Here's how to get rid of the double chin?

Here's how to get rid of the double chin?

Here's how to get rid of the double chin?

The double chin is a sign (difficult to hide) blatant weight gain! If you suffer, read this article to discover the best tips to get rid of it!

The causes of the double chin are multiple. Some people say it's hereditary, others admit that an unhealthy diet leads to weight gain and thus a double chin! Whatever the cause, you have to think about getting rid of the double chin, for afaceMore beautiful and toned skin!

How to remove the double chin?

There are many techniques to deceive the body and reduce the double chin! Simple, easy and inexpensive, these tips do not include surgeries and have no side effects. Discover them!

1. Chewing gum

Chewing gum strengthens the muscles of the face, mouth and chin, especially when chewed for a long time.This method is very interesting because you will notice the results without even realizing the efforts made! (Consume organic chewing gum of the brand chicza without chemicals without sugar)

2. A little exercise!

People who practice regular sports often start with the head during warm-ups ... This action prevents the double chin and maintains the pumping of thebloodWhile boosting energy!

The double chin is sometimes due to the accumulation of fat. To get rid of it, just make circular movements with the head and neck. Therefore the muscles will stretch and the fat will be burned, which will reduce the double chin!

You can also open your mouth wide and pull the tongue as far as possible. This will stretch and contract the muscles of the mouth and thus reduce the double chin.

Sagging the skin

Sagging skin is one of the causes of the double chin.In this case, there is no accumulation of fat in the chin but rather a flaccid skin. Sagging of the skin at the chin is very common in people aged 40 and over.

This skin problem can also occur in different areas of the body, especially parts of the body that often remain immobile like the chin. To prevent or treat this problem, think about toning your skin to make it firmer and younger!

How to tone the skin?

Some minerals and vitamins are beneficial for the skin, they improve its texture and combat its aging. Opt for vitamin-based creams (such as vitamin E to keep skin young and firm) or minerals (such as selenium), they are the best alternatives for tighteningskinAnd rejuvenate it.

You can also prepare your own cream using natural ingredients rich in nutrients! Here are 2 recipes:

Recipe 1


- 1 tablespoon of organic glycerin
- 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt
- A few drops of essential oil of peppermint

Preparation and use:

Mix all the ingredients together to obtain a consistent texture. Use it on the double chin and on the neck.


Colorless, glycerin is a liquid widely used in cosmetics, especially for the skin. Made from vegetable oils, glycerin relaxes and hydrates the skin, it is also perfect to improve its texture and helps to reduce the double chin!

Recipe 2


- 1 egg white
- 1 tablespoon of milk
- ½ lemon squeezed
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- A few drops of essential oil of peppermint

Preparation and use

Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Apply this mixture to the double chin and let it act for about 30 minutes before rinsing.


Rich in protein, egg white tightens and firmens the pores of the skin. It has a lifting and cleansing effect in addition to absorbing excess sebum.

