You wash your hair the wrong way (here's how to do it correctly)
We probably wash our hair in the same way. But have you ever wondered if it was the right one or not? Indeed, the appearance of your hair depends, among other things, on your way of washing your hair. Here's how to take care of it properly.
1 - Rinsing
Before applying your shampoo, your hair should be completely wet, this will help to relax and open the pores.This technique is very effective as it will help you to clean your scalp thoroughly and get rid of excess sebum.
2 - After shampoo
For those with long hair, it is advisable to use the conditioner before applying the shampoo. However, it is advisable to use a conditioner based on 100% natural ingredients that you can buy in an organic store. Otherwise, you can applyCoconut oil30 minutes before taking your bath. This will help you moisturize your hair and avoid frizz.
3 - Do not apply too much shampoo
It is advisable to avoid shampoos sold in large areas because they contain chemicals that can constitute a danger to health. You can buy your shampoo in an organic store. In addition, you can prepare your own home shampoo, here is the recipe:
- 750 ml of nettles shampoo (organic)
- 100 ml of panthenol (provitamin B5, available in parapharmacy)
- 30 ml of nettle essential oil drops
- 50 mlOf castor oil
- 2 ampoules of vitamin B
In a bottle, mix all the ingredients well until you get a consistent texture. Then you can use it when needed. Moreover, this shampoo is rich in natural ingredients with many benefits.For example, nettle accelerates blood circulation and promotes hair regrowth. Panthenol promotes cellular regeneration. Castor oil is rich in antioxidants that prevent white hair and stimulates hair regrowth. Finally, vitamin B strengthens the hair and prevents their fall.
4 - Cleaning technique
The technique of rinsing is very important when you clean your hair because it can damage the cuticles. Do not rub too much, massage your scalp by making gentle and circular movements. Do as you take off the skull skin to stimulate blood circulation.
5 - Do not use shampoo twice
Unless your hair is really dirty, it is not advisable to use the shampoo more than once, this will only dry out your scalp.
6 - Apply the after shampoo on the length of the hair
It is advisable to apply the after shampoo on the length of the hair and not on the scalp.Start with the tip of the hair up to the root. This will allow better absorption. However, opt for a natural after shampoo that you will find in an organic store.
7 - Rinsing with cold water
In addition, it is advisable to use cold water for your last rinse. This will accelerate blood flow to the scalp, promote hair growth and give them more shine.
A few tips…
- Avoid washinghairEvery day, they will become drier because you will eliminate the sebum and their color will tarnish faster.
- If you color your hair, avoid tricks that contain baking soda. The latter is a natural discolourant.
- Avoid daily use of the straightening iron or hair dryer, this can damage your hair.
- Before taking your bath, make a bath of oil (coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil ...) 30 minutes before you wash your hair. This trick will nourish them deeply and prevent their fall.
