What you've never been told about the black mask that millions of women use!
Comedones are one of the most common skin imperfections. These small blackheads that are generally lodged in the nose, forehead and / or chin are very unsightly and alter the sharpness and uniform appearance of the skin. The conventional products and natural methods to get rid of blackheads are numerous, but lately a black mask has invaded the cosmetic sphere and beauty bloggers swear by this product!
How do blackheads form?
Blackheads are a very common skin problem and result from obstruction of the pores of the skin due to the accumulation of sebum and impurities.
Recall that the skin naturally produces sebum, a fatty substance released by the sebaceous glands in order to maintain the skin soft and well hydrated. Only, when sebum is produced in excess, it can accumulate in the pores causing their obstruction.However, sebum is not the only one to blame, because impurities collected throughout the day as well as makeup can also clog pores.
Blackheads usually appear on the T-zone, at the forehead, nose and chin. This part of the face is known to be the most fat, that is to say it produces the most sebum.
Untreated, blackheads become more unsightly and can turn into pimples.There are a variety of products and patches on the market that help get rid of blackheads, but the flagship product right now is probably themaskblack!
The black mask:
Everywhere on the internet, the black mask against blackheads is all the rage. Bloggers and web surfers advocate the benefits of this beauty trend and its effectiveness in getting rid of these unsightly comedones.
Some people opt for pre-prepared masks from different brands sold in supermarkets, while DIY enthusiasts prepare it themselves.
With a mixture of liquid glue and activated charcoal, they succeed in having a black and sticky mask.
The benefits of this mask:
The effects of this mask reside in its sticky appearance. Indeed, this product acts like a glue and sticks to the skin as well as to blackheads, of course. After application, wait 20 to 30 minutes for it to dry completely. Then, it is necessary to carry out the detachment step.The goal is to peel off the mask gently and remove black dots, impurities and fine hairs from the face. 3 in 1!
Activated vegetable charcoal is also an essential ingredient of this mask and has great cleansing properties.Indeed, it absorbs and captures toxins and removes impurities from the skin.
Most people who have tried this mask, approve its effectiveness and are satisfied with the results, but is it safe for health?
The disadvantages of this mask:
The most annoying worry of this mask is that it can be painful when removed.Its peeling effect, is not very soft on theskin, This is why it is not recommended to sensitive skin.It is very common to have red skin and a little irritated after its use.
But beyond its painful appearance, the black mask also has other drawbacks. Recall that this mask, prepared at home, is made of glue. A product which is not intended for dermal use because it contains solvents and irritants.Thus, this mask can cause irritation but can also strike the skin barrier which has the function of protecting the skin and maintaining its hydration.
Thus, using this mask, the skin becomes more sensitive and easily irritable.
Natural Alternative:
Although this mask has proven effective in removing blackheads, it remains dangerous and aggressiveskin. So much to turn to natural tricks!
There are several natural masks and recipes that help get rid of blackheads. And since activated charcoal, the key ingredient of the black mask, is very effective in purifying the skin, mixing it with other products with the same effects, would be ideal to have a natural anti-black mask.
Green clay, honey and tea tree essential oil, in particular, represent excellent choices.Green clay is known for its purifying properties and its ability to remove dead skin cells and regulate sebum secretion. Tea tree essential oil and honey possess antiseptic and healing properties that help to cleanse the skin.
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What, youve, never, been, told, about, the, black, mask, that, millions, of, women, use, Comedones, are, one, of, the, most, common, skin, imperfections., &, Nbsp;, These, small, blackheads, that, are, generally, lodged, in, the, nose,, forehead, and, /, or, chin, are, very, unsightly, and, alter, the, sharpness, and, uniform, appearance, of, the, skin., The, conventional, products, and, natural, methods, to, get, rid, of, blackheads, are, numerous,, but, lately, a, black, mask, has, invaded, the, cosmetic, sphere, and, beauty, bloggers, swear, by, this, product!, How, do, blackheads, form?, Blackheads, are, a, very, common, skin, problem, and, result, from, obstruction, of, the, pores, of, the, skin, due, to, the, accumulation, of, sebum, and, impurities.
