then take a little cotton and place it between the skin and the nail.
Choose a dental floss without fluoride to avoid burning sensations. This method can be a little painful or annoying but it is very effective.
Be sure to repeat the procedure and change the cotton every day.Also try to push the cotton inward each time you do a foot bath.Sometimes you will need to cut a small part of the nail to get there. But be careful, this procedure is not simple!
How to cut the nail?
Normally, this should be done after a foot bath, so that the skin and nail are sufficiently softened to be handled.
Gently push the swollen skin back, then cut the nail starting at the edges and not the middle.Replace the cotton between the skin and the nail to prevent it from coming back and apply the following remedy to relieve pain and infection.
- 50 gcoconut oil
- 60 ml of freeze-Aloe vera
- 1 drop of oregano oil
- 5 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 2 drops of peppermint essential oil
- 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
Mix all the ingredients, then apply the preparation on the affected area, previously washed, and allow to dry in the open air. You can also cover the toe with a dressing.
Keep the prepared mixture in an airtight glass jar. Repeat this tip 2 to 3 times a day.
Warnings :Be sure to wash your hands after each use and avoid contact with the eyes. Oregano oil is a natural antibiotic and can cause burning sensations.
Avoid putting narrow shoes and high heels if you suffer from ingrown toenail, especially during this treatment. The nail needs to breathe to heal.
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How, To, Get, Rid, Of, A, Painful, Ingrain, Nail, Without, a, Doctor, The, ingrown, toenail, or, onychocryptosis, is, an, annoying, and, especially, very, painful, problem., This, phenomenon, can, occur, at, any, age, and, is, characterized, by, the, regrowth, of, a, part, of, the, nail, under, the, skin, that, surrounds, it., In, some, cases,, surgery, is, inevitable, to, treat, the, ingrown, nail,, while, in, others,, it, is, possible, to, remedy, it, naturally., Here, are, some, natural, tips, to, treat, ingrown, toenails., What, causes, nail, ingrown?, Ingrown, nails, can, be, related, to, different, factors:, nail, deformation, (pinch-shaped, nail), nail, thickening, trauma, (shock), cutting, too, short, nails, wearing, too, narrow, shoes, Which, crush, the, nail, Taking, acne, treatments, containing, isotretinoin, Note, that, people, with, diabetes, or, any, other, disease, that, causes, poor, blood, circulation, are, more, likely, to, develop, an, ingrown, toenail., What, are, the, symptoms, of, an, ingrown, toenail?, It, should, be, noted, that, the, evolution, of, this, problem, can, be, divided, into, 3, phases,, each, with, its, own, symptoms., The, first, phase, is, characterized, by, slight, swelling, and, pain, during, pressure., In, this, phase,, the, patient, may, also, develop, erythema, or, edema., The, moderate, phase, is, characterized, by, increased, swelling,, infection, and, ulceration., The, severe, phase, is, naturally, the, most, difficult., The, patient, experiences, chronic, inflammation, and, hypertrophy, of, the, lateral, bulges., But, in, most, cases,, pain,, redness,, infections, and, swelling, around, the, toe, are, very, common, symptoms., If, the, ingrown, nail, is, not, treated, in, time,, it, can, lead, to, severe, infections,, especially, in, the, bones., In, some, cases,, the, patient, is, obliged, to, undergo, surgery, to, resolve, this, problem,, but, for, the, less, advanced, stages,, natural, remedies, can, be, effective, &, nbsp;, Here, are, some, natural, solutions, to, get, rid, of, ingrown, toenails:, Wash, your, feet, regularly, To, clean, the, infected, area, and, remove, the, bacteria, from, it,, soak, your, feet, in, warm, soapy, water, 2, to, 