99% of people do not look at this capital information on cosmetic packages
When we shop at the supermarket, all products have an expiry date and it makes it easier for us to know when and how to consume them. Unfortunately, it is not so simple in terms of our productscosmetics. Whether mascara, lipstick, nail polish or foundation, each product has its own lifetime and it is important to know how long we can keep them.
How to decipher your packagings
By accumulating beauty products, one tends to forget when they were opened and to take lightly the good to keep them. The consumer has virtually no way of knowing when the products were designed, however, the producer has an obligation to encode them so that the distributor is able to decipher this code. It is usually a combination of numbers, undecodable by the consumer.For some time, however, it is possible for us to know the lifetime of the majority of cosmetics thanks to two specific codes.
On the one hand,PAO, Period after opening (see image above); It is a pictogram symbolized by a small open pot and which indicates, in months, the lifetime of the product from its first use ie 12 M, 18 M, 24 M etc. It does not apply to perfumes or deodorants. On the other hand, the expiry date(DLU)Which is the expiration date of the product. It is important to pay attention to these two mentions when you buy your cosmetics so as not to take the risk of using outdated products on the skin.
Consequences of the use of obsolete products
Indeed, using an outdated cosmetic product can be risky because some components can cause skin reactions such as redness,itchingOr irritations.It is essential not only to respect the deadline mentioned on the packaging of your products, but also to conserve them to maximize their lifespan. To do this, consider putting your cosmetics in a dry place away from light and heat to avoid the proliferation of bacteria (avoid to store your products in the bathroom), bet on tubes or Pumps rather than pots to reduce the risk of contamination and finally clean the inside of your lids to prevent the excess product from oxidizing and contaminating the remaining contents.
You must also respect certain hygiene rules by washing your hands before using your make-up, regularly cleaning your brushes and avoiding sharing your beauty products to avoid any risk of infection.
If you ever think that some of your products are still of good quality even if they expire, and you decide to continue using them, here are some tips to know that the time has come to separate you from them:
Regarding lipstick, if you notice that its smell has turned and it smells out of date, it's time to get rid of it. For powder eyeshadows, if they are dry and you feel that once applied they are dusty and dull, it means they have done their time. As for the mascara, do not play with the fire and respect the date affixed on the tube in order not to risk to damage your eyes.
Indications concerning the life of your cosmetics
- Mascara and eye liner: 3 to 6 months
- Tubular tube anchors: 3 to 6 months
- Cleansing milk: 6 to 9 months
- Foundation: 9 months to 1 year
- Blush: 2 to 3 years
- Eyeshadow: 2 to 3 years
- Powder: 2 to 3 years
- Eye Pencil: 2 years
- Eyebrow pencil: 2 years
- Red and lip liner: 2 years
VarnishNails: 12 to 24 months
If you follow these tips and tricks to the letter, you will be able to properly conserve your cosmetics and maximize their lifespan!
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99, of, people, do, not, look, at, this, capital, information, on, cosmetic, packages, When, we, shop, at, the, supermarket,, all, products, have, an, expiry, date, and, it, makes, it, easier, for, us, to, know, when, and, how, to, consume, them., Unfortunately,, this, is, not, so, simple, with, regards, to, our, cosmetics., Whether, mascara,, lipstick,, nail, polish, or, foundation,, each, product, has, its, own, lifetime, and, it, is, important, to, know, how, long, we, can, keep, them., How, to, decipher, your, packagings, By, accumulating, the, beauty, products,, one, tends, to, forget, when, they, were, opened, and, to, take, lightly, the, good, to, keep, them., The, consumer, has, virtually, no, way, of, knowing, when, the, products, were, designed,, however,, the, producer, has, an, obligation, to, encode, them, so, that, the, distributor, is, able, to, decipher, this, code., It, is, usually, a, combination, of, numbers,, undecodable, by, the, consumer., For, some, time,, however,, it, is, possible, for, us, to, know, the, lifetime, of, the, majority, of, cosmetics, thanks, to, two, specific, codes., On, the, one, hand,, the, PAO,, period, after, opening, (see, image, above), &, nbsp, ;;, It, is, a, pictogram, symbolized, by, a, small, open, pot, and, which, indicates,, in, months,, the, lifetime, of, the, product, from, its, first, use, ie, 