An easy tip to have longer and thicker eyelashes naturally

An easy tip to have longer and thicker eyelashes naturally

An easy tip to have longer and thicker eyelashes naturally

Unfortunately we do not all have the chance to have naturally long and thick lashes, which give us a look at the eyes of doe. Fortunately for us, mascara is to the rescue, but over time, this product that is supposed to thicken our lashes, eventually weaken them and accelerate their loss. But our cause is not lost! There are several natural tricks that allow to grow the eyelashes faster and make them stronger, like this preparation based on 3 natural oils that we propose in this article.

Many women owe their long, thick lashes to mascara, unlike those spoiled by nature. Over time or due to excessive use of this product, the eyelashes tend to be damaged or dropped and their regrowth is not the fastest. Some women opt for solutions like eyelash extensions or false eyelashes to garnish their look but these options are obviously not natural or permanent and are certainly not without side effects for the eyelashes.

To have beautiful eyelashes, nothing better than the natural tricks that help to speed up their regrowth, feed them and make them thicker. Note, however, that these natural alternatives do not give immediate results and require some attendance to be effective.

Tips for getting longer and thicker eyelashes:


  • Coconut oil
  • Castor oil
  • Vitamin E oil


Take a small glass tight jar and mix the 3 ingredients carefully using equal amounts of each oil.

Use this preparation each night before sleeping and rinse the next morning. You can apply it with your fingers or use a clean mascara brush.

The effects of this recipe are not visible overnight, but after a week you will notice an improvement. Follow this natural treatment for two or three months to get better results.

Note that if you do not have one of these oils, you can replace it with olive oil, which is also very rich in nutrients and can have the same effect.

Benefits of Ingredients:

Castor oil :

TheCastor oilIs renowned for its medicinal and aesthetic properties. Effective against several ailments, this oil is also excellent for hair, skin as well as for eyelashes.

Castor oil is very rich in fatty acids (Omega 6 and Omega 9), which are needed to have healthy hair and skin. It is generally highly recommended for its ability to accelerate the growth of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.Indeed, by improving the blood circulation at the level of the hair follicle, the latter will be better nourished, which will have the effect of promoting hair growth. The properties of castor oil not only make it possible to have longer eyelashes, but also more flexible and brighter.

Coconut oil:

TheCoconut oilIs one of the most used oils for beauty care. Thanks to its richness of fatty acids, it allows to nourish the skin and the hair and to hydrate in depth.This oil is effective for damaged and brittle hairs, because it promotes their repair thanks to its nourishing power. It is therefore excellent for making the lashes stronger and thicker.

Vitamin E oil:

Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant, which helps fight against free radicals that can cause damage to the body's cells. This particular vitamin helps protect against aging. The nickname "vitamin of youth" is therefore well deserved.

Vitamin E thus brings many benefits to theskinBut also to nails, hair and eyelashes.It improves blood circulation in the hair follicles and thus accelerates hair growth and keeps them healthy.

