Beauty: 6 things that happen when you put ice cubes on the skin
Peeling, exfoliation, cleaning ... the different techniques of facial care are very numerous and adapt to each type of skin. However, all these solutions involve the use of products or methods that are not always healthy and can attack the skin of the face unlike natural alternatives that only bring benefits. Discover this easy technique to take care of the skin of your face, using only one thing: ice cubes.
The application of ice cubes on the skin is a very popular technique in modern beauty rituals. Many beauty experts swear by this trick that is increasingly used in spas since it has many benefits.
Indeed, this technique helps prevent wrinkles, fight against acne and refresh the face.And that's not cubesAlso possesses other virtues:
Smoother skin:
The ice cubes make it possible to tighten the enlarged pores due to the impurities and to the excess of sebum which encumbers them. Applying ice cubes will help tone theskinOf the face and give it a smoother appearance.
A tonic skin:
Ice cubes are considered a cheap tonic. Replace the tonic lotions of your makeup routine with ice cubes to reduce the pores and give a perfect finish to your foundation.
Better blood circulation:
Applying ice cubes on the skin can improve blood circulation. Coldness acts on the blood vessels by tightening them, which has the effect of avoiding a large blood flow to the surface of the skin. In the event of inflammation or swelling, the ice cubes prove to be good allies.
Less swollen eyes:
This tip is one of the best known in the beauty industry. If you wake up every morning with puffy eyes, try applying ice cubes.The cold of the ice cubes will help to reduce the swelling, as well as the bags under the eyes.
Prevents wrinkles:
Ice cubes are a natural way to reduce wrinkles and prevent them. Applying them helps firm the skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles present and prevent the appearance of others. The skin will look younger!
Reduce imperfections:
Used to relieve redness, irritation and swelling, ice cubes are also effective against pimples.
Once a button shows the tip of its nose, apply an ice cube on it and let it act for a few seconds.This tip will help slow the process of inflammation. You can repeat it every night, until you get the results you want.
How to use ice cubes on the skin?
Before putting the ice cubes on the skin of your face, it must be thoroughly cleaned. Then take a piece of gauze or other soft cloth and pack the ice cubes in it. Once the ice begins to melt and moisten the fabric, apply it on your face.
Hold the ice cubes on different areas of your face for 1 to 2 minutes. Then make circular movements, moving the icicle gently.Be careful not to force on the area under the eyes, which is very sensitive.Finally, apply a moisturizer.
You have to do this trick morning and night, for better results.
Advice for better use:
- It is not always necessary to wrap the ice in a cloth before applying it to the face, but it is recommended that gloves be placed so that the ice does not melt quickly.
- Extreme cold can damage the blood capillaries under the skin of the face. It is therefore advisable not to use the ice cubes, just after removing them from the freezer
- Avoid applying ice cubes to your skin, if you have broken capillaries
- Stop treatment if you experience discomfort. Note that the ice cubes should not be applied for more than 15 minutes on the skin
- For best results, you can add ice cubeslemon, Rose water, green tea, cucumbers, chamomile tea or other ingredients known for their beneficial effects on the skin. Choose ingredients suited to your skin type.
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Beauty, 