Incredible: This woman managed to get rid of brown spots with this (recipe)
Brown spots appear in different parts of the body, several factors may be responsible. They are not aesthetic, hence the desire to get rid of them. There are natural tricks that can alleviate brown spots once and for all. Explanations.
Brown spots are the result of hyperpigmentation of theskin. In fact, when melanin, a pigment produced by skin cells, is present in large quantities, it causes these famous spots. Several factors can promote this phenomenon such as aging, sun exposure and hormonal disorders. These spots appear mostly in the hands, face or décolleté.
Here is a natural and effective trick to get rid of brown spots:
Grate an onion and retrieve its juice. Then, mix the juice with half a teaspoon of cider vinegar until you get a homogeneous texture.
Take a cotton ball that you will soak into the mixture and that you will apply to the affected areas. It is advisable to apply this tip in the evening because of the photosensitizer character of the lemon and to avoid any drying of the skin.In addition it is also advisable to apply coconut oil to promote good hydration.
This tip is to be applied once or twice a week, until the spots disappear.
Advice :Besides brown spots, it is important to always apply a sunscreen to protect against UV rays of the sun. The latter promote the appearance of brown spots and the drying of the skin.
The juice,onionHas many benefits for the skin, it is rich in antioxidants that purify the skin and inhibit the effect of free radicals.The latter attack the healthy cells of the body and promote the tarnishing of the complexion and the appearance of wrinkles.It also contains sulfur which helps to act against skin imperfections such as acne. This ingredient also has whitening properties that help inhibit the pigmentation process of the skin.
Cider vinegar is also another ingredient known for its skin benefits. Indeed, it helps to rebalance the pH of the skin and to relieve some skin problems like dryness, acne, itching ...
Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which acts as a powerful bleaching agent as it will help remove brown spots and give radiance to your skin.
Other tips to get rid of brown spots:
Lemon juice
The juice oflemonIs rich in vitamin C that nourishes the skin deep, it also contains citric acid which helps to clear the skin and reduce brown spots.Mix the lemon juice with a little water and apply the mixture to the affected areas using a cotton disc or cotton swab. This trick is to be applied once or twice a week maximum.
Warning :The lemon is photosensitizing, so it is not advisable to expose yourself to the sun after applying this trick.
The potato has a high content of antioxidants and starch that cleanse the skin deep and reduce the hyperpigmentation of the skin.Take a potato that you will wash and cut into slices. Then apply these slices to the areas concerned. Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse your face with lukewarm water. This trick is to be applied twice a week.
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Incredible, This, woman, managed, to, get, rid, of, brown, spots, with, this, recipe, Brown, spots, appear, in, different, parts, of, the, body,, several, factors, may, be, responsible., They, are, not, aesthetic,, hence, the, desire, to, get, rid, of, them., There, are, natural, tricks, that, can, alleviate, brown, spots, once, and, for, all., Explanations., Brown, spots, are, the, result, of, hyperpigmentation, of, the, skin., In, fact,, when, melanin,, a, pigment, produced, by, skin, cells,, is, present, in, large, quantities,, it, causes, these, famous, spots., Several, factors, can, promote, this, phenomenon, such, as, aging,, sun, exposure, and, hormonal, disorders., These, spots, appear, mostly, in, the, hands,, face, or, décolleté., Here's, a, natural, and, effective, way, to, get, rid, of, brown, spots:, Grate, an, onion, and, get, its, juice., Then,, mix, the, juice, with, half, a, teaspoon, of, cider, vinegar, until, you, get, a, homogeneous, texture.
Take, a, cotton, ball, that, you, will, soak, into, the, mixture, and, that, you, will, apply, to, the, affected, areas., It, is, advisable, to, apply, this, tip, in, the, evening, because, of, the, photosensitizer, character, of, the, lemon, and, to, avoid, any, drying, of, the, skin., In, addition, it, is, also, advisable, to, apply, coconut, oil, to, promote, good, hydration., This, tip, is, to, be, applied, once, or, twice, a, week,, until, the, spots, disappear., Tip:, Besides, brown, spots,, it, is, important, to, always, apply, a, sunscreen, to, protect, against, UV, rays, from, the, sun., The, latter, promote, the, appearance, of, brown, spots, and, the, drying, of, the, skin., Benefits:, Onion, juice, has, many, benefits, for, the, skin,, it, is, rich, in, antioxidants, that, purify, the, skin, and, inhibit, the, effect, of, free, radicals., These, latter, Attack, the, healthy, cells, of, the, body, and, promote, tarnishing, of, the, complexion, and, the, appearance, of, wrinkles., It, also, contains, sulfur, which, helps, to, act, against, skin, imperfections, such, as, acne., This, ingredient, also, has, whitening, properties, that, help, inhibit, the, pigmentation, process, of, the, skin.