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An, easy, tip, to, have, longer, and, thicker, eyelashes, naturally, Unfortunately, we, do, not, all, have, the, chance, to, have, naturally, long, and, thick, lashes,, which, give, us, a, look, at, the, eyes, of, doe., Fortunately, for, us,, mascara, is, to, the, rescue,, but, over, time,, this, product, that, is, supposed, to, thicken, our, lashes,, eventually, weaken, them, and, accelerate, their, loss., But, our, cause, is, not, lost, &, nbsp;, There, are, several, natural, tricks, that, allow, to, grow, the, eyelashes, faster, and, make, them, stronger,, like, this, preparation, based, on, 3, natural, oils, that, we, propose, in, this, article., Many, women, owe, their, long,, thick, lashes, to, mascara,, unlike, those, spoiled, by, nature., Over, time, or, due, to, excessive, use, of, this, product,, the, eyelashes, tend, to, be, damaged, or, dropped, and, their, regrowth, is, not, the, fastest., Some, women, opt, for, solutions, like, eyelash, extensions, or, false, eyelashes, to, garnish, their, look, but, these, options, are, obviously, not, natural, or, permanent, and, are, certainly, not, without, side, effects, for, the, eyelashes., To, have, beautiful, eyelashes,, nothing, better, than, the, natural, tricks, that, help, speed, up, their, regrowth,, feed, them, and, &, nbsp;, Make, them, thicker., Note,, however,, that, these, natural, alternatives, do, not, give, immediate, results, and, require, some, attendance, to, be, effective., Tips, to, Get, Longer, and, Thicker, Eyelashes:, Ingredients:, Coconut, Oil, Castor, Oil, Vitamin, E, Oil, Preparation, &, nbsp;:, &, nbsp;, Take, a, small, glass, tight, jar, and, mix, the, 3, ingredients, thoroughly, using, equal, amounts, of, each, oil., &, Nbsp;, Use, this, preparation, each, night, before, sleeping, and, rinse, the, next, morning., You, can, apply, it, with, your, fingers, or, use, a, clean, mascara, brush., The, effects, of, This, recipe, are, not, visible, overnight,, but, after, a, week, you, will, notice, an, improvement., Follow, this, natural, treatment, for, two, or, three, months, to, get, better, results., Note, that, if, you, do, not, have, one, of, these, oils,, you, can, replace, it, with, olive, oil,, which, is, also, very, rich, in, nutrients, and, can, have, the, same, effect., Benefits, of, the, ingredients, &, nbsp;:, &, nbsp;, Castor, oil:, Castor, oil, is, renowned, for, its, medicinal, and, aesthetic, properties., Effective, against, several, ailments,, this, oil, is, also, excellent, for, hair,, skin, as, well, as, for, eyelashes., Castor, oil, is, very, rich, in, fatty, acids, (Omega, 6, and, Omega, 9),, which, are, needed, to, have, healthy, hair, and, skin., It, is, generally, highly, recommended, for, its, ability, to, accelerate, the, growth, of, hair,, eyebrows, and, eyelashes., Indeed,, by, improving, the, blood, circulation, in, the, hair, follicle,, the, latter, will, be, better, nourished,, which, will, have, the, effect, of, promoting, the, growth, of, the, hair., The, properties, of, castor, oil, not, only, make, it, possible, to, have, longer, eyelashes,, but, also, more, flexible, and, brighter., Coconut, oil, Coconut, oil, is, one, of, the, most, used, oils, for, beauty, care., Thanks, to, its, richness, of, fatty, acids,, it, allows, to, nourish, the, skin, and, the, hair, and, to, hydrate, in, depth., This, oil, is, effective, for, damaged, and, brittle, hairs,, because, it, promotes, their, repair, thanks, to, its, nourishing, power., It, is, therefore, excellent, for, making, the, lashes, stronger, and, thicker., Vitamin, E, Oil:, Vitamin, E, is, an, excellent, antioxidant,, which, helps, fight, against, free, radicals, that, can, cause, damage, to, the, body's, cells., This, vitamin, Protect, against, aging., The, nickname, "&, nbsp;, youth, vitamin", is, therefore, well, deserved., Vitamin, E, brings, many, benefits, to, the, skin, but, also, to, nails,, hair, and, eyelashes., It, improves, blood, circulation, in, the, hair, follicles, and, thus, accelerates, hair, growth, and, keeps, them, healthy., An easy, easy tip, tip to, to have, have longer, longer and, and thicker, thicker eyelashes, eyelashes naturally, naturally Unfortunately, Unfortunately we, we do, do not, not all, all have, have the, the chance, chance to, to have, have naturally, naturally long, long and, and thick, thick lashes,, lashes, which, which give, give us, us a, a look, look at, at the, the eyes, eyes of, of doe., doe. Fortunately, Fortunately for, for us,, us, mascara, mascara