Do you have any of these symptoms? Do they hide anything?
The human body is an amazing mechanism. It can send signs, in different ways, to indicate many health problems such as nutrient deficiencies! The key is to detect symptoms and know how to meet your nutrient needs, especially vitamins.
Here are the symptoms indicating a vitamin deficiency and how to remedy it:
1. Cracks at the corners of the mouth
The most common causes of irritation at the corners of the lips known as perleche are as follows:
- A vitamin deficiency of group B (B3, B2 and B12)
- Certain diseases of the stomach with an increase in the secretion of gastric acid that alters the mucous membranes of the lips
- Iron and zinc deficiency
- Streptococcal and Staphylococcus infections
- Mushrooms (mainly Candida)
- Poor oral hygiene and poor sanitary conditions
This irritation often affects people who speak a lot while moisturizing their lips with the tip of thelanguage, People with diabetes and people who have a weak immune system.
How to cure it ?
Promote the consumption of quinoa, lean cheese, spinach, asparagus, seeds, legumes, peanuts and dried apricots. Also consider combining kale and broccoli to provide a good dose of iron and vitamins.
Also avoid the use of cosmetic products on your face that may contain chemicals causing allergic reactions, opt for biological and natural alternatives.
2. Red rashes on the face and / or excessive hair loss
Red spots on the scalp or face that flake, as well as a severe hair loss can signal a deficiency of vitamin B8, also known as biotin.
As for hair loss, it can manifest itself as a result of these factors:
- Some people may lose their hair a few months after a serious surgery or illness. This can happen because of an overproduction of stress hormones like cortisol.
- Thyroid Disorders
- The birth control pill
- During the 3 months following childbirth
- Certain medications such as anticoagulants and medications to treat gout, hypertension, heart disease and depression.
- Fungal infections of the skin can cause hair loss, especially in children.
- Some hairstyles like long braids and the use of tight curlers can also cause hair loss
- Using hair-based hair care to change the hair texture, such as permanent, can cause inflammation in the hair follicles and lead to hair loss
- Heredity
How to cure it ?
Eat peanuts, almonds, Swiss chard, goat's milk, yogurts (made from goat's milk), tomatoes, carrots, onions, nuts, sesame seeds, bananas, Avocados and mushrooms to combat vitamin B8 deficiency.
Generally, in winter the quality ofskinDegrades (especially that of the face) due to the very low temperatures. On the other hand, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis (or atopic eczema), rosacea, psoriasis, allergic contact dermatitis, cutaneous lupus erythematosus, among others, are frequent diseases and get worse in winter.
3. Red or white acne-like (on the cheeks, arms and hips)
Red or white subcutaneous painful pimples may indicate a hormonal imbalance and deficiency of essential fatty acids or vitamins A and D.
How to cure it ?
Consider increasing your intake of good fats (salmon), prefer nuts and flax seeds. Also, consuming green leafy vegetables, carrots and peppers rich in vitamin A could also be of great help to you.
4. Numbness of hands, feet and other parts of the body or burning sensation
Numbness and tingling in the hands, feet and other parts of the body may indicate a lack of vitamins B6, B9, B12. Recall that depression, anxiety, anemia and fatigue can also be due to a deficiency of vitamins B6 and B12.
How to cure it ?
Promote the consumption of vitamin B-rich foods such as spinach, beets, asparagus, beets, beans and dairy products (goat milk).