Cider, vinegar, is, also, another, ingredient, known, for, its, skin, benefits., Indeed,, it, helps, to, rebalance, the, pH, of, the, skin, and, to, relieve, certain, skin, problems, such, as, dryness,, acne,, itching, ..., Cider, vinegar, contains, acetic, acid, which, acts, as, a, powerful, bleaching, agent, because, it, goes, Help, eliminate, brown, spots, and, give, glow, to, your, skin., Other, tips, to, get, rid, of, brown, spots:, Lemon, juice, Lemon, juice, is, rich, in, vitamin, C, that, nourishes, the, skin, deeply,, it, also, contains, citric, acid, which, helps, to, lighten, skin, and, reduce, Brown, stains., Mix, the, lemon, juice, with, a, little, water, and, apply, the, mixture, to, the, affected, areas, using, a, cotton, disc, or, cotton, swab., This, trick, is, to, be, applied, once, or, twice, a, week, maximum., Caution:, lemon, is, photosensitizing,, so, it, is, not, advisable, to, expose, yourself, to, the, sun, after, applying, this, tip., The, potato, The, potato, has, a, high, content, of, antioxidants, and, starch, that, cleanse, the, skin, deep, and, reduce, the, hyperpigmentation, of, the, skin., Take, a, potato, that, you, will, wash, and, cut, into, slices., Then, apply, these, slices, to, the, areas, concerned., Leave, on, for, 20, to, 30, minutes, and, rinse, your, face, with, lukewarm, water., This, trick, is, to, be, applied, twice, a, week., Incredible This, This woman, woman managed, managed to, to get, get rid, rid of, of brown, brown spots, spots with, with this, this recipe, recipe Brown, Brown spots, spots appear, appear in, in different, different parts, parts of, of the, the body,, body, several, several factors, factors may, may be, be responsible., responsible. They, They are, are not, not aesthetic,, aesthetic, hence, hence the, the desire, desire to, to get, get rid, rid of, of them., them. There, There are, are natural, natural tricks, tricks that, that can, can alleviate, alleviate brown, brown spots, spots once, once and, and for, for all., all. Explanations., Explanations. Brown, Brown spots, spots are, are the, the result, result of, of hyperpigmentation, hyperpigmentation of, of the, the skin., skin. In, In fact,, fact, when, when melanin,, melanin, a, a pigment, pigment produced, produced by, by skin, skin cells,, cells, is, is present, present in, in large, large quantities,, quantities, it, it causes, causes these, these famous, famous spots., spots. Several, Several factors, factors can, can promote, promote this, this phenomenon, phenomenon such, such as, as aging,, aging, sun, sun exposure, exposure and, and hormonal, hormonal disorders., disorders. These, These spots, spots appear, appear mostly, mostly in, in the, the hands,, hands, face, face or, or décolleté., décolleté. Here's, Here's a, a natural, natural and, and effective, effective way, way to, to get, get rid, rid of, of brown, brown spots:, spots: Grate, Grate an, an onion, onion and, and get, get its, its juice., juice. Then,, Then, mix, mix the, the juice, juice with, with half, half a, a teaspoon, teaspoon of, of cider, cider vinegar, vinegar until, until you, you get, get a, a homogeneous, homogeneous texture.
Take, texture.