is, is to, to the, the rescue,, rescue, but, but over, over time,, time, this, this product, product that, that is, is supposed, supposed to, to thicken, thicken our, our lashes,, lashes, eventually, eventually weaken, weaken them, them and, and accelerate, accelerate their, their loss., loss. But, But our, our cause, cause is, is not, not lost, lost &, & nbsp;, nbsp; There, There are, are several, several natural, natural tricks, tricks that, that allow, allow to, to grow, grow the, the eyelashes, eyelashes faster, faster and, and make, make them, them stronger,, stronger, like, like this, this preparation, preparation based, based on, on 3, 3 natural, natural oils, oils that, that we, we propose, propose in, in this, this article., article. Many, Many women, women owe, owe their, their long,, long, thick, thick lashes, lashes to, to mascara,, mascara, unlike, unlike those, those spoiled, spoiled by, by nature., nature. Over, Over time, time or, or due, due to, to excessive, excessive use, use of, of this, this product,, product, the, the eyelashes, eyelashes tend, tend to, to be, be damaged, damaged or, or dropped, dropped and, and their, their regrowth, regrowth is, is not, not the, the fastest., fastest. Some, Some women, women opt, opt for, for solutions, solutions like, like eyelash, eyelash extensions, extensions or, or false, false eyelashes, eyelashes to, to garnish, garnish their, their look, look but, but these, these options, options are, are obviously, obviously not, not natural, natural or, or permanent, permanent and, and are, are certainly, certainly not, not without, without side, side effects, effects for, for the, the eyelashes., eyelashes. To, To have, have beautiful, beautiful eyelashes,, eyelashes, nothing, nothing better, better than, than the, the natural, natural tricks, tricks that, that help, help speed, speed up, up their, their regrowth,, regrowth, feed, feed them, them and, and &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Make, Make them, them thicker., thicker. Note,, Note, however,, however, that, that these, these natural, natural alternatives, alternatives do, do not, not give, give immediate, immediate results, results and, and require, require some, some attendance, attendance to, to be, be effective., effective. Tips, Tips to, to Get, Get Longer, Longer and, and Thicker, Thicker Eyelashes:, Eyelashes: Ingredients:, Ingredients: Coconut, Coconut Oil, Oil Castor, Castor Oil, Oil Vitamin, Vitamin E, E Oil, Oil Preparation, Preparation &, & nbsp;:, nbsp;: &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Take, Take a, a small, small glass, glass tight, tight jar, jar and, and mix, mix the, the 3, 3 ingredients, ingredients thoroughly, thoroughly using, using equal, equal amounts, amounts of, of each, each oil., oil. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Use, Use this, this preparation, preparation each, each night, night before, before sleeping, sleeping and, and rinse, rinse the, the next, next morning., morning. You, You can, can apply, apply it, it with, with your, your fingers, fingers or, or use, use a, a clean, clean mascara, mascara brush., brush. The, The effects, effects of, of This, This recipe, recipe are, are not, not visible, visible overnight,, overnight, but, but after, after a, a week, week you, you will, will notice, notice an, an improvement., improvement. Follow, Follow this, this natural, natural treatment, treatment for, for two, two or, or three, three months, months to, to get, get better, better results., results. Note, Note that, that if, if you, you do, do not, not have, have one, one of, of these, these oils,, oils, you, you can, can replace, replace it, it with, with olive, olive oil,, oil, which, which is, is also, also very, very rich, rich in, in nutrients, nutrients and, and can, can have, have the, the same, same effect., effect. Benefits, Benefits of, of the, the ingredients, ingredients &, & nbsp;:, nbsp;: &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Castor, Castor oil:, oil: Castor, Castor oil, oil is, is renowned, renowned for, for its, its medicinal, medicinal and, and aesthetic, aesthetic properties., properties. Effective, Effective against, against several, several ailments,, ailments, this, this oil, oil is, is also, also excellent, excellent for, for hair,, hair, skin, skin as, as well, well as, as for, for eyelashes., eyelashes. Castor, Castor oil, oil is, is very, very rich, rich in, in fatty, fatty acids, acids (Omega, (Omega 6, 6 and, and Omega, Omega 9),, 9), which, which are, are