A Natural Tip That Reduces Deep Wrinkles
As we age, our skin loses elasticity and flexibility, thus promoting the appearance of wrinkles, which can manifest in the form of small fine lines or deeper furrows. To get rid of these so-called old age marks, women generally use creams and other cosmetic products sold on the market, full of harmful chemicals. To give your face its youth and radiance, here is a simple trick of acupressure to try!
ThewrinklesAre one of the signs of skin aging. Appearing at a more or less precocious age, they are the enemies of women whom they make appear older than they really are. Besides age, they are favored by several factors:
A poor diet
A diet high in fat and sugar increases the amount of toxins and free radicals that circulate in our bodies, and that promote the aging of our cells.
Prolonged and unprotected sun exposure
By exposing you to the directSunWithout protection, you slow down the manufacture of the elastin which gives the skin its flexibility and you contribute to the embrittlement of the skin cells.
Bad lifestyle
Lack of sleep, smoking, stress and lack of physical activity are all contributing to the skin's deterioration and to the appearance of several skin problems, such as dark circles under the eyes, imperfections , Early aging, relaxation and wrinkles.
A lack of hydration
Dehydration is one of the main causes of the appearance of wrinkles. By not drinking enough water or using aggressive and drying cosmetics,skinSees its protective hydrolipidic film, which ensures its elasticity and suppleness, altered. Thus, wrinkles become more pronounced and harder to eliminate.
To help you soften the wrinkles of the lower face and around your mouth, here are some acupressure points to boost.
The Benefits of Acupressure
acupressureIs a traditional Chinese practice which involves stimulating certain specific meridian points in order to improve the energy flow and to relieve several physical and psychic ailments. With a little pressure or slight movement, you unblock the energy channels and boost the functioning of the corresponding body part.
The points of acupressure to stimulate to blur the wrinkles:
1. The lines of the smile
The lines of the smile are those lines, more or less marked, which start from the nose to the corners of the lips. In the middle of these lines you will find a small hollow. This is the point to be stimulated. Place your index finger on this small hollow on each side of your mouth, then make light circular movements in a clockwise direction. Continue your massage for 1 minute, to soften these wrinkles and firm the lower face and lower skin of the cheeks.
2. The center of the naso-labial sulcus
You can also stimulate this other acupressure point, called energy point. On the middle of the groove between your nose and your upper lip, apply pressure with your forefinger until you feel the bone below the skin. Massage gently in a clockwise direction for 1 minute per day. The stimulation of this point favorsBlood circulationAnd improves energy flow throughout the face, promoting cell renewal.
If your wrinkles are very marked, you can perform these massages twice a day. After a month, you will get amazing results that will not leave your surroundings indifferent!
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A, Natural, Tip, That, Reduces, Deep, Wrinkles, As, we, age,, our, skin, loses, elasticity, and, flexibility,, thus, promoting, the, appearance, of, wrinkles,, which, can, manifest, in, the, form, of, small, fine, lines, or, deeper, furrows., To, get, rid, of, these, so-called, old, age, marks,, women, generally, use, creams, and, other, cosmetic, products, sold, on, the, market,, full, of, harmful, chemicals., To, give, your, face, its, youth, and, radiance,, here, is, a, simple, trick, of, acupressure, to, try!, Wrinkles, are, one, of, the, signs, of, aging, skin., Appearing, at, a, more, or, less, precocious, age,, they, are, the, enemies, of, women, whom, they, make, appear, older, than, they, really, are., In, addition, to, age,, they, are, favored, by, several, factors:, Unhealthy, diet, A, diet, high, in, fat, and, sugar, increases, the, amount, of, toxins, and, free, radicals, that, circulate, in, our, bodies, and, that, promote, the, aging, of, our, cells., Prolonged, and, unprotected, exposure, to, the, sun, By, exposing, yourself, to, direct, sunlight, without, protection,, you, slow, down, the, production, of, elastin, which, gives, the, skin, its, flexibility, and, you, contribute, to, the, embrittlement, of, the, skin, cells., Bad, lifestyle, Lack, of, sleep,, smoking,, stress, and, lack, of, physical, activity, are, all, contributing, factors, to, the, skin's, deterioration, and, to, the, appearance, of, several, skin, problems,, such, as, under, eye, circles, Eyes,, imperfections,, premature