6, things, that, happen, when, you, put, ice, cubes, on, the, skin, Peeling,, exfoliation,, cleaning, ..., the, different, techniques, of, facial, care, are, very, numerous, and, adapt, to, each, type, of, skin., However,, all, these, solutions, involve, the, use, of, products, or, methods, that, are, not, always, healthy, and, can, attack, the, skin, of, the, face, unlike, natural, alternatives, that, only, bring, benefits., Discover, this, easy, technique, to, take, care, of, the, skin, of, your, face,, using, only, one, thing, &, nbsp, ;:, ice, cubes., The, application, of, ice, cubes, on, the, skin, is, a, very, popular, technique, in, modern, beauty, rituals., Many, beauty, experts, swear, by, this, trick, that, is, increasingly, used, in, spas, since, it, has, many, benefits., Indeed,, this, technique, helps, prevent, wrinkles,, fight, against, acne, and, refresh, the, face., And, it's, not, all,, the, application, of, ice, cubes, also, has, other, virtues:, A, smoother, skin:, Ice, cubes, make, it, possible, to, tighten, the, enlarged, pores, due, to, the, impurities, and, the, excess, of, sebum, that, encumbers, them., Applying, ice, cubes, will, help, toning, the, skin, &, nbsp;, Of, the, face, and, give, it, a, smoother, appearance., A, tonic, skin:, Ice, cubes, are, considered, a, cheap, tonic., Replace, the, tonic, lotions, of, your, makeup, routine, with, ice, cubes, to, reduce, the, pores, and, give, a, perfect, finish, to, your, foundation., Better, blood, circulation, Applying, ice, cubes, to, the, skin, can, improve, blood, circulation., Coldness, acts, on, the, blood, vessels, by, tightening, them,, which, has, the, effect, of, avoiding, a, large, blood, flow, to, the, surface, of, the, skin., In, case, of, inflammation, or, swelling,, ice, cubes, are, good, allies., &, Nbsp;, Less, swollen, eyes, &, nbsp, ;:, This, tip, is, one, of, the, best, known, in, the, Beauty., If, you, wake, up, every, morning, with, puffy, eyes,, try, applying, ice, cubes., The, cold, of, the, ice, cubes, will, help, to, reduce, the, swelling,, as, well, as, the, bags, under, the, eyes., Prevents, wrinkles:, Ice, cubes, are, a, natural, way, to, reduce, wrinkles, and, prevent, them., Applying, them, helps, firm, the, skin,, reduce, the, appearance, of, wrinkles, present, and, prevent, the, appearance, of, others., The, skin, will, look, younger, &, nbsp;, Reduce, Blemishes, &, nbsp, ;:, Used, to, relieve, redness,, irritation, and, swelling,, ice, cubes, are, also, effective, against, pimples.
Once, a, button, shows, the, tip, of, its, nose,, apply, an, ice, cube, on, it, and, let, it, act, for, a, few, seconds., This, tip, will, help, slow, the, process, of, inflammation., You, can, repeat, it, every, night,, until, you, get, the, results, you, want., How, to, use, ice, cubes, on, skin, &, nbsp;, Before, putting, the, ice, cubes, on, the, skin, of, your, face,, it, must, be, thoroughly, cleaned., Then, take, a, piece, of, gauze, or, other, soft, cloth, and, pack, the, ice, cubes, in, it., Once, the, ice, begins, to, melt, and, moisten, the, fabric,, apply, it, on, your, face., Hold, the, ice, cubes, on, different, areas, of, your, face, for, 1, to, 2, minutes., Then, make, circular, movements,, moving, the, icicle, gently., Be, careful, not, to, force, on, the, area, under, the, eyes,, which, is, very, sensitive., Finally,, apply, a, moisturizer., You, have, to, do, this, trick, morning, and, night,, for, better, results., Tips, for, Better, Use, &, nbsp, ;:, &, nbsp;, It, is, not, &, nbsp;, It, is, always, mandatory, to, wrap, the, ice, cube, in, a, cloth, before, applying, it, to, the, face,, but, it, is, recommended, to, put, on, gloves, so, that, the, ice, does, not, melt, quickly., Extreme, cold, Can, damage, the, blood, capillaries, beneath, the, facial, skin., It, is, therefore, advisable, not, to, use, the, ice, cubes, immediately, after, removing, them, from, the, freezer., Avoid, applying, the, ice, cubes, to, your, skin, if, you, have, broken, capillaries., Stop, the, treatment, if, you, feel, discomfort., Note, that, the, ice, cubes, should, not, be, applied, for, more, than, 15, minutes, on, the, skin., For, best, results,, you, can, add, ice, cubes, of, lemon,, rose, water,, green, tea,, cucumbers,, tea, Chamomile, or, other, ingredients, known, for, their, benefits, on, the, skin., Choose, ingredients, suited, to, your, skin, type., Beauty 6, 6 things, things that, that happen, happen when, when you, you put, put ice, ice cubes, cubes on, on the, the skin, skin Peeling,, Peeling, exfoliation,, exfoliation, cleaning, cleaning ..., ... the, the different, different techniques, techniques of, of facial, facial care, care are, are very, very numerous, numerous and, and adapt, adapt to, to each, each type, type of, of skin., skin. However,, However, all, all these, these solutions, solutions involve, involve the, the use, use of, of products, products or, or