needed, needed to, to have, have healthy, healthy hair, hair and, and skin., skin. It, It is, is generally, generally highly, highly recommended, recommended for, for its, its ability, ability to, to accelerate, accelerate the, the growth, growth of, of hair,, hair, eyebrows, eyebrows and, and eyelashes., eyelashes. Indeed,, Indeed, by, by improving, improving the, the blood, blood circulation, circulation in, in the, the hair, hair follicle,, follicle, the, the latter, latter will, will be, be better, better nourished,, nourished, which, which will, will have, have the, the effect, effect of, of promoting, promoting the, the growth, growth of, of the, the hair., hair. The, The properties, properties of, of castor, castor oil, oil not, not only, only make, make it, it possible, possible to, to have, have longer, longer eyelashes,, eyelashes, but, but also, also more, more flexible, flexible and, and brighter., brighter. Coconut, Coconut oil, oil Coconut, Coconut oil, oil is, is one, one of, of the, the most, most used, used oils, oils for, for beauty, beauty care., care. Thanks, Thanks to, to its, its richness, richness of, of fatty, fatty acids,, acids, it, it allows, allows to, to nourish, nourish the, the skin, skin and, and the, the hair, hair and, and to, to hydrate, hydrate in, in depth., depth. This, This oil, oil is, is effective, effective for, for damaged, damaged and, and brittle, brittle hairs,, hairs, because, because it, it promotes, promotes their, their repair, repair thanks, thanks to, to its, its nourishing, nourishing power., power. It, It is, is therefore, therefore excellent, excellent for, for making, making the, the lashes, lashes stronger, stronger and, and thicker., thicker. Vitamin, Vitamin E, E Oil:, Oil: Vitamin, Vitamin E, E is, is an, an excellent, excellent antioxidant,, antioxidant, which, which helps, helps fight, fight against, against free, free radicals, radicals that, that can, can cause, cause damage, damage to, to the, the body's, body's cells., cells. This, This vitamin, vitamin Protect, Protect against, against aging., aging. The, The nickname, nickname "&, "& nbsp;, nbsp; youth, youth vitamin", vitamin" is, is therefore, therefore well, well deserved., deserved. Vitamin, Vitamin E, E brings, brings many, many benefits, benefits to, to the, the skin, skin but, but also, also to, to nails,, nails, hair, hair and, and eyelashes., eyelashes. It, It improves, improves blood, blood circulation, circulation in, in the, the hair, hair follicles, follicles and, and thus, thus accelerates, accelerates hair, hair growth, growth and, and keeps, keeps them, them healthy., An easy tip, easy tip to, tip to have, to have longer, have longer and, longer and thicker, and thicker eyelashes, thicker eyelashes naturally, eyelashes naturally Unfortunately, naturally Unfortunately we, Unfortunately we do, we do not, do not all, not all have, all have the, have the chance, the chance to, chance to have, to have naturally, have naturally long, naturally long and, long and thick, and thick lashes,, thick lashes, which, lashes, which give, which give us, give us a, us a look, a look at, look at the, at the eyes, the eyes of, eyes of doe., of doe. Fortunately, doe. Fortunately for, Fortunately for us,, for us, mascara, us, mascara is, mascara is to, is to the, to the rescue,, the rescue, but, rescue, but over, but over time,, over time, this, time, this product, this product that, product that is, that is supposed, is supposed to, supposed to thicken, to thicken our, thicken our lashes,, our lashes, eventually, lashes, eventually weaken, eventually weaken them, weaken them and, them and accelerate, and accelerate their, accelerate their loss., their loss. But, loss. But our, But our cause, our cause is, cause is not, is not lost, not lost &, lost & nbsp;, & nbsp; There, nbsp; There are, There are several, are several natural, several natural tricks, natural tricks that, tricks that allow, that allow to, allow to grow, to grow the, grow the eyelashes, the eyelashes faster, eyelashes faster and, faster and make, and make them, make them stronger,, them stronger, like, stronger, like this, like this preparation, this preparation based, preparation based on, based on 3, on 3 natural, 3 natural oils, natural oils that, oils that we, that we propose, we propose in, propose in this, in this article., this article. Many, article. Many women, Many women owe, women owe their, owe their long,, their long, thick, long, thick lashes, thick lashes to, lashes to mascara,, to mascara, unlike, mascara, unlike