Find a baby skin with these 2 ingredients
Acne, blackheads, wrinkles, brown spots, looseness ... So many problems that affect our skin and alter its appearance. Caused by several factors such as excess sebum, stress, pollution and aging, they are often sources of complexity and lack of self-confidence. Find out how to get rid of it by using only two ingredients!
Because of its fragility, the skin of ourface- and our bodies in general - is easily impacted. Pollution, stress, hormonal disorders, poor hygiene or unhealthy food damage the skin cells and promote the appearance of imperfections.
To protect your skin and preserve the radiance of your complexion, it is important to adopt the right gestures:
Good hygiene:Regular cleansing of the skin using mild natural products is one of the keys to a healthy and radiant skin. This eliminates dead cells, cosmetic residues, impurities and excess sebum that accumulate inporeFavoring the appearance of irritations and imperfections.
A healthy and balanced diet:A diet rich in vegetables and fruits guarantees an adequate intake of minerals and vitamins necessary to strengthen your immune system and nourish yourskin. In addition, avoiding foods high in fat and sugar can reduce the amount of toxins absorbed by the body.
Sufficient hydration:Drinking the recommended amount of water per day, 1.5L, helps ensure the proper functioning of your body and help it eliminate waste and toxins responsible for various ailments and ailments. In addition, goodhydrationMakes it possible to preserve the elasticity and the suppleness of the skin, and to prevent its relaxation.
To better help you take care of your skin and treat different imperfections, here is a natural, simple and effective trick.
The mixture of coconut oil and baking soda against wrinkles and sagging skin:
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 2 tablespoonsOf coconut oilextra virgin
Mix the two ingredients thoroughly to make a paste, then apply it on your face by making circular movements. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Massage your skin again, to promoteBlood circulation, Then pat dry.Apply once a week.Your skin becomes healthier, sharper and noticeably younger in just a few weeks.
Caution: Limit this tip once a week to avoid damaging the skin, as baking soda can become abrasive in use too regularly.
Benefits of Ingredients:
With powerful anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties,Baking sodaMakes it possible to clean the skin thoroughly without attacking it. It helps to eliminate excess sebum, impurities and dead cells that promote the appearance of imperfections and tarnish the complexion. In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to regulate the pH of the skin calm the irritations and soothe the skin.
Thanks to its richness in antioxidants, vitamins and fatty acids, coconut oil is very beneficial for your skin. It nourishes it and hydrates it deeply, which gives it all its elasticity and flexibility. In addition, its repairing and healing properties help with cell regeneration, whichscars, Reduce wrinkles and combat sagging.
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Find, a, baby, skin, with, these, 2, ingredients, Acne,, blackheads,, wrinkles,, brown, spots,, looseness, ..., So, many, problems, that, affect, our, skin, and, alter, its, appearance., Caused, by, several, factors, such, as, excess, sebum,, stress,, pollution, and, aging,, they, are, often, sources, of, complexity, and, lack, of, self-confidence., Find, out, how, to, get, rid, of, it, using, only, two, ingredients, &, nbsp;, Because, of, its, fragility,, the, skin, of, our, face, -, and, our, body, in, general, -, is, easily, impacted., Pollution,, stress,, hormonal, disorders,, poor, hygiene, or, unhealthy, food, damage, the, skin, cells, and, promote, the, appearance, of, imperfections., To, protect, your, skin, and, preserve, the, radiance, of, your, complexion,, it, is, important, to, adopt, the, right, gestures:, Good, hygiene:, Regular, skin, cleansing, using, gentle, natural, products, is, one, of, the, keys, to, a, skin, Healthy, and, radiant., This, removes, dead, cells,, cosmetic, residues,, impurities, and, excess, sebum, that, accumulate, in, the, pores,, leading, to, the, appearance, of, irritations, and, imperfections., A, healthy, and, balanced, diet:, a, diet, rich, in, vegetables, and, fruits, ensures, a, sufficient, intake, of, minerals, and, vitamins, needed, to, strengthen, your, immune, system, and, nourish, your, skin., In, addition,, avoiding, foods, high, in, fat, and, sugar, can, reduce, the, amount, of, toxins, absorbed, by, the, body., Sufficient, hydration, &, nbsp, ;:, Drinking, the, recommended, amount, of, water, per, day,, 