Recall, that, the, skin, naturally, produces, sebum,, a, fatty, substance, released, by, the, sebaceous, glands, in, order, to, maintain, the, skin, soft, and, well, hydrated., Only,, when, sebum, is, produced, in, excess,, it, can, accumulate, in, the, pores, causing, their, obstruction., However,, sebum, is, not, the, only, one, to, blame,, because, impurities, collected, throughout, the, day, as, well, as, makeup, can, also, clog, pores., Blackheads, usually, appear, on, the, T-zone,, at, the, forehead,, nose, and, chin., This, part, of, the, face, is, known, to, be, the, most, fat,, that, is, to, say, it, produces, the, most, sebum., Untreated,, blackheads, become, more, unsightly, and, can, turn, into, pimples., There, are, a, variety, of, products, and, patches, on, the, market, that, help, get, rid, of, blackheads,, but, the, flagship, product, right, now, is, probably, the, black, mask, &, nbsp;, The, black, mask, &, nbsp, ;:, Everywhere, on, the, internet,, the, black, mask, against, the, blackheads, is, all, the, rage., Bloggers, and, web, surfers, advocate, the, benefits, of, this, beauty, trend, and, its, effectiveness, in, getting, rid, of, these, unsightly, comedones., Some, people, Opt, for, the, pre-prepared, masks, of, different, brands, sold, in, the, supermarkets,, while, the, followers, of, the, DIY, prepare, it, themselves., With, a, mixture, of, liquid, glue, and, activated, charcoal,, they, succeed, in, having, a, black, and, sticky, mask., The, benefits, of, this, mask, &, nbsp, ;:, The, effects, of, this, mask, reside, in, its, sticky, aspect., Indeed,, this, product, acts, like, a, glue, and, sticks, to, the, skin, as, well, as, to, blackheads,, of, course., After, application,, wait, 20, to, 30, minutes, for, it, to, dry, completely., Then,, it, is, necessary, to, carry, out, the, detachment, step., The, goal, is, to, peel, off, the, mask, gently, and, remove, black, dots,, impurities, and, fine, hairs, from, the, face., 3, in, 1, &, nbsp;, Activated, vegetable, charcoal, is, also, an, essential, ingredient, of, this, mask, and, has, great, cleansing, properties., Indeed,, it, absorbs, and, captures, toxins, and, removes, impurities, from, the, skin., Most, people, who, have, tried, this, mask,, approve, its, effectiveness, and, are, satisfied, with, the, results,, but, is, it, safe, for, health, &, nbsp;, The, disadvantages, of, this, mask, &, nbsp, ;:, The, most, annoying, worry, of, this, mask, is, that, it, can, be, painful, when, removed., Its, peeling, effect, is, not, very, gentle, on, the, skin,, which, is, why, it, is, not, recommended, for, sensitive, skin., It, is, very, common, to, have, red, skin, and, a, little, irritated, after, its, use.
