A powerful and natural recipe to defeat acne

A powerful and natural recipe to defeat acne

A powerful and natural recipe to defeat acne

Acne is the most common skin disease in dermatologists. In France, about 6 million people suffer from this skin problem, 1 in 4 of the people concerned are over 25 years old. How can we prevent and cure this skin imperfection naturally?

Fat, dead cells, dirt and particles penetrate the skin daily. These substances block the pores causing the formation of pimples,black dotsAnd acne, among other skin imperfections.

To get rid of acne, pimples and blackheads, you need to improve your hygiene: clean your face daily with natural soap or products recommended by your dermatologist. Instead of going to the beauty salon and spending a lot of money, go for simple and natural solutions to unclog the pores, erase the skin and prevent acne and pimples.

Here is a natural recipe to thoroughly cleanse your face:

Ingredients Step 1:

- 200 ml of water
- 1 to 2 tablespoons dried chamomile flowers

Ingredients Step 2:

- ½ cup organic honey
- ¼ cup ofcider vinegar
- 10 drops of tea tree essential oil

Step 1 :

- First, wash your face with a cleansing product.
- Heat a little water in a pot and add the dried chamomile flowers and let boil.
- Then make a steam bath: pour the hot water to the chamomile flowers in a large bowl and place your face over the bowl leaving about 30 centimeters of gaps to avoid burning your skin.
- Cover the head with a towel and let the steam penetrate your skin (for 5 to 7 minutes) to break down and remove the substances that clog your pores.
Use this technique to cleanse your face once a week or every fortnight.


The blend of these three natural ingredients provides an antibacterial and anti-acne effect.
- Purifying and moisturizing,honeyHas healing, anti-microbial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It regulates the sebum secretion of oily skin and alleviates acne stains.

- Cider vinegar purifies the skin and reduces the risk of inflammation that can cause the appearance of pimples. In addition, cider vinegar reduces brown spots on the skin and dries the pimples.

- The tea tree essential oil is very effective in treating acne. It contains potent compounds like terpinen-4 having anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can reduce the risk of developing skin problems such as acne and blackheads.

2nd step :

After the facial sauna, you can switch to cleansing your face:
- Simply mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Keep it in a pot and use it to clean your face.
- To wash your face, take a small amount of this cleanser and massage the face with and rinse.
- Then dry the face and apply your moisturizer.
For best results, use this tip once a week or 10 days.

How to prevent and combat acne through diet?

Diet is one of the most crucial elements in the development of acne. To reduce the onset of acne and pimples, you need to improve your diet and opt for fresh, healthy and natural foods such as fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and adequate water intake.

On the other hand, you should avoid processed products, white sugar, dairy products and fatty foods, white flour, confectionery and pastries. If you smoke, you should immediately stop. Smoking significantly degrades the quality of the skin and causes many skin problems.