12, M,, 18, M,, 24, M, etc., It, does, not, apply, to, perfumes, or, deodorants., On, the, other, hand,, the, expiry, date, (DLU), which, corresponds, to, the, expiry, date, of, the, product., It, is, important, to, pay, attention, to, these, two, mentions, when, you, buy, your, cosmetics, so, as, not, to, take, the, risk, of, using, outdated, products, on, the, skin., Consequences, of, the, use, of, obsolete, products, Indeed,, using, an, obsolete, cosmetic, product, can, be, risky, because, some, components, can, cause, skin, reactions, Such, as, redness,, itching, or, irritation., It, is, essential, not, only, to, respect, the, deadline, mentioned, on, the, packaging, of, your, products,, but, also, to, conserve, them, to, maximize, their, lifespan., To, do, this,, consider, putting, your, cosmetics, in, a, dry, place, away, from, light, and, heat, to, avoid, the, proliferation, of, bacteria, (avoid, to, store, your, products, in, the, bathroom),, bet, on, tubes, or, Pumps, instead, of, pots, to, reduce, the, risk, of, contamination,, and, clean, the, inside, of, your, lids, to, prevent, the, excess, material, from, oxidizing, and, contaminating, the, remaining, contents., &, Nbsp;, You, must, also, respect, certain, hygiene, rules, by, washing, your, hands, before, using, your, make-up,, regularly, cleaning, your, brushes, and, avoiding, sharing, your, beauty, products, to, avoid, any, risk, of, infection., &, Nbsp;, If, you, ever, think, that, some, of, your, products, are, still, of, good, quality, even, if, they, expire,, and, you, decide, to, continue, using, them,, here, are, some, tips, to, know, that, the, time, has, come, to, separate, you, from, it., &, Nbsp;, Which, concerns, the, lipstick,, if, you, notice, that, its, smell, has, turned, and, it, smells, the, oil, out, of, date,, it, is, time, to, get, rid, of, it., For, powder, eyeshadows,, if, they, are, dry, and, you, feel, that, once, applied, they, are, dusty, and, dull,, it, means, they, have, done, their, time., As, for, the, mascara,, do, not, play, with, the, fire, and, respect, the, date, affixed, on, the, tube, in, order, not, to, risk, to, damage, your, eyes., Indications, regarding, the, lifetime, of, your, cosmetics, &, nbsp;, Mascara, and, Eyeliner:, 3, to, 6, months, Tubular, Anchors, 3, to, 6, months, Cleansing, Milk, &, Nbsp;, 6, to, 9, months, Make-up, foundation, 9, months, to, 1, year, Blush, &, nbsp, ;:, 2, to, 3, years, Eyeshadow, &, nbsp, ;:, 2, to, 3, years, Powder, &, nbsp, ;:, 2, to, 3, years, Eye, Pencil, &, nbsp, ;:, 2, years, Eyebrow, Pencil, &, nbsp, ;:, 2, years, Red, lip, pencil, &, nbsp, ;:, 2, years, Nail, Polish, &, nbsp, ;:, 12, to, 24, months, if, you, follow, these, tips, and, tricks, to, the, letter,, you, will, be, able, to, properly, maintain, your, cosmetics, and, maximize, their, lifespan, &, nbsp, ;!, 99 of, of people, people do, do not, not look, look at, at this, this capital, capital information, information on, on cosmetic, cosmetic packages, packages When, When we, we shop, shop at, at the, the supermarket,, supermarket, all, all products, products have, have an, an expiry, expiry date, date and, and it, it makes, makes it, it easier, easier for, for us, us to, to know, know when, when and, and how, how to, to consume, consume them., them. Unfortunately,, Unfortunately, this, this is, is not, not so, so simple, simple with, with regards, regards to, to our, our cosmetics., cosmetics. Whether, Whether mascara,, mascara, lipstick,, lipstick, nail, nail polish, polish or, or foundation,, foundation, each, each product, product has, has its, its own, own lifetime, lifetime and, and it, it is, is important, important to, to know, know how, how long, long we, we can, can keep, keep them., them. How, How to, to decipher, decipher your, your packagings, packagings By, By accumulating, accumulating the, the beauty, beauty products,, products, one, one tends, tends to, to forget, forget when, when they, they were, were opened, opened and, and to, to take, take lightly, lightly the, the good, good to, to keep, keep them., them. The, The consumer, consumer has, has virtually, virtually no, no way, way of, of knowing, knowing when, when the, the products, products were, were designed,, designed, however,, however, the, the producer, producer has, has an, an obligation, obligation to, to