Take this vitamin and you will be rid of the mosquitoes
Ah The mosquitoes! These little monsters who love to bother us and spoil our lives during our summer days, everyone is trying to make them flee. While some people use products packed with chemicals that are extremely dangerous and harmful to our health, we offer you a natural, effective and much healthier alternative to hunt these little animals out of your homes. This alternative is simply a vitamin! You will know more.
But before trying to combat them, we must first of all know the main reasons why mosquitoes are constantly searching for human blood. Thus, it would be easier for us to avoid them before we even try to get rid of them.
What attracts mosquitoes?
What we should know first of all is thatMosquitoes have a very fine and sensitive sense of smell, which is why they are often attracted to people withcholesterol, Steroids and other acids (such as uric acid) high enough on the surface of their skin.
Several scientists also agree thatObese people and pregnant women attract more mosquitoes because they are very well served with carbon dioxide that they release.People who are overweight and pregnant women produce more physical exertion, resulting in more carbon dioxide emissions.
Diseases borne by mosquitoes
Everyone knows, besides their pesky bites and annoying itching, several diseases are disconcertingly transported throughout the world because of these insects. Sometimes these diseases turn from epidemics to pandemics. We can cite a few:
- The stick encephalitis causes fever and nausea.
- Rift Valley fever causes dizziness, lethargy and ocular problems in patients.
- Malaria that causes fever, chills and vomiting.
- Nile disease - causes fever, nausea, joint pain and rash.
- Yellow fever causes yellowing of the body, chills accompanied by vomiting.
- The virus Zika, a virus that currently suffer several countries including African countries. It would cause congenital malformations.
- Dengue fever causes hemorrhagic fevers.
- Chikungunya causes joint pain, nausea and rash.
- Jamestown Canyon virus causes flu-like symptoms.
- Snowshoe Hare virus causes vertigo accompanied by vomiting and rash.
How can we protect ourselves?
Vitamin B1
With 3,546 species of mosquitoes in the world listed in 111 genera, this insect remains one of the biggest predators of humans as small as it is. That is why it is vital to know how to protect and protect yourself. How? With vitamin B1; It would repel the mosquitoes radically. Explanations.
In general, for an iron health, your body is in great need of vitamins, essentially the vitamin B1 that we can find mainly in our diet as in eggplant, cabbage, soybeans, wheat germ, pistachio, Cumin, walnuts, sunflower seeds, broccoli, onions, green beans, summer squash, fish eggs, almonds and peanuts, potatoes, asparagus and chestnuts, ... Which play an essential role in the proper functioning of your immune system.
Vitamin B1 is a water-soluble vitamin essential for the transformation of carbohydrates into energy and the proper functioning of our nervous system and muscles.Our body also uses it to defend itself and this, by producing a substance whose smell would be rather bitter leakedmosquitoes. Do not be alarmed! This smell remains odorless by humans unlike insects that can smell it from far away and makes them immediately flee.
- Recipe for a natural anti-mosquito remedy
Here is a natural recipe that replacesinsecticidesAnd other chemicals. For this you will need only cider vinegar and a small bunch of fresh parsley.
Put a handful of parsley in a chopper and add 4 teaspoons of cider vinegar and mix.
Allow the mixture to stand for a few hours.
Then, drain the mixture and put it in a spray bottle.
You can keep this recipe in the refrigerator and use it as many times as you like.
For added pleasure, you can add drops of essential oils for pleasant and gourmet fragrances. The most important thing in this recipe is that it is entirely made with natural products safe for your health.