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A, powerful, and, natural, recipe, to, defeat, acne, Acne, is, the, most, common, skin, disease, in, dermatologists., In, France,, about, 6, million, people, suffer, from, this, skin, problem,, 1, in, 4, of, the, people, concerned, are, over, 25, years, old., How, can, we, prevent, and, cure, this, skin, imperfection, naturally, &, nbsp;, Fat,, dead, cells,, dirt, and, particles, penetrate, the, skin, daily., These, substances, clog, pores, causing, the, formation, of, pimples,, blackheads, and, acne,, among, other, skin, imperfections., To, get, rid, of, acne,, pimples, and, blackheads,, you, need, to, improve, your, hygiene, &, nbsp, ;:, Clean, your, face, daily, with, natural, soap, or, products, recommended, by, your, dermatologist., Instead, of, going, to, the, beauty, salon, and, spending, a, lot, of, money,, go, for, simple, and, natural, solutions, to, unclog, pores,, erase, the, skin, and, prevent, acne, and, pimples., Here's, a, natural, recipe, for, thoroughly, cleansing, your, face, &, nbsp, ;:, Ingredients, &, nbsp;, step, 1:, -, 200, ml, water    -, 1, to, 2, tablespoons, dried, chamomile, flowers, Ingredients, Step, 2:, -, ½, cup, organic, honey    -, ¼, cup, of, cider, vinegar    -, 10, drops, of, tea, tree, essential, oil, Step, 1:, -, First,, wash, your, face, with, a, cleansing, product.    -, Heat, a, little, water, in, a, pot, and, add, the, chamomile, flowers, dried, and, let, boil.    -, Then, make, a, steam, bath:, pour, the, hot, water, to, the, chamomile, flowers, in, a, large, bowl, and, place, your, face, over, the, bowl, leaving, about, 30, centimeters, of, gaps, to, avoid, burning, your, skin.    -, Cover, the, head, with, a, towel, and, let, the, steam, penetrate, your, skin, (for, 5, to, 7, minutes), to, decompose, and, remove, the, substances, Which, clog, your, pores.    Use, this, technique, to, cleanse, your, face, once, a, week, or, every, fortnight., Benefits, &, nbsp, ;:, The, blend, of, these, three, natural, ingredients, provides, an, antibacterial, and, anti-acne, effect.    -, Purifying, and, moisturizing,, honey, has, cicatrizing,, antimicrobial,, antiseptic, and, anti-inflammatory, properties., It, regulates, the, sebum, secretion, of, oily, skin, and, alleviates, acne, stains., -, Cider, vinegar, purifies, the, skin, and, reduces, the, risk, of, inflammation, that, can, cause, the, appearance, of, pimples., In, addition,, cider, vinegar, reduces, brown, spots, on, the, skin, and, dries, the, pimples., -, The, tea, tree, essential, oil, is, very, effective, in, treating, acne., It, contains, potent, compounds, like, terpinen-4, having, anti-inflammatory, and, antibacterial, properties,, which, can, reduce, the, risk, of, developing, skin, problems, such, as, acne, and, blackheads., Step, 2, After, the, facial, sauna,, you, can, switch, to, cleansing, your, face, &, nbsp, ;:    -, Simply, mix, all, the, ingredients, until, a, homogeneous, mixture, is, obtained., Keep, it, in, a, pot, and, use, it, to, clean, your, face.    -, To, wash, your, face,, take, a, small, amount, of, this, cleanser, and, massage, the, face, with, and, rinse.    -, Then, dry, the, face, and, apply, your, moisturizer.    For, best, results,, use, this, tip, once, a, week, or, 10, days., How, to, prevent, and, combat, acne, through, diet, &, nbsp;, Diet, is, one, of, the, most, crucial, elements, in, the, development, of, acne., To, reduce, the, occurrence, of, acne, and, pimples,, you, need, to, improve, your, diet, and, opt, for, fresh,, healthy, and, natural, foods, such, as, fruits, and, vegetables,, dried, fruits, and, adequate, intake, of, water., On, the, other, hand,, you, should, avoid, processed, products,, white, sugar,, dairy, products, and, fatty, foods,, white, flour,, confectionery, and, pastries., If, you, smoke,, you, should, immediately, stop., Smoking, significantly, degrades, the, quality, of, the, skin, and, causes, many, skin, problems., A powerful, powerful and, and natural, natural recipe, recipe to, to defeat, defeat acne, acne Acne, Acne is, is the, the most, most common, common skin, skin disease, disease in, in dermatologists., dermatologists. In, In France,, France, about, about 6, 6 million, million people, people suffer, suffer from, from this, this skin, skin problem,, problem, 1, 1 in, in 4, 4 of, of the, the people, people concerned, concerned are, are over, over 25, 25 years, years old., old. How, How