encode, encode them, them so, so that, that the, the distributor, distributor is, is able, able to, to decipher, decipher this, this code., code. It, It is, is usually, usually a, a combination, combination of, of numbers,, numbers, undecodable, undecodable by, by the, the consumer., consumer. For, For some, some time,, time, however,, however, it, it is, is possible, possible for, for us, us to, to know, know the, the lifetime, lifetime of, of the, the majority, majority of, of cosmetics, cosmetics thanks, thanks to, to two, two specific, specific codes., codes. On, On the, the one, one hand,, hand, the, the PAO,, PAO, period, period after, after opening, opening (see, (see image, image above), above) &, & nbsp, nbsp ;;, ;; It, It is, is a, a pictogram, pictogram symbolized, symbolized by, by a, a small, small open, open pot, pot and, and which, which indicates,, indicates, in, in months,, months, the, the lifetime, lifetime of, of the, the product, product from, from its, its first, first use, use ie, ie 12, 12 M,, M, 18, 18 M,, M, 24, 24 M, M etc., etc. It, It does, does not, not apply, apply to, to perfumes, perfumes or, or deodorants., deodorants. On, On the, the other, other hand,, hand, the, the expiry, expiry date, date (DLU), (DLU) which, which corresponds, corresponds to, to the, the expiry, expiry date, date of, of the, the product., product. It, It is, is important, important to, to pay, pay attention, attention to, to these, these two, two mentions, mentions when, when you, you buy, buy your, your cosmetics, cosmetics so, so as, as not, not to, to take, take the, the risk, risk of, of using, using outdated, outdated products, products on, on the, the skin., skin. Consequences, Consequences of, of the, the use, use of, of obsolete, obsolete products, products Indeed,, Indeed, using, using an, an obsolete, obsolete cosmetic, cosmetic product, product can, can be, be risky, risky because, because some, some components, components can, can cause, cause skin, skin reactions, reactions Such, Such as, as redness,, redness, itching, itching or, or irritation., irritation. It, It is, is essential, essential not, not only, only to, to respect, respect the, the deadline, deadline mentioned, mentioned on, on the, the packaging, packaging of, of your, your products,, products, but, but also, also to, to conserve, conserve them, them to, to maximize, maximize their, their lifespan., lifespan. To, To do, do this,, this, consider, consider putting, putting your, your cosmetics, cosmetics in, in a, a dry, dry place, place away, away from, from light, light and, and heat, heat to, to avoid, avoid the, the proliferation, proliferation of, of bacteria, bacteria (avoid, (avoid to, to store, store your, your products, products in, in the, the bathroom),, bathroom), bet, bet on, on tubes, tubes or, or Pumps, Pumps instead, instead of, of pots, pots to, to reduce, reduce the, the risk, risk of, of contamination,, contamination, and, and clean, clean the, the inside, inside of, of your, your lids, lids to, to prevent, prevent the, the excess, excess material, material from, from oxidizing, oxidizing and, and contaminating, contaminating the, the remaining, remaining contents., contents. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; You, You must, must also, also respect, respect certain, certain hygiene, hygiene rules, rules by, by washing, washing your, your hands, hands before, before using, using your, your make-up,, make-up, regularly, regularly cleaning, cleaning your, your brushes, brushes and, and avoiding, avoiding sharing, sharing your, your beauty, beauty products, products to, to avoid, avoid any, any risk, risk of, of infection., infection. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; If, If you, you ever, ever think, think that, that some, some of, of your, your products, products are, are still, still of, of good, good quality, quality even, even if, if they, they expire,, expire, and, and you, you decide, decide to, to continue, continue using, using them,, them, here, here are, are some, some tips, tips to, to know, know that, that the, the time, time has, has come, come to, to separate, separate you, you from, from it., it. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Which, Which concerns, concerns the, the lipstick,, lipstick, if, if you, you notice, notice that, that its, its smell, smell has, has turned, turned and, and it, it smells, smells the, the oil, oil out, out of, of date,, date, it, it is, is time, time to, to get, get rid, rid of, of it., it. For, For powder, powder eyeshadows,, eyeshadows, if, if they, they are, are dry, dry and, and you, you feel, feel that, that once, once applied, applied they, they are, are dusty, dusty and, and dull,, dull, it, it means, means they, they have, have done, done their, their time., time. As, As for, for the, the mascara,, mascara, do, do not, not play, play with, with the, the fire, fire and, and respect, respect the, the date, date affixed, affixed on, on the, the tube, tube in, in order, order not, not to, to risk, risk to, to damage, damage your, your eyes., eyes. Indications, Indications regarding, regarding the, the lifetime, lifetime of, of your, your cosmetics, cosmetics &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Mascara, Mascara and, and Eyeliner:, Eyeliner: 3, 3 to, to 6, 6 months, months Tubular, Tubular Anchors, Anchors 3, 3 to, to 6, 6 months, months Cleansing, Cleansing Milk, Milk &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; 6, 6 to, to 9, 9 months, months Make-up, Make-up foundation, foundation 9, 9 months, months to, to 1, 1 year, year Blush, Blush &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: 2, 2 to, to 3, 3 years, years Eyeshadow, Eyeshadow &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: 2, 2 to, to 3, 3 years, years Powder, Powder &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: 2, 2 to, to 3, 3 years, years Eye, Eye Pencil, Pencil &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: 2, 2 years, years Eyebrow, Eyebrow Pencil, Pencil &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: 2, 2 years, years Red, Red lip, lip pencil, pencil &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: 2, 2 years, years Nail, Nail Polish, Polish &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: 12, 12 to, to 24, 24 months, months if, if you, you follow, follow these, these tips, tips and, and tricks, tricks to, to the, the letter,, letter, you, you will, will be, be able, able to, to properly, properly maintain, maintain your, your cosmetics, cosmetics and, and maximize, maximize their, their lifespan, lifespan &, & nbsp, nbsp ;!, 99 of people, of people do, people do not, do not look, not look at, look at this, at this capital, this capital information, capital information on, information on cosmetic, on cosmetic packages, cosmetic packages When, packages When we, When we shop, we shop at, shop at the, at the supermarket,, the supermarket, all, supermarket, all products, all products have, products have an, have an expiry, an expiry date, expiry date and, date and it, and it makes, it makes it, makes it easier, it easier for, easier for us, for us to, us to know, to know when, know when and, when and how, and how to, how to consume, to consume them., consume them. Unfortunately,, them. Unfortunately, this, Unfortunately, this is, this is not, is not so, not so simple, so simple with, simple with regards, with regards to, regards to our, to our cosmetics., our cosmetics. Whether, cosmetics. Whether mascara,, Whether mascara, lipstick,, mascara, lipstick, nail, lipstick, nail polish, nail polish or, polish or foundation,, or foundation, each, foundation, each product, each product has, product has its, has its own, its own lifetime, own lifetime and, lifetime and it, and it is, it is important, is important to, important to know, to know how, know how long, how long we, long we can, we can keep, can keep them., keep them. How, them. How to, How to decipher, to decipher your, decipher your packagings, your packagings By, packagings By accumulating, By accumulating the, accumulating the beauty, the beauty products,, beauty products, one, products, one tends, one tends to, tends to forget, to forget when, forget when they, when they were, they were opened, were opened and, opened and to, and to take, to take lightly, take lightly the, lightly the good, the good to, good to keep, to keep them., keep them. The, them. The consumer, The consumer has, consumer has virtually, has virtually no, virtually no way, no way of, way of knowing, of knowing when, knowing when the, when the products, the products were, products were designed,, were designed, however,, designed, however, the, however, the producer, the producer has, producer has an, has an obligation, an obligation to, obligation to encode, to encode them, encode them so, them so that, so that the, that the distributor, the distributor is, distributor is able, is able to, able to decipher, to decipher this, decipher this code., this code. It, code. It is, It is usually, is usually a, usually a combination, a combination of, combination of numbers,, of