How to stop hair loss? Make hair grow stronger naturally and quickly!

How to stop hair loss? Make hair grow stronger naturally and quickly!

How to stop hair loss? Make hair grow stronger naturally and quickly!

Having a silky, shiny hair is every woman's dream. However, some factors can tarnish the hair color and promote their fall. However, there are natural tricks that can help you restore them to life. Discover the recipe!

Few people know, but the hair has a life expectancy that varies from 2 to 6 years. It consists of the hair bulb (root), the hair shaft (the hair) and the epithelial sheath that constitutes the hole through which the hair emerges. This structure forms the hair follicle and can be maintained through a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some factors that can promote hair loss:

  • Hormonal disturbances
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Genetic
  • Some medical treatments
  • Thestress
  • Some infections

So here is a simple and natural recipe to revive your hair:


  • 1 liter of water
  • A bowl of guava leaf


Pour the water into a saucepan and add the guava leaves, let heat over low heat until boiling. Then let stand for 20 minutes and filter.

Use :

Massage your scalp with the mixture and let stand for a few hours before you wash your hair. This tip will have more effect if you let the mixture sit overnight.


The guava leaves are extracted from a small shrub originating in the tropics. This plant has antiseptic properties that will clean your scalp deep and prevent dandruff. In addition, its leaves are also rich in vitamin B which promotes the renewal of hair cells and thus prevents hair loss.

However, it is important to accompany this trick with a good diet. For example, to fill up with vitamin B, do not hesitate to consume foods such as tuna, chicken, pears,carrotsOr tomatoes. Also fill up with zinc that helps to form keratin and strengthen the hair, so eat foods like lentils or spinach.

Second Tip to Strengthen Your Hair:


  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder
  • 1 tablespoon honey


In a saucepan,olive oilAnd add cinnamon and honey. Mix well until you get a homogeneous texture. You can keep the mixture in a jar.

Use :

Rub the mixture against your scalp and cover your hair with food wrap or a charlotte. Then leave for 30 minutes and wash your hair with your usual shampoo.

This mixture can be applied up to twice a week, it is composed of very beneficial ingredients for the hair.Olive oil is rich in vitamin E that promotes hair regeneration and stimulates blood circulation. ThehoneyIs a very effective antibacterial that cleans the scalp deeply and prevents the accumulation of sebum to avoid greasy hair. Cinnamon is rich in nutrients that nourish the hair deeply and gives them suppleness and elasticity.