, aging,, relaxation, and, wrinkles., A, lack, of, hydration, Dehydration, is, one, of, the, main, causes, of, the, appearance, of, wrinkles., By, not, drinking, enough, water, or, by, using, aggressive, and, drying, cosmetics,, the, skin, sees, its, protective, hydrolipidic, film,, which, ensures, its, elasticity, and, Flexibility,, altered., Thus,, wrinkles, become, more, pronounced, and, harder, to, eliminate., To, help, you, soften, the, wrinkles, of, the, lower, face, and, around, your, mouth,, here, are, some, acupressure, points, to, boost., The, Benefits, of, Acupressure, Acupressure, is, a, traditional, Chinese, practice, that, involves, stimulating, certain, specific, meridian, points, in, order, to, improve, energy, flow, and, relieve, several, physical, and, psychic, ailments., With, a, little, pressure, or, slight, movement,, you, unblock, the, energy, channels, and, boost, the, functioning, of, the, corresponding, body, part., The, lines, of, the, smile, are, those, lines,, more, or, less, marked,, which, start, from, the, nose, to, the, corners, of, the, lips., In, the, middle, of, these, lines, you, will, find, a, small, hollow., This, is, the, point, to, be, stimulated., Place, your, index, finger, on, this, small, hollow, on, each, side, of, your, mouth,, then, make, light, circular, movements, in, a, clockwise, direction., Continue, your, massage, for, 1, minute,, to, soften, these, wrinkles, and, firm, the, lower, face, and, lower, skin, of, the, cheeks., 2., The, center, of, the, naso-labial, groove, You, can, also, stimulate, this, other, acupressure, point,, called, energy, point., On, the, middle, of, the, groove, between, your, nose, and, your, upper, lip,, apply, pressure, with, your, forefinger, until, you, feel, the, bone, below, the, skin., Massage, gently, in, a, clockwise, direction, for, 1, minute, per, day., The, stimulation, of, this, point, promotes, blood, circulation, and, improves, the, energy, flow, throughout, the, face,, favoring, cell, renewal., If, your, wrinkles, are, very, marked,, you, can, perform, these, massages, twice, a, day., After, one, month, you, will, get, results, Stunning, that, will, not, leave, your, surroundings, indifferent!, A Natural, Natural Tip, Tip That, That Reduces, Reduces Deep, Deep Wrinkles, Wrinkles As, As we, we age,, age, our, our skin, skin loses, loses elasticity, elasticity and, and flexibility,, flexibility, thus, thus promoting, promoting the, the appearance, appearance of, of wrinkles,, wrinkles, which, which can, can manifest, manifest in, in the, the form, form of, of small, small fine, fine lines, lines or, or deeper, deeper furrows., furrows. To, To get, get rid, rid of, of these, these so-called, so-called old, old age, age marks,, marks, women, women generally, generally use, use creams, creams and, and other, other cosmetic, cosmetic products, products sold, sold on, on the, the market,, market, full, full of, of harmful, harmful chemicals., chemicals. To, To give, give your, your face, face its, its youth, youth and, and radiance,, radiance, here, here is, is a, a simple, simple trick, trick of, of acupressure, acupressure to, to try!, try! Wrinkles, Wrinkles are, are one, one of, of the, the signs, signs of, of aging, aging skin., skin. Appearing, Appearing at, at a, a more, more or, or less, less precocious, precocious age,, age, they, they are, are the, the enemies, enemies of, of women, women whom, whom they, they make, make appear, appear older, older than, than they, they really, really are., are. In, In addition, addition to, to age,, age, they, they are, are favored, favored by, by several, several factors:, factors: Unhealthy, Unhealthy diet, diet A, A diet, diet high, high in, in fat, fat and, and sugar, sugar increases, increases the, the amount, amount of, of toxins, toxins and, and free, free radicals, radicals that, that circulate, circulate in, in our, our bodies, bodies and, and that, that promote, promote the, the aging, aging of, of our, our cells., cells. Prolonged, Prolonged and, and unprotected, unprotected exposure, exposure to, to the, the sun, sun By, By exposing, exposing yourself, yourself to, to direct, direct sunlight, sunlight without, without protection,, protection, you, you slow, slow down, down the, the production, production of, of elastin, elastin which, which gives, gives the, the skin, skin its, its flexibility, flexibility and, and you, you contribute, contribute to, to the, the embrittlement, embrittlement of, of the, the skin, skin cells., cells. Bad, Bad lifestyle, lifestyle Lack, Lack of, of sleep,, sleep, smoking,, smoking, stress, stress and, and lack, lack of, of physical, physical activity, activity are, are all, all contributing, contributing factors, factors to, to the, the skin's, skin's deterioration, deterioration and, and