those, unlike those spoiled, those spoiled by, spoiled by nature., by nature. Over, nature. Over time, Over time or, time or due, or due to, due to excessive, to excessive use, excessive use of, use of this, of this product,, this product, the, product, the eyelashes, the eyelashes tend, eyelashes tend to, tend to be, to be damaged, be damaged or, damaged or dropped, or dropped and, dropped and their, and their regrowth, their regrowth is, regrowth is not, is not the, not the fastest., the fastest. Some, fastest. Some women, Some women opt, women opt for, opt for solutions, for solutions like, solutions like eyelash, like eyelash extensions, eyelash extensions or, extensions or false, or false eyelashes, false eyelashes to, eyelashes to garnish, to garnish their, garnish their look, their look but, look but these, but these options, these options are, options are obviously, are obviously not, obviously not natural, not natural or, natural or permanent, or permanent and, permanent and are, and are certainly, are certainly not, certainly not without, not without side, without side effects, side effects for, effects for the, for the eyelashes., the eyelashes. To, eyelashes. To have, To have beautiful, have beautiful eyelashes,, beautiful eyelashes, nothing, eyelashes, nothing better, nothing better than, better than the, than the natural, the natural tricks, natural tricks that, tricks that help, that help speed, help speed up, speed up their, up their regrowth,, their regrowth, feed, regrowth, feed them, feed them and, them and &, and & nbsp;, & nbsp; Make, nbsp; Make them, Make them thicker., them thicker. Note,, thicker. Note, however,, Note, however, that, however, that these, that these natural, these natural alternatives, natural alternatives do, alternatives do not, do not give, not give immediate, give immediate results, immediate results and, results and require, and require some, require some attendance, some attendance to, attendance to be, to be effective., be effective. Tips, effective. Tips to, Tips to Get, to Get Longer, Get Longer and, Longer and Thicker, and Thicker Eyelashes:, Thicker Eyelashes: Ingredients:, Eyelashes: Ingredients: Coconut, Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Coconut Oil Castor, Oil Castor Oil, Castor Oil Vitamin, Oil Vitamin E, Vitamin E Oil, E Oil Preparation, Oil Preparation &, Preparation & nbsp;:, & nbsp;: &, nbsp;: & nbsp;, & nbsp; Take, nbsp; Take a, Take a small, a small glass, small glass tight, glass tight jar, tight jar and, jar and mix, and mix the, mix the 3, the 3 ingredients, 3 ingredients thoroughly, ingredients thoroughly using, thoroughly using equal, using equal amounts, equal amounts of, amounts of each, of each oil., each oil. &, oil. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Use, Nbsp; Use this, Use this preparation, this preparation each, preparation each night, each night before, night before sleeping, before sleeping and, sleeping and rinse, and rinse the, rinse the next, the next morning., next morning. You, morning. You can, You can apply, can apply it, apply it with, it with your, with your fingers, your fingers or, fingers or use, or use a, use a clean, a clean mascara, clean mascara brush., mascara brush. The, brush. The effects, The effects of, effects of This, of This recipe, This recipe are, recipe are not, are not visible, not visible overnight,, visible overnight, but, overnight, but after, but after a, after a week, a week you, week you will, you will notice, will notice an, notice an improvement., an improvement. Follow, improvement. Follow this, Follow this natural, this natural treatment, natural treatment for, treatment for two, for two or, two or three, or three months, three months to, months to get, to get better, get better results., better results. Note, results. Note that, Note that if, that if you, if you do, you do not, do not have, not have one, have one of, one of these, of these oils,, these oils, you, oils, you can, you can replace, can replace it, replace it with, it with olive, with olive oil,, olive oil, which, oil, which is, which is also, is also very, also very rich, very rich in, rich in nutrients, in nutrients and, nutrients and can, and can have, can have the, have the same, the same effect., same effect. Benefits, effect. Benefits of, Benefits of the, of the ingredients, the ingredients &, ingredients & nbsp;:, & nbsp;: &, nbsp;: & nbsp;, & nbsp; Castor, nbsp; Castor oil:, Castor oil: Castor, oil: Castor oil, Castor oil is, oil is renowned, is renowned for, renowned for its, for its