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How, to, stop, hair, loss, Make, hair, grow, stronger, naturally, and, quickly, Having, a, silky,, shiny, hair, is, every, woman's, dream., However,, some, factors, can, tarnish, the, hair, color, and, promote, their, fall., However,, there, are, natural, tricks, that, can, help, you, restore, them, to, life., Discover, the, recipe, &, nbsp;!, &, Nbsp;, Few, people, know,, but, the, hair, has, a, life, expectancy, that, varies, from, 2, to, 6, years., It, consists, of, the, hair, bulb, (root),, the, hair, shaft, (the, hair), and, the, epithelial, sheath, that, constitutes, the, hole, through, which, the, hair, emerges., This, structure, forms, the, hair, follicle, and, can, be, maintained, through, a, proper, diet, and, a, healthy, lifestyle., &, Nbsp;, Here, are, some, factors, that, can, promote, hair, loss:, Hormonal, Disorders, Metabolic, Disorders, Genetics, Some, Medical, Treatments, Stress, Some, infections, Here's, a, simple,, natural, recipe, to, revitalize, your, hair, &, nbsp, ;:, Ingredients, &, nbsp, ;:, 1, liter, of, water, A, bowl, of, guava, leaf, Preparation, &, nbsp, ;:, Pour, the, water, into, a, saucepan, and, add, the, guava, leaves,, let, heat, over, low, heat, until, boiling., Then, let, stand, for, 20, minutes, and, filter., Use:, Massage, your, scalp, with, the, mixture, and, let, stand, for, a, few, hours, before, you, wash, your, hair., This, tip, will, have, more, effect, if, you, let, the, mixture, sit, overnight., Benefits, &, nbsp, ;:, Guava, leaves, are, extracted, from, a, small, shrub, originating, in, the, tropics., This, plant, has, antiseptic, properties, that, will, clean, your, scalp, deep, and, prevent, dandruff., In, addition,, its, leaves, are, also, rich, in, vitamin, B, which, promotes, the, renewal, of, hair, cells, and, thus, prevents, hair, loss., However,, it, is, important, to, accompany, this, trick, Good, nutrition., For, example,, to, fill, up, with, vitamin, B,, do, not, hesitate, to, consume, foods, like, tuna,, chicken,, pears,, carrots, or, tomatoes., Also, fill, up, with, zinc, that, helps, to, form, keratin, and, strengthen, the, hair,, so, eat, foods, like, lentils, or, spinach., Second, tip, to, strengthen, your, hair, &, nbsp, ;:, 4, tablespoons, olive, oil, 1, tablespoon, cinnamon, powder, 1, tablespoon, honey, Preparation, &, nbsp, ;:, In, a, saucepan,, heat, the, olive, oil, And, add, cinnamon, and, honey., Mix, well, until, you, get, a, homogeneous, texture., You, can, keep, the, mixture, in, a, jar., Use, &, nbsp, ;:, Rub, the, mixture, against, your, scalp, and, cover, your, hair, with, food, wrap, or, a, charlotte., Then, leave, for, 30, minutes, and, wash, your, hair, with, your, usual, shampoo., This, mixture, can, be, applied, up, to, twice, a, week, &, nbsp;, it, is, composed, of, very, beneficial, ingredients, for, the, hair., Olive, oil, is, rich, in, vitamin, E, that, promotes, hair, regeneration, and, stimulates, blood, circulation., Honey, is, a, very, effective, antibacterial, that, cleans, the, scalp, deeply, and, prevents, the, accumulation, of, sebum, to, avoid, greasy, hair., Cinnamon, is, rich, in, nutrients, that, nourish, the, hair, deeply, and, gives, them, suppleness, and, elasticity., How to, to stop, stop hair, hair loss, loss Make, Make hair, hair grow, grow stronger, stronger naturally, naturally and, and quickly, quickly Having, Having a, a silky,, silky, shiny, shiny hair, hair is, is every, every woman's, woman's dream., dream. However,, However, some, some factors, factors can, can tarnish, tarnish the, the hair, hair color, color and, and promote, promote their, their fall., fall. However,, However, there, there are, are natural, natural tricks, tricks that, that can, can help, help you, you restore, restore them, them to, to life., life. Discover, Discover the, the recipe, recipe &, & nbsp;!, nbsp;! &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Few, Few people, people know,, know, but, but the, the hair, hair has, has a, a life, life expectancy, expectancy that, that varies, varies from, from 2, 2 to, to 6, 6 years., years. It, It consists, consists of, of the, the hair, hair bulb, bulb (root),, (root), the, the hair, hair shaft, shaft (the, (the hair), hair) and, and the, the epithelial, epithelial sheath, sheath that, that constitutes, constitutes the, the hole, hole through, through which, which the, the hair, hair emerges., emerges. This, This structure, structure forms, forms the, the hair, hair follicle, follicle and, and can, can be, be maintained, maintained through, through a, a proper, proper diet, diet and, and a, a healthy, healthy lifestyle., lifestyle. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Here, Here are, are some, some factors, factors that, that can, can promote, promote hair, hair loss:, loss: Hormonal, Hormonal Disorders, Disorders Metabolic, Metabolic Disorders, Disorders Genetics, Genetics Some, Some Medical, Medical Treatments, Treatments Stress, Stress Some, Some infections, infections Here's, Here's a, a simple,, simple, natural, natural recipe, recipe to, to revitalize, revitalize your, your hair, hair &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Ingredients, Ingredients &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: 1, 1 liter, liter of, of water, water A, A bowl, bowl of, of guava, guava leaf, leaf Preparation, Preparation &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Pour, Pour the, the water, water into, into a, a saucepan, saucepan and, and add, add the, the guava, guava leaves,, leaves, let, let heat, heat over, over low, low heat, heat until, until boiling., boiling. Then, Then let, let stand, stand for, for 20, 20 minutes, minutes and, and filter., filter. Use:, Use: Massage, Massage your, your scalp, scalp with, with the, the mixture, mixture and, and let, let stand, stand for, for a, a few, few hours, hours before, before you, you wash, wash your, your hair., hair. This, This tip, tip will, will have, have more, more effect, effect if, if you, you let, let the, the mixture, mixture sit, sit overnight., overnight. Benefits, Benefits &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Guava, Guava leaves, leaves are, are extracted, extracted from, from a, a small, small shrub, shrub originating, originating in, in the, the tropics., tropics. This, This plant, plant has, has antiseptic, antiseptic properties, properties that, that will, will clean, clean your, your scalp, scalp deep, deep and, and prevent, prevent dandruff., dandruff. In, In addition,, addition, its, its leaves, leaves are, are also, also rich, rich in, in vitamin, vitamin B, B which, which promotes, promotes the, the renewal, renewal of, of hair, hair cells, cells and, and thus, thus prevents, prevents hair, hair loss., loss. However,, However, it, it is, is important, important to, to accompany, accompany this, this trick, trick Good, Good nutrition., nutrition. For, For example,, example, to, to fill, fill up, up with, with vitamin, vitamin B,, B, do, do not, not hesitate, hesitate to, to consume, consume foods, foods like, like tuna,, tuna, chicken,, chicken, pears,, pears, carrots, carrots or, or tomatoes., tomatoes. Also, Also fill, fill up, up with, with zinc, zinc that, that helps, helps to, to form, form keratin, keratin and, and strengthen, strengthen the, the hair,, hair, so, so eat, eat foods, foods like, like lentils, lentils or, or spinach., spinach. Second, Second tip, tip to, to strengthen, strengthen your, your hair, hair &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: 4, 4 tablespoons, tablespoons olive, olive oil, oil 1, 1 tablespoon, tablespoon cinnamon, cinnamon powder, powder 1, 1 tablespoon, tablespoon honey, honey Preparation, Preparation &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: In, In a, a saucepan,, saucepan, heat, heat the, the olive, olive oil, oil And, And add, add cinnamon, cinnamon and, and honey., honey. Mix, Mix well, well until, until you, you get, get a, a homogeneous, homogeneous texture., texture. You, You can, can keep, keep the, the mixture, mixture in, in a, a jar., jar. Use, Use &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Rub, Rub the, the mixture, mixture against, against your, your scalp, scalp and, and cover, cover your, your hair, hair with, with food, food wrap, wrap or, or a, a charlotte., charlotte. Then, Then leave, leave for, for 30, 30 minutes, minutes and, and wash, wash your, your hair, hair with, with your, your usual, usual shampoo., shampoo. This, This mixture, mixture can, can be, be applied, applied up, up to, to twice, twice a, a week, week &, & nbsp;, nbsp; it, it is, is composed, composed of, of very, very beneficial, beneficial ingredients, ingredients for, for the, the hair., hair. Olive, Olive oil, oil is, is rich, rich in, in vitamin, vitamin E, E that, that promotes, promotes hair, hair regeneration, regeneration and, and stimulates, stimulates blood, blood circulation., circulation. Honey, Honey is, is a, a very, very effective, effective antibacterial, antibacterial that, that cleans, cleans the, the scalp, scalp deeply, deeply and, and prevents, prevents the, the accumulation, accumulation of, of sebum, sebum