Tags :
Do, you, have, any, of, these, symptoms, Do, they, hide, anything, The, human, body, is, an, amazing, mechanism., It, can, send,, in, different, ways,, signs, to, indicate, many, health, problems, like, nutrient, deficiencies, &, nbsp;, The, key, is, to, detect, symptoms, and, know, how, to, meet, your, nutrient, needs,, especially, vitamins., Here, are, the, symptoms, indicating, vitamin, deficiency, and, how, to, fix, it:, 1., Cracks, at, the, corners, of, the, mouth, The, most, common, causes, of, irritation, at, the, corners, of, the, lips, known, as, perleche, are, as, follows:, Deficiency, of, vitamins, of, group, B, (B3,, B2, and, B12)
-, Certain, diseases, of, the, stomach, with, an, increase, in, the, secretion, of, gastric, acid, that, alters, the, mucous, membranes, of, the, lips
-, Iron, and, zinc, deficiency
-, Anemia
-, Streptococcal, and, Staphylococcus, infections
-, Mushrooms, (mainly, Candida)
-, Poor, oral, hygiene, and, poor, sanitary, conditions
This, irritation, often, affects, people, who, speak, a, lot, while, moisturizing, their, lips, with, the, tip, of, the, tongue,, people, with, diabetes, and, people, who, have, a, weak, immune, system., How, to, remedy, this, &, nbsp, ;?, Promote, the, consumption, of, quinoa,, lean, cheese,, spinach,, asparagus,, seeds,, legumes,, peanuts, and, dried, apricots., Also, consider, combining, kale, and, broccoli, to, provide, a, good, dose, of, iron, and, vitamins., Also, avoid, the, use, of, cosmetic, products, on, your, face, that, may, contain, chemicals, causing, allergic, reactions,, opt, for, biological, and, natural, alternatives., 2., Red, rashes, on, the, face, and, /, or, excessive, hair, loss, Red, buttons, on, the, scalp, or, face, that, flake,, as, well, as, a, severe, hair, loss, Can, report, a, vitamin, B8, deficiency,, also, known, as, biotin., As, for, hair, loss,, it, can, manifest, itself, as, a, result, of, these, factors, &, nbsp, ;:, -, Some, people, can, lose, their, hair, a, few, months, after, a, surgery, or, a, serious, illness., This, can, happen, because, of, an, overproduction, of, stress, hormones, like, cortisol.
-, Thyroid, Disorders
-, The, birth, control, pill
-, During, the, 3, months, following, childbirth
-, Some, medications, such, as, anticoagulants, and, medications, to, treat, gout,, high, blood, pressure,, heart, disease, and, depression.
-, Fungal, infections, of, the, skin, can, cause, hair, loss,, especially, in, children.
-, Some, hairstyles, like, long, braids, and, the, use, of, tight, curlers, can, also, cause, hair, loss
-, Using, hair-based, hair, care, to, change, the, hair, texture,, such, as, permanent,, can, cause, inflammation, in, the, hair, follicles, and, lead, to, hair, loss
-, Heredity, How, to, remedy, it, &, nbsp, ;?, Eat, peanuts,, almonds,, Swiss, chard,, goat's, milk,, yogurts, (made, from, goat's, milk),, tomatoes,, carrots,, onions,, nuts,, sesame, seeds,, bananas,, Avocados, and, mushrooms, to, combat, vitamin, B8, deficiency., Generally,, in, winter, the, quality, of, the, skin, degrades, (especially, that, of, the, face), because, of, the, very, low, temperatures., On, the, other, hand,, seborrheic, dermatitis,, atopic, dermatitis, (or, atopic, eczema),, rosacea,, psoriasis,, allergic, contact, dermatitis,, cutaneous, lupus, erythematosus,, among, others,, are, frequent, diseases, and, get, worse, in, winter., 3., Red, or, white, buttons, resembling, Acne, (on, cheeks,, arms, and, hips), Painful, subcutaneous, red, or, white, painful, pimples, may, indicate, a, hormonal, imbalance, and, a, deficiency, of, essential, fatty, acids, or, vitamins, A, and, D., How, to, remedy, this, nonsp?, Consider, increasing, your, intake, of, good, fats, (salmon),, prefer, nuts, and, flax, seeds., Also,, consuming, green, leafy, vegetables,, carrots, and, peppers, rich, in, vitamin, A, could, also, be, of, great, help, to, you., 4., Numbness, of, the, hands,, feet, and, other, parts, of, the, body, or, a, burning, sensation, Numbness, and, tingling, in, the, hands,, feet, and, other, parts, of, the, body, may, indicate, a, lack, of, B6, vitamins,, B9,, B12., Recall, that, depression,, anxiety,, anemia, and, fatigue, can, also, be, due, to, a, deficiency, of, vitamins, B6, and, B12., How, to, remedy, this, &, nbsp, ;?, Promote, the, consumption, of, vitamin, B-rich, foods, such, as, spinach,, beets,, asparagus,, beets,, beans, and, dairy, products, (goat, milk)., Do