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You, wash, your, hair, the, wrong, way, heres, how, to, do, it, correctly, We, probably, wash, our, hair, in, the, same, way., But, have, you, ever, wondered, if, it, was, the, right, one, or, not?, Indeed,, the, appearance, of, your, hair, depends,, among, other, things,, on, your, way, of, washing, your, hair., Here's, how, to, take, care, of, it, properly., 1, -, Rinsing, Before, applying, your, shampoo,, your, hair, should, be, completely, wet,, this, will, help, to, relax, and, open, the, pores., This, technique, is, very, effective, as, it, will, help, you, to, clean, your, scalp, thoroughly, and, get, rid, of, excess, sebum., 2, -, After, shampoo, For, those, who, have, long, hair,, it, is, advisable, to, use, the, conditioner, before, applying, the, shampoo., However,, it, is, advisable, to, use, a, conditioner, based, on, 100%, natural, ingredients, that, you, can, buy, in, an, organic, store., Alternatively,, you, can, apply, coconut, oil, 30, minutes, before, taking, your, bath., This, will, help, you, moisturize, your, hair, and, avoid, frizz., 3, -, Do, not, apply, too, much, shampoo, It, is, advisable, to, avoid, the, shampoos, sold, in, large, surfaces, because, they, contain, chemicals, which, can, constitute, a, danger, to, the, health., You, can, buy, your, shampoo, in, an, organic, store., In, addition,, you, can, prepare, your, own, homemade, shampoo,, here, is, the, recipe:, Ingredients:, 750, ml, of, nettles, shampoo, (organic), 100, ml, of, panthenol, (provitamin, B5,, available, in, parapharmacie), 30, ml, of, drops, of, nettle, essential, oil, 50, ml, castor, oil, 2, ampoules, of, vitamin, B, Preparation:, In, a, bottle,, mix, all, the, ingredients, well, until, you, obtain, a, consistent, texture., Then, you, can, use, it, when, needed., Moreover,, this, shampoo, is, rich, in, natural, ingredients, to, the, many, benefits., For, example,, nettle, accelerates, blood, circulation, and, promotes, hair, regrowth., Panthenol, promotes, cellular, regeneration., Castor, oil, is, rich, in, antioxidants, that, prevent, white, hair, and, stimulates, hair, regrowth., Finally,, vitamin, B, strengthens, the, hair, and, prevents, their, fall., 4, -, The, cleaning, technique, The, technique, of, rinsing, is, very, important, when, you, clean, your, hair, because, it, can, damage, the, cuticles., Do, not, rub, too, much,, massage, your, scalp, by, making, gentle, and, circular, movements., Do, as, you, take, off, the, skull, skin, to, stimulate, blood, circulation., 5, -, Do, not, use, the, shampoo, twice, Unless, your, hair, is, really, dirty,, it, is, not, advisable, to, use, the, shampoo, more, than, once,, this, will, only, dry, your, scalp., 6, -, Apply, the, after, shampoo, on, the, length, of, the, hair, It, is, advisable, to, apply, the, after, shampoo, on, the, length, of, the, hair, and, not, on, the, scalp., Start, with, the, tip, of, the, hair, up, to, the, root., This, will, allow, for, better, absorption., However,, opt, for, a, natural, after, shampoo, that, you, will, find, in, an, organic, store., 7, -, Rinse, with, cold, water, In, addition,, it, is, advisable, to, use, cold, water, for, your, last, rinse., This, will, accelerate, blood, flow, to, the, scalp,, promote, hair, growth, and, give, them, more, shine., Some, tips, ..., Avoid, washing, your, hair, every, day,, they, will, become, drier, because, you, will, eliminate, the, sebum, and, their, color, will, tarnish, faster., If, you, color, your, hair,, avoid, tricks, that, contain, baking, soda., The, latter, is, a, natural, discolourant., Avoid, daily, use, of, the, straightening, iron, or, Hair, dryer,, this, can, damage, your, hair., Before, taking, your, bath,, make, a, bath, of, oil, (coconut, oil,, castor, oil,, olive, oil, ...), 30, minutes, before, you, wash, your, hair., This, trick, will, nourish, them, deeply, and, prevent, their, fall., You wash, wash your, your hair, hair the, the wrong, wrong way, way heres, heres how, how to, to do, do it, it correctly, correctly We, We probably, probably wash, wash our, our hair, hair in, in the, the same, same way., way. But, But have, have you, you ever, ever wondered, wondered if, if it, it was, was the, the right, right one, one or, or not?, not? Indeed,, Indeed, the, the appearance, appearance of, of your, your hair, hair depends,, depends, among, among other, other things,, things, on, on your, your way, way of, of washing, washing your, your hair., hair. Here's, Here's how, how to, to take, take care, care of, of it, it properly., properly. 