Take a, a cotton, cotton ball, ball that, that you, you will, will soak, soak into, into the, the mixture, mixture and, and that, that you, you will, will apply, apply to, to the, the affected, affected areas., areas. It, It is, is advisable, advisable to, to apply, apply this, this tip, tip in, in the, the evening, evening because, because of, of the, the photosensitizer, photosensitizer character, character of, of the, the lemon, lemon and, and to, to avoid, avoid any, any drying, drying of, of the, the skin., skin. In, In addition, addition it, it is, is also, also advisable, advisable to, to apply, apply coconut, coconut oil, oil to, to promote, promote good, good hydration., hydration. This, This tip, tip is, is to, to be, be applied, applied once, once or, or twice, twice a, a week,, week, until, until the, the spots, spots disappear., disappear. Tip:, Tip: Besides, Besides brown, brown spots,, spots, it, it is, is important, important to, to always, always apply, apply a, a sunscreen, sunscreen to, to protect, protect against, against UV, UV rays, rays from, from the, the sun., sun. The, The latter, latter promote, promote the, the appearance, appearance of, of brown, brown spots, spots and, and the, the drying, drying of, of the, the skin., skin. Benefits:, Benefits: Onion, Onion juice, juice has, has many, many benefits, benefits for, for the, the skin,, skin, it, it is, is rich, rich in, in antioxidants, antioxidants that, that purify, purify the, the skin, skin and, and inhibit, inhibit the, the effect, effect of, of free, free radicals., radicals. These, These latter, latter Attack, Attack the, the healthy, healthy cells, cells of, of the, the body, body and, and promote, promote tarnishing, tarnishing of, of the, the complexion, complexion and, and the, the appearance, appearance of, of wrinkles., wrinkles. It, It also, also contains, contains sulfur, sulfur which, which helps, helps to, to act, act against, against skin, skin imperfections, imperfections such, such as, as acne., acne. This, This ingredient, ingredient also, also has, has whitening, whitening properties, properties that, that help, help inhibit, inhibit the, the pigmentation, pigmentation process, process of, of the, the skin.
Cider, skin.
Cider vinegar, vinegar is, is also, also another, another ingredient, ingredient known, known for, for its, its skin, skin benefits., benefits. Indeed,, Indeed, it, it helps, helps to, to rebalance, rebalance the, the pH, pH of, of the, the skin, skin and, and to, to relieve, relieve certain, certain skin, skin problems, problems such, such as, as dryness,, dryness, acne,, acne, itching, itching ..., ... Cider, Cider vinegar, vinegar contains, contains acetic, acetic acid, acid which, which acts, acts as, as a, a powerful, powerful bleaching, bleaching agent, agent because, because it, it goes, goes Help, Help eliminate, eliminate brown, brown spots, spots and, and give, give glow, glow to, to your, your skin., skin. Other, Other tips, tips to, to get, get rid, rid of, of brown, brown spots:, spots: Lemon, Lemon juice, juice Lemon, Lemon juice, juice is, is rich, rich in, in vitamin, vitamin C, C that, that nourishes, nourishes the, the skin, skin deeply,, deeply, it, it also, also contains, contains citric, citric acid, acid which, which helps, helps to, to lighten, lighten skin, skin and, and reduce, reduce Brown, Brown stains., stains. Mix, Mix the, the lemon, lemon juice, juice with, with a, a little, little water, water and, and apply, apply the, the mixture, mixture to, to the, the affected, affected areas, areas using, using a, a cotton, cotton disc, disc or, or cotton, cotton swab., swab. This, This trick, trick is, is to, to be, be applied, applied once, once or, or twice, twice a, a week, week maximum., maximum. Caution:, Caution: lemon, lemon is, is photosensitizing,, photosensitizing, so, so it, it is, is not, not advisable, advisable to, to expose, expose yourself, yourself to, to the, the sun, sun after, after applying, applying this, this tip., tip. The, The potato, potato The, The potato, potato has, has a, a high, high content, content of, of antioxidants, antioxidants and, and starch, starch that, that cleanse, cleanse the, the skin, skin deep, deep and, and reduce, reduce the, the hyperpigmentation, hyperpigmentation of, of the, the skin., skin. Take, Take a, a potato, potato that, that you, you will, will wash, wash and, and cut, cut into, into slices., slices. Then, Then apply, apply these, these slices, slices to, to the, the areas, areas concerned., concerned. Leave, Leave on, on for, for 20, 20 to, to 30, 30 minutes, minutes and, and rinse, rinse your, your face, face with, with lukewarm, lukewarm water., water. This, This trick, trick is, is to, to be, be applied, applied twice, twice a, a week., Incredible This woman, This woman managed, woman managed to, managed to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of brown, of brown spots, brown spots with, spots with this, with this recipe, this recipe Brown, recipe Brown spots, Brown spots appear, spots appear in, appear in different, in different parts, different parts of, parts of the, of the body,, the body, several, body, several factors, several factors may, factors may be, may be responsible., be responsible. They, responsible. They are, They are not, are not aesthetic,, not aesthetic, hence, aesthetic, hence