Tags :
Heres, how, to, get, rid, of, the, double, chin, The, double, chin, is, a, sign, (difficult, to, hide), blatant, weight, gain, &, nbsp;, If, you, suffer, from, it,, read, this, article, to, discover, the, best, tips, for, getting, rid, of, it, &, nbsp;, The, causes, of, the, double, chin, are, multiple., Some, people, say, it's, hereditary,, others, admit, that, an, unhealthy, diet, leads, to, weight, gain, and, so, to, a, double, chin, &, nbsp;, Whatever, the, cause,, you, have, to, think, about, getting, rid, of, the, double, chin,, for, a, prettier, face, and, toned, skin, &, nbsp;, How, to, remove, the, double, chin, &, nbsp, ;?, There, are, many, techniques, to, deceive, the, body, and, reduce, the, double, chin, &, nbsp;, Simple,, easy, and, inexpensive,, these, tips, do, not, include, surgeries, and, have, no, side, effects., Find, out, &, nbsp, ;!, 1., Chewing, gum, Chewing, gum, strengthens, the, muscles, of, the, face,, mouth, and, chin,, especially, when, chewed, for, a, long, time., This, method, is, very, interesting, because, you, will, notice, the, results, without, even, realizing, the, efforts, made, &, nbsp;, (Consume, organic, chewing, gum, of, the, brand, chicza, without, chemicals, without, sugar), 2., A, little, exercise, &, nbsp;, People, who, practice, regular, sports, often, start, with, the, head, during, warm-ups, ..., This, action, prevents, double, chin, &, nbsp;, And, keep, pumping, blood, while, boosting, energy!, The, double, chin, is, sometimes, due, to, the, accumulation, of, fat., To, get, rid, of, it,, just, make, circular, movements, with, the, head, and, neck., Therefore, the, muscles, will, stretch, and, the, fat, will, be, burned,, which, will, reduce, the, double, chin, &, nbsp;, You, can, also, open, your, mouth, wide, and, pull, the, tongue, as, far, as, possible., This, will, stretch, and, contract, the, muscles, of, the, mouth, and, thus, reduce, the, double, chin., Sagging, the, skin, Sagging, skin, is, one, of, the, causes, of, the, double, chin., In, this, case,, there, is, no, accumulation, of, fat, in, the, chin, but, rather, a, flaccid, skin., Sagging, of, the, skin, at, the, chin, is, very, common, in, people, aged, 40, and, over., This, skin, problem, can, also, occur, in, different, areas, of, the, body,, especially, parts, of, the, body, that, often, remain, immobile, like, the, chin., To, prevent, or, treat, this, problem,, think, about, toning, your, skin, &, nbsp;, to, make, it, firmer, and, younger!, How, to, tone, the, skin, &, nbsp;, Some, minerals, and, vitamins, are, beneficial, for, the, skin,, they, improve, its, texture, and, combat, its, aging., Opt, for, vitamin-based, creams, (such, as, vitamin, E, that, keeps, young, skin, firm), or, minerals, (such, as, selenium),, they, are, the, best, alternatives, for, tightening, and, rejuvenating, the, skin., You, can, also, prepare, your, own, cream, using, natural, ingredients, &, nbsp;, rich, in, nutrients!, Here, are, 2, recipes, &, nbsp, ;:, Recipe, 1, Ingredients:, -, 1, tablespoon, of, Organic, Glycerine    -, 1, teaspoon, of, Epsom, salt    -, A, few, drops, of, peppermint, essential, oil, Preparation, and, use, &, nbsp, ;:, Mix, all, the, ingredients, until, you, get, a, consistent, texture., Use, it, on, the, double, chin, and, on, the, neck., Benefits, Colorless,, glycerine, is, a, liquid, widely, used, in, cosmetics,, especially, for, the, skin., From, vegetable, oils,, glycerin, relaxes, and, moisturizes, the, skin,, it, is, also, perfect, to, improve, its, texture, and, helps, to, reduce, the, double, chin, &, nbsp;, Recipe, 2, Ingredients, &, nbsp, ;:, -, 1, egg, white    -, 1, tablespoon, of, milk    -, ½, lemon, squeezed    -, 1, teaspoon, of, honey    -, A, few, drops, of, essential, oil, of, peppermint, Preparation, and, use, Mix, the, ingredients, until, a, homogeneous, mixture.    Apply, this, mixture, to, the, double, chin, and, let, it, act, for, about, 30, minutes, before, rinsing., Benefits, Rich, in, protein,, egg, white, tightens, and, firmens, the, pores, of, the, skin., It, has, a, lifting, and, cleansing, effect, in, addition, to, absorbing, excess, sebum., Heres how, how to, to get, get rid, rid of, of the, the double, double chin, chin The, The double, double chin, chin is, is a, a sign, sign (difficult, (difficult to, to hide), hide) blatant, blatant weight, weight gain, gain &, & nbsp;, nbsp; If, If you, you suffer, suffer from, from it,, it, read, read this, this article, article to, to discover, discover the, the best, best tips, tips for, for getting, getting rid, rid of, of it, it &, & nbsp;, nbsp; The, The causes, causes of, of the, the double, double