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Take, this, vitamin, and, you, will, be, rid, of, the, mosquitoes, Ah, Mosquitoes, &, nbsp;, These, little, monsters, who, love, to, bother, us, and, spoil, our, lives, during, our, summer, days,, everyone, is, trying, to, make, them, flee., While, some, people, use, products, packed, with, chemicals, that, are, extremely, dangerous, and, harmful, to, our, health,, we, offer, you, a, natural,, effective, and, much, healthier, alternative, to, hunt, these, little, animals, out, of, your, homes., This, alternative, is, simply, a, vitamin, &, nbsp;, You, will, know, more., But, before, trying, to, combat, them,, we, must, first, of, all, know, the, main, reasons, why, mosquitoes, are, constantly, searching, for, human, blood., Thus,, it, would, be, easier, for, us, to, avoid, them, before, we, even, look, for, &, nbsp;, to, get, rid, of., What, attracts, mosquitoes?, What, we, should, first, know, is, that, mosquitoes, have, a, very, fine, and, sensitive, sense, of, smell,, which, explains, why, they, are, very, often, attracted, to, people, with, cholesterol,, steroids, And, other, acids, &, nbsp;, (Such, as, uric, acid), high, enough, on, the, surface, of, their, skin., &, Nbsp;, Several, scientists, are, also, joining, the, fact, that, obese, people, and, pregnant, women, attract, more, mosquitoes, because, they, are, very, well, served, with, carbon, dioxide, that, they, release., People, who, are, overweight, and, pregnant, women, produce, more, physical, exertion,, resulting, in, more, carbon, dioxide, emissions., Mosquito-borne, diseases, Everyone, knows,, besides, their, pesky, bites, and, itching,, &, nbsp;, Annoying,, many, diseases, are, disconcertingly, transported, around, the, world, because, of, these, insects., Sometimes, these, diseases, turn, from, epidemics, to, pandemics., &, Nbsp;, We, can, Quote, a, few, &, nbsp;:, &, nbsp;, The, stick, encephalitis, causes, fever, and, nausea., Rift, Valley, fever, causes, dizziness,, lethargy, and, ocular, problems, in, patients., The, &, nbsp;, Malaria, &, nbsp;, Which, would, cause, fever,, chills, and, vomiting., &, Nbsp;, Nile, disease, -, causes, fever,, nausea,, joint, pain, and, rash., &, Nbsp;, Yellow, fever, causes, yellowing, of, the, body,, chills, accompanied, by, vomiting., The, virus, Zika,, a, virus, that, currently, suffer, several, countries, including, African, countries., It, would, cause, congenital, malformations., &, Nbsp;, Dengue, &, nbsp;, Causes, haemorrhagic, fevers., Chikungunya, causes, joint, pain,, nausea, and, rash., Jamestown, Canyon, Virus, &, nbsp;, Causes, flu-like, symptoms., &, Nbsp;, The, Snowshoe, Hare, virus, would, cause, vertigo, with, vomiting, and, rash., &, Nbsp;, How, to, preserve, it, &, nbsp;?, &, Nbsp;, Vitamin, B1, With, 3,546, species, of, mosquito, globally, listed, in, 111, genera,, this, insect, remains, one, of, the, largest, predators, of, humans, as, small, as, it, is., This, is, why, it, is, vital, to, know, how, to, protect, yourself, and, others., &, Nbsp;, How, &, nbsp, ;?, With, &, nbsp;, Vitamin, B1, &, nbsp;, It, would, repel, the, mosquitoes, radically., Explanations., In, general,, for, an, iron, health,, your, body, is, in, great, need, of, vitamins,, essentially, the, vitamin, B1, that, we, can, find, mainly, in, our, diet, as, in, eggplant,, cabbage,, soybeans,, wheat, germ,, pistachio,, Cumin,, walnuts,, sunflower, seeds,, broccoli,, onions,, green, beans,, summer, squash,, &, nbsp;, Fish, eggs,, almonds, and, peanuts,, apples, Asparagus,, and, chestnuts,, which, play, an, essential, role, in, the, proper, functioning, of, your, immune, system., &, Nbsp;, Vitamin, B1, is, a, water-soluble, vitamin, essential, for, the, transformation, of, carbohydrates, into, energy, and, the, proper, functioning, of, our, nervous, system, and, muscles., Our, bodies, also, use, it, to, defend, themselves,, and, this,, by, producing, a, substance, whose, smell, would, be, rather, bitter,, makes, the, mosquitoes, escape., Do, not, be, alarmed, &, nbsp;, This, smell, remains, odorless, by, humans, unlike, insects, that, can, smell, it, from, far, away, and, makes, them, immediately, flee., &, Nbsp;, -, Recipe, for, a, natural, mosquito, repellent, Here, is, a, natural, recipe, that, replaces, insecticides, and, other, chemicals., For, this, you, will, need, only, cider, vinegar, and, a, small, bunch, of, fresh, parsley., &, Nbsp;, Put, a, good, handful, of, parsley, in, a, chopper, and, add, &, nbsp;, 4, teaspoons, of, cider, vinegar, and, mix, everything., &, Nbsp;
Allow, the, mixture, to, stand, for, a, few, hours.