the, hence the desire, the desire to, desire to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of them., of them. There, them. There are, There are natural, are natural tricks, natural tricks that, tricks that can, that can alleviate, can alleviate brown, alleviate brown spots, brown spots once, spots once and, once and for, and for all., for all. Explanations., all. Explanations. Brown, Explanations. Brown spots, Brown spots are, spots are the, are the result, the result of, result of hyperpigmentation, of hyperpigmentation of, hyperpigmentation of the, of the skin., the skin. In, skin. In fact,, In fact, when, fact, when melanin,, when melanin, a, melanin, a pigment, a pigment produced, pigment produced by, produced by skin, by skin cells,, skin cells, is, cells, is present, is present in, present in large, in large quantities,, large quantities, it, quantities, it causes, it causes these, causes these famous, these famous spots., famous spots. Several, spots. Several factors, Several factors can, factors can promote, can promote this, promote this phenomenon, this phenomenon such, phenomenon such as, such as aging,, as aging, sun, aging, sun exposure, sun exposure and, exposure and hormonal, and hormonal disorders., hormonal disorders. These, disorders. These spots, These spots appear, spots appear mostly, appear mostly in, mostly in the, in the hands,, the hands, face, hands, face or, face or décolleté., or décolleté. Here's, décolleté. Here's a, Here's a natural, a natural and, natural and effective, and effective way, effective way to, way to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of brown, of brown spots:, brown spots: Grate, spots: Grate an, Grate an onion, an onion and, onion and get, and get its, get its juice., its juice. Then,, juice. Then, mix, Then, mix the, mix the juice, the juice with, juice with half, with half a, half a teaspoon, a teaspoon of, teaspoon of cider, of cider vinegar, cider vinegar until, vinegar until you, until you get, you get a, get a homogeneous, a homogeneous texture.
Take, homogeneous texture.
Take a, texture.
Take a cotton, a cotton ball, cotton ball that, ball that you, that you will, you will soak, will soak into, soak into the, into the mixture, the mixture and, mixture and that, and that you, that you will, you will apply, will apply to, apply to the, to the affected, the affected areas., affected areas. It, areas. It is, It is advisable, is advisable to, advisable to apply, to apply this, apply this tip, this tip in, tip in the, in the evening, the evening because, evening because of, because of the, of the photosensitizer, the photosensitizer character, photosensitizer character of, character of the, of the lemon, the lemon and, lemon and to, and to avoid, to avoid any, avoid any drying, any drying of, drying of the, of the skin., the skin. In, skin. In addition, In addition it, addition it is, it is also, is also advisable, also advisable to, advisable to apply, to apply coconut, apply coconut oil, coconut oil to, oil to promote, to promote good, promote good hydration., good hydration. This, hydration. This tip, This tip is, tip is to, is to be, to be applied, be applied once, applied once or, once or twice, or twice a, twice a week,, a week, until, week, until the, until the spots, the spots disappear., spots disappear. Tip:, disappear. Tip: Besides, Tip: Besides brown, Besides brown spots,, brown spots, it, spots, it is, it is important, is important to, important to always, to always apply, always apply a, apply a sunscreen, a sunscreen to, sunscreen to protect, to protect against, protect against UV, against UV rays, UV rays from, rays from the, from the sun., the sun. The, sun. The latter, The latter promote, latter promote the, promote the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of brown, of brown spots, brown spots and, spots and the, and the drying, the drying of, drying of the, of the skin., the skin. Benefits:, skin. Benefits: Onion, Benefits: Onion juice, Onion juice has, juice has many, has many benefits, many benefits for, benefits for the, for the skin,, the skin, it, skin, it is, it is rich, is rich in, rich in antioxidants, in antioxidants that, antioxidants that purify, that purify the, purify the skin, the skin and, skin and inhibit, and inhibit the, inhibit the effect, the effect of, effect of free, of free radicals., free radicals. These, radicals. These latter, These latter Attack, latter Attack the, Attack the healthy, the healthy cells, healthy cells of, cells of the, of the body, the body and, body and promote, and promote tarnishing, promote tarnishing of, tarnishing of the, of the complexion, the complexion and, complexion and the, and the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of wrinkles., of wrinkles. It, wrinkles. It also, It also contains, also contains sulfur, contains sulfur which, sulfur which helps, which helps to, helps to act, to act against, act against skin, against skin imperfections, skin imperfections such, imperfections such as, such as acne., as acne. This, acne. This ingredient, This ingredient also, ingredient also has, also has whitening, has whitening properties, whitening properties that, properties that help, that help inhibit, help inhibit the, inhibit the pigmentation, the pigmentation process, pigmentation process of, process of the, of the skin.