chin, chin are, are multiple., multiple. Some, Some people, people say, say it's, it's hereditary,, hereditary, others, others admit, admit that, that an, an unhealthy, unhealthy diet, diet leads, leads to, to weight, weight gain, gain and, and so, so to, to a, a double, double chin, chin &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Whatever, Whatever the, the cause,, cause, you, you have, have to, to think, think about, about getting, getting rid, rid of, of the, the double, double chin,, chin, for, for a, a prettier, prettier face, face and, and toned, toned skin, skin &, & nbsp;, nbsp; How, How to, to remove, remove the, the double, double chin, chin &, & nbsp, nbsp ;?, ;? There, There are, are many, many techniques, techniques to, to deceive, deceive the, the body, body and, and reduce, reduce the, the double, double chin, chin &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Simple,, Simple, easy, easy and, and inexpensive,, inexpensive, these, these tips, tips do, do not, not include, include surgeries, surgeries and, and have, have no, no side, side effects., effects. Find, Find out, out &, & nbsp, nbsp ;!, ;! 1., 1. Chewing, Chewing gum, gum Chewing, Chewing gum, gum strengthens, strengthens the, the muscles, muscles of, of the, the face,, face, mouth, mouth and, and chin,, chin, especially, especially when, when chewed, chewed for, for a, a long, long time., time. This, This method, method is, is very, very interesting, interesting because, because you, you will, will notice, notice the, the results, results without, without even, even realizing, realizing the, the efforts, efforts made, made &, & nbsp;, nbsp; (Consume, (Consume organic, organic chewing, chewing gum, gum of, of the, the brand, brand chicza, chicza without, without chemicals, chemicals without, without sugar), sugar) 2., 2. A, A little, little exercise, exercise &, & nbsp;, nbsp; People, People who, who practice, practice regular, regular sports, sports often, often start, start with, with the, the head, head during, during warm-ups, warm-ups ..., ... This, This action, action prevents, prevents double, double chin, chin &, & nbsp;, nbsp; And, And keep, keep pumping, pumping blood, blood while, while boosting, boosting energy!, energy! The, The double, double chin, chin is, is sometimes, sometimes due, due to, to the, the accumulation, accumulation of, of fat., fat. To, To get, get rid, rid of, of it,, it, just, just make, make circular, circular movements, movements with, with the, the head, head and, and neck., neck. Therefore, Therefore the, the muscles, muscles will, will stretch, stretch and, and the, the fat, fat will, will be, be burned,, burned, which, which will, will reduce, reduce the, the double, double chin, chin &, & nbsp;, nbsp; You, You can, can also, also open, open your, your mouth, mouth wide, wide and, and pull, pull the, the tongue, tongue as, as far, far as, as possible., possible. This, This will, will stretch, stretch and, and contract, contract the, the muscles, muscles of, of the, the mouth, mouth and, and thus, thus reduce, reduce the, the double, double chin., chin. Sagging, Sagging the, the skin, skin Sagging, Sagging skin, skin is, is one, one of, of the, the causes, causes of, of the, the double, double chin., chin. In, In this, this case,, case, there, there is, is no, no accumulation, accumulation of, of fat, fat in, in the, the chin, chin but, but rather, rather a, a flaccid, flaccid skin., skin. Sagging, Sagging of, of the, the skin, skin at, at the, the chin, chin is, is very, very common, common in, in people, people aged, aged 40, 40 and, and over., over. This, This skin, skin problem, problem can, can also, also occur, occur in, in different, different areas, areas of, of the, the body,, body, especially, especially parts, parts of, of the, the body, body that, that often, often remain, remain immobile, immobile like, like the, the chin., chin. To, To prevent, prevent or, or treat, treat this, this problem,, problem, think, think about, about toning, toning your, your skin, skin &, & nbsp;, nbsp; to, to make, make it, it firmer, firmer and, and younger!, younger! How, How to, to tone, tone the, the skin, skin &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Some, Some minerals, minerals and, and vitamins, vitamins are, are beneficial, beneficial for, for the, the skin,, skin, they, they improve, improve its, its texture, texture and, and combat, combat its, its aging., aging. Opt, Opt for, for vitamin-based, vitamin-based creams, creams (such, (such as, as vitamin, vitamin E, E that, that keeps, keeps young, young skin, skin firm), firm) or, or minerals, minerals (such, (such