3, times, a, day., Use, Castile, soap, preferably,, because, it, contains, natural, ingredients., You, can, also, add, Epsom, salt, to, soften, the, skin, and, nail., Make, a, foot, bath, with, cider, vinegar, This, tip, is, one, of, the, most, effective, ways, to, get, rid, of, ingrown, toenails., Pour, ½, cup, of, cider, vinegar, into, a, basin, of, warm, water, and, soak, your, feet, for, a, few, minutes., You, can, even, apply, this, preparation, directly, to, the, affected, area., This, will, prevent, infections., Place, cotton, under, the, nail, After, washing, your, feet,, use, the, dental, floss, to, lift, the, ingrown, corner, of, the, nail, and, separate, it, slightly, from, the, skin., Then, take, a, little, cotton, and, place, it, between, the, skin, and, the, nail., Choose, a, dental, floss, without, fluoride, to, avoid, burning, sensations., This, method, can, be, a, little, painful, or, annoying, but, it, is, very, effective., Be, sure, to, repeat, the, procedure, and, change, the, cotton, every, day., Also, try, to, push, the, cotton, inward, each, time, you, do, a, foot, bath., Sometimes, you, will, need, to, cut, a, small, part, of, the, nail, to, get, there., But, beware,, this, procedure, is, not, simple, &, nbsp;, How, to, cut, nail, &, nbsp, ;?, Normally,, this, should, be, done, after, a, foot, bath,, so, that, the, skin, and, nail, are, sufficiently, softened, to, be, handled.
Push, Delicately, swollen, the, skin, back,, then, cut, the, nail, starting, at, the, edges, and, not, the, middle., Replace, the, cotton, between, the, skin, and, the, nail, to, prevent, it, from, coming, back, and, apply, the, following, remedy, to, relieve, pain, and, infection., Ingredients:, 50, g, of, coconut, oil, 60, ml, of, aloe, vera, gel, 1, drop, of, essential, oil, of, oregano, 5, drops, of, tea, tree, essential, oil, 2, drops, of, essential, oil, of, peppermint, 5, drops, of, Eucalyptus, essential, oil, Mix, all, the, ingredients,, then, apply, the, preparation, on, the, affected, area,, previously, washed,, and, allow, to, dry, in, the, open, air., You, can, also, cover, the, toe, with, a, dressing., Keep, the, prepared, mixture, in, an, airtight, glass, jar., Repeat, this, tip, 2, to, 3, times, a, day., Warnings, &, nbsp, ;:, Be, sure, to, wash, your, hands, after, each, use, and, avoid, eye, contact., Oregano, oil, is, a, natural, antibiotic, and, can, cause, burning, sensations., Avoid, putting, narrow, shoes, and, high, heels, if, you, suffer, from, ingrown, toenail,, especially, during, this, treatment., The, nail, needs, to, breathe, to, heal., How To, To Get, Get Rid, Rid Of, Of A, A Painful, Painful Ingrain, Ingrain Nail, Nail Without, Without a, a Doctor, Doctor The, The ingrown, ingrown toenail, toenail or, or onychocryptosis, onychocryptosis is, is an, an annoying, annoying and, and especially, especially very, very painful, painful problem., problem. This, This phenomenon, phenomenon can, can occur, occur at, at any, any age, age and, and is, is characterized, characterized by, by the, the regrowth, regrowth of, of a, a part, part of, of the, the nail, nail under, under the, the skin, skin that, that surrounds, surrounds it., it. In, In some, some cases,, cases, surgery, surgery is, is inevitable, inevitable to, to treat, treat the, the ingrown, ingrown nail,, nail, while, while in, in others,, others, it, it is, is possible, possible to, to remedy, remedy it, it naturally., naturally. Here, Here are, are some, some natural, natural tips, tips to, to treat, treat ingrown, ingrown toenails., toenails. What, What causes, causes nail, nail ingrown?, ingrown? Ingrown, Ingrown nails, nails can, can be, be related, related to, to different, different factors:, factors: nail, nail deformation, deformation (pinch-shaped, (pinch-shaped nail), nail) nail, nail thickening, thickening trauma, trauma (shock), (shock) cutting, cutting too, too short, short nails, nails wearing, wearing too, too narrow, narrow shoes, shoes Which, Which crush, crush the, the nail, nail Taking, Taking acne, acne treatments, treatments containing, containing isotretinoin, isotretinoin Note, Note that, that people, people with, with diabetes, diabetes or, or any, any other, other disease, disease that, that causes, causes poor, poor blood, blood circulation, circulation are, are more, more likely, likely to, to develop, develop an, an ingrown, ingrown toenail., toenail. What, What are, are the, the symptoms, symptoms of, of an, an ingrown, ingrown toenail?, toenail? It, It should, should be, be noted, noted