But, beyond, its, painful, appearance,, the, black, mask, also, has, other, drawbacks., Recall, that, this, mask,, prepared, at, home,, is, made, of, glue., A, product, which, is, not, intended, for, dermal, use, because, it, contains, solvents, and, irritants., Thus,, this, mask, can, cause, irritation,, but, it, can, also, strike, the, skin, barrier, which, has, the, function, of, protecting, the, skin, and, Maintain, its, hydration., Thus,, using, this, mask,, the, skin, becomes, more, sensitive, and, easily, irritable., Natural, Alternative, &, nbsp, ;:, Even, if, this, mask, has, proven, effective, in, removing, blackheads,, it, remains, dangerous, and, aggressive, to, the, skin., Both, turn, to, natural, tricks, &, nbsp;, There, are, several, natural, masks, and, recipes, that, help, get, rid, of, blackheads., &, Nbsp;, And, since, activated, charcoal,, the, key, ingredient, of, the, black, mask,, is, very, effective, in, purifying, the, skin,, mixing, it, with, other, products, with, the, same, effects,, would, be, ideal, to, have, a, natural, anti-black, mask., Green, clay,, honey, and, tea, tree, essential, oil,, in, particular,, represent, excellent, choices., Green, clay, is, known, for, its, purifying, properties, and, its, ability, to, remove, dead, skin, cells, and, regulate, sebum, secretion., Tea, tree, essential, oil, and, honey, possess, antiseptic, and, healing, properties, that, help, to, cleanse, the, skin., What youve, youve never, never been, been told, told about, about the, the black, black mask, mask that, that millions, millions of, of women, women use, use Comedones, Comedones are, are one, one of, of the, the most, most common, common skin, skin imperfections., imperfections. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; These, These small, small blackheads, blackheads that, that are, are generally, generally lodged, lodged in, in the, the nose,, nose, forehead, forehead and, and /, / or, or chin, chin are, are very, very unsightly, unsightly and, and alter, alter the, the sharpness, sharpness and, and uniform, uniform appearance, appearance of, of the, the skin., skin. The, The conventional, conventional products, products and, and natural, natural methods, methods to, to get, get rid, rid of, of blackheads, blackheads are, are numerous,, numerous, but, but lately, lately a, a black, black mask, mask has, has invaded, invaded the, the cosmetic, cosmetic sphere, sphere and, and beauty, beauty bloggers, bloggers swear, swear by, by this, this product!, product! How, How do, do blackheads, blackheads form?, form? Blackheads, Blackheads are, are a, a very, very common, common skin, skin problem, problem and, and result, result from, from obstruction, obstruction of, of the, the pores, pores of, of the, the skin, skin due, due to, to the, the accumulation, accumulation of, of sebum, sebum and, and impurities.
Recall, impurities.
Recall that, that the, the skin, skin naturally, naturally produces, produces sebum,, sebum, a, a fatty, fatty substance, substance released, released by, by the, the sebaceous, sebaceous glands, glands in, in order, order to, to maintain, maintain the, the skin, skin soft, soft and, and well, well hydrated., hydrated. Only,, Only, when, when sebum, sebum is, is produced, produced in, in excess,, excess, it, it can, can accumulate, accumulate in, in the, the pores, pores causing, causing their, their obstruction., obstruction. However,, However, sebum, sebum is, is not, not the, the only, only one, one to, to blame,, blame, because, because impurities, impurities collected, collected throughout, throughout the, the day, day as, as well, well as, as makeup, makeup can, can also, also clog, clog pores., pores. Blackheads, Blackheads usually, usually appear, appear on, on the, the T-zone,, T-zone, at, at the, the forehead,, forehead, nose, nose and, and chin., chin. This, This part, part of, of the, the face, face is, is known, known to, to be, be the, the most, most fat,, fat, that, that is, is to, to say, say it, it produces, produces the, the most, most sebum., sebum. Untreated,, Untreated, blackheads, blackheads become, become more, more unsightly, unsightly and, and can, can turn, turn into, into pimples., pimples. There, There are, are a, a variety, variety of, of products, products and, and patches, patches on, on the, the market, market that, that help, help get, get rid, rid of, of blackheads,, blackheads, but, but the, the flagship, flagship product, product right, right now, now is, is probably, probably the, the black, black mask, mask &, & nbsp;, nbsp; The, The black, black mask, mask &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Everywhere, Everywhere on, on the, the internet,, internet, the, the black, black mask, mask against, against the, the blackheads, blackheads is, is all, all the, the rage., rage. Bloggers, Bloggers and, and web, web surfers, surfers advocate, advocate the, the benefits, benefits of, of this, this beauty, beauty trend, trend and, and its, its effectiveness, effectiveness in, in getting, getting rid, rid