you, you have, have any, any of, of these, these symptoms, symptoms Do, Do they, they hide, hide anything, anything The, The human, human body, body is, is an, an amazing, amazing mechanism., mechanism. It, It can, can send,, send, in, in different, different ways,, ways, signs, signs to, to indicate, indicate many, many health, health problems, problems like, like nutrient, nutrient deficiencies, deficiencies &, & nbsp;, nbsp; The, The key, key is, is to, to detect, detect symptoms, symptoms and, and know, know how, how to, to meet, meet your, your nutrient, nutrient needs,, needs, especially, especially vitamins., vitamins. Here, Here are, are the, the symptoms, symptoms indicating, indicating vitamin, vitamin deficiency, deficiency and, and how, how to, to fix, fix it:, it: 1., 1. Cracks, Cracks at, at the, the corners, corners of, of the, the mouth, mouth The, The most, most common, common causes, causes of, of irritation, irritation at, at the, the corners, corners of, of the, the lips, lips known, known as, as perleche, perleche are, are as, as follows:, follows: Deficiency, Deficiency of, of vitamins, vitamins of, of group, group B, B (B3,, (B3, B2, B2 and, and B12)
-, B12)
- Certain, Certain diseases, diseases of, of the, the stomach, stomach with, with an, an increase, increase in, in the, the secretion, secretion of, of gastric, gastric acid, acid that, that alters, alters the, the mucous, mucous membranes, membranes of, of the, the lips
-, lips
- Iron, Iron and, and zinc, zinc deficiency
-, deficiency
- Anemia
-, Anemia
- Streptococcal, Streptococcal and, and Staphylococcus, Staphylococcus infections
-, infections
- Mushrooms, Mushrooms (mainly, (mainly Candida)
-, Candida)
- Poor, Poor oral, oral hygiene, hygiene and, and poor, poor sanitary, sanitary conditions
This, conditions
This irritation, irritation often, often affects, affects people, people who, who speak, speak a, a lot, lot while, while moisturizing, moisturizing their, their lips, lips with, with the, the tip, tip of, of the, the tongue,, tongue, people, people with, with diabetes, diabetes and, and people, people who, who have, have a, a weak, weak immune, immune system., system. How, How to, to remedy, remedy this, this &, & nbsp, nbsp ;?, ;? Promote, Promote the, the consumption, consumption of, of quinoa,, quinoa, lean, lean cheese,, cheese, spinach,, spinach, asparagus,, asparagus, seeds,, seeds, legumes,, legumes, peanuts, peanuts and, and dried, dried apricots., apricots. Also, Also consider, consider combining, combining kale, kale and, and broccoli, broccoli to, to provide, provide a, a good, good dose, dose of, of iron, iron and, and vitamins., vitamins. Also, Also avoid, avoid the, the use, use of, of cosmetic, cosmetic products, products on, on your, your face, face that, that may, may contain, contain chemicals, chemicals causing, causing allergic, allergic reactions,, reactions, opt, opt for, for biological, biological and, and natural, natural alternatives., alternatives. 2., 2. Red, Red rashes, rashes on, on the, the face, face and, and /, / or, or excessive, excessive hair, hair loss, loss Red, Red buttons, buttons on, on the, the scalp, scalp or, or face, face that, that flake,, flake, as, as well, well as, as a, a severe, severe hair, hair loss, loss Can, Can report, report a, a vitamin, vitamin B8, B8 deficiency,, deficiency, also, also known, known as, as biotin., biotin. As, As for, for hair, hair loss,, loss, it, it can, can manifest, manifest itself, itself as, as a, a result, result of, of these, these factors, factors &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: -, - Some, Some people, people can, can lose, lose their, their hair, hair a, a few, few months, months after, after a, a surgery, surgery or, or a, a serious, serious illness., illness. This, This can, can happen, happen because, because of, of an, an overproduction, overproduction of, of stress, stress hormones, hormones like, like cortisol.