that, that the, the evolution, evolution of, of this, this problem, problem can, can be, be divided, divided into, into 3, 3 phases,, phases, each, each with, with its, its own, own symptoms., symptoms. The, The first, first phase, phase is, is characterized, characterized by, by slight, slight swelling, swelling and, and pain, pain during, during pressure., pressure. In, In this, this phase,, phase, the, the patient, patient may, may also, also develop, develop erythema, erythema or, or edema., edema. The, The moderate, moderate phase, phase is, is characterized, characterized by, by increased, increased swelling,, swelling, infection, infection and, and ulceration., ulceration. The, The severe, severe phase, phase is, is naturally, naturally the, the most, most difficult., difficult. The, The patient, patient experiences, experiences chronic, chronic inflammation, inflammation and, and hypertrophy, hypertrophy of, of the, the lateral, lateral bulges., bulges. But, But in, in most, most cases,, cases, pain,, pain, redness,, redness, infections, infections and, and swelling, swelling around, around the, the toe, toe are, are very, very common, common symptoms., symptoms. If, If the, the ingrown, ingrown nail, nail is, is not, not treated, treated in, in time,, time, it, it can, can lead, lead to, to severe, severe infections,, infections, especially, especially in, in the, the bones., bones. In, In some, some cases,, cases, the, the patient, patient is, is obliged, obliged to, to undergo, undergo surgery, surgery to, to resolve, resolve this, this problem,, problem, but, but for, for the, the less, less advanced, advanced stages,, stages, natural, natural remedies, remedies can, can be, be effective, effective &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Here, Here are, are some, some natural, natural solutions, solutions to, to get, get rid, rid of, of ingrown, ingrown toenails:, toenails: Wash, Wash your, your feet, feet regularly, regularly To, To clean, clean the, the infected, infected area, area and, and remove, remove the, the bacteria, bacteria from, from it,, it, soak, soak your, your feet, feet in, in warm, warm soapy, soapy water, water 2, 2 to, to 3, 3 times, times a, a day., day. Use, Use Castile, Castile soap, soap preferably,, preferably, because, because it, it contains, contains natural, natural ingredients., ingredients. You, You can, can also, also add, add Epsom, Epsom salt, salt to, to soften, soften the, the skin, skin and, and nail., nail. Make, Make a, a foot, foot bath, bath with, with cider, cider vinegar, vinegar This, This tip, tip is, is one, one of, of the, the most, most effective, effective ways, ways to, to get, get rid, rid of, of ingrown, ingrown toenails., toenails. Pour, Pour ½, ½ cup, cup of, of cider, cider vinegar, vinegar into, into a, a basin, basin of, of warm, warm water, water and, and soak, soak your, your feet, feet for, for a, a few, few minutes., minutes. You, You can, can even, even apply, apply this, this preparation, preparation directly, directly to, to the, the affected, affected area., area. This, This will, will prevent, prevent infections., infections. Place, Place cotton, cotton under, under the, the nail, nail After, After washing, washing your, your feet,, feet, use, use the, the dental, dental floss, floss to, to lift, lift the, the ingrown, ingrown corner, corner of, of the, the nail, nail and, and separate, separate it, it slightly, slightly from, from the, the skin., skin. Then, Then take, take a, a little, little cotton, cotton and, and place, place it, it between, between the, the skin, skin and, and the, the nail., nail. Choose, Choose a, a dental, dental floss, floss without, without fluoride, fluoride to, to avoid, avoid burning, burning sensations., sensations. This, This method, method can, can be, be a, a little, little painful, painful or, or annoying, annoying but, but it, it is, is very, very effective., effective. Be, Be sure, sure to, to repeat, repeat the, the procedure, procedure and, and change, change the, the cotton, cotton every, every day., day. Also, Also try, try to, to push, push the, the cotton, cotton inward, inward each, each time, time you, you do, do a, a foot, foot bath., bath. Sometimes, Sometimes you, you will, will need, need to, to cut, cut a, a small, small part, part of, of the, the nail, nail to, to get, get there., there. But, But beware,, beware, this, this procedure, procedure is, is not, not simple, simple &, & nbsp;, nbsp; How, How to, to cut, cut nail, nail &, & nbsp, nbsp ;?, ;? Normally,, Normally, this, this should, should be, be done, done after, after a, a foot, foot bath,, bath, so, so that, that the, the skin, skin and, and nail, nail are, are sufficiently, sufficiently softened, softened to, to be, be handled.