can, can we, we prevent, prevent and, and cure, cure this, this skin, skin imperfection, imperfection naturally, naturally &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Fat,, Fat, dead, dead cells,, cells, dirt, dirt and, and particles, particles penetrate, penetrate the, the skin, skin daily., daily. These, These substances, substances clog, clog pores, pores causing, causing the, the formation, formation of, of pimples,, pimples, blackheads, blackheads and, and acne,, acne, among, among other, other skin, skin imperfections., imperfections. To, To get, get rid, rid of, of acne,, acne, pimples, pimples and, and blackheads,, blackheads, you, you need, need to, to improve, improve your, your hygiene, hygiene &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Clean, Clean your, your face, face daily, daily with, with natural, natural soap, soap or, or products, products recommended, recommended by, by your, your dermatologist., dermatologist. Instead, Instead of, of going, going to, to the, the beauty, beauty salon, salon and, and spending, spending a, a lot, lot of, of money,, money, go, go for, for simple, simple and, and natural, natural solutions, solutions to, to unclog, unclog pores,, pores, erase, erase the, the skin, skin and, and prevent, prevent acne, acne and, and pimples., pimples. Here's, Here's a, a natural, natural recipe, recipe for, for thoroughly, thoroughly cleansing, cleansing your, your face, face &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Ingredients, Ingredients &, & nbsp;, nbsp; step, step 1:, 1: -, - 200, 200 ml, ml water    -, water    - 1, 1 to, to 2, 2 tablespoons, tablespoons dried, dried chamomile, chamomile flowers, flowers Ingredients, Ingredients Step, Step 2:, 2: -, - ½, ½ cup, cup organic, organic honey    -, honey    - ¼, ¼ cup, cup of, of cider, cider vinegar    -, vinegar    - 10, 10 drops, drops of, of tea, tea tree, tree essential, essential oil, oil Step, Step 1:, 1: -, - First,, First, wash, wash your, your face, face with, with a, a cleansing, cleansing product.    -, product.    - Heat, Heat a, a little, little water, water in, in a, a pot, pot and, and add, add the, the chamomile, chamomile flowers, flowers dried, dried and, and let, let boil.    -, boil.    - Then, Then make, make a, a steam, steam bath:, bath: pour, pour the, the hot, hot water, water to, to the, the chamomile, chamomile flowers, flowers in, in a, a large, large bowl, bowl and, and place, place your, your face, face over, over the, the bowl, bowl leaving, leaving about, about 30, 30 centimeters, centimeters of, of gaps, gaps to, to avoid, avoid burning, burning your, your skin.    -, skin.    - Cover, Cover the, the head, head with, with a, a towel, towel and, and let, let the, the steam, steam penetrate, penetrate your, your skin, skin (for, (for 5, 5 to, to 7, 7 minutes), minutes) to, to decompose, decompose and, and remove, remove the, the substances, substances Which, Which clog, clog your, your pores.    Use, pores.    Use this, this technique, technique to, to cleanse, cleanse your, your face, face once, once a, a week, week or, or every, every fortnight., fortnight. Benefits, Benefits &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: The, The blend, blend of, of these, these three, three natural, natural ingredients, ingredients provides, provides an, an antibacterial, antibacterial and, and anti-acne, anti-acne effect.    -, effect.    - Purifying, Purifying and, and moisturizing,, moisturizing, honey, honey has, has cicatrizing,, cicatrizing, antimicrobial,, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiseptic and, and anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory properties., properties. It, It regulates, regulates the, the sebum, sebum secretion, secretion of, of oily, oily skin, skin and, and alleviates, alleviates acne, acne stains., stains. -, - Cider, Cider vinegar, vinegar purifies, purifies the, the skin, skin and, and reduces, reduces the, the risk, risk of, of inflammation, inflammation that, that can, can cause, cause the, the appearance, appearance of, of pimples., pimples. In, In addition,, addition, cider, cider vinegar, vinegar reduces, reduces brown, brown spots, spots on, on the, the skin, skin and, and dries, dries the, the pimples., pimples. -, - The, The tea, tea tree, tree essential, essential oil, oil is, is very, very effective, effective in, in treating, treating acne., acne. It, It contains, contains potent, potent