as, as selenium),, selenium), they, they are, are the, the best, best alternatives, alternatives for, for tightening, tightening and, and rejuvenating, rejuvenating the, the skin., skin. You, You can, can also, also prepare, prepare your, your own, own cream, cream using, using natural, natural ingredients, ingredients &, & nbsp;, nbsp; rich, rich in, in nutrients!, nutrients! Here, Here are, are 2, 2 recipes, recipes &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Recipe, Recipe 1, 1 Ingredients:, Ingredients: -, - 1, 1 tablespoon, tablespoon of, of Organic, Organic Glycerine    -, Glycerine    - 1, 1 teaspoon, teaspoon of, of Epsom, Epsom salt    -, salt    - A, A few, few drops, drops of, of peppermint, peppermint essential, essential oil, oil Preparation, Preparation and, and use, use &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Mix, Mix all, all the, the ingredients, ingredients until, until you, you get, get a, a consistent, consistent texture., texture. Use, Use it, it on, on the, the double, double chin, chin and, and on, on the, the neck., neck. Benefits, Benefits Colorless,, Colorless, glycerine, glycerine is, is a, a liquid, liquid widely, widely used, used in, in cosmetics,, cosmetics, especially, especially for, for the, the skin., skin. From, From vegetable, vegetable oils,, oils, glycerin, glycerin relaxes, relaxes and, and moisturizes, moisturizes the, the skin,, skin, it, it is, is also, also perfect, perfect to, to improve, improve its, its texture, texture and, and helps, helps to, to reduce, reduce the, the double, double chin, chin &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Recipe, Recipe 2, 2 Ingredients, Ingredients &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: -, - 1, 1 egg, egg white    -, white    - 1, 1 tablespoon, tablespoon of, of milk    -, milk    - ½, ½ lemon, lemon squeezed    -, squeezed    - 1, 1 teaspoon, teaspoon of, of honey    -, honey    - A, A few, few drops, drops of, of essential, essential oil, oil of, of peppermint, peppermint Preparation, Preparation and, and use, use Mix, Mix the, the ingredients, ingredients until, until a, a homogeneous, homogeneous mixture.    Apply, mixture.    Apply this, this mixture, mixture to, to the, the double, double chin, chin and, and let, let it, it act, act for, for about, about 30, 30 minutes, minutes before, before rinsing., rinsing. Benefits, Benefits Rich, Rich in, in protein,, protein, egg, egg white, white tightens, tightens and, and firmens, firmens the, the pores, pores of, of the, the skin., skin. It, It has, has a, a lifting, lifting and, and cleansing, cleansing effect, effect in, in addition, addition to, to absorbing, absorbing excess, excess sebum., Heres how to, how to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of the, of the double, the double chin, double chin The, chin The double, The double chin, double chin is, chin is a, is a sign, a sign (difficult, sign (difficult to, (difficult to hide), to hide) blatant, hide) blatant weight, blatant weight gain, weight gain &, gain & nbsp;, & nbsp; If, nbsp; If you, If you suffer, you suffer from, suffer from it,, from it, read, it, read this, read this article, this article to, article to discover, to discover the, discover the best, the best tips, best tips for, tips for getting, for getting rid, getting rid of, rid of it, of it &, it & nbsp;, & nbsp; The, nbsp; The causes, The causes of, causes of the, of the double, the double chin, double chin are, chin are multiple., are multiple. Some, multiple. Some people, Some people say, people say it's, say it's hereditary,, it's hereditary, others, hereditary, others admit, others admit that, admit that an, that an unhealthy, an unhealthy diet, unhealthy diet leads, diet leads to, leads to weight, to weight gain, weight gain and, gain and so, and so to, so to a, to a double, a double chin, double chin &, chin & nbsp;, & nbsp; Whatever, nbsp; Whatever the, Whatever the cause,, the cause, you, cause, you have, you have to, have to think, to think about, think about getting, about getting rid, getting rid of, rid of the, of the double, the double chin,, double chin, for, chin, for a, for a prettier, a prettier face, prettier face and, face and toned, and toned skin, toned skin &, skin & nbsp;, & nbsp; How, nbsp; How to, How to remove, to remove the, remove the double, the double chin, double chin &, chin & nbsp, & nbsp ;?, nbsp ;? There, ;? There are, There are many, are many techniques, many techniques to, techniques to deceive, to deceive the, deceive the body, the body and, body and reduce, and reduce the, reduce the double, the double chin, double chin &, chin & nbsp;, & nbsp; Simple,, nbsp; Simple, easy, Simple, easy and, easy and inexpensive,, and inexpensive, these, inexpensive, these tips, these tips do, tips do not, do not include, not include surgeries, include surgeries and, surgeries and have, and have no, have no side, no side effects., side effects. Find, effects. Find out, Find out &, out & nbsp, & nbsp ;!, nbsp ;! 