of, of these, these unsightly, unsightly comedones., comedones. Some, Some people, people Opt, Opt for, for the, the pre-prepared, pre-prepared masks, masks of, of different, different brands, brands sold, sold in, in the, the supermarkets,, supermarkets, while, while the, the followers, followers of, of the, the DIY, DIY prepare, prepare it, it themselves., themselves. With, With a, a mixture, mixture of, of liquid, liquid glue, glue and, and activated, activated charcoal,, charcoal, they, they succeed, succeed in, in having, having a, a black, black and, and sticky, sticky mask., mask. The, The benefits, benefits of, of this, this mask, mask &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: The, The effects, effects of, of this, this mask, mask reside, reside in, in its, its sticky, sticky aspect., aspect. Indeed,, Indeed, this, this product, product acts, acts like, like a, a glue, glue and, and sticks, sticks to, to the, the skin, skin as, as well, well as, as to, to blackheads,, blackheads, of, of course., course. After, After application,, application, wait, wait 20, 20 to, to 30, 30 minutes, minutes for, for it, it to, to dry, dry completely., completely. Then,, Then, it, it is, is necessary, necessary to, to carry, carry out, out the, the detachment, detachment step., step. The, The goal, goal is, is to, to peel, peel off, off the, the mask, mask gently, gently and, and remove, remove black, black dots,, dots, impurities, impurities and, and fine, fine hairs, hairs from, from the, the face., face. 3, 3 in, in 1, 1 &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Activated, Activated vegetable, vegetable charcoal, charcoal is, is also, also an, an essential, essential ingredient, ingredient of, of this, this mask, mask and, and has, has great, great cleansing, cleansing properties., properties. Indeed,, Indeed, it, it absorbs, absorbs and, and captures, captures toxins, toxins and, and removes, removes impurities, impurities from, from the, the skin., skin. Most, Most people, people who, who have, have tried, tried this, this mask,, mask, approve, approve its, its effectiveness, effectiveness and, and are, are satisfied, satisfied with, with the, the results,, results, but, but is, is it, it safe, safe for, for health, health &, & nbsp;, nbsp; The, The disadvantages, disadvantages of, of this, this mask, mask &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: The, The most, most annoying, annoying worry, worry of, of this, this mask, mask is, is that, that it, it can, can be, be painful, painful when, when removed., removed. Its, Its peeling, peeling effect, effect is, is not, not very, very gentle, gentle on, on the, the skin,, skin, which, which is, is why, why it, it is, is not, not recommended, recommended for, for sensitive, sensitive skin., skin. It, It is, is very, very common, common to, to have, have red, red skin, skin and, and a, a little, little irritated, irritated after, after its, its use.
But, use.
But beyond, beyond its, its painful, painful appearance,, appearance, the, the black, black mask, mask also, also has, has other, other drawbacks., drawbacks. Recall, Recall that, that this, this mask,, mask, prepared, prepared at, at home,, home, is, is made, made of, of glue., glue. A, A product, product which, which is, is not, not intended, intended for, for dermal, dermal use, use because, because it, it contains, contains solvents, solvents and, and irritants., irritants. Thus,, Thus, this, this mask, mask can, can cause, cause irritation,, irritation, but, but it, it can, can also, also strike, strike the, the skin, skin barrier, barrier which, which has, has the, the function, function of, of protecting, protecting the, the skin, skin and, and Maintain, Maintain its, its hydration., hydration. Thus,, Thus, using, using this, this mask,, mask, the, the skin, skin becomes, becomes more, more sensitive, sensitive and, and easily, easily irritable., irritable. Natural, Natural Alternative, Alternative &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Even, Even if, if this, this mask, mask has, has proven, proven effective, effective in, in removing, removing blackheads,, blackheads, it, it remains, remains dangerous, dangerous and, and aggressive, aggressive to, to the, the skin., skin. Both, Both turn, turn to, to natural, natural tricks, tricks &, & nbsp;, nbsp; There, There are, are several, several natural, natural masks, masks and, and recipes, recipes that, that help, help get, get rid, rid of, of blackheads., blackheads. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; And, And since, since activated, activated charcoal,, charcoal, the, the key, key ingredient, ingredient of, of the, the black, black mask,, mask, is, is very, very effective, effective in, in purifying, purifying the, the skin,, skin, mixing, mixing it, it with, with other, other products, products with, with the, the same, same effects,, effects, would, would be, be ideal, ideal to, to have, have a, a natural, natural anti-black, anti-black mask., mask. Green, Green clay,, clay, honey, honey and, and tea, tea tree, tree essential, essential oil,, oil, in, in particular,, particular, represent, represent excellent, excellent choices., choices. Green, Green clay, clay is, is known, known for, for its, its purifying, purifying properties, properties and, and its, its ability, ability to, to remove, remove dead, dead skin, skin cells, cells and, and regulate, regulate sebum, sebum secretion., secretion. Tea, Tea tree, tree essential, essential oil, oil and, and honey, honey possess, possess antiseptic, antiseptic and, and healing, healing properties, properties that, that help, help to, to cleanse, cleanse the, the skin., What youve never, youve never been, never been told, been told about, told about the, about the black, the black mask, black mask that, mask that millions, that millions of, millions of women, of women use, women use Comedones, use Comedones are, Comedones are one, are one of, one of the, of the most, the most common, most common skin, common skin imperfections., skin imperfections. &, imperfections. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; These, Nbsp; These small, These small blackheads, small blackheads that, blackheads that are, that are generally, are generally lodged, generally lodged in, lodged in the, in the nose,, the nose, forehead, nose, forehead and, forehead and /, and / or, / or chin, or chin are, chin are very, are very unsightly, very unsightly and, unsightly and alter, and alter the, alter the sharpness, the sharpness and, sharpness and uniform, and uniform appearance, uniform appearance of, appearance of the, of the skin., the skin. The, skin. The conventional, The conventional products, conventional products and, products and natural, and natural methods, natural methods to, methods to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of blackheads, of blackheads are, blackheads are numerous,, are numerous, but, numerous, but lately, but lately a, lately a black, a black mask, black mask has, mask has invaded, has invaded the, invaded the cosmetic, the cosmetic sphere, cosmetic sphere and, sphere and beauty, and beauty bloggers, beauty bloggers swear, bloggers swear by, swear by this, by this product!, this product! How, product! How do, How do blackheads, do blackheads form?, blackheads form? Blackheads, form? Blackheads are, Blackheads are a, are a very, a very common, very common skin, common skin problem, skin problem and, problem and result, and result from, result from obstruction, from obstruction of, obstruction of the, of the pores, the pores of, pores of the, of the skin, the skin due, skin due to, due to the, to the accumulation, the accumulation of, accumulation of sebum, of sebum and, sebum and impurities.
Recall, and impurities.
Recall that, impurities.
Recall that the, that the skin, the skin naturally, skin naturally produces, naturally produces sebum,, produces sebum, a, sebum, a fatty, a fatty substance, fatty substance released, substance released by, released by the, by the sebaceous, the sebaceous glands, sebaceous glands in, glands in order, in order to, order to maintain, to maintain the, maintain the skin, the skin soft, skin soft and, soft and well, and well hydrated., well hydrated. Only,, hydrated. Only, when, Only, when sebum, when sebum is, sebum is produced, is produced in, produced in excess,, in excess, it, excess, it can, it can accumulate, can accumulate in, accumulate in the, in the pores, the pores causing, pores causing their, causing their obstruction., their obstruction. However,, obstruction. However, sebum, However, sebum is, sebum is not, is not the, not the only, the only one, only one to, one to blame,, to blame, because, blame, because impurities, because impurities collected, impurities collected throughout, collected throughout the, throughout the day, the day as, day as well, as well as, well as makeup, as makeup can, makeup can also, can also clog, also clog pores., clog pores. Blackheads, pores. Blackheads usually, Blackheads usually appear, usually appear on, appear on the, on the T-zone,, the T-zone, at, T-zone, at the, at the forehead,, the forehead, nose, forehead, nose and, nose and chin., and chin. This, chin. This part, This part of, part of the, of the face, the face is, face is known, is known to, known to be, to be the, be the most, the most fat,, most fat, that, fat, that is, that is to, is to say, to say it, say it produces, it produces the, produces the most, the most sebum., most sebum. Untreated,, sebum. Untreated, blackheads, Untreated, blackheads become, blackheads become more, become more unsightly, more unsightly and, unsightly and can, and can turn, can turn into, turn into pimples., into pimples. There, pimples. There are, There are a, are a variety, a variety of, variety of products, of products and, products and patches, and patches on, patches on the, on the market, the market that, market that help, that help get, help get rid, get rid of, rid of blackheads,, of blackheads, but, blackheads, but the, but the flagship, the flagship product, flagship product