1, 1 -, - Rinsing, Rinsing Before, Before applying, applying your, your shampoo,, shampoo, your, your hair, hair should, should be, be completely, completely wet,, wet, this, this will, will help, help to, to relax, relax and, and open, open the, the pores., pores. This, This technique, technique is, is very, very effective, effective as, as it, it will, will help, help you, you to, to clean, clean your, your scalp, scalp thoroughly, thoroughly and, and get, get rid, rid of, of excess, excess sebum., sebum. 2, 2 -, - After, After shampoo, shampoo For, For those, those who, who have, have long, long hair,, hair, it, it is, is advisable, advisable to, to use, use the, the conditioner, conditioner before, before applying, applying the, the shampoo., shampoo. However,, However, it, it is, is advisable, advisable to, to use, use a, a conditioner, conditioner based, based on, on 100%, 100% natural, natural ingredients, ingredients that, that you, you can, can buy, buy in, in an, an organic, organic store., store. Alternatively,, Alternatively, you, you can, can apply, apply coconut, coconut oil, oil 30, 30 minutes, minutes before, before taking, taking your, your bath., bath. This, This will, will help, help you, you moisturize, moisturize your, your hair, hair and, and avoid, avoid frizz., frizz. 3, 3 -, - Do, Do not, not apply, apply too, too much, much shampoo, shampoo It, It is, is advisable, advisable to, to avoid, avoid the, the shampoos, shampoos sold, sold in, in large, large surfaces, surfaces because, because they, they contain, contain chemicals, chemicals which, which can, can constitute, constitute a, a danger, danger to, to the, the health., health. You, You can, can buy, buy your, your shampoo, shampoo in, in an, an organic, organic store., store. In, In addition,, addition, you, you can, can prepare, prepare your, your own, own homemade, homemade shampoo,, shampoo, here, here is, is the, the recipe:, recipe: Ingredients:, Ingredients: 750, 750 ml, ml of, of nettles, nettles shampoo, shampoo (organic), (organic) 100, 100 ml, ml of, of panthenol, panthenol (provitamin, (provitamin B5,, B5, available, available in, in parapharmacie), parapharmacie) 30, 30 ml, ml of, of drops, drops of, of nettle, nettle essential, essential oil, oil 50, 50 ml, ml castor, castor oil, oil 2, 2 ampoules, ampoules of, of vitamin, vitamin B, B Preparation:, Preparation: In, In a, a bottle,, bottle, mix, mix all, all the, the ingredients, ingredients well, well until, until you, you obtain, obtain a, a consistent, consistent texture., texture. Then, Then you, you can, can use, use it, it when, when needed., needed. Moreover,, Moreover, this, this shampoo, shampoo is, is rich, rich in, in natural, natural ingredients, ingredients to, to the, the many, many benefits., benefits. For, For example,, example, nettle, nettle accelerates, accelerates blood, blood circulation, circulation and, and promotes, promotes hair, hair regrowth., regrowth. Panthenol, Panthenol promotes, promotes cellular, cellular regeneration., regeneration. Castor, Castor oil, oil is, is rich, rich in, in antioxidants, antioxidants that, that prevent, prevent white, white hair, hair and, and stimulates, stimulates hair, hair regrowth., regrowth. Finally,, Finally, vitamin, vitamin B, B strengthens, strengthens the, the hair, hair and, and prevents, prevents their, their fall., fall. 4, 4 -, - The, The cleaning, cleaning technique, technique The, The technique, technique of, of rinsing, rinsing is, is very, very important, important when, when you, you clean, clean your, your hair, hair because, because it, it can, can damage, damage the, the cuticles., cuticles. Do, Do not, not rub, rub too, too much,, much, massage, massage your, your scalp, scalp by, by making, making gentle, gentle and, and circular, circular movements., movements. Do, Do as, as you, you take, take off, off the, the skull, skull skin, skin to, to stimulate, stimulate blood, blood circulation., circulation. 