1., ;! 1. Chewing, 1. Chewing gum, Chewing gum Chewing, gum Chewing gum, Chewing gum strengthens, gum strengthens the, strengthens the muscles, the muscles of, muscles of the, of the face,, the face, mouth, face, mouth and, mouth and chin,, and chin, especially, chin, especially when, especially when chewed, when chewed for, chewed for a, for a long, a long time., long time. This, time. This method, This method is, method is very, is very interesting, very interesting because, interesting because you, because you will, you will notice, will notice the, notice the results, the results without, results without even, without even realizing, even realizing the, realizing the efforts, the efforts made, efforts made &, made & nbsp;, & nbsp; (Consume, nbsp; (Consume organic, (Consume organic chewing, organic chewing gum, chewing gum of, gum of the, of the brand, the brand chicza, brand chicza without, chicza without chemicals, without chemicals without, chemicals without sugar), without sugar) 2., sugar) 2. A, 2. A little, A little exercise, little exercise &, exercise & nbsp;, & nbsp; People, nbsp; People who, People who practice, who practice regular, practice regular sports, regular sports often, sports often start, often start with, start with the, with the head, the head during, head during warm-ups, during warm-ups ..., warm-ups ... This, ... This action, This action prevents, action prevents double, prevents double chin, double chin &, chin & nbsp;, & nbsp; And, nbsp; And keep, And keep pumping, keep pumping blood, pumping blood while, blood while boosting, while boosting energy!, boosting energy! The, energy! The double, The double chin, double chin is, chin is sometimes, is sometimes due, sometimes due to, due to the, to the accumulation, the accumulation of, accumulation of fat., of fat. To, fat. To get, To get rid, get rid of, rid of it,, of it, just, it, just make, just make circular, make circular movements, circular movements with, movements with the, with the head, the head and, head and neck., and neck. Therefore, neck. Therefore the, Therefore the muscles, the muscles will, muscles will stretch, will stretch and, stretch and the, and the fat, the fat will, fat will be, will be burned,, be burned, which, burned, which will, which will reduce, will reduce the, reduce the double, the double chin, double chin &, chin & nbsp;, & nbsp; You, nbsp; You can, You can also, can also open, also open your, open your mouth, your mouth wide, mouth wide and, wide and pull, and pull the, pull the tongue, the tongue as, tongue as far, as far as, far as possible., as possible. This, possible. This will, This will stretch, will stretch and, stretch and contract, and contract the, contract the muscles, the muscles of, muscles of the, of the mouth, the mouth and, mouth and thus, and thus reduce, thus reduce the, reduce the double, the double chin., double chin. Sagging, chin. Sagging the, Sagging the skin, the skin Sagging, skin Sagging skin, Sagging skin is, skin is one, is one of, one of the, of the causes, the causes of, causes of the, of the double, the double chin., double chin. In, chin. In this, In this case,, this case, there, case, there is, there is no, is no accumulation, no accumulation of, accumulation of fat, of fat in, fat in the, in the chin, the chin but, chin but rather, but rather a, rather a flaccid, a flaccid skin., flaccid skin. Sagging, skin. Sagging of, Sagging of the, of the skin, the skin at, skin at the, at the chin, the chin is, chin is very, is very common, very common in, common in people, in people aged, people aged 40, aged 40 and, 40 and over., and over. This, over. This skin, This skin problem, skin problem can, problem can also, can also occur, also occur in, occur in different, in different areas, different areas of, areas of the, of the body,, the body, especially, body, especially parts, especially parts of, parts of the, of the body, the body that, body that often, that often remain, often remain immobile, remain immobile like, immobile like the, like the chin., the chin. To, chin. To prevent, To prevent or, prevent or treat, or treat this, treat this problem,, this problem, think, problem, think about, think about toning, about toning your, toning your skin, your skin &, skin & nbsp;, & nbsp; to, nbsp; to make, to make it, make it