Push, handled.
Push Delicately, Delicately swollen, swollen the, the skin, skin back,, back, then, then cut, cut the, the nail, nail starting, starting at, at the, the edges, edges and, and not, not the, the middle., middle. Replace, Replace the, the cotton, cotton between, between the, the skin, skin and, and the, the nail, nail to, to prevent, prevent it, it from, from coming, coming back, back and, and apply, apply the, the following, following remedy, remedy to, to relieve, relieve pain, pain and, and infection., infection. Ingredients:, Ingredients: 50, 50 g, g of, of coconut, coconut oil, oil 60, 60 ml, ml of, of aloe, aloe vera, vera gel, gel 1, 1 drop, drop of, of essential, essential oil, oil of, of oregano, oregano 5, 5 drops, drops of, of tea, tea tree, tree essential, essential oil, oil 2, 2 drops, drops of, of essential, essential oil, oil of, of peppermint, peppermint 5, 5 drops, drops of, of Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus essential, essential oil, oil Mix, Mix all, all the, the ingredients,, ingredients, then, then apply, apply the, the preparation, preparation on, on the, the affected, affected area,, area, previously, previously washed,, washed, and, and allow, allow to, to dry, dry in, in the, the open, open air., air. You, You can, can also, also cover, cover the, the toe, toe with, with a, a dressing., dressing. Keep, Keep the, the prepared, prepared mixture, mixture in, in an, an airtight, airtight glass, glass jar., jar. Repeat, Repeat this, this tip, tip 2, 2 to, to 3, 3 times, times a, a day., day. Warnings, Warnings &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Be, Be sure, sure to, to wash, wash your, your hands, hands after, after each, each use, use and, and avoid, avoid eye, eye contact., contact. Oregano, Oregano oil, oil is, is a, a natural, natural antibiotic, antibiotic and, and can, can cause, cause burning, burning sensations., sensations. Avoid, Avoid putting, putting narrow, narrow shoes, shoes and, and high, high heels, heels if, if you, you suffer, suffer from, from ingrown, ingrown toenail,, toenail, especially, especially during, during this, this treatment., treatment. The, The nail, nail needs, needs to, to breathe, breathe to, to heal., How To Get, To Get Rid, Get Rid Of, Rid Of A, Of A Painful, A Painful Ingrain, Painful Ingrain Nail, Ingrain Nail Without, Nail Without a, Without a Doctor, a Doctor The, Doctor The ingrown, The ingrown toenail, ingrown toenail or, toenail or onychocryptosis, or onychocryptosis is, onychocryptosis is an, is an annoying, an annoying and, annoying and especially, and especially very, especially very painful, very painful problem., painful problem. This, problem. This phenomenon, This phenomenon can, phenomenon can occur, can occur at, occur at any, at any age, any age and, age and is, and is characterized, is characterized by, characterized by the, by the regrowth, the regrowth of, regrowth of a, of a part, a part of, part of the, of the nail, the nail under, nail under the, under the skin, the skin that, skin that surrounds, that surrounds it., surrounds it. In, it. In some, In some cases,, some cases, surgery, cases, surgery is, surgery is inevitable, is inevitable to, inevitable to treat, to treat the, treat the ingrown, the ingrown nail,, ingrown nail, while, nail, while in, while in others,, in others, it, others, it is, it is possible, is possible to, possible to remedy, to remedy it, remedy it naturally., it naturally. Here, naturally. Here are, Here are some, are some natural, some natural tips, natural tips to, tips to treat, to treat ingrown, treat ingrown toenails., ingrown