5, 5 -, - Do, Do not, not use, use the, the shampoo, shampoo twice, twice Unless, Unless your, your hair, hair is, is really, really dirty,, dirty, it, it is, is not, not advisable, advisable to, to use, use the, the shampoo, shampoo more, more than, than once,, once, this, this will, will only, only dry, dry your, your scalp., scalp. 6, 6 -, - Apply, Apply the, the after, after shampoo, shampoo on, on the, the length, length of, of the, the hair, hair It, It is, is advisable, advisable to, to apply, apply the, the after, after shampoo, shampoo on, on the, the length, length of, of the, the hair, hair and, and not, not on, on the, the scalp., scalp. Start, Start with, with the, the tip, tip of, of the, the hair, hair up, up to, to the, the root., root. This, This will, will allow, allow for, for better, better absorption., absorption. However,, However, opt, opt for, for a, a natural, natural after, after shampoo, shampoo that, that you, you will, will find, find in, in an, an organic, organic store., store. 7, 7 -, - Rinse, Rinse with, with cold, cold water, water In, In addition,, addition, it, it is, is advisable, advisable to, to use, use cold, cold water, water for, for your, your last, last rinse., rinse. This, This will, will accelerate, accelerate blood, blood flow, flow to, to the, the scalp,, scalp, promote, promote hair, hair growth, growth and, and give, give them, them more, more shine., shine. Some, Some tips, tips ..., ... Avoid, Avoid washing, washing your, your hair, hair every, every day,, day, they, they will, will become, become drier, drier because, because you, you will, will eliminate, eliminate the, the sebum, sebum and, and their, their color, color will, will tarnish, tarnish faster., faster. If, If you, you color, color your, your hair,, hair, avoid, avoid tricks, tricks that, that contain, contain baking, baking soda., soda. The, The latter, latter is, is a, a natural, natural discolourant., discolourant. Avoid, Avoid daily, daily use, use of, of the, the straightening, straightening iron, iron or, or Hair, Hair dryer,, dryer, this, this can, can damage, damage your, your hair., hair. Before, Before taking, taking your, your bath,, bath, make, make a, a bath, bath of, of oil, oil (coconut, (coconut oil,, oil, castor, castor oil,, oil, olive, olive oil, oil ...), ...) 30, 30 minutes, minutes before, before you, you wash, wash your, your hair., hair. This, This trick, trick will, will nourish, nourish them, them deeply, deeply and, and prevent, prevent their, their fall., You wash your, wash your hair, your hair the, hair the wrong, the wrong way, wrong way heres, way heres how, heres how to, how to do, to do it, do it correctly, it correctly We, correctly We probably, We probably wash, probably wash our, wash our hair, our hair in, hair in the, in the same, the same way., same way. But, way. But have, But have you, have you ever, you ever wondered, ever wondered if, wondered if it, if it was, it was the, was the right, the right one, right one or, one or not?, or not? Indeed,, not? Indeed, the, Indeed, the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of your, of your hair, your hair depends,, hair depends, among, depends, among other, among other things,, other things, on, things, on your, on your way, your way of, way of washing, of washing your, washing your hair., your hair. Here's, hair. Here's how, Here's how to, how to take, to take care, take care of, care of it, of it properly., it properly. 1, properly. 1 -, 1 - Rinsing, - Rinsing Before, Rinsing Before applying, Before applying your, applying your shampoo,, your shampoo, your, shampoo, your hair, your hair should, hair should be, should be completely, be completely wet,, completely wet, this, wet, this will, this will help, will help to, help to relax, to relax and, relax and open, and open the, open the pores., the pores. This, pores. This technique, This technique is, technique is very, is very effective, very effective as, effective as it, as it will, it will help, will help you, help you to, you to clean, to clean your, clean your scalp, your scalp thoroughly, scalp thoroughly and, thoroughly and get, and get rid, get rid of, rid of excess, of excess sebum., excess sebum. 2, sebum. 