-, cortisol.
- Thyroid, Thyroid Disorders
-, Disorders
- The, The birth, birth control, control pill
-, pill
- During, During the, the 3, 3 months, months following, following childbirth
-, childbirth
- Some, Some medications, medications such, such as, as anticoagulants, anticoagulants and, and medications, medications to, to treat, treat gout,, gout, high, high blood, blood pressure,, pressure, heart, heart disease, disease and, and depression.
-, depression.
- Fungal, Fungal infections, infections of, of the, the skin, skin can, can cause, cause hair, hair loss,, loss, especially, especially in, in children.
-, children.
- Some, Some hairstyles, hairstyles like, like long, long braids, braids and, and the, the use, use of, of tight, tight curlers, curlers can, can also, also cause, cause hair, hair loss
-, loss
- Using, Using hair-based, hair-based hair, hair care, care to, to change, change the, the hair, hair texture,, texture, such, such as, as permanent,, permanent, can, can cause, cause inflammation, inflammation in, in the, the hair, hair follicles, follicles and, and lead, lead to, to hair, hair loss
-, loss
- Heredity, Heredity How, How to, to remedy, remedy it, it &, & nbsp, nbsp ;?, ;? Eat, Eat peanuts,, peanuts, almonds,, almonds, Swiss, Swiss chard,, chard, goat's, goat's milk,, milk, yogurts, yogurts (made, (made from, from goat's, goat's milk),, milk), tomatoes,, tomatoes, carrots,, carrots, onions,, onions, nuts,, nuts, sesame, sesame seeds,, seeds, bananas,, bananas, Avocados, Avocados and, and mushrooms, mushrooms to, to combat, combat vitamin, vitamin B8, B8 deficiency., deficiency. Generally,, Generally, in, in winter, winter the, the quality, quality of, of the, the skin, skin degrades, degrades (especially, (especially that, that of, of the, the face), face) because, because of, of the, the very, very low, low temperatures., temperatures. On, On the, the other, other hand,, hand, seborrheic, seborrheic dermatitis,, dermatitis, atopic, atopic dermatitis, dermatitis (or, (or atopic, atopic eczema),, eczema), rosacea,, rosacea, psoriasis,, psoriasis, allergic, allergic contact, contact dermatitis,, dermatitis, cutaneous, cutaneous lupus, lupus erythematosus,, erythematosus, among, among others,, others, are, are frequent, frequent diseases, diseases and, and get, get worse, worse in, in winter., winter. 3., 3. Red, Red or, or white, white buttons, buttons resembling, resembling Acne, Acne (on, (on cheeks,, cheeks, arms, arms and, and hips), hips) Painful, Painful subcutaneous, subcutaneous red, red or, or white, white painful, painful pimples, pimples may, may indicate, indicate a, a hormonal, hormonal imbalance, imbalance and, and a, a deficiency, deficiency of, of essential, essential fatty, fatty acids, acids or, or vitamins, vitamins A, A and, and D., D. How, How to, to remedy, remedy this, this nonsp?, nonsp? Consider, Consider increasing, increasing your, your intake, intake of, of good, good fats, fats (salmon),, (salmon), prefer, prefer nuts, nuts and, and flax, flax seeds., seeds. Also,, Also, consuming, consuming green, green leafy, leafy vegetables,, vegetables, carrots, carrots and, and peppers, peppers rich, rich in, in vitamin, vitamin A, A could, could also, also be, be of, of great, great help, help to, to you., you. 4., 4. Numbness, Numbness of, of the, the hands,, hands, feet, feet and, and other, other parts, parts of, of the, the body, body or, or a, a burning, burning sensation, sensation Numbness, Numbness and, and tingling, tingling in, in the, the hands,, hands, feet, feet and, and other, other parts, parts of, of the, the body, body may, may indicate, indicate a, a lack, lack of, of B6, B6 vitamins,, vitamins, B9,, B9, B12., B12. Recall, Recall that, that depression,, depression, anxiety,, anxiety, anemia, anemia and, and fatigue, fatigue can, can also, also be, be due, due to, to a, a deficiency, deficiency of, of vitamins, vitamins B6, B6 and, and B12., B12. How, How to, to remedy, remedy this, this &, & nbsp, nbsp ;?, ;? Promote, Promote the, the consumption, consumption of, of vitamin, vitamin