methods, methods that, that are, are not, not always, always healthy, healthy and, and can, can attack, attack the, the skin, skin of, of the, the face, face unlike, unlike natural, natural alternatives, alternatives that, that only, only bring, bring benefits., benefits. Discover, Discover this, this easy, easy technique, technique to, to take, take care, care of, of the, the skin, skin of, of your, your face,, face, using, using only, only one, one thing, thing &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: ice, ice cubes., cubes. The, The application, application of, of ice, ice cubes, cubes on, on the, the skin, skin is, is a, a very, very popular, popular technique, technique in, in modern, modern beauty, beauty rituals., rituals. Many, Many beauty, beauty experts, experts swear, swear by, by this, this trick, trick that, that is, is increasingly, increasingly used, used in, in spas, spas since, since it, it has, has many, many benefits., benefits. Indeed,, Indeed, this, this technique, technique helps, helps prevent, prevent wrinkles,, wrinkles, fight, fight against, against acne, acne and, and refresh, refresh the, the face., face. And, And it's, it's not, not all,, all, the, the application, application of, of ice, ice cubes, cubes also, also has, has other, other virtues:, virtues: A, A smoother, smoother skin:, skin: Ice, Ice cubes, cubes make, make it, it possible, possible to, to tighten, tighten the, the enlarged, enlarged pores, pores due, due to, to the, the impurities, impurities and, and the, the excess, excess of, of sebum, sebum that, that encumbers, encumbers them., them. Applying, Applying ice, ice cubes, cubes will, will help, help toning, toning the, the skin, skin &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Of, Of the, the face, face and, and give, give it, it a, a smoother, smoother appearance., appearance. A, A tonic, tonic skin:, skin: Ice, Ice cubes, cubes are, are considered, considered a, a cheap, cheap tonic., tonic. Replace, Replace the, the tonic, tonic lotions, lotions of, of your, your makeup, makeup routine, routine with, with ice, ice cubes, cubes to, to reduce, reduce the, the pores, pores and, and give, give a, a perfect, perfect finish, finish to, to your, your foundation., foundation. Better, Better blood, blood circulation, circulation Applying, Applying ice, ice cubes, cubes to, to the, the skin, skin can, can improve, improve blood, blood circulation., circulation. Coldness, Coldness acts, acts on, on the, the blood, blood vessels, vessels by, by tightening, tightening them,, them, which, which has, has the, the effect, effect of, of avoiding, avoiding a, a large, large blood, blood flow, flow to, to the, the surface, surface of, of the, the skin., skin. In, In case, case of, of inflammation, inflammation or, or swelling,, swelling, ice, ice cubes, cubes are, are good, good allies., allies. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Less, Less swollen, swollen eyes, eyes &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: This, This tip, tip is, is one, one of, of the, the best, best known, known in, in the, the Beauty., Beauty. If, If you, you wake, wake up, up every, every morning, morning with, with puffy, puffy eyes,, eyes, try, try applying, applying ice, ice cubes., cubes. The, The cold, cold of, of the, the ice, ice cubes, cubes will, will help, help to, to reduce, reduce the, the swelling,, swelling, as, as well, well as, as the, the bags, bags under, under the, the eyes., eyes. Prevents, Prevents wrinkles:, wrinkles: Ice, Ice cubes, cubes are, are a, a natural, natural way, way to, to reduce, reduce wrinkles, wrinkles and, and prevent, prevent them., them. Applying, Applying them, them helps, helps firm, firm the, the skin,, skin, reduce, reduce the, the appearance, appearance of, of wrinkles, wrinkles present, present and, and prevent, prevent the, the appearance, appearance of, of others., others. The, The skin, skin will, will look, look younger, younger &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Reduce, Reduce Blemishes, Blemishes &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Used, Used to, to relieve, relieve redness,, redness, irritation, irritation and, and swelling,, swelling, ice, ice cubes, cubes are, are also, also effective, effective against, against pimples.
Once, pimples.