1.5L,, ensures, the, proper, functioning, of, your, body, and, helps, to, eliminate, waste, and, toxins, responsible, for, various, ailments, and, disorders., Moreover,, good, hydration, helps, to, preserve, the, elasticity, and, flexibility, of, the, skin,, and, to, prevent, its, relaxation., To, help, you, take, Care, for, your, skin, and, treat, different, imperfections,, here, is, a, natural,, simple, and, effective, trick., The, mixture, of, coconut, oil, and, baking, soda, against, wrinkles, and, nontoxic, skin, release:, Ingredients:, 1, teaspoon, baking, soda, 2, tablespoons, extra, virgin, coconut, oil, Indications, &, nbsp, ;:, Mix, the, coconut, oil, and, bicarbonate, Two, ingredients, to, make, a, paste,, then, apply, it, on, your, face, by, making, circular, movements., Leave, on, for, 5, minutes,, then, rinse, with, warm, water., Massage, your, skin, again,, to, promote, blood, circulation,, then, pat, dry., Apply, once, a, week., Your, skin, becomes, healthier,, sharper, and, noticeably, younger, in, just, a, few, weeks., Attention:, Limit, this, tip, once, a, week, to, avoid, damaging, the, skin,, as, baking, soda, can, become, abrasive, when, used, too, regularly., Benefits, of, ingredients, &, nbsp, ;:, Baking, soda, With, powerful, anti-bacterial, and, antiseptic, properties,, baking, soda, makes, it, possible, to, clean, the, skin, thoroughly, without, attacking, it., It, helps, to, eliminate, excess, sebum,, impurities, and, dead, cells, that, promote, the, appearance, of, imperfections, and, tarnish, the, complexion., In, addition,, its, anti-inflammatory, properties, and, its, ability, to, regulate, the, pH, of, the, skin, calm, the, irritations, and, soothe, the, skin., Coconut, oil, Thanks, to, its, richness, in, antioxidants,, vitamins, and, fatty, acids,, coconut, oil, is, very, beneficial, for, your, skin., It, nourishes, it, and, hydrates, it, deeply,, which, gives, it, all, its, elasticity, and, flexibility., In, addition,, its, repairing, and, healing, properties, help, with, cell, regeneration,, which, makes, it, possible, to, blend, scars,, reduce, wrinkles, and, fight, Against, release., Find a, a baby, baby skin, skin with, with these, these 2, 2 ingredients, ingredients Acne,, Acne, blackheads,, blackheads, wrinkles,, wrinkles, brown, brown spots,, spots, looseness, looseness ..., ... So, So many, many problems, problems that, that affect, affect our, our skin, skin and, and alter, alter its, its appearance., appearance. Caused, Caused by, by several, several factors, factors such, such as, as excess, excess sebum,, sebum, stress,, stress, pollution, pollution and, and aging,, aging, they, they are, are often, often sources, sources of, of complexity, complexity and, and lack, lack of, of self-confidence., self-confidence. Find, Find out, out how, how to, to get, get rid, rid of, of it, it using, using only, only two, two ingredients, ingredients &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Because, Because of, of its, its fragility,, fragility, the, the skin, skin of, of our, our face, face -, - and, and our, our body, body in, in general, general -, - is, is easily, easily impacted., impacted. Pollution,, Pollution, stress,, stress, hormonal, hormonal disorders,, disorders, poor, poor hygiene, hygiene or, or unhealthy, unhealthy food, food damage, damage the, the skin, skin cells, cells and, and promote, promote the, the appearance, appearance of, of imperfections., imperfections. To, To protect, protect your, your skin, skin and, and preserve, preserve the, the radiance, radiance of, of your, your complexion,, complexion, it, it is, is important, important to, to adopt, adopt the, the right, right gestures:, gestures: Good, Good hygiene:, hygiene: Regular, Regular skin, skin cleansing, cleansing using, using gentle, gentle natural, natural products, products is, is one, one of, of the, the keys, keys to, to a, a skin, skin Healthy, Healthy and, and radiant., radiant. This, This removes, removes dead, dead cells,, cells, cosmetic, cosmetic residues,, residues, impurities, impurities and, and excess, excess sebum, sebum that, that accumulate, accumulate in, in the, the pores,, pores, leading, leading to, to the, the appearance, appearance of, of irritations, irritations and, and imperfections., imperfections. A, A healthy, healthy and, and balanced, balanced diet:, diet: a, a diet, diet rich, rich in, in vegetables, vegetables and, and fruits, fruits ensures, ensures a, a sufficient, sufficient intake, intake of, of minerals, minerals and, and vitamins, vitamins needed, needed to, to strengthen, strengthen your, your immune, immune system, system and, and nourish, nourish your, your skin., skin. In, In addition,, addition, avoiding, avoiding foods, foods high, high in, in fat, fat and, and sugar, sugar can, can reduce, reduce the, the amount, amount of, of toxins, toxins absorbed, absorbed by, by