toenails. What, toenails. What causes, What causes nail, causes nail ingrown?, nail ingrown? Ingrown, ingrown? Ingrown nails, Ingrown nails can, nails can be, can be related, be related to, related to different, to different factors:, different factors: nail, factors: nail deformation, nail deformation (pinch-shaped, deformation (pinch-shaped nail), (pinch-shaped nail) nail, nail) nail thickening, nail thickening trauma, thickening trauma (shock), trauma (shock) cutting, (shock) cutting too, cutting too short, too short nails, short nails wearing, nails wearing too, wearing too narrow, too narrow shoes, narrow shoes Which, shoes Which crush, Which crush the, crush the nail, the nail Taking, nail Taking acne, Taking acne treatments, acne treatments containing, treatments containing isotretinoin, containing isotretinoin Note, isotretinoin Note that, Note that people, that people with, people with diabetes, with diabetes or, diabetes or any, or any other, any other disease, other disease that, disease that causes, that causes poor, causes poor blood, poor blood circulation, blood circulation are, circulation are more, are more likely, more likely to, likely to develop, to develop an, develop an ingrown, an ingrown toenail., ingrown toenail. What, toenail. What are, What are the, are the symptoms, the symptoms of, symptoms of an, of an ingrown, an ingrown toenail?, ingrown toenail? It, toenail? It should, It should be, should be noted, be noted that, noted that the, that the evolution, the evolution of, evolution of this, of this problem, this problem can, problem can be, can be divided, be divided into, divided into 3, into 3 phases,, 3 phases, each, phases, each with, each with its, with its own, its own symptoms., own symptoms. The, symptoms. The first, The first phase, first phase is, phase is characterized, is characterized by, characterized by slight, by slight swelling, slight swelling and, swelling and pain, and pain during, pain during pressure., during pressure. In, pressure. In this, In this phase,, this phase, the, phase, the patient, the patient may, patient may also, may also develop, also develop erythema, develop erythema or, erythema or edema., or edema. The, edema. The moderate, The moderate phase, moderate phase is, phase is characterized, is characterized by, characterized by increased, by increased swelling,, increased swelling, infection, swelling, infection and, infection and ulceration., and ulceration. The, ulceration. The severe, The severe phase, severe phase is, phase is naturally, is naturally the, naturally the most, the most difficult., most difficult. The, difficult. The patient, The patient experiences, patient experiences chronic, experiences chronic inflammation, chronic inflammation and, inflammation and hypertrophy, and hypertrophy of, hypertrophy of the, of the lateral, the lateral bulges., lateral bulges. But, bulges. But in, But in most, in most cases,, most cases, pain,, cases, pain, redness,, pain, redness, infections, redness, infections and, infections and swelling, and swelling around, swelling around the, around the toe, the toe are, toe are very, are very common, very common symptoms., common symptoms. If, symptoms. If the, If the ingrown, the ingrown nail, ingrown nail is, nail is not, is not treated, not treated in, treated in time,, in time, it, time, it can, it can lead, can lead to, lead to severe, to severe infections,, severe infections, especially, infections, especially in, especially in the, in the bones., the bones. In, bones. In some, In some cases,, some cases, the, cases, the patient, the patient is, patient is obliged, is obliged to, obliged to undergo, to undergo surgery, undergo surgery to, surgery to resolve, to resolve this, resolve this problem,, this problem, but, problem, but for, but for the, for the less, the less advanced, less advanced stages,, advanced stages, natural, stages, natural remedies, natural remedies can, remedies can be, can be effective, be effective &, effective & nbsp;, & nbsp; Here, nbsp; Here are, Here are some, are some natural, some natural solutions, natural solutions to, solutions to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of ingrown, of ingrown toenails:, ingrown