Once a, a button, button shows, shows the, the tip, tip of, of its, its nose,, nose, apply, apply an, an ice, ice cube, cube on, on it, it and, and let, let it, it act, act for, for a, a few, few seconds., seconds. This, This tip, tip will, will help, help slow, slow the, the process, process of, of inflammation., inflammation. You, You can, can repeat, repeat it, it every, every night,, night, until, until you, you get, get the, the results, results you, you want., want. How, How to, to use, use ice, ice cubes, cubes on, on skin, skin &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Before, Before putting, putting the, the ice, ice cubes, cubes on, on the, the skin, skin of, of your, your face,, face, it, it must, must be, be thoroughly, thoroughly cleaned., cleaned. Then, Then take, take a, a piece, piece of, of gauze, gauze or, or other, other soft, soft cloth, cloth and, and pack, pack the, the ice, ice cubes, cubes in, in it., it. Once, Once the, the ice, ice begins, begins to, to melt, melt and, and moisten, moisten the, the fabric,, fabric, apply, apply it, it on, on your, your face., face. Hold, Hold the, the ice, ice cubes, cubes on, on different, different areas, areas of, of your, your face, face for, for 1, 1 to, to 2, 2 minutes., minutes. Then, Then make, make circular, circular movements,, movements, moving, moving the, the icicle, icicle gently., gently. Be, Be careful, careful not, not to, to force, force on, on the, the area, area under, under the, the eyes,, eyes, which, which is, is very, very sensitive., sensitive. Finally,, Finally, apply, apply a, a moisturizer., moisturizer. You, You have, have to, to do, do this, this trick, trick morning, morning and, and night,, night, for, for better, better results., results. Tips, Tips for, for Better, Better Use, Use &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: &, & nbsp;, nbsp; It, It is, is not, not &, & nbsp;, nbsp; It, It is, is always, always mandatory, mandatory to, to wrap, wrap the, the ice, ice cube, cube in, in a, a cloth, cloth before, before applying, applying it, it to, to the, the face,, face, but, but it, it is, is recommended, recommended to, to put, put on, on gloves, gloves so, so that, that the, the ice, ice does, does not, not melt, melt quickly., quickly. Extreme, Extreme cold, cold Can, Can damage, damage the, the blood, blood capillaries, capillaries beneath, beneath the, the facial, facial skin., skin. It, It is, is therefore, therefore advisable, advisable not, not to, to use, use the, the ice, ice cubes, cubes immediately, immediately after, after removing, removing them, them from, from the, the freezer., freezer. Avoid, Avoid applying, applying the, the ice, ice cubes, cubes to, to your, your skin, skin if, if you, you have, have broken, broken capillaries., capillaries. Stop, Stop the, the treatment, treatment if, if you, you feel, feel discomfort., discomfort. Note, Note that, that the, the ice, ice cubes, cubes should, should not, not be, be applied, applied for, for more, more than, than 15, 15 minutes, minutes on, on the, the skin., skin. For, For best, best results,, results, you, you can, can add, add ice, ice cubes, cubes of, of lemon,, lemon, rose, rose water,, water, green, green tea,, tea, cucumbers,, cucumbers, tea, tea Chamomile, Chamomile or, or other, other ingredients, ingredients known, known for, for their, their benefits, benefits on, on the, the skin., skin. Choose, Choose ingredients, ingredients suited, suited to, to your, your skin, skin type., Beauty 6 things, 6 things that, things that happen, that happen when, happen when you, when you put, you put ice, put ice cubes, ice cubes on, cubes on the, on the skin, the skin Peeling,, skin Peeling, exfoliation,, Peeling, exfoliation, cleaning, exfoliation, cleaning ..., cleaning ... the, ... the different, the different techniques, different techniques of, techniques of facial, of facial care, facial care are, care are very, are very numerous, very numerous and, numerous and adapt, and adapt to, adapt to each, to each type, each type of, type of skin., of skin. However,, skin. However, all, However, all these, all these solutions, these solutions involve, solutions involve the, involve the use, the use of, use of products, of products or, products or methods, or methods that, methods that are, that are not, are not always, not always healthy, always healthy and, healthy and can, and can attack, can attack the, attack the skin, the skin of, skin of the, of the face, the face unlike, face unlike natural, unlike natural alternatives, natural alternatives that, alternatives that only, that only bring, only bring benefits., bring benefits. Discover, benefits. Discover this, Discover this easy, this easy technique, easy technique to, technique to take, to take care, take care of, care of the, of the skin, the skin of, skin of your, of your face,, your face, using, face, using only, using only one, only one thing, one thing &, thing & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: ice, ;: ice cubes., ice cubes. The, cubes. The application, The application of, application of ice, of ice cubes, ice cubes on, cubes on the, on the skin, the skin is, skin is a, is a very, a very popular, very popular