the, the body., body. Sufficient, Sufficient hydration, hydration &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Drinking, Drinking the, the recommended, recommended amount, amount of, of water, water per, per day,, day, 1.5L,, 1.5L, ensures, ensures the, the proper, proper functioning, functioning of, of your, your body, body and, and helps, helps to, to eliminate, eliminate waste, waste and, and toxins, toxins responsible, responsible for, for various, various ailments, ailments and, and disorders., disorders. Moreover,, Moreover, good, good hydration, hydration helps, helps to, to preserve, preserve the, the elasticity, elasticity and, and flexibility, flexibility of, of the, the skin,, skin, and, and to, to prevent, prevent its, its relaxation., relaxation. To, To help, help you, you take, take Care, Care for, for your, your skin, skin and, and treat, treat different, different imperfections,, imperfections, here, here is, is a, a natural,, natural, simple, simple and, and effective, effective trick., trick. The, The mixture, mixture of, of coconut, coconut oil, oil and, and baking, baking soda, soda against, against wrinkles, wrinkles and, and nontoxic, nontoxic skin, skin release:, release: Ingredients:, Ingredients: 1, 1 teaspoon, teaspoon baking, baking soda, soda 2, 2 tablespoons, tablespoons extra, extra virgin, virgin coconut, coconut oil, oil Indications, Indications &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Mix, Mix the, the coconut, coconut oil, oil and, and bicarbonate, bicarbonate Two, Two ingredients, ingredients to, to make, make a, a paste,, paste, then, then apply, apply it, it on, on your, your face, face by, by making, making circular, circular movements., movements. Leave, Leave on, on for, for 5, 5 minutes,, minutes, then, then rinse, rinse with, with warm, warm water., water. Massage, Massage your, your skin, skin again,, again, to, to promote, promote blood, blood circulation,, circulation, then, then pat, pat dry., dry. Apply, Apply once, once a, a week., week. Your, Your skin, skin becomes, becomes healthier,, healthier, sharper, sharper and, and noticeably, noticeably younger, younger in, in just, just a, a few, few weeks., weeks. Attention:, Attention: Limit, Limit this, this tip, tip once, once a, a week, week to, to avoid, avoid damaging, damaging the, the skin,, skin, as, as baking, baking soda, soda can, can become, become abrasive, abrasive when, when used, used too, too regularly., regularly. Benefits, Benefits of, of ingredients, ingredients &, & nbsp, nbsp ;:, ;: Baking, Baking soda, soda With, With powerful, powerful anti-bacterial, anti-bacterial and, and antiseptic, antiseptic properties,, properties, baking, baking soda, soda makes, makes it, it possible, possible to, to clean, clean the, the skin, skin thoroughly, thoroughly without, without attacking, attacking it., it. It, It helps, helps to, to eliminate, eliminate excess, excess sebum,, sebum, impurities, impurities and, and dead, dead cells, cells that, that promote, promote the, the appearance, appearance of, of imperfections, imperfections and, and tarnish, tarnish the, the complexion., complexion. In, In addition,, addition, its, its anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory properties, properties and, and its, its ability, ability to, to regulate, regulate the, the pH, pH of, of the, the skin, skin calm, calm the, the irritations, irritations and, and soothe, soothe the, the skin., skin. Coconut, Coconut oil, oil Thanks, Thanks to, to its, its richness, richness in, in antioxidants,, antioxidants, vitamins, vitamins and, and fatty, fatty acids,, acids, coconut, coconut oil, oil is, is very, very beneficial, beneficial for, for your, your skin., skin. It, It nourishes, nourishes it, it and, and hydrates, hydrates it, it deeply,, deeply, which, which gives, gives it, it all, all its, its elasticity, elasticity and, and flexibility., flexibility. In, In addition,, addition, its, its repairing, repairing and, and healing, healing properties, properties help, help with, with cell, cell regeneration,, regeneration, which, which makes, makes it, it possible, possible to, to blend, blend scars,, scars, reduce, reduce wrinkles, wrinkles and, and fight, fight Against, Against release., Find a baby, a baby skin, baby skin with, skin with these, with these 2, these 2 ingredients, 2 ingredients Acne,, ingredients Acne, blackheads,, Acne, blackheads, wrinkles,, blackheads, wrinkles, brown, wrinkles, brown spots,, brown spots, looseness, spots, looseness ..., looseness ... So, ... So many, So many problems, many problems that, problems that affect, that affect our, affect our skin, our skin and, skin and alter, and alter its, alter its appearance., its appearance. Caused, appearance. Caused by, Caused by several, by several factors, several