numbers, undecodable, numbers, undecodable by, undecodable by the, by the consumer., the consumer. For, consumer. For some, For some time,, some time, however,, time, however, it, however, it is, it is possible, is possible for, possible for us, for us to, us to know, to know the, know the lifetime, the lifetime of, lifetime of the, of the majority, the majority of, majority of cosmetics, of cosmetics thanks, cosmetics thanks to, thanks to two, to two specific, two specific codes., specific codes. On, codes. On the, On the one, the one hand,, one hand, the, hand, the PAO,, the PAO, period, PAO, period after, period after opening, after opening (see, opening (see image, (see image above), image above) &, above) & nbsp, & nbsp ;;, nbsp ;; It, ;; It is, It is a, is a pictogram, a pictogram symbolized, pictogram symbolized by, symbolized by a, by a small, a small open, small open pot, open pot and, pot and which, and which indicates,, which indicates, in, indicates, in months,, in months, the, months, the lifetime, the lifetime of, lifetime of the, of the product, the product from, product from its, from its first, its first use, first use ie, use ie 12, ie 12 M,, 12 M, 18, M, 18 M,, 18 M, 24, M, 24 M, 24 M etc., M etc. It, etc. It does, It does not, does not apply, not apply to, apply to perfumes, to perfumes or, perfumes or deodorants., or deodorants. On, deodorants. On the, On the other, the other hand,, other hand, the, hand, the expiry, the expiry date, expiry date (DLU), date (DLU) which, (DLU) which corresponds, which corresponds to, corresponds to the, to the expiry, the expiry date, expiry date of, date of the, of the product., the product. It, product. It is, It is important, is important to, important to pay, to pay attention, pay attention to, attention to these, to these two, these two mentions, two mentions when, mentions when you, when you buy, you buy your, buy your cosmetics, your cosmetics so, cosmetics so as, so as not, as not to, not to take, to take the, take the risk, the risk of, risk of using, of using outdated, using outdated products, outdated products on, products on the, on the skin., the skin. Consequences, skin. Consequences of, Consequences of the, of the use, the use of, use of obsolete, of obsolete products, obsolete products Indeed,, products Indeed, using, Indeed, using an, using an obsolete, an obsolete cosmetic, obsolete cosmetic product, cosmetic product can, product can be, can be risky, be risky because, risky because some, because some components, some components can, components can cause, can cause skin, cause skin reactions, skin reactions Such, reactions Such as, Such as redness,, as redness, itching, redness, itching or, itching or irritation., or irritation. It, irritation. It is, It is essential, is essential not, essential not only, not only to, only to respect, to respect the, respect the deadline, the deadline mentioned, deadline mentioned on, mentioned on the, on the packaging, the packaging of, packaging of your, of your products,, your products, but, products, but also, but also to, also to conserve, to conserve them, conserve them to, them to maximize, to maximize their, maximize their lifespan., their lifespan. To, lifespan. To do, To do this,, do this, consider, this, consider putting, consider putting your, putting your cosmetics, your cosmetics in, cosmetics in a, in a dry, a dry place, dry place away, place away from, away from light, from light and, light and heat, and heat to, heat to avoid, to avoid the, avoid the proliferation, the proliferation of, proliferation of bacteria, of bacteria (avoid, bacteria (avoid to, (avoid to store, to store your, store your products, your products in, products in the, in the bathroom),, the bathroom), bet, bathroom), bet on, bet on tubes, on tubes or, tubes or Pumps, or Pumps instead, Pumps instead of, instead of pots, of pots to, pots to reduce, to reduce the, reduce the risk, the risk of, risk of contamination,, of contamination, and, contamination, and clean, and clean the, clean the inside, the inside of, inside of your, of your lids, your lids to, lids to prevent, to prevent the, prevent the excess, the excess material, excess material from, material from oxidizing, from oxidizing and, oxidizing and contaminating, and contaminating the, contaminating the remaining, the remaining contents., remaining contents. &, contents. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; You, Nbsp; You must, You must also, must also respect, also respect certain, respect certain hygiene, certain hygiene rules, hygiene rules by, rules by washing, by washing your, washing your hands, your hands before, hands before using, before using your, using your make-up,, your make-up, regularly, make-up, regularly cleaning, regularly cleaning your, cleaning your brushes, your brushes and, brushes and avoiding, and avoiding sharing, avoiding sharing your, sharing your beauty, your beauty products, beauty products to, products to avoid, to avoid any, avoid any risk, any risk of, risk of infection., of infection. &, infection. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; If, Nbsp; If you, If you ever, you ever think, ever think that, think that some, that some of, some of your, of your products, your products are, products are still, are still of, still of good, of good quality, good quality even, quality even if, even if they, if they expire,, they expire, and, expire, and you, and you decide, you decide to, decide to continue, to continue using, continue using them,, using them, here, them, here are, here are some, are some tips, some tips to, tips to know, to know that, know that the, that the time, the time has, time has come, has come to, come to separate, to separate you, separate you from, you from it., from it. &, it. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Which, Nbsp; Which concerns, Which concerns the, concerns the lipstick,, the lipstick, if, lipstick, if you, if you notice, you notice that, notice that its, that its smell, its smell has, smell has turned, has turned and, turned and it, and it smells, it smells the, smells the oil, the oil out, oil out of, out of date,, of date, it, date, it is, it is time, is time to, time to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of it., of it. For, it. For powder, For powder eyeshadows,, powder eyeshadows, if, eyeshadows, if they, if they are, they are dry, are dry and, dry and you, and you feel, you feel that, feel that once, that once applied, once applied they, applied they are, they are dusty, are dusty and, dusty and dull,, and dull, it, dull, it means, it means they, means they have, they have done, have done their, done their time., their time. As, time. As for, As for the, for the mascara,, the mascara, do, mascara, do not, do not play, not play with, play with the, with the fire, the fire and, fire and respect, and respect the, respect the date, the date affixed, date affixed on, affixed on the, on the tube, the tube in, tube in order, in order not, order not to, not to risk, to risk to, risk to damage, to damage your, damage your eyes., your eyes. Indications, eyes. Indications regarding, Indications regarding the, regarding the lifetime, the lifetime of, lifetime of your, of your cosmetics, your cosmetics &, cosmetics & nbsp;, & nbsp; Mascara, nbsp; Mascara and, Mascara and Eyeliner:, and Eyeliner: 3, Eyeliner: 3 to, 3 to 6, to 6 months, 6 months Tubular, months Tubular Anchors, Tubular Anchors 3, Anchors 3 to, 3 to 6, to 6 months, 6 months Cleansing, months Cleansing Milk, Cleansing Milk &, Milk & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; 6, Nbsp; 6 to, 6 to 9, to 9 months, 9 months Make-up, months Make-up foundation, Make-up foundation 9, foundation 9 months, 9 months to, months to 1, to 1 year, 1 year Blush, year Blush &, Blush & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: 2, ;: 2 to, 2 to 3, to 3 years, 3 years Eyeshadow, years Eyeshadow &, Eyeshadow & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: 2, ;: 2 to, 2 to 3, to 3 years, 3 years Powder, years Powder &, Powder & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: 2, ;: 2 to, 2 to 3, to 3 years, 3 years Eye, years Eye Pencil, Eye Pencil &, Pencil & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: 2, ;: 2 years, 2 years Eyebrow, years Eyebrow Pencil, Eyebrow Pencil &, Pencil & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: 2, ;: 2 years, 2 years Red, years Red lip, Red lip pencil, lip pencil &, pencil & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: 2, ;: 2 years, 2 years Nail, years Nail Polish, Nail Polish &, Polish & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: 12, ;: 12 to, 12 to 24, to 24 months, 24 months if, months if you, if you follow, you follow these, follow these tips, these tips and, tips and tricks, and tricks to, tricks to the, to the letter,, the letter, you, letter, you will, you will be, will be able, be able to, able to properly, to properly maintain, properly maintain your, maintain your cosmetics, your cosmetics and, cosmetics and maximize, and maximize their, maximize their lifespan, their lifespan &, lifespan & nbsp, & nbsp ;!
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