Then,, drain, the, mixture, and, put, it, in, a, spray, bottle., &, Nbsp;
You, can, keep, this, recipe, in, the, refrigerator, and, use, it, as, many, times, as, you, like., &, Nbsp;
For, added, pleasure,, you, can, add, drops, of, essential, oils, for, pleasant, and, gourmet, fragrances., The, most, important, thing, in, this, recipe, is, that, it, is, entirely, made, with, natural, products, safe, for, your, health., Take this, this vitamin, vitamin and, and you, you will, will be, be rid, rid of, of the, the mosquitoes, mosquitoes Ah, Ah Mosquitoes, Mosquitoes &, & nbsp;, nbsp; These, These little, little monsters, monsters who, who love, love to, to bother, bother us, us and, and spoil, spoil our, our lives, lives during, during our, our summer, summer days,, days, everyone, everyone is, is trying, trying to, to make, make them, them flee., flee. While, While some, some people, people use, use products, products packed, packed with, with chemicals, chemicals that, that are, are extremely, extremely dangerous, dangerous and, and harmful, harmful to, to our, our health,, health, we, we offer, offer you, you a, a natural,, natural, effective, effective and, and much, much healthier, healthier alternative, alternative to, to hunt, hunt these, these little, little animals, animals out, out of, of your, your homes., homes. This, This alternative, alternative is, is simply, simply a, a vitamin, vitamin &, & nbsp;, nbsp; You, You will, will know, know more., more. But, But before, before trying, trying to, to combat, combat them,, them, we, we must, must first, first of, of all, all know, know the, the main, main reasons, reasons why, why mosquitoes, mosquitoes are, are constantly, constantly searching, searching for, for human, human blood., blood. Thus,, Thus, it, it would, would be, be easier, easier for, for us, us to, to avoid, avoid them, them before, before we, we even, even look, look for, for &, & nbsp;, nbsp; to, to get, get rid, rid of., of. What, What attracts, attracts mosquitoes?, mosquitoes? What, What we, we should, should first, first know, know is, is that, that mosquitoes, mosquitoes have, have a, a very, very fine, fine and, and sensitive, sensitive sense, sense of, of smell,, smell, which, which explains, explains why, why they, they are, are very, very often, often attracted, attracted to, to people, people with, with cholesterol,, cholesterol, steroids, steroids And, And other, other acids, acids &, & nbsp;, nbsp; (Such, (Such as, as uric, uric acid), acid) high, high enough, enough on, on the, the surface, surface of, of their, their skin., skin. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Several, Several scientists, scientists are, are also, also joining, joining the, the fact, fact that, that obese, obese people, people and, and pregnant, pregnant women, women attract, attract more, more mosquitoes, mosquitoes because, because they, they are, are very, very well, well served, served with, with carbon, carbon dioxide, dioxide that, that they, they release., release. People, People who, who are, are overweight, overweight and, and pregnant, pregnant women, women produce, produce more, more physical, physical exertion,, exertion, resulting, resulting in, in more, more carbon, carbon dioxide, dioxide emissions., emissions. Mosquito-borne, Mosquito-borne diseases, diseases Everyone, Everyone knows,, knows, besides, besides their, their pesky, pesky bites, bites and, and itching,, itching, &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Annoying,, Annoying, many, many diseases, diseases are, are disconcertingly, disconcertingly transported, transported around, around the, the world, world because, because of, of these, these insects., insects. Sometimes, Sometimes these, these diseases, diseases turn, turn from, from epidemics, epidemics to, to pandemics., pandemics. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; We, We can, can Quote, Quote a, a few, few &, & nbsp;:, nbsp;: &, & nbsp;, nbsp; The, The stick, stick encephalitis, encephalitis causes, causes fever, fever and, and nausea., nausea. Rift, Rift Valley, Valley fever, fever causes, causes dizziness,, dizziness, lethargy, lethargy and, and ocular, ocular problems, problems in, in patients., patients. The, The &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Malaria, Malaria &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Which, Which would, would cause, cause fever,, fever, chills, chills and, and vomiting., vomiting. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Nile, Nile disease, disease -, - causes, causes fever,, fever, nausea,, nausea, joint, joint pain, pain and, and rash., rash. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Yellow, Yellow fever, fever causes, causes yellowing, yellowing of, of the, the body,, body, chills, chills accompanied, accompanied by, by vomiting., vomiting. The, The virus, virus Zika,, Zika, a, a virus, virus that, that currently, currently suffer, suffer several, several countries, countries including, including African, African countries., countries. It, It would, would cause, cause congenital, congenital malformations., malformations. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Dengue, Dengue &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Causes, Causes haemorrhagic, haemorrhagic fevers., fevers. Chikungunya, Chikungunya causes, causes joint, joint pain,, pain, nausea, nausea and, and rash., rash. Jamestown, Jamestown Canyon, Canyon Virus, Virus &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Causes, Causes flu-like, flu-like symptoms., symptoms. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; The, The Snowshoe, Snowshoe Hare, Hare virus, virus would, would cause, cause vertigo, vertigo with, with vomiting, vomiting and, and rash., rash. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; How, How to, to preserve, preserve it, it &, & nbsp;?, nbsp;? &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Vitamin, Vitamin B1, B1 With, With 3,546, 3,546 species, species of, of mosquito, mosquito globally, globally listed, listed in, in 111, 111 genera,, genera, this, this insect, insect remains, remains one, one of, of the, the largest, largest predators, predators of, of humans, humans as, as small, small as, as it, it is., is. This, This is, is why, why it, it is, is vital, vital to, to know, know how, how to, to protect, protect yourself, yourself and, and others., others. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; How, How &, & nbsp, nbsp ;?, ;? With, With &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Vitamin, Vitamin B1, B1 &, & nbsp;, nbsp; It, It would, would repel, repel the, the mosquitoes, mosquitoes radically., radically. Explanations., Explanations. In, In general,, general, for, for an, an iron, iron health,, health, your, your body, body is, is in, in great, great need, need of, of vitamins,, vitamins, essentially, essentially the, the vitamin, vitamin B1, B1 that, that we, we can, can find, find mainly, mainly in, in our, our diet, diet as, as in, in eggplant,, eggplant, cabbage,, cabbage, soybeans,, soybeans, wheat, wheat germ,, germ, pistachio,, pistachio, Cumin,, Cumin, walnuts,, walnuts, sunflower, sunflower seeds,, seeds, broccoli,, broccoli, onions,, onions, green, green beans,, beans, summer, summer squash,, squash, &, & nbsp;, nbsp; Fish, Fish eggs,, eggs, almonds, almonds and, and peanuts,, peanuts, apples, apples Asparagus,, Asparagus, and, and chestnuts,, chestnuts, which, which play, play an, an essential, essential role, role in, in the, the proper, proper functioning, functioning of, of your, your immune, immune system., system. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Vitamin, Vitamin B1, B1 is, is a, a water-soluble, water-soluble vitamin, vitamin essential, essential for, for the, the transformation, transformation of, of carbohydrates, carbohydrates into, into energy, energy and, and the, the proper, proper functioning, functioning of, of our, our nervous, nervous system, system and, and muscles., muscles. Our, Our bodies, bodies also, also use, use it, it to, to defend, defend themselves,, themselves, and, and this,, this, by, by producing, producing a, a substance, substance whose, whose smell, smell would, would be, be rather, rather bitter,, bitter, makes, makes the, the mosquitoes, mosquitoes escape., escape. Do, Do not, not be, be alarmed, alarmed &, & nbsp;, nbsp; This, This smell, smell remains, remains odorless, odorless by, by humans, humans unlike, unlike insects, insects that, that can, can smell, smell it, it from, from far, far away, away and, and makes, makes them, them immediately, immediately flee., flee. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; -, - Recipe, Recipe for, for a, a natural, natural mosquito, mosquito repellent, repellent Here, Here is, is a, a natural, natural recipe, recipe that, that replaces, replaces insecticides, insecticides and, and other, other chemicals., chemicals. For, For this, this you, you will, will need, need only, only cider, cider vinegar, vinegar and, and a, a small, small bunch, bunch of, of fresh, fresh parsley., parsley. &, & Nbsp;, Nbsp; Put, Put a, a good, good handful, handful of, of parsley, parsley in, in a, a chopper, chopper and, and add, add &, & nbsp;, nbsp; 4, 4 teaspoons, teaspoons of, of cider, cider vinegar, vinegar and, and mix, mix everything., everything. &, & Nbsp;
Allow, Nbsp;
Allow the, the mixture, mixture to, to stand, stand for, for a, a few, few hours.
Then,, hours.
Then, drain, drain the, the mixture, mixture and, and put, put it, it in, in a, a spray, spray bottle., bottle. &, & Nbsp;
You, Nbsp;
You can, can keep, keep this, this recipe, recipe in, in the, the refrigerator, refrigerator and, and use, use it, it as, as many, many times, times as, as you, you like., like. &, & Nbsp;
For, Nbsp;
For added, added pleasure,, pleasure, you, you can, can add, add drops, drops of, of essential, essential oils, oils for, for pleasant, pleasant and, and gourmet, gourmet fragrances., fragrances. The, The most, most important, important thing, thing in, in this, this recipe, recipe is, is that, that it, it is, is entirely, entirely made, made with, with natural, natural products, products safe, safe for, for your, your health., Take this vitamin, this vitamin and, vitamin and you, and you will, you will be, will be rid, be rid of, rid of the, of the mosquitoes, the mosquitoes Ah, mosquitoes Ah Mosquitoes, Ah Mosquitoes &, Mosquitoes & nbsp;, & nbsp; These, nbsp; These little, These little monsters, little monsters who, monsters who love, who love to, love to bother, to bother us, bother us and, us and spoil, and spoil our, spoil our lives, our lives during, lives during our, during our summer, our summer days,, summer days, everyone, days, everyone is, everyone is trying, is trying to, trying to make, to make them, make them flee., them flee. While, flee. While some, While some people, some people use, people use products, use products packed, products packed with, packed with chemicals, with chemicals that, chemicals that are, that are extremely, are extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous and, dangerous and harmful, and harmful to, harmful to our, to our health,, our health, we, health, we offer, we offer you, offer you a, you a natural,, a natural, effective, natural, effective and, effective and much, and much healthier, much healthier alternative, healthier alternative to, alternative to hunt, to hunt these, hunt these little, these little animals, little animals out, animals out of, out of your, of your homes., your homes. This, homes. This alternative, This alternative is, alternative is simply, is simply a, simply a vitamin, a vitamin &, vitamin & nbsp;, & nbsp; You, nbsp; You will, You will know, will know more., know more. But, more. But before, But before trying, before trying to, trying to combat, to combat them,, combat them, we, them, we must, we must first, must first of, first of all, of all know, all know the, know the main, the main reasons, main reasons why, reasons why mosquitoes, why mosquitoes are, mosquitoes are constantly, are