factors such, factors such as, such as excess, as excess sebum,, excess sebum, stress,, sebum, stress, pollution, stress, pollution and, pollution and aging,, and aging, they, aging, they are, they are often, are often sources, often sources of, sources of complexity, of complexity and, complexity and lack, and lack of, lack of self-confidence., of self-confidence. Find, self-confidence. Find out, Find out how, out how to, how to get, to get rid, get rid of, rid of it, of it using, it using only, using only two, only two ingredients, two ingredients &, ingredients & nbsp;, & nbsp; Because, nbsp; Because of, Because of its, of its fragility,, its fragility, the, fragility, the skin, the skin of, skin of our, of our face, our face -, face - and, - and our, and our body, our body in, body in general, in general -, general - is, - is easily, is easily impacted., easily impacted. Pollution,, impacted. Pollution, stress,, Pollution, stress, hormonal, stress, hormonal disorders,, hormonal disorders, poor, disorders, poor hygiene, poor hygiene or, hygiene or unhealthy, or unhealthy food, unhealthy food damage, food damage the, damage the skin, the skin cells, skin cells and, cells and promote, and promote the, promote the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of imperfections., of imperfections. To, imperfections. To protect, To protect your, protect your skin, your skin and, skin and preserve, and preserve the, preserve the radiance, the radiance of, radiance of your, of your complexion,, your complexion, it, complexion, it is, it is important, is important to, important to adopt, to adopt the, adopt the right, the right gestures:, right gestures: Good, gestures: Good hygiene:, Good hygiene: Regular, hygiene: Regular skin, Regular skin cleansing, skin cleansing using, cleansing using gentle, using gentle natural, gentle natural products, natural products is, products is one, is one of, one of the, of the keys, the keys to, keys to a, to a skin, a skin Healthy, skin Healthy and, Healthy and radiant., and radiant. This, radiant. This removes, This removes dead, removes dead cells,, dead cells, cosmetic, cells, cosmetic residues,, cosmetic residues, impurities, residues, impurities and, impurities and excess, and excess sebum, excess sebum that, sebum that accumulate, that accumulate in, accumulate in the, in the pores,, the pores, leading, pores, leading to, leading to the, to the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of irritations, of irritations and, irritations and imperfections., and imperfections. A, imperfections. A healthy, A healthy and, healthy and balanced, and balanced diet:, balanced diet: a, diet: a diet, a diet rich, diet rich in, rich in vegetables, in vegetables and, vegetables and fruits, and fruits ensures, fruits ensures a, ensures a sufficient, a sufficient intake, sufficient intake of, intake of minerals, of minerals and, minerals and vitamins, and vitamins needed, vitamins needed to, needed to strengthen, to strengthen your, strengthen your immune, your immune system, immune system and, system and nourish, and nourish your, nourish your skin., your skin. In, skin. In addition,, In addition, avoiding, addition, avoiding foods, avoiding foods high, foods high in, high in fat, in fat and, fat and sugar, and sugar can, sugar can reduce, can reduce the, reduce the amount, the amount of, amount of toxins, of toxins absorbed, toxins absorbed by, absorbed by the, by the body., the body. Sufficient, body. Sufficient hydration, Sufficient hydration &, hydration & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Drinking, ;: Drinking the, Drinking the recommended, the recommended amount, recommended amount of, amount of water, of water per, water per day,, per day, 1.5L,, day, 1.5L, ensures, 1.5L, ensures the, ensures the proper, the proper functioning, proper functioning of, functioning of your, of your body, your body and, body and helps, and helps to, helps to eliminate, to eliminate waste, eliminate waste and, waste and toxins, and toxins responsible, toxins responsible for, responsible for various, for various ailments, various ailments and, ailments and disorders., and disorders. Moreover,, disorders. Moreover, good, Moreover, good hydration, good hydration helps, hydration helps to, helps to preserve, to preserve the, preserve the elasticity, the elasticity and, elasticity and flexibility, and flexibility of, flexibility of the, of the skin,, the skin, and, skin, and to, and to prevent, to prevent its, prevent its relaxation., its relaxation. To, relaxation. To help, To help you, help you take, you take Care, take Care for, Care for your, for your skin, your skin and, skin and treat, and treat different, treat different imperfections,, different imperfections, here, imperfections, here is, here is a, is a natural,, a