to, to avoid, avoid greasy, greasy hair., hair. Cinnamon, Cinnamon is, is rich, rich in, in nutrients, nutrients that, that nourish, nourish the, the hair, hair deeply, deeply and, and gives, gives them, them suppleness, suppleness and, and elasticity., How to stop, to stop hair, stop hair loss, hair loss Make, loss Make hair, Make hair grow, hair grow stronger, grow stronger naturally, stronger naturally and, naturally and quickly, and quickly Having, quickly Having a, Having a silky,, a silky, shiny, silky, shiny hair, shiny hair is, hair is every, is every woman's, every woman's dream., woman's dream. However,, dream. However, some, However, some factors, some factors can, factors can tarnish, can tarnish the, tarnish the hair, the hair color, hair color and, color and promote, and promote their, promote their fall., their fall. However,, fall. However, there, However, there are, there are natural, are natural tricks, natural tricks that, tricks that can, that can help, can help you, help you restore, you restore them, restore them to, them to life., to life. Discover, life. Discover the, Discover the recipe, the recipe &, recipe & nbsp;!, & nbsp;! &, nbsp;! & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Few, Nbsp; Few people, Few people know,, people know, but, know, but the, but the hair, the hair has, hair has a, has a life, a life expectancy, life expectancy that, expectancy that varies, that varies from, varies from 2, from 2 to, 2 to 6, to 6 years., 6 years. It, years. It consists, It consists of, consists of the, of the hair, the hair bulb, hair bulb (root),, bulb (root), the, (root), the hair, the hair shaft, hair shaft (the, shaft (the hair), (the hair) and, hair) and the, and the epithelial, the epithelial sheath, epithelial sheath that, sheath that constitutes, that constitutes the, constitutes the hole, the hole through, hole through which, through which the, which the hair, the hair emerges., hair emerges. This, emerges. This structure, This structure forms, structure forms the, forms the hair, the hair follicle, hair follicle and, follicle and can, and can be, can be maintained, be maintained through, maintained through a, through a proper, a proper diet, proper diet and, diet and a, and a healthy, a healthy lifestyle., healthy lifestyle. &, lifestyle. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Here, Nbsp; Here are, Here are some, are some factors, some factors that, factors that can, that can promote, can promote hair, promote hair loss:, hair loss: Hormonal, loss: Hormonal Disorders, Hormonal Disorders Metabolic, Disorders Metabolic Disorders, Metabolic Disorders Genetics, Disorders Genetics Some, Genetics Some Medical, Some Medical Treatments, Medical Treatments Stress, Treatments Stress Some, Stress Some infections, Some infections Here's, infections Here's a, Here's a simple,, a simple, natural, simple, natural recipe, natural recipe to, recipe to revitalize, to revitalize your, revitalize your hair, your hair &, hair & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Ingredients, ;: Ingredients &, Ingredients & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: 1, ;: 1 liter, 1 liter of, liter of water, of water A, water A bowl, A bowl of, bowl of guava, of guava leaf, guava leaf Preparation, leaf Preparation &, Preparation & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Pour, ;: Pour the, Pour the water, the water into, water into a, into a saucepan, a saucepan and, saucepan and add, and add the, add the guava, the guava leaves,, guava leaves, let, leaves, let heat, let heat over, heat over low, over low heat, low heat until, heat until boiling., until boiling. Then, boiling. Then let, Then let stand, let stand for, stand for 20, for 20 minutes, 20 minutes and, minutes and filter., and filter. Use:, filter. Use: Massage, Use: Massage your, Massage your scalp, your scalp with, scalp with the, with the mixture, the mixture and, mixture and let, and let stand, let stand for, stand for a, for a few, a few hours, few hours before, hours before you, before you wash, you wash your, wash your hair., your hair. This, hair. This tip, This tip will, tip will have, will have more, have more effect, more effect if, effect if you, if you let, you let the, let the mixture, the mixture sit, mixture sit overnight., sit overnight. Benefits, overnight. Benefits &, Benefits & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Guava, ;: Guava leaves, Guava leaves are, leaves are extracted, are extracted from, extracted from a, from a small, a small shrub, small shrub originating, shrub originating in, originating in the, in