B-rich, B-rich foods, foods such, such as, as spinach,, spinach, beets,, beets, asparagus,, asparagus, beets,, beets, beans, beans and, and dairy, dairy products, products (goat, (goat milk)., Do you have, you have any, have any of, any of these, of these symptoms, these symptoms Do, symptoms Do they, Do they hide, they hide anything, hide anything The, anything The human, The human body, human body is, body is an, is an amazing, an amazing mechanism., amazing mechanism. It, mechanism. It can, It can send,, can send, in, send, in different, in different ways,, different ways, signs, ways, signs to, signs to indicate, to indicate many, indicate many health, many health problems, health problems like, problems like nutrient, like nutrient deficiencies, nutrient deficiencies &, deficiencies & nbsp;, & nbsp; The, nbsp; The key, The key is, key is to, is to detect, to detect symptoms, detect symptoms and, symptoms and know, and know how, know how to, how to meet, to meet your, meet your nutrient, your nutrient needs,, nutrient needs, especially, needs, especially vitamins., especially vitamins. Here, vitamins. Here are, Here are the, are the symptoms, the symptoms indicating, symptoms indicating vitamin, indicating vitamin deficiency, vitamin deficiency and, deficiency and how, and how to, how to fix, to fix it:, fix it: 1., it: 1. Cracks, 1. Cracks at, Cracks at the, at the corners, the corners of, corners of the, of the mouth, the mouth The, mouth The most, The most common, most common causes, common causes of, causes of irritation, of irritation at, irritation at the, at the corners, the corners of, corners of the, of the lips, the lips known, lips known as, known as perleche, as perleche are, perleche are as, are as follows:, as follows: Deficiency, follows: Deficiency of, Deficiency of vitamins, of vitamins of, vitamins of group, of group B, group B (B3,, B (B3, B2, (B3, B2 and, B2 and B12)
-, and B12)
- Certain, B12)
- Certain diseases, Certain diseases of, diseases of the, of the stomach, the stomach with, stomach with an, with an increase, an increase in, increase in the, in the secretion, the secretion of, secretion of gastric, of gastric acid, gastric acid that, acid that alters, that alters the, alters the mucous, the mucous membranes, mucous membranes of, membranes of the, of the lips
-, the lips
- Iron, lips
- Iron and, Iron and zinc, and zinc deficiency
-, zinc deficiency
- Anemia
-, deficiency
- Anemia
- Streptococcal, Anemia
- Streptococcal and, Streptococcal and Staphylococcus, and Staphylococcus infections
-, Staphylococcus infections
- Mushrooms, infections
- Mushrooms (mainly, Mushrooms (mainly Candida)
-, (mainly Candida)
- Poor, Candida)
- Poor oral, Poor oral hygiene, oral hygiene and, hygiene and poor, and poor sanitary, poor sanitary conditions
This, sanitary conditions
This irritation, conditions
This irritation often, irritation often affects, often affects people, affects people who, people who speak, who speak a, speak a lot, a lot while, lot while moisturizing, while moisturizing their, moisturizing their lips, their lips with, lips with the, with the tip, the tip of, tip of the, of the tongue,, the tongue, people, tongue, people with, people with diabetes, with diabetes and, diabetes and people, and people who, people who have, who have a, have a weak, a weak immune, weak immune system., immune system. How, system. How to, How to remedy, to remedy this, remedy this &, this & nbsp, & nbsp ;?, nbsp ;? Promote, ;? Promote the, Promote the consumption, the consumption of, consumption of quinoa,, of quinoa, lean, quinoa, lean cheese,, lean cheese, spinach,, cheese, spinach, asparagus,, spinach, asparagus, seeds,, asparagus, seeds, legumes,, seeds, legumes, peanuts, legumes, peanuts and, peanuts and dried, and dried apricots., dried apricots. Also, apricots. Also consider, Also consider combining, consider combining kale, combining kale and, kale and broccoli, and broccoli to, broccoli to provide, to provide a, provide a good, a good dose, good dose of, dose of iron, of iron and, iron and vitamins., and vitamins. Also, vitamins. Also avoid, Also avoid the, avoid the use, the use of, use of cosmetic, of cosmetic products, cosmetic products on, products on your, on your face, your face that, face that may, that may contain, may contain chemicals, contain chemicals causing, chemicals causing allergic, causing allergic reactions,, allergic reactions, opt, reactions, opt for, opt for biological, for biological and, biological and natural, and natural alternatives., natural alternatives. 