to, to the, the appearance, appearance of, of several, several skin, skin problems,, problems, such, such as, as under, under eye, eye circles, circles Eyes,, Eyes, imperfections,, imperfections, premature, premature aging,, aging, relaxation, relaxation and, and wrinkles., wrinkles. A, A lack, lack of, of hydration, hydration Dehydration, Dehydration is, is one, one of, of the, the main, main causes, causes of, of the, the appearance, appearance of, of wrinkles., wrinkles. By, By not, not drinking, drinking enough, enough water, water or, or by, by using, using aggressive, aggressive and, and drying, drying cosmetics,, cosmetics, the, the skin, skin sees, sees its, its protective, protective hydrolipidic, hydrolipidic film,, film, which, which ensures, ensures its, its elasticity, elasticity and, and Flexibility,, Flexibility, altered., altered. Thus,, Thus, wrinkles, wrinkles become, become more, more pronounced, pronounced and, and harder, harder to, to eliminate., eliminate. To, To help, help you, you soften, soften the, the wrinkles, wrinkles of, of the, the lower, lower face, face and, and around, around your, your mouth,, mouth, here, here are, are some, some acupressure, acupressure points, points to, to boost., boost. The, The Benefits, Benefits of, of Acupressure, Acupressure Acupressure, Acupressure is, is a, a traditional, traditional Chinese, Chinese practice, practice that, that involves, involves stimulating, stimulating certain, certain specific, specific meridian, meridian points, points in, in order, order to, to improve, improve energy, energy flow, flow and, and relieve, relieve several, several physical, physical and, and psychic, psychic ailments., ailments. With, With a, a little, little pressure, pressure or, or slight, slight movement,, movement, you, you unblock, unblock the, the energy, energy channels, channels and, and boost, boost the, the functioning, functioning of, of the, the corresponding, corresponding body, body part., part. The, The lines, lines of, of the, the smile, smile are, are those, those lines,, lines, more, more or, or less, less marked,, marked, which, which start, start from, from the, the nose, nose to, to the, the corners, corners of, of the, the lips., lips. In, In the, the middle, middle of, of these, these lines, lines you, you will, will find, find a, a small, small hollow., hollow. This, This is, is the, the point, point to, to be, be stimulated., stimulated. Place, Place your, your index, index finger, finger on, on this, this small, small hollow, hollow on, on each, each side, side of, of your, your mouth,, mouth, then, then make, make light, light circular, circular movements, movements in, in a, a clockwise, clockwise direction., direction. Continue, Continue your, your massage, massage for, for 1, 1 minute,, minute, to, to soften, soften these, these wrinkles, wrinkles and, and firm, firm the, the lower, lower face, face and, and lower, lower skin, skin of, of the, the cheeks., cheeks. 2., 2. The, The center, center of, of the, the naso-labial, naso-labial groove, groove You, You can, can also, also stimulate, stimulate this, this other, other acupressure, acupressure point,, point, called, called energy, energy point., point. On, On the, the middle, middle of, of the, the groove, groove between, between your, your nose, nose and, and your, your upper, upper lip,, lip, apply, apply pressure, pressure with, with your, your forefinger, forefinger until, until you, you feel, feel the, the bone, bone below, below the, the skin., skin. Massage, Massage gently, gently in, in a, a clockwise, clockwise direction, direction for, for 1, 1 minute, minute per, per day., day. The, The stimulation, stimulation of, of this, this point, point promotes, promotes blood, blood circulation, circulation and, and improves, improves the, the energy, energy flow, flow throughout, throughout the, the face,, face, favoring, favoring cell, cell renewal., renewal. If, If your, your wrinkles, wrinkles are, are very, very marked,, marked, you, you can, can perform, perform these, these massages, massages twice, twice a, a day., day. After, After one, one month, month you, you will, will get, get results, results Stunning, Stunning that, that will, will not, not leave, leave your, your surroundings, surroundings indifferent!, A Natural Tip, Natural Tip That, Tip That Reduces, That Reduces Deep, Reduces Deep Wrinkles, Deep Wrinkles As, Wrinkles As we, As we age,, we age, our, age, our skin, our skin loses, skin loses elasticity, loses elasticity and, elasticity and flexibility,, and flexibility, thus, flexibility, thus promoting, thus promoting the, promoting the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of wrinkles,, of wrinkles, which, wrinkles, which can, which can manifest, can manifest in, manifest in the, in the form, the