compounds, compounds like, like terpinen-4, terpinen-4 having, having anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory and, and antibacterial, antibacterial properties,, properties, which, which can, can reduce, reduce the, the risk, risk of, of developing, developing skin, skin problems, problems such, such as, as acne, acne and, and blackheads., blackheads. Step, Step 2, 2 After, After the, the facial, facial sauna,, sauna, you, you can, can switch, switch to, to cleansing, cleansing your, your face, face &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:    -, ;:    - Simply, Simply mix, mix all, all the, the ingredients, ingredients until, until a, a homogeneous, homogeneous mixture, mixture is, is obtained., obtained. Keep, Keep it, it in, in a, a pot, pot and, and use, use it, it to, to clean, clean your, your face.    -, face.    - To, To wash, wash your, your face,, face, take, take a, a small, small amount, amount of, of this, this cleanser, cleanser and, and massage, massage the, the face, face with, with and, and rinse.    -, rinse.    - Then, Then dry, dry the, the face, face and, and apply, apply your, your moisturizer.    For, moisturizer.    For best, best results,, results, use, use this, this tip, tip once, once a, a week, week or, or 10, 10 days., days. How, How to, to prevent, prevent and, and combat, combat acne, acne through, through diet, diet &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Diet, Diet is, is one, one of, of the, the most, most crucial, crucial elements, elements in, in the, the development, development of, of acne., acne. To, To reduce, reduce the, the occurrence, occurrence of, of acne, acne and, and pimples,, pimples, you, you need, need to, to improve, improve your, your diet, diet and, and opt, opt for, for fresh,, fresh, healthy, healthy and, and natural, natural foods, foods such, such as, as fruits, fruits and, and vegetables,, vegetables, dried, dried fruits, fruits and, and adequate, adequate intake, intake of, of water., water. On, On the, the other, other hand,, hand, you, you should, should avoid, avoid processed, processed products,, products, white, white sugar,, sugar, dairy, dairy products, products and, and fatty, fatty foods,, foods, white, white flour,, flour, confectionery, confectionery and, and pastries., pastries. If, If you, you smoke,, smoke, you, you should, should immediately, immediately stop., stop. Smoking, Smoking significantly, significantly degrades, degrades the, the quality, quality of, of the, the skin, skin and, and causes, causes many, many skin, skin problems., A powerful and, powerful and natural, and natural recipe, natural recipe to, recipe to defeat, to defeat acne, defeat acne Acne, acne Acne is, Acne is the, is the most, the most common, most common skin, common skin disease, skin disease in, disease in dermatologists., in dermatologists. In, dermatologists. In France,, In France, about, France, about 6, about 6 million, 6 million people, million people suffer, people suffer from, suffer from this, from this skin, this skin problem,, skin problem, 1, problem, 1 in, 1 in 4, in 4 of, 4 of the, of the people, the people concerned, people concerned are, concerned are over, are over 25, over 25 years, 25 years old., years old. How, old. How can, How can we, can we prevent, we prevent and, prevent and cure, and cure this, cure this skin, this skin imperfection, skin imperfection naturally, imperfection naturally &, naturally & nbsp;, & nbsp; Fat,, nbsp; Fat, dead, Fat, dead cells,, dead cells, dirt, cells, dirt and, dirt and particles, and particles penetrate, particles penetrate the, penetrate the skin, the skin daily., skin daily. These, daily. These substances, These substances clog, substances clog pores, clog pores causing, pores causing the, causing the formation, the formation of, formation of pimples,, of pimples, blackheads, pimples, blackheads and, blackheads and acne,, and acne, among, acne, among other, among other skin, other skin imperfections., skin imperfections. To, imperfections. To get, To get rid, get rid of, rid of acne,, of acne, pimples, acne, pimples and, pimples and blackheads,, and blackheads, you, blackheads, you need, you need to, need to improve, to improve your, improve your hygiene, your hygiene &, hygiene & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Clean, ;: Clean your, Clean your face, your face daily, face daily with, daily with natural, with natural soap, natural soap