Cider, the skin.
Cider vinegar, skin.
Cider vinegar is, vinegar is also, is also another, also another ingredient, another ingredient known, ingredient known for, known for its, for its skin, its skin benefits., skin benefits. Indeed,, benefits. Indeed, it, Indeed, it helps, it helps to, helps to rebalance, to rebalance the, rebalance the pH, the pH of, pH of the, of the skin, the skin and, skin and to, and to relieve, to relieve certain, relieve certain skin, certain skin problems, skin problems such, problems such as, such as dryness,, as dryness, acne,, dryness, acne, itching, acne, itching ..., itching ... Cider, ... Cider vinegar, Cider vinegar contains, vinegar contains acetic, contains acetic acid, acetic acid which, acid which acts, which acts as, acts as a, as a powerful, a powerful bleaching, powerful bleaching agent, bleaching agent because, agent because it, because it goes, it goes Help, goes Help eliminate, Help eliminate brown, eliminate brown spots, brown spots and, spots and give, and give glow, give glow to, glow to your, to your skin., your skin. Other, skin. Other tips, Other tips to, tips to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of brown, of brown spots:, brown spots: Lemon, spots: Lemon juice, Lemon juice Lemon, juice Lemon juice, Lemon juice is, juice is rich, is rich in, rich in vitamin, in vitamin C, vitamin C that, C that nourishes, that nourishes the, nourishes the skin, the skin deeply,, skin deeply, it, deeply, it also, it also contains, also contains citric, contains citric acid, citric acid which, acid which helps, which helps to, helps to lighten, to lighten skin, lighten skin and, skin and reduce, and reduce Brown, reduce Brown stains., Brown stains. Mix, stains. Mix the, Mix the lemon, the lemon juice, lemon juice with, juice with a, with a little, a little water, little water and, water and apply, and apply the, apply the mixture, the mixture to, mixture to the, to the affected, the affected areas, affected areas using, areas using a, using a cotton, a cotton disc, cotton disc or, disc or cotton, or cotton swab., cotton swab. This, swab. This trick, This trick is, trick is to, is to be, to be applied, be applied once, applied once or, once or twice, or twice a, twice a week, a week maximum., week maximum. Caution:, maximum. Caution: lemon, Caution: lemon is, lemon is photosensitizing,, is photosensitizing, so, photosensitizing, so it, so it is, it is not, is not advisable, not advisable to, advisable to expose, to expose yourself, expose yourself to, yourself to the, to the sun, the sun after, sun after applying, after applying this, applying this tip., this tip. The, tip. The potato, The potato The, potato The potato, The potato has, potato has a, has a high, a high content, high content of, content of antioxidants, of antioxidants and, antioxidants and starch, and starch that, starch that cleanse, that cleanse the, cleanse the skin, the skin deep, skin deep and, deep and reduce, and reduce the, reduce the hyperpigmentation, the hyperpigmentation of, hyperpigmentation of the, of the skin., the skin. Take, skin. Take a, Take a potato, a potato that, potato that you, that you will, you will wash, will wash and, wash and cut, and cut into, cut into slices., into slices. Then, slices. Then apply, Then apply these, apply these slices, these slices to, slices to the, to the areas, the areas concerned., areas concerned. Leave, concerned. Leave on, Leave on for, on for 20, for 20 to, 20 to 30, to 30 minutes, 30 minutes and, minutes and rinse, and rinse your, rinse your face, your face with, face with lukewarm, with lukewarm water., lukewarm water. This, water. This trick, This trick is, trick is to, is to be, to be applied, be applied twice, applied twice a, twice a week.
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