the tropics., the tropics. This, tropics. This plant, This plant has, plant has antiseptic, has antiseptic properties, antiseptic properties that, properties that will, that will clean, will clean your, clean your scalp, your scalp deep, scalp deep and, deep and prevent, and prevent dandruff., prevent dandruff. In, dandruff. In addition,, In addition, its, addition, its leaves, its leaves are, leaves are also, are also rich, also rich in, rich in vitamin, in vitamin B, vitamin B which, B which promotes, which promotes the, promotes the renewal, the renewal of, renewal of hair, of hair cells, hair cells and, cells and thus, and thus prevents, thus prevents hair, prevents hair loss., hair loss. However,, loss. However, it, However, it is, it is important, is important to, important to accompany, to accompany this, accompany this trick, this trick Good, trick Good nutrition., Good nutrition. For, nutrition. For example,, For example, to, example, to fill, to fill up, fill up with, up with vitamin, with vitamin B,, vitamin B, do, B, do not, do not hesitate, not hesitate to, hesitate to consume, to consume foods, consume foods like, foods like tuna,, like tuna, chicken,, tuna, chicken, pears,, chicken, pears, carrots, pears, carrots or, carrots or tomatoes., or tomatoes. Also, tomatoes. Also fill, Also fill up, fill up with, up with zinc, with zinc that, zinc that helps, that helps to, helps to form, to form keratin, form keratin and, keratin and strengthen, and strengthen the, strengthen the hair,, the hair, so, hair, so eat, so eat foods, eat foods like, foods like lentils, like lentils or, lentils or spinach., or spinach. Second, spinach. Second tip, Second tip to, tip to strengthen, to strengthen your, strengthen your hair, your hair &, hair & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: 4, ;: 4 tablespoons, 4 tablespoons olive, tablespoons olive oil, olive oil 1, oil 1 tablespoon, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, tablespoon cinnamon powder, cinnamon powder 1, powder 1 tablespoon, 1 tablespoon honey, tablespoon honey Preparation, honey Preparation &, Preparation & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: In, ;: In a, In a saucepan,, a saucepan, heat, saucepan, heat the, heat the olive, the olive oil, olive oil And, oil And add, And add cinnamon, add cinnamon and, cinnamon and honey., and honey. Mix, honey. Mix well, Mix well until, well until you, until you get, you get a, get a homogeneous, a homogeneous texture., homogeneous texture. You, texture. You can, You can keep, can keep the, keep the mixture, the mixture in, mixture in a, in a jar., a jar. Use, jar. Use &, Use & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Rub, ;: Rub the, Rub the mixture, the mixture against, mixture against your, against your scalp, your scalp and, scalp and cover, and cover your, cover your hair, your hair with, hair with food, with food wrap, food wrap or, wrap or a, or a charlotte., a charlotte. Then, charlotte. Then leave, Then leave for, leave for 30, for 30 minutes, 30 minutes and, minutes and wash, and wash your, wash your hair, your hair with, hair with your, with your usual, your usual shampoo., usual shampoo. This, shampoo. This mixture, This mixture can, mixture can be, can be applied, be applied up, applied up to, up to twice, to twice a, twice a week, a week &, week & nbsp;, & nbsp; it, nbsp; it is, it is composed, is composed of, composed of very, of very beneficial, very beneficial ingredients, beneficial ingredients for, ingredients for the, for the hair., the hair. Olive, hair. Olive oil, Olive oil is, oil is rich, is rich in, rich in vitamin, in vitamin E, vitamin E that, E that promotes, that promotes hair, promotes hair regeneration, hair regeneration and, regeneration and stimulates, and stimulates blood, stimulates blood circulation., blood circulation. Honey, circulation. Honey is, Honey is a, is a very, a very effective, very effective antibacterial, effective antibacterial that, antibacterial that cleans, that cleans the, cleans the scalp, the scalp deeply, scalp deeply and, deeply and prevents, and prevents the, prevents the accumulation, the accumulation of, accumulation of sebum, of sebum to, sebum to avoid, to avoid greasy, avoid greasy hair., greasy hair. Cinnamon, hair. Cinnamon is, Cinnamon is rich, is rich in, rich in nutrients, in nutrients that, nutrients that nourish, that nourish the, nourish the hair, the hair deeply, hair deeply and, deeply and gives, and gives them, gives them suppleness, them suppleness and, suppleness and elasticity.

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