right, product right now, right now is, now is probably, is probably the, probably the black, the black mask, black mask &, mask & nbsp;, & nbsp; The, nbsp; The black, The black mask, black mask &, mask & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Everywhere, ;: Everywhere on, Everywhere on the, on the internet,, the internet, the, internet, the black, the black mask, black mask against, mask against the, against the blackheads, the blackheads is, blackheads is all, is all the, all the rage., the rage. Bloggers, rage. Bloggers and, Bloggers and web, and web surfers, web surfers advocate, surfers advocate the, advocate the benefits, the benefits of, benefits of this, of this beauty, this beauty trend, beauty trend and, trend and its, and its effectiveness, its effectiveness in, effectiveness in getting, in getting rid, getting rid of, rid of these, of these unsightly, these unsightly comedones., unsightly comedones. Some, comedones. Some people, Some people Opt, people Opt for, Opt for the, for the pre-prepared, the pre-prepared masks, pre-prepared masks of, masks of different, of different brands, different brands sold, brands sold in, sold in the, in the supermarkets,, the supermarkets, while, supermarkets, while the, while the followers, the followers of, followers of the, of the DIY, the DIY prepare, DIY prepare it, prepare it themselves., it themselves. With, themselves. With a, With a mixture, a mixture of, mixture of liquid, of liquid glue, liquid glue and, glue and activated, and activated charcoal,, activated charcoal, they, charcoal, they succeed, they succeed in, succeed in having, in having a, having a black, a black and, black and sticky, and sticky mask., sticky mask. The, mask. The benefits, The benefits of, benefits of this, of this mask, this mask &, mask & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: The, ;: The effects, The effects of, effects of this, of this mask, this mask reside, mask reside in, reside in its, in its sticky, its sticky aspect., sticky aspect. Indeed,, aspect. Indeed, this, Indeed, this product, this product acts, product acts like, acts like a, like a glue, a glue and, glue and sticks, and sticks to, sticks to the, to the skin, the skin as, skin as well, as well as, well as to, as to blackheads,, to blackheads, of, blackheads, of course., of course. After, course. After application,, After application, wait, application, wait 20, wait 20 to, 20 to 30, to 30 minutes, 30 minutes for, minutes for it, for it to, it to dry, to dry completely., dry completely. Then,, completely. Then, it, Then, it is, it is necessary, is necessary to, necessary to carry, to carry out, carry out the, out the detachment, the detachment step., detachment step. The, step. The goal, The goal is, goal is to, is to peel, to peel off, peel off the, off the mask, the mask gently, mask gently and, gently and remove, and remove black, remove black dots,, black dots, impurities, dots, impurities and, impurities and fine, and fine hairs, fine hairs from, hairs from the, from the face., the face. 3, face. 3 in, 3 in 1, in 1 &, 1 & nbsp;, & nbsp; Activated, nbsp; Activated vegetable, Activated vegetable charcoal, vegetable charcoal is, charcoal is also, is also an, also an essential, an essential ingredient, essential ingredient of, ingredient of this, of this mask, this mask and, mask and has, and has great, has great cleansing, great cleansing properties., cleansing properties. Indeed,, properties. Indeed, it, Indeed, it absorbs, it absorbs and, absorbs and captures, and captures toxins, captures toxins and, toxins and removes, and removes impurities, removes impurities from, impurities from the, from the skin., the skin. Most, skin. Most people, Most people who, people who have, who have tried, have tried this, tried this mask,, this mask, approve, mask, approve its, approve its effectiveness, its effectiveness and, effectiveness and are, and are satisfied, are satisfied with, satisfied with the, with the results,, the results, but, results, but is, but is it, is it safe, it safe for, safe for health, for health &, health & nbsp;, & nbsp; The, nbsp; The disadvantages, The disadvantages of, disadvantages of this, of this mask, this mask &, mask & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: The, ;: The most, The most annoying, most annoying worry, annoying worry of, worry of this, of this mask, this mask is, mask is that, is that it, that it can, it can be, can be painful, be painful when, painful when removed., when removed. Its, removed. Its peeling, Its peeling effect, peeling effect is, effect is not, is not very, not very gentle, very gentle on, gentle on the, on the skin,, the skin, which, skin, which is, which is why, is why it, why it is, it is not, is not recommended, not recommended for, recommended for sensitive, for sensitive skin., sensitive skin. It, skin. It is, It is very, is very common, very common to, common to have, to have red, have red skin, red skin and, skin and a, and a little, a little irritated, little irritated after, irritated after its, after its use.