2 -, 2 - After, - After shampoo, After shampoo For, shampoo For those, For those who, those who have, who have long, have long hair,, long hair, it, hair, it is, it is advisable, is advisable to, advisable to use, to use the, use the conditioner, the conditioner before, conditioner before applying, before applying the, applying the shampoo., the shampoo. However,, shampoo. However, it, However, it is, it is advisable, is advisable to, advisable to use, to use a, use a conditioner, a conditioner based, conditioner based on, based on 100%, on 100% natural, 100% natural ingredients, natural ingredients that, ingredients that you, that you can, you can buy, can buy in, buy in an, in an organic, an organic store., organic store. Alternatively,, store. Alternatively, you, Alternatively, you can, you can apply, can apply coconut, apply coconut oil, coconut oil 30, oil 30 minutes, 30 minutes before, minutes before taking, before taking your, taking your bath., your bath. This, bath. This will, This will help, will help you, help you moisturize, you moisturize your, moisturize your hair, your hair and, hair and avoid, and avoid frizz., avoid frizz. 3, frizz. 3 -, 3 - Do, - Do not, Do not apply, not apply too, apply too much, too much shampoo, much shampoo It, shampoo It is, It is advisable, is advisable to, advisable to avoid, to avoid the, avoid the shampoos, the shampoos sold, shampoos sold in, sold in large, in large surfaces, large surfaces because, surfaces because they, because they contain, they contain chemicals, contain chemicals which, chemicals which can, which can constitute, can constitute a, constitute a danger, a danger to, danger to the, to the health., the health. You, health. You can, You can buy, can buy your, buy your shampoo, your shampoo in, shampoo in an, in an organic, an organic store., organic store. In, store. In addition,, In addition, you, addition, you can, you can prepare, can prepare your, prepare your own, your own homemade, own homemade shampoo,, homemade shampoo, here, shampoo, here is, here is the, is the recipe:, the recipe: Ingredients:, recipe: Ingredients: 750, Ingredients: 750 ml, 750 ml of, ml of nettles, of nettles shampoo, nettles shampoo (organic), shampoo (organic) 100, (organic) 100 ml, 100 ml of, ml of panthenol, of panthenol (provitamin, panthenol (provitamin B5,, (provitamin B5, available, B5, available in, available in parapharmacie), in parapharmacie) 30, parapharmacie) 30 ml, 30 ml of, ml of drops, of drops of, drops of nettle, of nettle essential, nettle essential oil, essential oil 50, oil 50 ml, 50 ml castor, ml castor oil, castor oil 2, oil 2 ampoules, 2 ampoules of, ampoules of vitamin, of vitamin B, vitamin B Preparation:, B Preparation: In, Preparation: In a, In a bottle,, a bottle, mix, bottle, mix all, mix all the, all the ingredients, the ingredients well, ingredients well until, well until you, until you obtain, you obtain a, obtain a consistent, a consistent texture., consistent texture. Then, texture. Then you, Then you can, you can use, can use it, use it when, it when needed., when needed. Moreover,, needed. Moreover, this, Moreover, this shampoo, this shampoo is, shampoo is rich, is rich in, rich in natural, in natural ingredients, natural ingredients to, ingredients to the, to the many, the many benefits., many benefits. For, benefits. For example,, For example, nettle, example, nettle accelerates, nettle accelerates blood, accelerates blood circulation, blood circulation and, circulation and promotes, and promotes hair, promotes hair regrowth., hair regrowth. Panthenol, regrowth. Panthenol promotes, Panthenol promotes cellular, promotes cellular regeneration., cellular regeneration. Castor, regeneration. Castor oil, Castor oil is, oil is rich, is rich in, rich in antioxidants, in antioxidants that, antioxidants that prevent, that prevent white, prevent white hair, white hair and, hair and stimulates, and stimulates hair, stimulates hair regrowth., hair regrowth. Finally,, regrowth. Finally, vitamin, Finally, vitamin B, vitamin B strengthens, B strengthens the, strengthens the hair, the hair and, hair and prevents, and prevents their, prevents their fall., their fall. 4, fall. 4 -, 4 - The, - The cleaning, The cleaning technique, cleaning technique The, technique The technique, The technique of, technique of rinsing, of rinsing is, rinsing is very, is very important, very important when, important when you, when you clean, you clean your, clean your hair, your hair because, hair because it, because it can, it can damage, can damage the, damage the cuticles., the cuticles. Do, cuticles. Do not, Do not rub, not rub too, rub too much,, too much, massage, much, massage your, massage your scalp, your scalp by, scalp by making, by making gentle, making gentle and, gentle and circular, and circular movements., circular movements. Do, movements. Do as, Do as you, as you take, you take off, take off the, off the skull, the skull skin, skull skin to, skin to stimulate, to stimulate blood, stimulate blood circulation., blood circulation. 