firmer, it firmer and, firmer and younger!, and younger! How, younger! How to, How to tone, to tone the, tone the skin, the skin &, skin & nbsp;, & nbsp; Some, nbsp; Some minerals, Some minerals and, minerals and vitamins, and vitamins are, vitamins are beneficial, are beneficial for, beneficial for the, for the skin,, the skin, they, skin, they improve, they improve its, improve its texture, its texture and, texture and combat, and combat its, combat its aging., its aging. Opt, aging. Opt for, Opt for vitamin-based, for vitamin-based creams, vitamin-based creams (such, creams (such as, (such as vitamin, as vitamin E, vitamin E that, E that keeps, that keeps young, keeps young skin, young skin firm), skin firm) or, firm) or minerals, or minerals (such, minerals (such as, (such as selenium),, as selenium), they, selenium), they are, they are the, are the best, the best alternatives, best alternatives for, alternatives for tightening, for tightening and, tightening and rejuvenating, and rejuvenating the, rejuvenating the skin., the skin. You, skin. You can, You can also, can also prepare, also prepare your, prepare your own, your own cream, own cream using, cream using natural, using natural ingredients, natural ingredients &, ingredients & nbsp;, & nbsp; rich, nbsp; rich in, rich in nutrients!, in nutrients! Here, nutrients! Here are, Here are 2, are 2 recipes, 2 recipes &, recipes & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Recipe, ;: Recipe 1, Recipe 1 Ingredients:, 1 Ingredients: -, Ingredients: - 1, - 1 tablespoon, 1 tablespoon of, tablespoon of Organic, of Organic Glycerine    -, Organic Glycerine    - 1, Glycerine    - 1 teaspoon, 1 teaspoon of, teaspoon of Epsom, of Epsom salt    -, Epsom salt    - A, salt    - A few, A few drops, few drops of, drops of peppermint, of peppermint essential, peppermint essential oil, essential oil Preparation, oil Preparation and, Preparation and use, and use &, use & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Mix, ;: Mix all, Mix all the, all the ingredients, the ingredients until, ingredients until you, until you get, you get a, get a consistent, a consistent texture., consistent texture. Use, texture. Use it, Use it on, it on the, on the double, the double chin, double chin and, chin and on, and on the, on the neck., the neck. Benefits, neck. Benefits Colorless,, Benefits Colorless, glycerine, Colorless, glycerine is, glycerine is a, is a liquid, a liquid widely, liquid widely used, widely used in, used in cosmetics,, in cosmetics, especially, cosmetics, especially for, especially for the, for the skin., the skin. From, skin. From vegetable, From vegetable oils,, vegetable oils, glycerin, oils, glycerin relaxes, glycerin relaxes and, relaxes and moisturizes, and moisturizes the, moisturizes the skin,, the skin, it, skin, it is, it is also, is also perfect, also perfect to, perfect to improve, to improve its, improve its texture, its texture and, texture and helps, and helps to, helps to reduce, to reduce the, reduce the double, the double chin, double chin &, chin & nbsp;, & nbsp; Recipe, nbsp; Recipe 2, Recipe 2 Ingredients, 2 Ingredients &, Ingredients & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: -, ;: - 1, - 1 egg, 1 egg white    -, egg white    - 1, white    - 1 tablespoon, 1 tablespoon of, tablespoon of milk    -, of milk    - ½, milk    - ½ lemon, ½ lemon squeezed    -, lemon squeezed    - 1, squeezed    - 1 teaspoon, 1 teaspoon of, teaspoon of honey    -, of honey    - A, honey    - A few, A few drops, few drops of, drops of essential, of essential oil, essential oil of, oil of peppermint, of peppermint Preparation, peppermint Preparation and, Preparation and use, and use Mix, use Mix the, Mix the ingredients, the ingredients until, ingredients until a, until a homogeneous, a homogeneous mixture.    Apply, homogeneous mixture.    Apply this, mixture.    Apply this mixture, this mixture to, mixture to the, to the double, the double chin, double chin and, chin and let, and let it, let it act, it act for, act for about, for about 30, about 30 minutes, 30 minutes before, minutes before rinsing., before rinsing. Benefits, rinsing. Benefits Rich, Benefits Rich in, Rich in protein,, in protein, egg, protein, egg white, egg white tightens, white tightens and, tightens and firmens, and firmens the, firmens the pores, the pores of, pores of the, of the skin., the skin. It, skin. It has, It has a, has a lifting, a lifting and, lifting and cleansing, and cleansing effect, cleansing effect in, effect in addition, in addition to, addition to absorbing, to absorbing excess, absorbing excess sebum.

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