technique, popular technique in, technique in modern, in modern beauty, modern beauty rituals., beauty rituals. Many, rituals. Many beauty, Many beauty experts, beauty experts swear, experts swear by, swear by this, by this trick, this trick that, trick that is, that is increasingly, is increasingly used, increasingly used in, used in spas, in spas since, spas since it, since it has, it has many, has many benefits., many benefits. Indeed,, benefits. Indeed, this, Indeed, this technique, this technique helps, technique helps prevent, helps prevent wrinkles,, prevent wrinkles, fight, wrinkles, fight against, fight against acne, against acne and, acne and refresh, and refresh the, refresh the face., the face. And, face. And it's, And it's not, it's not all,, not all, the, all, the application, the application of, application of ice, of ice cubes, ice cubes also, cubes also has, also has other, has other virtues:, other virtues: A, virtues: A smoother, A smoother skin:, smoother skin: Ice, skin: Ice cubes, Ice cubes make, cubes make it, make it possible, it possible to, possible to tighten, to tighten the, tighten the enlarged, the enlarged pores, enlarged pores due, pores due to, due to the, to the impurities, the impurities and, impurities and the, and the excess, the excess of, excess of sebum, of sebum that, sebum that encumbers, that encumbers them., encumbers them. Applying, them. Applying ice, Applying ice cubes, ice cubes will, cubes will help, will help toning, help toning the, toning the skin, the skin &, skin & nbsp;, & nbsp; Of, nbsp; Of the, Of the face, the face and, face and give, and give it, give it a, it a smoother, a smoother appearance., smoother appearance. A, appearance. A tonic, A tonic skin:, tonic skin: Ice, skin: Ice cubes, Ice cubes are, cubes are considered, are considered a, considered a cheap, a cheap tonic., cheap tonic. Replace, tonic. Replace the, Replace the tonic, the tonic lotions, tonic lotions of, lotions of your, of your makeup, your makeup routine, makeup routine with, routine with ice, with ice cubes, ice cubes to, cubes to reduce, to reduce the, reduce the pores, the pores and, pores and give, and give a, give a perfect, a perfect finish, perfect finish to, finish to your, to your foundation., your foundation. Better, foundation. Better blood, Better blood circulation, blood circulation Applying, circulation Applying ice, Applying ice cubes, ice cubes to, cubes to the, to the skin, the skin can, skin can improve, can improve blood, improve blood circulation., blood circulation. Coldness, circulation. Coldness acts, Coldness acts on, acts on the, on the blood, the blood vessels, blood vessels by, vessels by tightening, by tightening them,, tightening them, which, them, which has, which has the, has the effect, the effect of, effect of avoiding, of avoiding a, avoiding a large, a large blood, large blood flow, blood flow to, flow to the, to the surface, the surface of, surface of the, of the skin., the skin. In, skin. In case, In case of, case of inflammation, of inflammation or, inflammation or swelling,, or swelling, ice, swelling, ice cubes, ice cubes are, cubes are good, are good allies., good allies. &, allies. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Less, Nbsp; Less swollen, Less swollen eyes, swollen eyes &, eyes & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: This, ;: This tip, This tip is, tip is one, is one of, one of the, of the best, the best known, best known in, known in the, in the Beauty., the Beauty. If, Beauty. If you, If you wake, you wake up, wake up every, up every morning, every morning with, morning with puffy, with puffy eyes,, puffy eyes, try, eyes, try applying, try applying ice, applying ice cubes., ice cubes. The, cubes. The cold, The cold of, cold of the, of the ice, the ice cubes, ice cubes will, cubes will help, will help to, help to reduce, to reduce the, reduce the swelling,, the swelling, as, swelling, as well, as well as, well as the, as the bags, the bags under, bags under the, under the eyes., the eyes. Prevents, eyes. Prevents wrinkles:, Prevents wrinkles: Ice, wrinkles: Ice cubes, Ice cubes are, cubes are a, are a natural, a natural way, natural way to, way to reduce, to reduce wrinkles, reduce wrinkles and, wrinkles and prevent, and prevent them., prevent them. Applying, them. Applying them, Applying them helps, them helps firm, helps firm the, firm the skin,, the skin, reduce, skin, reduce the, reduce the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of wrinkles, of wrinkles present, wrinkles present and, present and prevent, and prevent the, prevent the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of others., of others. The, others. The skin, The skin will, skin will look, will look younger, look younger &, younger & nbsp;, & nbsp; Reduce, nbsp; Reduce Blemishes, Reduce Blemishes &, Blemishes & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Used, ;: Used to, Used to relieve, to relieve redness,, relieve redness, irritation, redness, irritation and, irritation and swelling,, and swelling, ice, swelling, ice cubes, ice cubes are, cubes are also, are also effective, also effective against, effective against pimples.
Once, against pimples.
Once a, pimples.