2., alternatives. 2. Red, 2. Red rashes, Red rashes on, rashes on the, on the face, the face and, face and /, and / or, / or excessive, or excessive hair, excessive hair loss, hair loss Red, loss Red buttons, Red buttons on, buttons on the, on the scalp, the scalp or, scalp or face, or face that, face that flake,, that flake, as, flake, as well, as well as, well as a, as a severe, a severe hair, severe hair loss, hair loss Can, loss Can report, Can report a, report a vitamin, a vitamin B8, vitamin B8 deficiency,, B8 deficiency, also, deficiency, also known, also known as, known as biotin., as biotin. As, biotin. As for, As for hair, for hair loss,, hair loss, it, loss, it can, it can manifest, can manifest itself, manifest itself as, itself as a, as a result, a result of, result of these, of these factors, these factors &, factors & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: -, ;: - Some, - Some people, Some people can, people can lose, can lose their, lose their hair, their hair a, hair a few, a few months, few months after, months after a, after a surgery, a surgery or, surgery or a, or a serious, a serious illness., serious illness. This, illness. This can, This can happen, can happen because, happen because of, because of an, of an overproduction, an overproduction of, overproduction of stress, of stress hormones, stress hormones like, hormones like cortisol.
-, like cortisol.
- Thyroid, cortisol.
- Thyroid Disorders
-, Thyroid Disorders
- The, Disorders
- The birth, The birth control, birth control pill
-, control pill
- During, pill
- During the, During the 3, the 3 months, 3 months following, months following childbirth
-, following childbirth
- Some, childbirth
- Some medications, Some medications such, medications such as, such as anticoagulants, as anticoagulants and, anticoagulants and medications, and medications to, medications to treat, to treat gout,, treat gout, high, gout, high blood, high blood pressure,, blood pressure, heart, pressure, heart disease, heart disease and, disease and depression.
-, and depression.
- Fungal, depression.
- Fungal infections, Fungal infections of, infections of the, of the skin, the skin can, skin can cause, can cause hair, cause hair loss,, hair loss, especially, loss, especially in, especially in children.
-, in children.
- Some, children.
- Some hairstyles, Some hairstyles like, hairstyles like long, like long braids, long braids and, braids and the, and the use, the use of, use of tight, of tight curlers, tight curlers can, curlers can also, can also cause, also cause hair, cause hair loss
-, hair loss
- Using, loss
- Using hair-based, Using hair-based hair, hair-based hair care, hair care to, care to change, to change the, change the hair, the hair texture,, hair texture, such, texture, such as, such as permanent,, as permanent, can, permanent, can cause, can cause inflammation, cause inflammation in, inflammation in the, in the hair, the hair follicles, hair follicles and, follicles and lead, and lead to, lead to hair, to hair loss
-, hair loss
- Heredity, loss