form of, form of small, of small fine, small fine lines, fine lines or, lines or deeper, or deeper furrows., deeper furrows. To, furrows. To get, To get rid, get rid of, rid of these, of these so-called, these so-called old, so-called old age, old age marks,, age marks, women, marks, women generally, women generally use, generally use creams, use creams and, creams and other, and other cosmetic, other cosmetic products, cosmetic products sold, products sold on, sold on the, on the market,, the market, full, market, full of, full of harmful, of harmful chemicals., harmful chemicals. To, chemicals. To give, To give your, give your face, your face its, face its youth, its youth and, youth and radiance,, and radiance, here, radiance, here is, here is a, is a simple, a simple trick, simple trick of, trick of acupressure, of acupressure to, acupressure to try!, to try! Wrinkles, try! Wrinkles are, Wrinkles are one, are one of, one of the, of the signs, the signs of, signs of aging, of aging skin., aging skin. Appearing, skin. Appearing at, Appearing at a, at a more, a more or, more or less, or less precocious, less precocious age,, precocious age, they, age, they are, they are the, are the enemies, the enemies of, enemies of women, of women whom, women whom they, whom they make, they make appear, make appear older, appear older than, older than they, than they really, they really are., really are. In, are. In addition, In addition to, addition to age,, to age, they, age, they are, they are favored, are favored by, favored by several, by several factors:, several factors: Unhealthy, factors: Unhealthy diet, Unhealthy diet A, diet A diet, A diet high, diet high in, high in fat, in fat and, fat and sugar, and sugar increases, sugar increases the, increases the amount, the amount of, amount of toxins, of toxins and, toxins and free, and free radicals, free radicals that, radicals that circulate, that circulate in, circulate in our, in our bodies, our bodies and, bodies and that, and that promote, that promote the, promote the aging, the aging of, aging of our, of our cells., our cells. Prolonged, cells. Prolonged and, Prolonged and unprotected, and unprotected exposure, unprotected exposure to, exposure to the, to the sun, the sun By, sun By exposing, By exposing yourself, exposing yourself to, yourself to direct, to direct sunlight, direct sunlight without, sunlight without protection,, without protection, you, protection, you slow, you slow down, slow down the, down the production, the production of, production of elastin, of elastin which, elastin which gives, which gives the, gives the skin, the skin its, skin its flexibility, its flexibility and, flexibility and you, and you contribute, you contribute to, contribute to the, to the embrittlement, the embrittlement of, embrittlement of the, of the skin, the skin cells., skin cells. Bad, cells. Bad lifestyle, Bad lifestyle Lack, lifestyle Lack of, Lack of sleep,, of sleep, smoking,, sleep, smoking, stress, smoking, stress and, stress and lack, and lack of, lack of physical, of physical activity, physical activity are, activity are all, are all contributing, all contributing factors, contributing factors to, factors to the, to the skin's, the skin's deterioration, skin's deterioration and, deterioration and to, and to the, to the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of several, of several skin, several skin problems,, skin problems, such, problems, such as, such as under, as under eye, under eye circles, eye circles Eyes,, circles Eyes, imperfections,, Eyes, imperfections, premature, imperfections, premature aging,, premature aging, relaxation, aging, relaxation and, relaxation and wrinkles., and wrinkles. A, wrinkles. A lack, A lack of, lack of hydration, of hydration Dehydration, hydration Dehydration is, Dehydration is one, is one of, one of the, of the main, the main causes, main causes of, causes of the, of the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of wrinkles., of wrinkles. By, wrinkles. By not, By not drinking, not drinking enough, drinking enough water, enough water or, water or by, or by using, by using aggressive, using aggressive and, aggressive and drying, and drying cosmetics,, drying cosmetics, the, cosmetics, the skin, the skin sees, skin sees its, sees its protective, its protective hydrolipidic, protective hydrolipidic film,, hydrolipidic film, which, film, which ensures, which ensures its, ensures its elasticity, its elasticity and, elasticity and Flexibility,, and Flexibility, altered., Flexibility, altered. Thus,, altered. Thus, wrinkles, Thus, wrinkles become, wrinkles become more, become more pronounced, more pronounced and, pronounced and harder, and harder to, harder to eliminate., to eliminate. To, eliminate. To help, To help you, help you soften, you soften the, soften