constantly searching, constantly searching for, searching for human, for human blood., human blood. Thus,, blood. Thus, it, Thus, it would, it would be, would be easier, be easier for, easier for us, for us to, us to avoid, to avoid them, avoid them before, them before we, before we even, we even look, even look for, look for &, for & nbsp;, & nbsp; to, nbsp; to get, to get rid, get rid of., rid of. What, of. What attracts, What attracts mosquitoes?, attracts mosquitoes? What, mosquitoes? What we, What we should, we should first, should first know, first know is, know is that, is that mosquitoes, that mosquitoes have, mosquitoes have a, have a very, a very fine, very fine and, fine and sensitive, and sensitive sense, sensitive sense of, sense of smell,, of smell, which, smell, which explains, which explains why, explains why they, why they are, they are very, are very often, very often attracted, often attracted to, attracted to people, to people with, people with cholesterol,, with cholesterol, steroids, cholesterol, steroids And, steroids And other, And other acids, other acids &, acids & nbsp;, & nbsp; (Such, nbsp; (Such as, (Such as uric, as uric acid), uric acid) high, acid) high enough, high enough on, enough on the, on the surface, the surface of, surface of their, of their skin., their skin. &, skin. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Several, Nbsp; Several scientists, Several scientists are, scientists are also, are also joining, also joining the, joining the fact, the fact that, fact that obese, that obese people, obese people and, people and pregnant, and pregnant women, pregnant women attract, women attract more, attract more mosquitoes, more mosquitoes because, mosquitoes because they, because they are, they are very, are very well, very well served, well served with, served with carbon, with carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide that, dioxide that they, that they release., they release. People, release. People who, People who are, who are overweight, are overweight and, overweight and pregnant, and pregnant women, pregnant women produce, women produce more, produce more physical, more physical exertion,, physical exertion, resulting, exertion, resulting in, resulting in more, in more carbon, more carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions., dioxide emissions. Mosquito-borne, emissions. Mosquito-borne diseases, Mosquito-borne diseases Everyone, diseases Everyone knows,, Everyone knows, besides, knows, besides their, besides their pesky, their pesky bites, pesky bites and, bites and itching,, and itching, &, itching, & nbsp;, & nbsp; Annoying,, nbsp; Annoying, many, Annoying, many diseases, many diseases are, diseases are disconcertingly, are disconcertingly transported, disconcertingly transported around, transported around the, around the world, the world because, world because of, because of these, of these insects., these insects. Sometimes, insects. Sometimes these, Sometimes these diseases, these diseases turn, diseases turn from, turn from epidemics, from epidemics to, epidemics to pandemics., to pandemics. &, pandemics. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; We, Nbsp; We can, We can Quote, can Quote a, Quote a few, a few &, few & nbsp;:, & nbsp;: &, nbsp;: & nbsp;, & nbsp; The, nbsp; The stick, The stick encephalitis, stick encephalitis causes, encephalitis causes fever, causes fever and, fever and nausea., and nausea. Rift, nausea. Rift Valley, Rift Valley fever, Valley fever causes, fever causes dizziness,, causes dizziness, lethargy, dizziness, lethargy and, lethargy and ocular, and ocular problems, ocular problems in, problems in patients., in patients. The, patients. The &, The & nbsp;, & nbsp; Malaria, nbsp; Malaria &, Malaria & nbsp;, & nbsp; Which, nbsp; Which would, Which would cause, would cause fever,, cause fever, chills, fever, chills and, chills and vomiting., and vomiting. &, vomiting. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Nile, Nbsp; Nile disease, Nile disease -, disease - causes, - causes fever,, causes fever, nausea,, fever, nausea, joint, nausea, joint pain, joint pain and, pain and rash., and rash. &, rash. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Yellow, Nbsp; Yellow fever, Yellow fever causes, fever causes yellowing, causes yellowing of, yellowing of the, of the body,, the body, chills, body, chills accompanied, chills accompanied by, accompanied by vomiting., by vomiting. The, vomiting. The virus, The virus Zika,, virus Zika, a, Zika, a virus, a virus that, virus that currently, that currently suffer, currently suffer several, suffer several countries, several countries including, countries including African, including African countries., African countries. It, countries. It would, It would cause, would cause congenital, cause congenital malformations., congenital malformations. &, malformations. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Dengue, Nbsp; Dengue &, Dengue & nbsp;, & nbsp; Causes, nbsp; Causes haemorrhagic, Causes haemorrhagic fevers., haemorrhagic fevers. Chikungunya, fevers. Chikungunya causes, Chikungunya causes joint, causes joint pain,, joint pain, nausea, pain, nausea and, nausea and rash., and rash. Jamestown, rash. Jamestown Canyon, Jamestown Canyon Virus, Canyon Virus &, Virus & nbsp;, & nbsp; Causes, nbsp; Causes flu-like, Causes flu-like symptoms., flu-like symptoms. &, symptoms. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; The, Nbsp; The Snowshoe, The Snowshoe Hare, Snowshoe Hare virus, Hare virus would, virus would cause, would cause vertigo, cause vertigo with, vertigo with vomiting, with vomiting and, vomiting and rash., and rash. &, rash. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; How, Nbsp; How to, How to preserve, to preserve it, preserve it &, it & nbsp;?, & nbsp;? &, nbsp;? & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Vitamin, Nbsp; Vitamin B1, Vitamin B1 With, B1 With 3,546, With 3,546 species, 3,546 species of, species of mosquito, of mosquito globally, mosquito globally listed, globally listed in, listed in 111, in 111 genera,, 111 genera, this, genera, this insect, this insect remains, insect remains one, remains one of, one of the, of the largest, the largest predators, largest predators of, predators of humans, of humans as, humans as small, as small as, small as it, as it is., it is. This, is. This is, This is why, is why it, why it is, it is vital, is vital to, vital to know, to know how, know how to, how to protect, to protect yourself, protect yourself and, yourself and others., and others. &, others. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; How, Nbsp; How &, How & nbsp, & nbsp ;?, nbsp ;? With, ;? With &, With & nbsp;, & nbsp; Vitamin, nbsp; Vitamin B1, Vitamin B1 &, B1 & nbsp;, & nbsp; It, nbsp; It would, It would repel, would repel the, repel the mosquitoes, the mosquitoes radically., mosquitoes radically. Explanations., radically. Explanations. In, Explanations. In general,, In general, for, general, for an, for an iron, an iron health,, iron health, your, health, your body, your body is, body is in, is in great, in great need, great need of, need of vitamins,, of vitamins, essentially, vitamins, essentially the, essentially the vitamin, the vitamin B1, vitamin B1 that, B1 that we, that we can, we can find, can find mainly, find mainly in, mainly in our, in our diet, our diet as, diet as in, as in eggplant,, in eggplant, cabbage,, eggplant, cabbage, soybeans,, cabbage, soybeans, wheat, soybeans, wheat germ,, wheat germ, pistachio,, germ, pistachio, Cumin,, pistachio, Cumin, walnuts,, Cumin, walnuts, sunflower, walnuts, sunflower seeds,, sunflower seeds, broccoli,, seeds, broccoli, onions,, broccoli, onions, green, onions, green beans,, green beans, summer, beans, summer squash,, summer squash, &, squash, & nbsp;, & nbsp; Fish, nbsp; Fish eggs,, Fish eggs, almonds, eggs, almonds and, almonds and peanuts,, and peanuts, apples, peanuts, apples Asparagus,, apples Asparagus, and, Asparagus, and chestnuts,, and chestnuts, which, chestnuts, which play, which play an, play an essential, an essential role, essential role in, role in the, in the proper, the proper functioning, proper functioning of, functioning of your, of your immune, your immune system., immune system. &, system. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Vitamin, Nbsp; Vitamin B1, Vitamin B1 is, B1 is a, is a water-soluble, a water-soluble vitamin, water-soluble vitamin essential, vitamin essential for, essential for the, for the transformation, the transformation of, transformation of carbohydrates, of carbohydrates into, carbohydrates into energy, into energy and, energy and the, and the proper, the proper functioning, proper functioning of, functioning of our, of our nervous, our nervous system, nervous system and, system and muscles., and muscles. Our, muscles. Our bodies, Our bodies also, bodies also use, also use it, use it to, it to defend, to defend themselves,, defend themselves, and, themselves, and this,, and this, by, this, by producing, by producing a, producing a substance, a substance whose, substance whose smell, whose smell would, smell would be, would be rather, be rather bitter,, rather bitter, makes, bitter, makes the, makes the mosquitoes, the mosquitoes escape., mosquitoes escape. Do, escape. Do not, Do not be, not be alarmed, be alarmed &, alarmed & nbsp;, & nbsp; This, nbsp; This smell, This smell remains, smell remains odorless, remains odorless by, odorless by humans, by humans unlike, humans unlike insects, unlike insects that, insects that can, that can smell, can smell it, smell it from, it from far, from far away, far away and, away and makes, and makes them, makes them immediately, them immediately flee., immediately flee. &, flee. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; -, Nbsp; - Recipe, - Recipe for, Recipe for a, for a natural, a natural mosquito, natural mosquito repellent, mosquito repellent Here, repellent Here is, Here is a, is a natural, a natural recipe, natural recipe that, recipe that replaces, that replaces insecticides, replaces insecticides and, insecticides and other, and other chemicals., other chemicals. For, chemicals. For this, For this you, this you will, you will need, will need only, need only cider, only cider vinegar, cider vinegar and, vinegar and a, and a small, a small bunch, small bunch of, bunch of fresh, of fresh parsley., fresh parsley. &, parsley. & Nbsp;, & Nbsp; Put, Nbsp; Put a, Put a good, a good handful, good handful of, handful of parsley, of parsley in, parsley in a, in a chopper, a chopper and, chopper and add, and add &, add & nbsp;, & nbsp; 4, nbsp; 4 teaspoons, 4 teaspoons of, teaspoons of cider, of cider vinegar, cider vinegar and, vinegar and mix, and mix everything., mix everything. &, everything. & Nbsp;
Allow, & Nbsp;
Allow the, Nbsp;
Allow the mixture, the mixture to, mixture to stand, to stand for, stand for a, for a few, a few hours.
Then,, few hours.
Then, drain, hours.
Then, drain the, drain the mixture, the mixture and, mixture and put, and put it, put it in, it in a, in a spray, a spray bottle., spray bottle. &, bottle. & Nbsp;
You, & Nbsp;
You can, Nbsp;
You can keep, can keep this, keep this recipe, this recipe in, recipe in the, in the refrigerator, the refrigerator and, refrigerator and use, and use it, use it as, it as many, as many times, many times as, times as you, as you like., you like. &, like. & Nbsp;
For, & Nbsp;
For added, Nbsp;
For added pleasure,, added pleasure, you, pleasure, you can, you can add, can add drops, add drops of, drops of essential, of essential oils, essential oils for, oils for pleasant, for pleasant and, pleasant and gourmet, and gourmet fragrances., gourmet fragrances. The, fragrances. The most, The most important, most important thing, important thing in, thing in this, in this recipe, this recipe is, recipe is that, is that it, that it is, it is entirely, is entirely made, entirely made with, made with natural, with natural products, natural products safe, products safe for, safe for your, for your health.
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