toenails: Wash, toenails: Wash your, Wash your feet, your feet regularly, feet regularly To, regularly To clean, To clean the, clean the infected, the infected area, infected area and, area and remove, and remove the, remove the bacteria, the bacteria from, bacteria from it,, from it, soak, it, soak your, soak your feet, your feet in, feet in warm, in warm soapy, warm soapy water, soapy water 2, water 2 to, 2 to 3, to 3 times, 3 times a, times a day., a day. Use, day. Use Castile, Use Castile soap, Castile soap preferably,, soap preferably, because, preferably, because it, because it contains, it contains natural, contains natural ingredients., natural ingredients. You, ingredients. You can, You can also, can also add, also add Epsom, add Epsom salt, Epsom salt to, salt to soften, to soften the, soften the skin, the skin and, skin and nail., and nail. Make, nail. Make a, Make a foot, a foot bath, foot bath with, bath with cider, with cider vinegar, cider vinegar This, vinegar This tip, This tip is, tip is one, is one of, one of the, of the most, the most effective, most effective ways, effective ways to, ways to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of ingrown, of ingrown toenails., ingrown toenails. Pour, toenails. Pour ½, Pour ½ cup, ½ cup of, cup of cider, of cider vinegar, cider vinegar into, vinegar into a, into a basin, a basin of, basin of warm, of warm water, warm water and, water and soak, and soak your, soak your feet, your feet for, feet for a, for a few, a few minutes., few minutes. You, minutes. You can, You can even, can even apply, even apply this, apply this preparation, this preparation directly, preparation directly to, directly to the, to the affected, the affected area., affected area. This, area. This will, This will prevent, will prevent infections., prevent infections. Place, infections. Place cotton, Place cotton under, cotton under the, under the nail, the nail After, nail After washing, After washing your, washing your feet,, your feet, use, feet, use the, use the dental, the dental floss, dental floss to, floss to lift, to lift the, lift the ingrown, the ingrown corner, ingrown corner of, corner of the, of the nail, the nail and, nail and separate, and separate it, separate it slightly, it slightly from, slightly from the, from the skin., the skin. Then, skin. Then take, Then take a, take a little, a little cotton, little cotton and, cotton and place, and place it, place it between, it between the, between the skin, the skin and, skin and the, and the nail., the nail. Choose, nail. Choose a, Choose a dental, a dental floss, dental floss without, floss without fluoride, without fluoride to, fluoride to avoid, to avoid burning, avoid burning sensations., burning sensations. This, sensations. This method, This method can, method can be, can be a, be a little, a little painful, little painful or, painful or annoying, or annoying but, annoying but it, but it is, it is very, is very effective., very effective. Be, effective. Be sure, Be sure to, sure to repeat, to repeat the, repeat the procedure, the procedure and, procedure and change, and change the, change the cotton, the cotton every, cotton every day., every day. Also, day. Also try, Also try to, try to push, to push the, push the cotton, the cotton inward, cotton inward each, inward each time, each time you, time you do, you do a, do a foot, a foot bath., foot bath. Sometimes, bath. Sometimes you, Sometimes you will, you will need, will need to, need to cut, to cut a, cut a small, a small part, small part of, part of the, of the nail, the nail to, nail to get, to get there., get there. But, there. But beware,, But beware, this, beware, this procedure, this procedure is, procedure is not, is not simple, not simple &, simple & nbsp;, & nbsp; How, nbsp; How to, How to cut, to cut nail, cut nail &, nail & nbsp, & nbsp ;?, nbsp ;? Normally,, ;? Normally, this, Normally, this should, this should be, should be done, be done after, done after a, after a foot, a foot bath,, foot bath, so, bath, so that, so that the, that the skin, the skin and, skin and nail, and nail are, nail are sufficiently, are sufficiently softened, sufficiently softened to, softened to be, to be handled.