or, soap or products, or products recommended, products recommended by, recommended by your, by your dermatologist., your dermatologist. Instead, dermatologist. Instead of, Instead of going, of going to, going to the, to the beauty, the beauty salon, beauty salon and, salon and spending, and spending a, spending a lot, a lot of, lot of money,, of money, go, money, go for, go for simple, for simple and, simple and natural, and natural solutions, natural solutions to, solutions to unclog, to unclog pores,, unclog pores, erase, pores, erase the, erase the skin, the skin and, skin and prevent, and prevent acne, prevent acne and, acne and pimples., and pimples. Here's, pimples. Here's a, Here's a natural, a natural recipe, natural recipe for, recipe for thoroughly, for thoroughly cleansing, thoroughly cleansing your, cleansing your face, your face &, face & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Ingredients, ;: Ingredients &, Ingredients & nbsp;, & nbsp; step, nbsp; step 1:, step 1: -, 1: - 200, - 200 ml, 200 ml water    -, ml water    - 1, water    - 1 to, 1 to 2, to 2 tablespoons, 2 tablespoons dried, tablespoons dried chamomile, dried chamomile flowers, chamomile flowers Ingredients, flowers Ingredients Step, Ingredients Step 2:, Step 2: -, 2: - ½, - ½ cup, ½ cup organic, cup organic honey    -, organic honey    - ¼, honey    - ¼ cup, ¼ cup of, cup of cider, of cider vinegar    -, cider vinegar    - 10, vinegar    - 10 drops, 10 drops of, drops of tea, of tea tree, tea tree essential, tree essential oil, essential oil Step, oil Step 1:, Step 1: -, 1: - First,, - First, wash, First, wash your, wash your face, your face with, face with a, with a cleansing, a cleansing product.    -, cleansing product.    - Heat, product.    - Heat a, Heat a little, a little water, little water in, water in a, in a pot, a pot and, pot and add, and add the, add the chamomile, the chamomile flowers, chamomile flowers dried, flowers dried and, dried and let, and let boil.    -, let boil.    - Then, boil.    - Then make, Then make a, make a steam, a steam bath:, steam bath: pour, bath: pour the, pour the hot, the hot water, hot water to, water to the, to the chamomile, the chamomile flowers, chamomile flowers in, flowers in a, in a large, a large bowl, large bowl and, bowl and place, and place your, place your face, your face over, face over the, over the bowl, the bowl leaving, bowl leaving about, leaving about 30, about 30 centimeters, 30 centimeters of, centimeters of gaps, of gaps to, gaps to avoid, to avoid burning, avoid burning your, burning your skin.    -, your skin.    - Cover, skin.    - Cover the, Cover the head, the head with, head with a, with a towel, a towel and, towel and let, and let the, let the steam, the steam penetrate, steam penetrate your, penetrate your skin, your skin (for, skin (for 5, (for 5 to, 5 to 7, to 7 minutes), 7 minutes) to, minutes) to decompose, to decompose and, decompose and remove, and remove the, remove the substances, the substances Which, substances Which clog, Which clog your, clog your pores.    Use, your pores.    Use this, pores.    Use this technique, this technique to, technique to cleanse, to cleanse your, cleanse your face, your face once, face once a, once a week, a week or, week or every, or every fortnight., every fortnight. Benefits, fortnight. Benefits &, Benefits & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: The, ;: The blend, The blend of, blend of these, of these three, these three natural, three natural ingredients, natural ingredients provides, ingredients provides an, provides an antibacterial, an antibacterial and, antibacterial and anti-acne, and anti-acne effect.    -, anti-acne effect.    - Purifying, effect.    - Purifying and, Purifying and moisturizing,, and moisturizing, honey, moisturizing, honey has, honey has cicatrizing,, has cicatrizing, antimicrobial,, cicatrizing, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antimicrobial, antiseptic and, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, and anti-inflammatory properties., anti-inflammatory properties. It, properties. It regulates, It regulates the, regulates the sebum, the sebum secretion, sebum secretion of, secretion of oily, of oily skin, oily skin and, skin and alleviates, and alleviates acne, alleviates acne stains., acne stains. -, stains. - Cider, - Cider vinegar, Cider vinegar purifies, vinegar purifies the, purifies the skin, the skin and, skin and reduces, and