the wrinkles, the wrinkles of, wrinkles of the, of the lower, the lower face, lower face and, face and around, and around your, around your mouth,, your mouth, here, mouth, here are, here are some, are some acupressure, some acupressure points, acupressure points to, points to boost., to boost. The, boost. The Benefits, The Benefits of, Benefits of Acupressure, of Acupressure Acupressure, Acupressure Acupressure is, Acupressure is a, is a traditional, a traditional Chinese, traditional Chinese practice, Chinese practice that, practice that involves, that involves stimulating, involves stimulating certain, stimulating certain specific, certain specific meridian, specific meridian points, meridian points in, points in order, in order to, order to improve, to improve energy, improve energy flow, energy flow and, flow and relieve, and relieve several, relieve several physical, several physical and, physical and psychic, and psychic ailments., psychic ailments. With, ailments. With a, With a little, a little pressure, little pressure or, pressure or slight, or slight movement,, slight movement, you, movement, you unblock, you unblock the, unblock the energy, the energy channels, energy channels and, channels and boost, and boost the, boost the functioning, the functioning of, functioning of the, of the corresponding, the corresponding body, corresponding body part., body part. The, part. The lines, The lines of, lines of the, of the smile, the smile are, smile are those, are those lines,, those lines, more, lines, more or, more or less, or less marked,, less marked, which, marked, which start, which start from, start from the, from the nose, the nose to, nose to the, to the corners, the corners of, corners of the, of the lips., the lips. In, lips. In the, In the middle, the middle of, middle of these, of these lines, these lines you, lines you will, you will find, will find a, find a small, a small hollow., small hollow. This, hollow. This is, This is the, is the point, the point to, point to be, to be stimulated., be stimulated. Place, stimulated. Place your, Place your index, your index finger, index finger on, finger on this, on this small, this small hollow, small hollow on, hollow on each, on each side, each side of, side of your, of your mouth,, your mouth, then, mouth, then make, then make light, make light circular, light circular movements, circular movements in, movements in a, in a clockwise, a clockwise direction., clockwise direction. Continue, direction. Continue your, Continue your massage, your massage for, massage for 1, for 1 minute,, 1 minute, to, minute, to soften, to soften these, soften these wrinkles, these wrinkles and, wrinkles and firm, and firm the, firm the lower, the lower face, lower face and, face and lower, and lower skin, lower skin of, skin of the, of the cheeks., the cheeks. 2., cheeks. 2. The, 2. The center, The center of, center of the, of the naso-labial, the naso-labial groove, naso-labial groove You, groove You can, You can also, can also stimulate, also stimulate this, stimulate this other, this other acupressure, other acupressure point,, acupressure point, called, point, called energy, called energy point., energy point. On, point. On the, On the middle, the middle of, middle of the, of the groove, the groove between, groove between your, between your nose, your nose and, nose and your, and your upper, your upper lip,, upper lip, apply, lip, apply pressure, apply pressure with, pressure with your, with your forefinger, your forefinger until, forefinger until you, until you feel, you feel the, feel the bone, the bone below, bone below the, below the skin., the skin. Massage, skin. Massage gently, Massage gently in, gently in a, in a clockwise, a clockwise direction, clockwise direction for, direction for 1, for 1 minute, 1 minute per, minute per day., per day. The, day. The stimulation, The stimulation of, stimulation of this, of this point, this point promotes, point promotes blood, promotes blood circulation, blood circulation and, circulation and improves, and improves the, improves the energy, the energy flow, energy flow throughout, flow throughout the, throughout the face,, the face, favoring, face, favoring cell, favoring cell renewal., cell renewal. If, renewal. If your, If your wrinkles, your wrinkles are, wrinkles are very, are very marked,, very marked, you, marked, you can, you can perform, can perform these, perform these massages, these massages twice, massages twice a, twice a day., a day. After, day. After one, After one month, one month you, month you will, you will get, will get results, get results Stunning, results Stunning that, Stunning that will, that will not, will not leave, not leave your, leave your surroundings, your surroundings indifferent!
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