5, circulation. 5 -, 5 - Do, - Do not, Do not use, not use the, use the shampoo, the shampoo twice, shampoo twice Unless, twice Unless your, Unless your hair, your hair is, hair is really, is really dirty,, really dirty, it, dirty, it is, it is not, is not advisable, not advisable to, advisable to use, to use the, use the shampoo, the shampoo more, shampoo more than, more than once,, than once, this, once, this will, this will only, will only dry, only dry your, dry your scalp., your scalp. 6, scalp. 6 -, 6 - Apply, - Apply the, Apply the after, the after shampoo, after shampoo on, shampoo on the, on the length, the length of, length of the, of the hair, the hair It, hair It is, It is advisable, is advisable to, advisable to apply, to apply the, apply the after, the after shampoo, after shampoo on, shampoo on the, on the length, the length of, length of the, of the hair, the hair and, hair and not, and not on, not on the, on the scalp., the scalp. Start, scalp. Start with, Start with the, with the tip, the tip of, tip of the, of the hair, the hair up, hair up to, up to the, to the root., the root. This, root. This will, This will allow, will allow for, allow for better, for better absorption., better absorption. However,, absorption. However, opt, However, opt for, opt for a, for a natural, a natural after, natural after shampoo, after shampoo that, shampoo that you, that you will, you will find, will find in, find in an, in an organic, an organic store., organic store. 7, store. 7 -, 7 - Rinse, - Rinse with, Rinse with cold, with cold water, cold water In, water In addition,, In addition, it, addition, it is, it is advisable, is advisable to, advisable to use, to use cold, use cold water, cold water for, water for your, for your last, your last rinse., last rinse. This, rinse. This will, This will accelerate, will accelerate blood, accelerate blood flow, blood flow to, flow to the, to the scalp,, the scalp, promote, scalp, promote hair, promote hair growth, hair growth and, growth and give, and give them, give them more, them more shine., more shine. Some, shine. Some tips, Some tips ..., tips ... Avoid, ... Avoid washing, Avoid washing your, washing your hair, your hair every, hair every day,, every day, they, day, they will, they will become, will become drier, become drier because, drier because you, because you will, you will eliminate, will eliminate the, eliminate the sebum, the sebum and, sebum and their, and their color, their color will, color will tarnish, will tarnish faster., tarnish faster. If, faster. If you, If you color, you color your, color your hair,, your hair, avoid, hair, avoid tricks, avoid tricks that, tricks that contain, that contain baking, contain baking soda., baking soda. The, soda. The latter, The latter is, latter is a, is a natural, a natural discolourant., natural discolourant. Avoid, discolourant. Avoid daily, Avoid daily use, daily use of, use of the, of the straightening, the straightening iron, straightening iron or, iron or Hair, or Hair dryer,, Hair dryer, this, dryer, this can, this can damage, can damage your, damage your hair., your hair. Before, hair. Before taking, Before taking your, taking your bath,, your bath, make, bath, make a, make a bath, a bath of, bath of oil, of oil (coconut, oil (coconut oil,, (coconut oil, castor, oil, castor oil,, castor oil, olive, oil, olive oil, olive oil ...), oil ...) 30, ...) 30 minutes, 30 minutes before, minutes before you, before you wash, you wash your, wash your hair., your hair. This, hair. This trick, This trick will, trick will nourish, will nourish them, nourish them deeply, them deeply and, deeply and prevent, and prevent their, prevent their fall.
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