medicinal, its medicinal and, medicinal and aesthetic, and aesthetic properties., aesthetic properties. Effective, properties. Effective against, Effective against several, against several ailments,, several ailments, this, ailments, this oil, this oil is, oil is also, is also excellent, also excellent for, excellent for hair,, for hair, skin, hair, skin as, skin as well, as well as, well as for, as for eyelashes., for eyelashes. Castor, eyelashes. Castor oil, Castor oil is, oil is very, is very rich, very rich in, rich in fatty, in fatty acids, fatty acids (Omega, acids (Omega 6, (Omega 6 and, 6 and Omega, and Omega 9),, Omega 9), which, 9), which are, which are needed, are needed to, needed to have, to have healthy, have healthy hair, healthy hair and, hair and skin., and skin. It, skin. It is, It is generally, is generally highly, generally highly recommended, highly recommended for, recommended for its, for its ability, its ability to, ability to accelerate, to accelerate the, accelerate the growth, the growth of, growth of hair,, of hair, eyebrows, hair, eyebrows and, eyebrows and eyelashes., and eyelashes. Indeed,, eyelashes. Indeed, by, Indeed, by improving, by improving the, improving the blood, the blood circulation, blood circulation in, circulation in the, in the hair, the hair follicle,, hair follicle, the, follicle, the latter, the latter will, latter will be, will be better, be better nourished,, better nourished, which, nourished, which will, which will have, will have the, have the effect, the effect of, effect of promoting, of promoting the, promoting the growth, the growth of, growth of the, of the hair., the hair. The, hair. The properties, The properties of, properties of castor, of castor oil, castor oil not, oil not only, not only make, only make it, make it possible, it possible to, possible to have, to have longer, have longer eyelashes,, longer eyelashes, but, eyelashes, but also, but also more, also more flexible, more flexible and, flexible and brighter., and brighter. Coconut, brighter. Coconut oil, Coconut oil Coconut, oil Coconut oil, Coconut oil is, oil is one, is one of, one of the, of the most, the most used, most used oils, used oils for, oils for beauty, for beauty care., beauty care. Thanks, care. Thanks to, Thanks to its, to its richness, its richness of, richness of fatty, of fatty acids,, fatty acids, it, acids, it allows, it allows to, allows to nourish, to nourish the, nourish the skin, the skin and, skin and the, and the hair, the hair and, hair and to, and to hydrate, to hydrate in, hydrate in depth., in depth. This, depth. This oil, This oil is, oil is effective, is effective for, effective for damaged, for damaged and, damaged and brittle, and brittle hairs,, brittle hairs, because, hairs, because it, because it promotes, it promotes their, promotes their repair, their repair thanks, repair thanks to, thanks to its, to its nourishing, its nourishing power., nourishing power. It, power. It is, It is therefore, is therefore excellent, therefore excellent for, excellent for making, for making the, making the lashes, the lashes stronger, lashes stronger and, stronger and thicker., and thicker. Vitamin, thicker. Vitamin E, Vitamin E Oil:, E Oil: Vitamin, Oil: Vitamin E, Vitamin E is, E is an, is an excellent, an excellent antioxidant,, excellent antioxidant, which, antioxidant, which helps, which helps fight, helps fight against, fight against free, against free radicals, free radicals that, radicals that can, that can cause, can cause damage, cause damage to, damage to the, to the body's, the body's cells., body's cells. This, cells. This vitamin, This vitamin Protect, vitamin Protect against, Protect against aging., against aging. The, aging. The nickname, The nickname "&, nickname "& nbsp;, "& nbsp; youth, nbsp; youth vitamin", youth vitamin" is, vitamin" is therefore, is therefore well, therefore well deserved., well deserved. Vitamin, deserved. Vitamin E, Vitamin E brings, E brings many, brings many benefits, many benefits to, benefits to the, to the skin, the skin but, skin but also, but also to, also to nails,, to nails, hair, nails, hair and, hair and eyelashes., and eyelashes. It, eyelashes. It improves, It improves blood, improves blood circulation, blood circulation in, circulation in the, in the hair, the hair follicles, hair follicles and, follicles and thus, and thus accelerates, thus accelerates hair, accelerates hair growth, hair growth and, growth and keeps, and keeps them, keeps them healthy.

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