- Heredity How, Heredity How to, How to remedy, to remedy it, remedy it &, it & nbsp, & nbsp ;?, nbsp ;? Eat, ;? Eat peanuts,, Eat peanuts, almonds,, peanuts, almonds, Swiss, almonds, Swiss chard,, Swiss chard, goat's, chard, goat's milk,, goat's milk, yogurts, milk, yogurts (made, yogurts (made from, (made from goat's, from goat's milk),, goat's milk), tomatoes,, milk), tomatoes, carrots,, tomatoes, carrots, onions,, carrots, onions, nuts,, onions, nuts, sesame, nuts, sesame seeds,, sesame seeds, bananas,, seeds, bananas, Avocados, bananas, Avocados and, Avocados and mushrooms, and mushrooms to, mushrooms to combat, to combat vitamin, combat vitamin B8, vitamin B8 deficiency., B8 deficiency. Generally,, deficiency. Generally, in, Generally, in winter, in winter the, winter the quality, the quality of, quality of the, of the skin, the skin degrades, skin degrades (especially, degrades (especially that, (especially that of, that of the, of the face), the face) because, face) because of, because of the, of the very, the very low, very low temperatures., low temperatures. On, temperatures. On the, On the other, the other hand,, other hand, seborrheic, hand, seborrheic dermatitis,, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic, dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis (or, dermatitis (or atopic, (or atopic eczema),, atopic eczema), rosacea,, eczema), rosacea, psoriasis,, rosacea, psoriasis, allergic, psoriasis, allergic contact, allergic contact dermatitis,, contact dermatitis, cutaneous, dermatitis, cutaneous lupus, cutaneous lupus erythematosus,, lupus erythematosus, among, erythematosus, among others,, among others, are, others, are frequent, are frequent diseases, frequent diseases and, diseases and get, and get worse, get worse in, worse in winter., in winter. 3., winter. 3. Red, 3. Red or, Red or white, or white buttons, white buttons resembling, buttons resembling Acne, resembling Acne (on, Acne (on cheeks,, (on cheeks, arms, cheeks, arms and, arms and hips), and hips) Painful, hips) Painful subcutaneous, Painful subcutaneous red, subcutaneous red or, red or white, or white painful, white painful pimples, painful pimples may, pimples may indicate, may indicate a, indicate a hormonal, a hormonal imbalance, hormonal imbalance and, imbalance and a, and a deficiency, a deficiency of, deficiency of essential, of essential fatty, essential fatty acids, fatty acids or, acids or vitamins, or vitamins A, vitamins A and, A and D., and D. How, D. How to, How to remedy, to remedy this, remedy this nonsp?, this nonsp? Consider, nonsp? Consider increasing, Consider increasing your, increasing your intake, your intake of, intake of good, of good fats, good fats (salmon),, fats (salmon), prefer, (salmon), prefer nuts, prefer nuts and, nuts and flax, and flax seeds., flax seeds. Also,, seeds. Also, consuming, Also, consuming green, consuming green leafy, green leafy vegetables,, leafy vegetables, carrots, vegetables, carrots and, carrots and peppers, and peppers rich, peppers rich in, rich in vitamin, in vitamin A, vitamin A could, A could also, could also be, also be of, be of great, of great help, great help to, help to you., to you. 4., you. 4. Numbness, 4. Numbness of, Numbness of the, of the hands,, the hands, feet, hands, feet and, feet and other, and other parts, other parts of, parts of the, of the body, the body or, body or a, or a burning, a burning sensation, burning sensation Numbness, sensation Numbness and, Numbness and tingling, and tingling in, tingling in the, in the hands,, the hands, feet, hands, feet and, feet and other, and other parts, other parts of, parts of the, of the body, the body may, body may indicate, may indicate a, indicate a lack, a lack of, lack of B6, of B6 vitamins,, B6 vitamins, B9,, vitamins, B9, B12., B9, B12. Recall, B12. Recall that, Recall that depression,, that depression, anxiety,, depression, anxiety, anemia, anxiety, anemia and, anemia and fatigue, and fatigue can, fatigue can also, can also be, also be due, be due to, due to a, to a deficiency, a deficiency of, deficiency of vitamins, of vitamins B6, vitamins B6 and, B6 and B12., and B12. How, B12. How to, How to remedy, to remedy this, remedy this &, this & nbsp, & nbsp ;?, nbsp ;? Promote, ;? Promote the, Promote the consumption, the consumption of, consumption of vitamin, of vitamin B-rich, vitamin B-rich foods, B-rich foods such, foods such as, such as spinach,, as spinach, beets,, spinach, beets, asparagus,, beets, asparagus, beets,, asparagus, beets, beans, beets, beans and, beans and dairy, and dairy products, dairy products (goat, products (goat milk).
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