But, its use.
But beyond, use.
But beyond its, beyond its painful, its painful appearance,, painful appearance, the, appearance, the black, the black mask, black mask also, mask also has, also has other, has other drawbacks., other drawbacks. Recall, drawbacks. Recall that, Recall that this, that this mask,, this mask, prepared, mask, prepared at, prepared at home,, at home, is, home, is made, is made of, made of glue., of glue. A, glue. A product, A product which, product which is, which is not, is not intended, not intended for, intended for dermal, for dermal use, dermal use because, use because it, because it contains, it contains solvents, contains solvents and, solvents and irritants., and irritants. Thus,, irritants. Thus, this, Thus, this mask, this mask can, mask can cause, can cause irritation,, cause irritation, but, irritation, but it, but it can, it can also, can also strike, also strike the, strike the skin, the skin barrier, skin barrier which, barrier which has, which has the, has the function, the function of, function of protecting, of protecting the, protecting the skin, the skin and, skin and Maintain, and Maintain its, Maintain its hydration., its hydration. Thus,, hydration. Thus, using, Thus, using this, using this mask,, this mask, the, mask, the skin, the skin becomes, skin becomes more, becomes more sensitive, more sensitive and, sensitive and easily, and easily irritable., easily irritable. Natural, irritable. Natural Alternative, Natural Alternative &, Alternative & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Even, ;: Even if, Even if this, if this mask, this mask has, mask has proven, has proven effective, proven effective in, effective in removing, in removing blackheads,, removing blackheads, it, blackheads, it remains, it remains dangerous, remains dangerous and, dangerous and aggressive, and aggressive to, aggressive to the, to the skin., the skin. Both, skin. Both turn, Both turn to, turn to natural, to natural tricks, natural tricks &, tricks & nbsp;, & nbsp; There, nbsp; There are, There are several, are several natural, several natural masks, natural masks and, masks and recipes, and recipes that, recipes that help, that help get, help get rid, get rid of, rid of blackheads., of blackheads. &, blackheads. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; And, Nbsp; And since, And since activated, since activated charcoal,, activated charcoal, the, charcoal, the key, the key ingredient, key ingredient of, ingredient of the, of the black, the black mask,, black mask, is, mask, is very, is very effective, very effective in, effective in purifying, in purifying the, purifying the skin,, the skin, mixing, skin, mixing it, mixing it with, it with other, with other products, other products with, products with the, with the same, the same effects,, same effects, would, effects, would be, would be ideal, be ideal to, ideal to have, to have a, have a natural, a natural anti-black, natural anti-black mask., anti-black mask. Green, mask. Green clay,, Green clay, honey, clay, honey and, honey and tea, and tea tree, tea tree essential, tree essential oil,, essential oil, in, oil, in particular,, in particular, represent, particular, represent excellent, represent excellent choices., excellent choices. Green, choices. Green clay, Green clay is, clay is known, is known for, known for its, for its purifying, its purifying properties, purifying properties and, properties and its, and its ability, its ability to, ability to remove, to remove dead, remove dead skin, dead skin cells, skin cells and, cells and regulate, and regulate sebum, regulate sebum secretion., sebum secretion. Tea, secretion. Tea tree, Tea tree essential, tree essential oil, essential oil and, oil and honey, and honey possess, honey possess antiseptic, possess antiseptic and, antiseptic and healing, and healing properties, healing properties that, properties that help, that help to, help to cleanse, to cleanse the, cleanse the skin.
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