reduces the, reduces the risk, the risk of, risk of inflammation, of inflammation that, inflammation that can, that can cause, can cause the, cause the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of pimples., of pimples. In, pimples. In addition,, In addition, cider, addition, cider vinegar, cider vinegar reduces, vinegar reduces brown, reduces brown spots, brown spots on, spots on the, on the skin, the skin and, skin and dries, and dries the, dries the pimples., the pimples. -, pimples. - The, - The tea, The tea tree, tea tree essential, tree essential oil, essential oil is, oil is very, is very effective, very effective in, effective in treating, in treating acne., treating acne. It, acne. It contains, It contains potent, contains potent compounds, potent compounds like, compounds like terpinen-4, like terpinen-4 having, terpinen-4 having anti-inflammatory, having anti-inflammatory and, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, and antibacterial properties,, antibacterial properties, which, properties, which can, which can reduce, can reduce the, reduce the risk, the risk of, risk of developing, of developing skin, developing skin problems, skin problems such, problems such as, such as acne, as acne and, acne and blackheads., and blackheads. Step, blackheads. Step 2, Step 2 After, 2 After the, After the facial, the facial sauna,, facial sauna, you, sauna, you can, you can switch, can switch to, switch to cleansing, to cleansing your, cleansing your face, your face &, face & nbsp, & nbsp ;:    -, nbsp ;:    - Simply, ;:    - Simply mix, Simply mix all, mix all the, all the ingredients, the ingredients until, ingredients until a, until a homogeneous, a homogeneous mixture, homogeneous mixture is, mixture is obtained., is obtained. Keep, obtained. Keep it, Keep it in, it in a, in a pot, a pot and, pot and use, and use it, use it to, it to clean, to clean your, clean your face.    -, your face.    - To, face.    - To wash, To wash your, wash your face,, your face, take, face, take a, take a small, a small amount, small amount of, amount of this, of this cleanser, this cleanser and, cleanser and massage, and massage the, massage the face, the face with, face with and, with and rinse.    -, and rinse.    - Then, rinse.    - Then dry, Then dry the, dry the face, the face and, face and apply, and apply your, apply your moisturizer.    For, your moisturizer.    For best, moisturizer.    For best results,, best results, use, results, use this, use this tip, this tip once, tip once a, once a week, a week or, week or 10, or 10 days., 10 days. How, days. How to, How to prevent, to prevent and, prevent and combat, and combat acne, combat acne through, acne through diet, through diet &, diet & nbsp;, & nbsp; Diet, nbsp; Diet is, Diet is one, is one of, one of the, of the most, the most crucial, most crucial elements, crucial elements in, elements in the, in the development, the development of, development of acne., of acne. To, acne. To reduce, To reduce the, reduce the occurrence, the occurrence of, occurrence of acne, of acne and, acne and pimples,, and pimples, you, pimples, you need, you need to, need to improve, to improve your, improve your diet, your diet and, diet and opt, and opt for, opt for fresh,, for fresh, healthy, fresh, healthy and, healthy and natural, and natural foods, natural foods such, foods such as, such as fruits, as fruits and, fruits and vegetables,, and vegetables, dried, vegetables, dried fruits, dried fruits and, fruits and adequate, and adequate intake, adequate intake of, intake of water., of water. On, water. On the, On the other, the other hand,, other hand, you, hand, you should, you should avoid, should avoid processed, avoid processed products,, processed products, white, products, white sugar,, white sugar, dairy, sugar, dairy products, dairy products and, products and fatty, and fatty foods,, fatty foods, white, foods, white flour,, white flour, confectionery, flour, confectionery and, confectionery and pastries., and pastries. If, pastries. If you, If you smoke,, you smoke, you, smoke, you should, you should immediately, should immediately stop., immediately stop. Smoking, stop. Smoking significantly, Smoking significantly degrades, significantly degrades the, degrades the quality, the quality of, quality of the, of the skin, the skin and, skin and causes, and causes many, causes many skin, many skin problems.

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