Push, be handled.
Push Delicately, handled.
Push Delicately swollen, Delicately swollen the, swollen the skin, the skin back,, skin back, then, back, then cut, then cut the, cut the nail, the nail starting, nail starting at, starting at the, at the edges, the edges and, edges and not, and not the, not the middle., the middle. Replace, middle. Replace the, Replace the cotton, the cotton between, cotton between the, between the skin, the skin and, skin and the, and the nail, the nail to, nail to prevent, to prevent it, prevent it from, it from coming, from coming back, coming back and, back and apply, and apply the, apply the following, the following remedy, following remedy to, remedy to relieve, to relieve pain, relieve pain and, pain and infection., and infection. Ingredients:, infection. Ingredients: 50, Ingredients: 50 g, 50 g of, g of coconut, of coconut oil, coconut oil 60, oil 60 ml, 60 ml of, ml of aloe, of aloe vera, aloe vera gel, vera gel 1, gel 1 drop, 1 drop of, drop of essential, of essential oil, essential oil of, oil of oregano, of oregano 5, oregano 5 drops, 5 drops of, drops of tea, of tea tree, tea tree essential, tree essential oil, essential oil 2, oil 2 drops, 2 drops of, drops of essential, of essential oil, essential oil of, oil of peppermint, of peppermint 5, peppermint 5 drops, 5 drops of, drops of Eucalyptus, of Eucalyptus essential, Eucalyptus essential oil, essential oil Mix, oil Mix all, Mix all the, all the ingredients,, the ingredients, then, ingredients, then apply, then apply the, apply the preparation, the preparation on, preparation on the, on the affected, the affected area,, affected area, previously, area, previously washed,, previously washed, and, washed, and allow, and allow to, allow to dry, to dry in, dry in the, in the open, the open air., open air. You, air. You can, You can also, can also cover, also cover the, cover the toe, the toe with, toe with a, with a dressing., a dressing. Keep, dressing. Keep the, Keep the prepared, the prepared mixture, prepared mixture in, mixture in an, in an airtight, an airtight glass, airtight glass jar., glass jar. Repeat, jar. Repeat this, Repeat this tip, this tip 2, tip 2 to, 2 to 3, to 3 times, 3 times a, times a day., a day. Warnings, day. Warnings &, Warnings & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Be, ;: Be sure, Be sure to, sure to wash, to wash your, wash your hands, your hands after, hands after each, after each use, each use and, use and avoid, and avoid eye, avoid eye contact., eye contact. Oregano, contact. Oregano oil, Oregano oil is, oil is a, is a natural, a natural antibiotic, natural antibiotic and, antibiotic and can, and can cause, can cause burning, cause burning sensations., burning sensations. Avoid, sensations. Avoid putting, Avoid putting narrow, putting narrow shoes, narrow shoes and, shoes and high, and high heels, high heels if, heels if you, if you suffer, you suffer from, suffer from ingrown, from ingrown toenail,, ingrown toenail, especially, toenail, especially during, especially during this, during this treatment., this treatment. The, treatment. The nail, The nail needs, nail needs to, needs to breathe, to breathe to, breathe to heal.
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