Once a button, a button shows, button shows the, shows the tip, the tip of, tip of its, of its nose,, its nose, apply, nose, apply an, apply an ice, an ice cube, ice cube on, cube on it, on it and, it and let, and let it, let it act, it act for, act for a, for a few, a few seconds., few seconds. This, seconds. This tip, This tip will, tip will help, will help slow, help slow the, slow the process, the process of, process of inflammation., of inflammation. You, inflammation. You can, You can repeat, can repeat it, repeat it every, it every night,, every night, until, night, until you, until you get, you get the, get the results, the results you, results you want., you want. How, want. How to, How to use, to use ice, use ice cubes, ice cubes on, cubes on skin, on skin &, skin & nbsp;, & nbsp; Before, nbsp; Before putting, Before putting the, putting the ice, the ice cubes, ice cubes on, cubes on the, on the skin, the skin of, skin of your, of your face,, your face, it, face, it must, it must be, must be thoroughly, be thoroughly cleaned., thoroughly cleaned. Then, cleaned. Then take, Then take a, take a piece, a piece of, piece of gauze, of gauze or, gauze or other, or other soft, other soft cloth, soft cloth and, cloth and pack, and pack the, pack the ice, the ice cubes, ice cubes in, cubes in it., in it. Once, it. Once the, Once the ice, the ice begins, ice begins to, begins to melt, to melt and, melt and moisten, and moisten the, moisten the fabric,, the fabric, apply, fabric, apply it, apply it on, it on your, on your face., your face. Hold, face. Hold the, Hold the ice, the ice cubes, ice cubes on, cubes on different, on different areas, different areas of, areas of your, of your face, your face for, face for 1, for 1 to, 1 to 2, to 2 minutes., 2 minutes. Then, minutes. Then make, Then make circular, make circular movements,, circular movements, moving, movements, moving the, moving the icicle, the icicle gently., icicle gently. Be, gently. Be careful, Be careful not, careful not to, not to force, to force on, force on the, on the area, the area under, area under the, under the eyes,, the eyes, which, eyes, which is, which is very, is very sensitive., very sensitive. Finally,, sensitive. Finally, apply, Finally, apply a, apply a moisturizer., a moisturizer. You, moisturizer. You have, You have to, have to do, to do this, do this trick, this trick morning, trick morning and, morning and night,, and night, for, night, for better, for better results., better results. Tips, results. Tips for, Tips for Better, for Better Use, Better Use &, Use & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: &, ;: & nbsp;, & nbsp; It, nbsp; It is, It is not, is not &, not & nbsp;, & nbsp; It, nbsp; It is, It is always, is always mandatory, always mandatory to, mandatory to wrap, to wrap the, wrap the ice, the ice cube, ice cube in, cube in a, in a cloth, a cloth before, cloth before applying, before applying it, applying it to, it to the, to the face,, the face, but, face, but it, but it is, it is recommended, is recommended to, recommended to put, to put on, put on gloves, on gloves so, gloves so that, so that the, that the ice, the ice does, ice does not, does not melt, not melt quickly., melt quickly. Extreme, quickly. Extreme cold, Extreme cold Can, cold Can damage, Can damage the, damage the blood, the blood capillaries, blood capillaries beneath, capillaries beneath the, beneath the facial, the facial skin., facial skin. It, skin. It is, It is therefore, is therefore advisable, therefore advisable not, advisable not to, not to use, to use the, use the ice, the ice cubes, ice cubes immediately, cubes immediately after, immediately after removing, after removing them, removing them from, them from the, from the freezer., the freezer. Avoid, freezer. Avoid applying, Avoid applying the, applying the ice, the ice cubes, ice cubes to, cubes to your, to your skin, your skin if, skin if you, if you have, you have broken, have broken capillaries., broken capillaries. Stop, capillaries. Stop the, Stop the treatment, the treatment if, treatment if you, if you feel, you feel discomfort., feel discomfort. Note, discomfort. Note that, Note that the, that the ice, the ice cubes, ice cubes should, cubes should not, should not be, not be applied, be applied for, applied for more, for more than, more than 15, than 15 minutes, 15 minutes on, minutes on the, on the skin., the skin. For, skin. For best, For best results,, best results, you, results, you can, you can add, can add ice, add ice cubes, ice cubes of, cubes of lemon,, of lemon, rose, lemon, rose water,, rose water, green, water, green tea,, green tea, cucumbers,, tea, cucumbers, tea, cucumbers, tea Chamomile, tea Chamomile or, Chamomile or other, or other ingredients, other ingredients known, ingredients known for, known for their, for their benefits, their benefits on, benefits on the, on the skin., the skin. Choose, skin. Choose ingredients, Choose ingredients suited, ingredients suited to, suited to your, to your skin, your skin type.
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