natural, simple, natural, simple and, simple and effective, and effective trick., effective trick. The, trick. The mixture, The mixture of, mixture of coconut, of coconut oil, coconut oil and, oil and baking, and baking soda, baking soda against, soda against wrinkles, against wrinkles and, wrinkles and nontoxic, and nontoxic skin, nontoxic skin release:, skin release: Ingredients:, release: Ingredients: 1, Ingredients: 1 teaspoon, 1 teaspoon baking, teaspoon baking soda, baking soda 2, soda 2 tablespoons, 2 tablespoons extra, tablespoons extra virgin, extra virgin coconut, virgin coconut oil, coconut oil Indications, oil Indications &, Indications & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Mix, ;: Mix the, Mix the coconut, the coconut oil, coconut oil and, oil and bicarbonate, and bicarbonate Two, bicarbonate Two ingredients, Two ingredients to, ingredients to make, to make a, make a paste,, a paste, then, paste, then apply, then apply it, apply it on, it on your, on your face, your face by, face by making, by making circular, making circular movements., circular movements. Leave, movements. Leave on, Leave on for, on for 5, for 5 minutes,, 5 minutes, then, minutes, then rinse, then rinse with, rinse with warm, with warm water., warm water. Massage, water. Massage your, Massage your skin, your skin again,, skin again, to, again, to promote, to promote blood, promote blood circulation,, blood circulation, then, circulation, then pat, then pat dry., pat dry. Apply, dry. Apply once, Apply once a, once a week., a week. Your, week. Your skin, Your skin becomes, skin becomes healthier,, becomes healthier, sharper, healthier, sharper and, sharper and noticeably, and noticeably younger, noticeably younger in, younger in just, in just a, just a few, a few weeks., few weeks. Attention:, weeks. Attention: Limit, Attention: Limit this, Limit this tip, this tip once, tip once a, once a week, a week to, week to avoid, to avoid damaging, avoid damaging the, damaging the skin,, the skin, as, skin, as baking, as baking soda, baking soda can, soda can become, can become abrasive, become abrasive when, abrasive when used, when used too, used too regularly., too regularly. Benefits, regularly. Benefits of, Benefits of ingredients, of ingredients &, ingredients & nbsp, & nbsp ;:, nbsp ;: Baking, ;: Baking soda, Baking soda With, soda With powerful, With powerful anti-bacterial, powerful anti-bacterial and, anti-bacterial and antiseptic, and antiseptic properties,, antiseptic properties, baking, properties, baking soda, baking soda makes, soda makes it, makes it possible, it possible to, possible to clean, to clean the, clean the skin, the skin thoroughly, skin thoroughly without, thoroughly without attacking, without attacking it., attacking it. It, it. It helps, It helps to, helps to eliminate, to eliminate excess, eliminate excess sebum,, excess sebum, impurities, sebum, impurities and, impurities and dead, and dead cells, dead cells that, cells that promote, that promote the, promote the appearance, the appearance of, appearance of imperfections, of imperfections and, imperfections and tarnish, and tarnish the, tarnish the complexion., the complexion. In, complexion. In addition,, In addition, its, addition, its anti-inflammatory, its anti-inflammatory properties, anti-inflammatory properties and, properties and its, and its ability, its ability to, ability to regulate, to regulate the, regulate the pH, the pH of, pH of the, of the skin, the skin calm, skin calm the, calm the irritations, the irritations and, irritations and soothe, and soothe the, soothe the skin., the skin. Coconut, skin. Coconut oil, Coconut oil Thanks, oil Thanks to, Thanks to its, to its richness, its richness in, richness in antioxidants,, in antioxidants, vitamins, antioxidants, vitamins and, vitamins and fatty, and fatty acids,, fatty acids, coconut, acids, coconut oil, coconut oil is, oil is very, is very beneficial, very beneficial for, beneficial for your, for your skin., your skin. It, skin. It nourishes, It nourishes it, nourishes it and, it and hydrates, and hydrates it, hydrates it deeply,, it deeply, which, deeply, which gives, which gives it, gives it all, it all its, all its elasticity, its elasticity and, elasticity and flexibility., and flexibility. In, flexibility. In addition,, In addition, its, addition, its repairing, its repairing and, repairing and healing, and healing properties, healing properties help, properties help with, help with cell, with cell regeneration,, cell regeneration, which, regeneration, which makes, which makes it, makes it possible, it possible to, possible to blend, to blend scars,, blend scars, reduce, scars, reduce wrinkles, reduce wrinkles and, wrinkles and fight, and fight Against, fight Against release.
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